05-19-2015 CouncilMay 19, 2015
A regular meeting of the Scandia City Council was held on the above date. Mayor Simonson
called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Following the Pledge of Allegiance, roll call was taken.
The following council members were present: Council members Bob Hegland, Dan Lee, Chris
Ness, Jim Schneider and Mayor Randall Simonson. Staff present: City Administrator Kristina
Handt, City Attorney Nick Vivian, City Planner Sherri Buss, City Engineer Ryan Goodman,
Police Deputy Brandon Yetter, Fire Chief Mike Hinz and Deputy Clerk Brenda Eklund.
There were no public comments.
Ness, seconded by Hegland, moved to approve the agenda as presented. The motion carried
The following Consent Agenda was presented:
a) Minutes
1) April 21, 2015 Regular Meeting
2) May 6, 2015 Work Session
b) Treasurer's Report
Beginning Balance 04/01/2015 $3,115,224.21
Receipts + 55,905.38
Expenditures $105,210.29
Payroll $ 27,040.78 - $ 132,251.07
Adjustments: Savings Interest - 0.63
Ending Balance 04/30/2015 $3,038,877.89
c) Payment of Vouchers
d) Hire Parks Grounds Maintenance Worker
e) Award 2015 Patching Project
f) Approve Office Hours
g) Approve Administrator Leave of Absence
h) Approve Step Increase, Maintenance Worker Egelkraut
i) Acceptance of Donation from St. Croix Horse and Carriage Society (Resolution 05-19-
j) Special Event Permit, Scandia Marine Lions, Fat Cat Triathlon (July 11, 2015)
k) Authorization for Meisters to sell beer at Fat Cat Triathlon, Hay Lake Park (July 11,
1) Kronmiller Easement
m) Made in Minnesota Solar Incentive Program agreements
Ness, seconded by Hegland, moved to approve the Consent Agenda as presented. The
motion carried 5-0.
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Vinterfest Donation Guidelines
Brad Borg, Parks Committee Vice -Chair, presented a recommendation from the Committee on
future Vinterfest donations made to support Lilleskogen and the Wojtowicz Skating Park:
For-profit organizations: 50% of the proceeds
Scandia non -profits: $200 donation (option to sell Vinterfest buttons purchased at $2
apiece for a profit) or in-kind donation valued at $200
Other non -profits: Minimum $500 donation
PRC: no donation required
Administrator Handt questioned the button sales idea, as various groups could each sell the
buttons at a different price that they determine. Borg agreed this could be a concern and said that
the Committee should set a standardized sales price for the buttons. Council member Ness
suggested that "net proceeds" be stated in the guidelines. Borg said this wasn't discussed at the
meeting, but agreed "net" should be designated.
Mayor Simonson offered a scenario in which the organization spent all their proceeds on the
event; it could happen that the city ends up with no donation. It was suggested that a minimum
donation amount be written into the guidelines. Simonson recommended that the Committee
continue to work on the guidelines at their next meeting.
Schneider, seconded by Hegland, moved to refer the Vinterfest Donation Guidelines back
to the Parks and Recreation Committee for further discussion. The motion carried 5-0.
Variance from the OHWL for Construction of a Deck at 12810182nd Street. Greg and Mary
Kramer, Owners (Resolution No. 05-19-15-01)
Planner Buss presented the Planning Commission's recommendation to approve the
reconstruction of a deck no larger than 160 square feet in size and located a minimum of 71 feet
from the Ordinary High Water Level of Big Marine Lake and 25 feet from the bluffline at 12810
182nd Street. Buss explained that the applicants had requested that the lower deck portion be
enclosed with screening, but the Shoreland Ordinance does not allow decks within the setback to
be screened. This is considered an expansion of use. The Planning Commission denied the
request to enclose the area below the deck as a screened porch.
Council member Ness asked if the Kramers could add a screened porch on either the east or west
side of the house. Buss said that there is potential for a screened porch on the west side which
would not require a variance. Ness noted that screening a deck does not add to impervious
surface; Council member Lee agreed that the request does not add to the footprint of the house.
Buss explained that a decision was made when the ordinance was adopted that screened decks
are considered expansion into the setback and not allowed.
Simonson, seconded by Lee, moved to approve Resolution No. 05-19-15-01 as presented.
Council member Schneider asked if the house was built less than 100 feet from the lake. Buss
stated that it was built many years ago and expansion is allowed as long as it is no closer to the
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lake. Schneider reasoned that there is room on the west side to have a screened porch and they
are being allowed to expand within the bluffline setback. Council member Hegland asked if a
condition could be added that the screened porch never become living space. Buss stated no,
they would be going against the ordinance if allowing a screened area and there would be no
findings of unique circumstances to the property to base the variance on. City Attorney Vivian
advised the Council that they need to comply with the ordinance and there are other possible
configurations for a screened area.
Mayor Simonson called for a roll call vote on the above motion: Lee — yes; Ness — yes;
Schneider — yes; Hegland — yes; Simonson — yes. The motion carried 5-0.
Ordinance No. 161: Accessory Dwelling Units
Administrator Handt reported on the addition of language to require the dwelling unit meet
building code regulations for a residential structure that was recommended during the ordinance
review at the May 6 Work Session. In regards to assigning an address to the secondary dwelling,
staff had not yet heard back from the County. Handt stated the address issue can be added as a
condition of approval on each application.
Ness, seconded by Lee, moved to adopt Ordinance No. 161, Accessory Dwelling Units. The
motion carried 5-0.
Summary Publication of Ordinance No. 161 (Resolution No. 05-19-I5-02)
Simonson, seconded by Hegland, moved to approve Resolution No. 05-19-15-02, Providing
for the Summary Publication of Ordinance No. 161. The motion carried 5-0.
The Council received the building activity report from Building Official Chuck Preisler.
Eighteen permits were issued in April.
Deputy Brandon Yetter reported on the past month's police activity. An attempted burglary on
Oakhill Court is being investigated, a drowning occurred on the river in early May, and speeding
tickets are being issued. Yetter stated that weekends have been busy at the Log House Landing,
but there have been no vandalism or illegal fire calls. In response to Mayor Simonson's question
on activity at the lake accesses, Yetter said there have been no issues to date.
Fire Chief Mike Hinz reported on the three members who recently passed the Firefighter I and II
tests. The department responded to 20 calls in April, 7 fire related and 13 rescue calls.
Engineer Ryan Goodman reported that bituminous patching will begin in early June with the
sealcoating project scheduled for mid to late June.
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Administrator Handt reported on public works activity. The SCADA line at the Anderson -
Erickson septic field was installed last week, and should be operational soon. The 201 septic
alarms went off on Sunday due to a power outage. The floats were reset by Maintenance Worker
Administrator Handt reported that she has been taking numerous calls on development questions
regarding some challenging properties that are for sale in the city. There have been a few
complaints on unlicensed vehicles that have been passed on to the deputy.
Administrator Handt reported that 12 applications for the Full Time Maintenance Worker
position were received by the deadline and five were interviewed. Former Public Works
Director Kieffer and Handt recommended the hiring of Rick Regnier on the condition that he
passes the drug and physical testing, and relocate within 30 minutes of the City within three
months of hire. A June 1 start date is proposed.
Simonson, seconded by Hegland, moved to approve hiring Rick Regnier as a FT
Maintenance Worker at the pay rate of $19.82/hour contingent on passing the drug and
physical testing and with the condition that he live within 30 minutes of the City within
three months of hire. The motion carried 5-0.
The Council was presented with a resolution approving the purchase of a fire tanker through
HGAC, a cooperative purchasing program. This will replace Tanker 5177, acquired in 1992, as
scheduled in the Capital Improvement Plan. The final cost for the single -axle tanker with a
2,000 gallon capacity from Custom Fire is $214,938.
Administrator Handt provided several financing options such as paying cash from the Equipment
Replacement Fund or borrowing funds through an equipment certificate, as interest rates remain
relatively low. Council member Hegland said it would make sense to get a quote on financing.
Handt explained that the Council could approve the purchase and bring financing options back
next month for discussion.
Simonson, seconded by Ness, moved to approve Resolution No. 05-19-15-03, Approving the
Purchase of a Fire Tanker through HGAC in the Amount of $214,938.
Council member Schneider stated that he was not satisfied that all options to replace the tanker
were brought to them, only a 34 -page ticket to buy a new truck. He was concerned that more
options were not followed through on. Fire Chief Hinz reiterated that no one wants to quote a
refurbish since the extent of the work isn't known until they start taking the truck apart. Council
member Hegland stated that a defined process that's proven in a detailed way should be in place
and offered to work with Hinz on this for future equipment replacements. Hinz explained the
standard practice of using a life expectancy time frame and replacing worn equipment on a
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scheduled basis. In answer to a question on logs, maintenance logs are kept but not run calls for
all the trucks.
Mayor Simonson called for a roll call vote on the above motion: Ness —yes; Schneider — yes;
Hegland — yes; Lee —yes; Simonson — yes. The motion carried 5-0.
Engineer Goodman provided a summary of bids for the Quinnell Avenue and Lilleskogen Park
Improvement Project that were opened on May
13th. Alternate No. 1
included the parking lot
improvements at Lilleskogen Park.
Contractor Base Bid
Alt. No. 1
Base Bid + Alt. No. 1
Dresel Contracting Inc. $649,962.46
North Valley, Inc. $682,921.79
Peterson Companies $778,232.20
T.A. Schifsky & Sons, Inc. $805,064.35
Goodman reported that bids were higher than anticipated due to the late timing of putting the
project out for bids. An estimate of $565,000 to repair Quinnell Avenue was assumed earlier this
year. Staff recommended not awarding Alternate No. 1 but to review the Base Bid for
rehabilitation and minor drainage improvements to Quinnell. Some items could be removed or
reduced to lower the project's cost.
Simonson, seconded by Ness, moved to award the project in the base bid amount of
$649,962.46 to Dresel Contracting contingent on approval of Change Order No. 1.
Goodman explained the Change Order No. 1 removes items to lower the base bid such as
reducing shoulder width to one foot, remove 6" PVC draintile and continue with a natural
drainage pattern, and reduce subgrade excavation if needed since soil borings were favorable.
This reduces the construction costs by $44,772.80. Council member Ness asked if the Log
House Landing funds could be repurposed to Quinnell, but Handt explained that could not be
done. Handt stated that there are adequate funds in the Local Road Improvement Fund along
with the turnback money from the County to use for this project, but recommended that future
bids for road projects go out in December to take advantage of favorable early bidding. Council
member Schneider noted that waiting on the Log House Landing recommendation slowed the
Simonson called for a vote on the above motion. The motion carried 5-0.
Simonson, seconded by Schneider, moved to approve Change Order No. 1 that would
revise the project Base Bid to an amount of $605,189.66. The motion carried 5-0.
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Staff included the Lilleskogen parking lot as an alternative in the bid package for Quinnell
Avenue and estimated the cost to be $23,000. Bids came in higher than expected, with a low bid
for the parking lot at $45,124.50 as reported earlier in the meeting. PRC Vice Chair Brad Borg
addressed the Council with a request to find a way to complete the work this year. He suggested
changing the scope and working with local contractors on a lowered cost. Borg stated that the
PRC had discussed asking for an advance up to $30,000 from the Capital Improvement Fund to
the Park CIF which would be paid back over time as park dedication fees come in.
Council member Hegland recommended the project be rebid to smaller contractors since the park
needs attention. Council member Lee said it would be encouraging to move the project along if
a loan could be made to Parks.
Mayor Simonson asked if the plans could be downsized. Engineer Goodman offered a few items
that could be removed, reduced or done in phases. Handt recommended that no more
engineering fees be spent but to use the plans that have already been created to send to
contractors. She advised that this only be done if the Council is open to an interfund loan and
willing to award a bid for the parking lot work.
Council member Ness stated that he would not be ready to say $30,000 should be loaned to
Parks. Handt recommended not having a dollar amount, but see where the bids come in. If bids
come in favorable, then an amount could be designated that the Council deems appropriate.
Simonson, seconded by Hegland, moved to rebid the Lilleskogen parking lot project to
smaller subcontractors with the possibility of an interfund loan.
Schneider stated his agreement with Ness that he is not interested in putting a dollar amount on a
loan. Handt explained that if they are not in favor of advancing any amount, they should not
proceed with going out for bids.
Mayor Simonson called for a vote on the above motion. The motion carried 4-1, with Ness
Ness, seconded by Schneider, moved to adjourn. The motion carried 5-0.
The meeting adjourned at 8:30 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Brenda Eklund
Deputy Clerk