07-07-2020 Planning Commission July 7, 2020 The Scandia Planning Commission held their regular monthly meeting on the above date with modifications. Due to the health advisory issued by the State regarding the COVID-19 outbreak, to avoid public gatherings and limit social contact, the meeting was conducted over an electronic platform. All Planning Commissioners, staff, and participants who joined the meeting remotely could hear each other and contribute to discussions. City Administrator Cammilleri and City Clerk Eklund were present in the Council Chambers. Cammilleri was the presenter and displayed the meeting materials for participants to view on their remote screens. Chair Dan Squyres called the meeting to order at 7:02 p.m. Roll call was taken. The following were participants to the meeting: Commissioners Greg Amundson, Jan Hogle, Travis Loeffler, Perry Rynders and Chair Dan Squyres. Staff present: City Planner Evan Monson, City Administrator Ken Cammilleri, City Clerk Brenda Eklund. Council members Jerry Cusick and Chris Ness were also participants to the virtual meeting. APPROVAL OF AGENDA, MINUTES Rynders, second by Hogle, moved to approve the agenda as presented. Motion carried 5-0 by roll call vote. Loeffler, second by Rynders, moved to approve the May 5, 2020 minutes as presented. Motion carried 5-0 by roll call vote. Hogle, second by Rynders, moved to approve the June 2, 2020 minutes as presented. Motion carried 5-0 by roll call vote. DISCUSSION ON AMENDED CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FOR THE BIG MARINE LAKE STORE TO CONSTRUCT A CONVENIENCE STORE ADDITION AT 19261 MANNING TRAIL NORTH. PAT REICHERTS, APPLICANT. PC RESOLUTION NO. 2020-12 A public hearing was held in April 2020 for an amended conditional use permit for the Big Marine Lake Store to add a restaurant and hotel use to the business at 19261 Manning Trail. The Planning Commission tabled the application with a request to applicant Pat Reicherts to provide additional information. Since then, the applicant modified the plans to propose a building expansion of the convenience store on the east side, and removed the hotel/restaurant use from his request. Planner Monson provided a summary of the application and its compliance with the city’s Comprehensive Plan. The expansion is consistent with the goals and policies of the Comp Plan and Scandia Architectural Guidelines. No change in access to the store is proposed. Additional parking spaces were shown on the site plan to meet the required number. The applicant is working with Washington County to determine if the septic system will need to be updated. Carnelian-Marine Watershed District will require a permit for stormwater management. Monson concluded with a recommendation to approve the amended CUP with fifteen conditions, including that final lighting, landscaping and grading plans are reviewed before issuing a building permit. July 7, 2020 Scandia Planning Commission Page 2 of 3 Chair Squyres asked if a fence needs to be built for screening the property to the south. Staff explained that existing trees and landscaping meets the code requirements for the use of the property and a fence will not be required. Consistency with the design guidelines was discussed. Commissioner Squyres stated that it is the job of the Commission to make sure buildings are in compliance. Staff suggested that the Planning Commission could be sent a final materials list and rendering to review. City Administrator Cammilleri noted that the guidelines do not offer extraordinary detail but rather generalities. Chair Squyres determined that “Condition 3.f) Building plans be consistent with the existing building design and materials” is sufficient for meeting the development code and design guidelines. Paving the gravel access to the north that crosses the adjacent property was discussed. Mr. Reicherts stated that he has an easement for the driveway and could pave it but it is not his land. Staff concluded that this condition may not need to be a requirement. Staff will consult with the City Attorney if this condition to pave an easement area can be put on the applicant. Mr. Reicherts explained that the Engineer’s statement to add curbing in the parking lot area would make snow removal difficult. It was concluded that the curbing requirement was non- specific and the final plans only need to show where curbs are or are not, and that the paving areas should also be shown on the final plan. Commissioner Hogle noted that Condition #3 in the staff report differed from the language in the resolution of approval. Staff corrected an omission and presented the amended resolution for all to view. Amundson, second by Hogle, moved to approve amended PC Resolution No. 2020-12, Approving an Amended Conditional Use Permit for an expansion to the existing convenience store and parking area at 19261 Manning Trail. The motion carried 5-0 by roll call vote. The recommendation will be presented to the City Council at their July 21, 2020 meeting. DISCUSSION ON VARIANCE AT 12140 196TH STREET FROM LAKE SETBACK AND SIDE SETBACK TO RECONSTRUCT A RESIDENTIAL STRUCTURE. JEFF HOLKER, APPLICANT (TABLED FROM MAY 5, 2020 FOR REVISED PLANS). PC RESOLUTION NO. 2020-11 A public hearing was held in May 2020 for a variance from lake and side yard setback to reconstruct a residential structure at 12140 196th Street. The Planning Commission tabled the application with a request to applicant Jeff Holker to revise the plans to increase the lake setback for the protection of Big Marine Lake. Planner Monson described that the applicant worked with the builder to address the concerns of the Planning Commission. A survey was submitted on July 1st that outlined a general area that a new house and garage could occupy, meeting the minimum 40’ setback from the front property line as well as the setback from the south side property line. The proposal showed the house to July 7, 2020 Scandia Planning Commission Page 3 of 3 be 38 feet at the nearest point to the high water mark, moved from the initial setback of 9.6 feet. This site is in line with the house on the neighboring property. A setback of 5.8 feet from the north property line is proposed; the adjacent parcel is owned by the City as a public access to the lake. Planner Monson noted that no written comments were received from the DNR or Carnelian- Marine Watershed; only a verbal statement from the Watershed that a grading plan would be needed for an erosion control permit. Planner Monson concluded with findings and criteria to demonstrate that the application for a variance meets the requirements for approval. A resolution was presented with seven conditions. Mr. Holker explained that the survey shows a building area to estimate where the structure could be built in order to get approval, then will work on a final design within this area. He is just trying to get clarity at this point. He eliminated a detached garage and second driveway, reduced lot coverage, and feels that he has addressed the concerns. Commissioner Amundson stated that the applicant has made vast improvements and concessions with this new plan. All Commissioners expressed their agreement. Rynders, seconded by Hogle, moved to approve PC Resolution No. 2020-11, Approving Variances for 12140 196th Street as presented. Motion carried 5-0 by roll call vote. The recommendation will be presented to the City Council at their July 21, 2020 meeting. DISCUSSION ON ZONING & DEVELOPMENT CODE UPDATE PROJECT – JENNIFER HASKAMP, SWANSON HASKAMP CONSULTING Jennifer Haskamp, staff with consultant firm SHC, described the purpose of the zoning and development code update project that the Commissioners and Council will work on over the next 9 months. One of the goals is that it be easy to use, concise, current, and less subjective. Commissioners were sent worksheets to begin the process of thinking about changes and challenges to the current development code, with discussion at future meetings. ITEMS FOR FUTURE AGENDAS – NEXT MEETING AUGUST 4, 2020 • Variance for 12050 196th Street • Ordinance amendment for rural event facilities ADJOURNMENT Loeffler, second by Hogle, moved to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried 5-0 by roll call vote. The meeting adjourned at 9:02 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Brenda Eklund City Clerk