07-21-2015 CouncilJuly 21, 2015
A regular meeting of the Scandia City Council was held on the above date. Mayor Simonson
called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Following the Pledge of Allegiance, roll call was taken.
The following council members were present: Council members Bob Hegland, Dan Lee, Chris
Ness, Jim Schneider and Mayor Randall Simonson. Staff present: City Administrator Kristina
Handt, City Attorney Nick Vivian, City Planner Sherri Buss, City Engineer Ryan Goodman,
Police Deputy Brandon Yetter, Fire Chief Mike Hinz, Public Works Director Dave Williams and
Deputy Clerk Brenda Eklund.
Karen Schik, 13860 236th Street, spoke on the Veterans Memorial topic. Ms. Schik said that she
supports a memorial in Scandia, but has concerns that it would be out of character for
Lilleskogen Park. The vision of the park is as a nature park and this would be a betrayal of trust
to those who donated the land and worked hard to bring about its natural setting. She asked that
the Council defer a decision on the memorial; but if proceeding, to consult a landscape architect.
Janie O'Connor, Oakhill Court, stated that she appreciated the work that the Vets Memorial
Committee put in, but said she is disheartened that Lilleskogen Park was chosen as the location.
She stated that the park is the wrong venue and genre for the memorial.
Hegland, seconded by Schneider, moved to approve the agenda as presented. The motion
carried 5-0.
The following Consent Agenda was presented:
a) Minutes
1) June 16, 2015 Regular Meeting
2) June 16, 2015 Special Meeting
3) July 1, 2015 Work Session
b) Treasurer's Report
Beginning Balance 06/01/2015 $2,943,401.61
Receipts + 41,557.33
Expenditures $156,021.95
Payroll 30,403.45 - $186,425.40
Adjustments: Jahnke HSA part. fee - 1.00
Ending Balance 06/30/2015 $ 2,798,532.54
c) Payment of Vouchers
d) Harker Development Agreement
e) Support Wayne Moe Reappointment to Comfort Lake Forest Lake Watershed District
f) Hire Volunteer Firefighter
g) Approve 2015-16 Recycling Grant Agreement with Washington County
h) Special Event Permit, Scandia Marine Lions, Taco Daze, September 12, 2015
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Ness, seconded by Hegland, moved to approve the Consent Agenda as presented. The
motion carried 5-0.
Veterans Memorial
At its July meeting, the Parks and Recreation Committee heard a proposal to locate a Veterans
Memorial near the north end of the parking lot at Lilleskogen Park. The Lions Foundation
would raise the funds to install a 12'x12' area consisting of granite columns, benches, concrete
walkways, and a flagpole and landscaping, at an approximate cost of $23,000. There would be
no costs to the City other than to insure the site, estimated to be $14 per year.
The Parks Committee recommended this location with parameters included in the staff report,
such as having it in close proximity to the parking lot, visible from Oakhill Road, accepting a
$10,000 donation from the Lions Foundation towards construction of the sidewalk, handicap
accessibility features and landscaping, and entering into a Memo of Understanding for future
Tom Triplett and Dave Wilson, Memorial Committee members, were present and described the
site location process that began over 2 years ago. The Lilleskogen site offered desired features
such as a peaceful setting in a visible location entering Scandia, with the intent that it will
complement and blend into the features of the Park. Triplett confirmed that a Memo of
Understanding would be entered into between the City and the Lions Foundation so that the
Foundation would be responsible for on-going maintenance of the memorial through a support
Council member Lee asked if this is a change to the Comp Plan and if the Planning Commission
should weigh in on a memorial at the Park. City Administrator Handt replied that Lilleskogen is
identified as parkland and there will be no change to its use, and gave examples of changes to the
Park's concept plan which did not need review from the Planning Commission.
Ness, seconded by Hegland, moved to accept the PRC recommendation to locate a Veterans
Memorial at Lilleskogen Park that is no larger than 12'x12' with the addressed
Council member Schneider asked if there will be any initial costs to the city. Handt explained
that there would not be; the work would be coordinated with the Pilar Road ditching project and
fill brought in for cost savings and efficiencies. Council member Lee questioned the intent to
complete the parking lot to accommodate the memorial and the $10,000 donation towards this.
Handt reasoned that the donation is going towards making the site handicap accessible which is
important and tied to the memorial.
Simonson called for a vote on the above motion. The motion carried 4-1, with Lee opposed.
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Lillesko,aen Parking Lot Bids
Administrator Handt reported that the second round of bids for the Lilleskogen Park parking lot
improvement project came in a bit lower, with the lowest bid from TA Schifsky at $40,475,
which is still above the $30,000 proposed loan from the Capital Improvement Fund. The loan
would be repaid as future park dedication fees are collected. The Parks Committee
recommended the Council award the bid to TA Schifsky and process a change order to remove
work that could be completed by staff, lowering the cost to $37,900.
Handt explained that engineering fees and restoration costs bring the final cost to complete the
parking lot closer to $45,000. With the $10,000 Lions Foundation donation to offset costs of the
concrete work, Handt recommended the Council approve an advance from the Capital
Improvement Fund to the Park Capital Improvement Fund to be paid back beginning in 2016 as
park dedication fees are collected. The balance in the Park Cap Imp Fund on hand this year
could be used to cash flow the project until the Lions donation is received in early 2016, rather
than using the funds for clearing of invasive species as the Parks Committee is requesting.
Simonson, seconded by Hegland, moved to award the bid to TA Schifsky for $40,425
contingent upon the approval of the change order; to approve an advance of $35,000 from
the Capital Improvement Fund to the Park Capital Improvement Fund to be paid back
beginning in 2016 as park dedication fees are paid and donation received from the
Veterans Memorial Committee. The balance in the Park Capital Improvement Fund is to
be used for the parking lot — delaying the removal of invasive species until the Committee
raises other funds.
Council member Ness stated that he cannot support spending the money now as it is based on
guessing that funds will be coming in from park fees.
Council member Lee said that he agrees to delay work on removing invasive species as this can
be addressed later with future development of the park.
Council member Schneider stated his agreement with Ness. It's been voted down before and
should not proceed until the Parks Capital Improvement Fund has the money.
Mayor Simonson inquired about grants that could be awarded once the parking lot is completed.
Council member Hegland stated that the parking lot could be the first brick in the wall to
developing the park.
Administrator Handt noted that there has been precedence in making inter -fund loans, as was the
case with the Uptown Sewer System project. Handt explained that the Capital Improvement
Fund has a balance of $200,000 with only the firehall roof project planned in the next 10 years,
so there is relatively little impact to other projects. Handt stated that subdivisions are picking up
and it would be realistic to assume a payback within five to six years.
Mayor Simonson called for a roll call vote on the above motion. Ness — no; Schneider — no;
Hegland — yes; Lee — yes; Simonson — yes. The motion carried 3-2.
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Change Order for Lilleskozen Parking Lot
Simonson, seconded by Lee, moved to approve the Change Order for the Lilleskogen
Parking Lot Project to a revised amount of $37,900. The motion carried 5-0.
City Planner Buss presented the recommendation from the Planning Commission to approve a
Minor Subdivision to create a 9 -acre parcel from an existing 40 -acre parcel located on the
southwest end of 218th Street within German Lake Shoreland. Buss explained that the
subdivision meets the requirements of the development code and is consistent with the Comp
Plan. The applicant plans to construct a single-family residence on the parcel which meets the
setback requirements and one -acre of buildable area.
Conditions for approval were included in a resolution, which require that wetland buffers and
shoreland areas be memorialized, Watershed permits be obtained, park dedication fees of $3,000
be collected in lieu of park land, and the minor subdivision be recorded within one year.
Simonson, seconded by Ness, moved to adopt Resolution No. 07-21-15-01, Approving a
Minor Subdivision for German Lake Estates on 218th Street North. The motion carried 5-
The Council received Building Official Chuck Preisler's building activity report. Twenty-four
permits were issued in June.
Deputy Brandon Yetter reported on police activity within the past month. Several domestic
disputes and welfare concerns were responded to, and one felony arrest. Yetter is preparing for
National Night Out which will be held August 4th on the Community Center grounds from 6-
Fire Chief Mike Hinz reported that the department responded to 26 calls in June; 8 fire related
and 16 rescue calls. Firefighter Josh Pearl passed his EMT certification. Hinz attended training
on the Tritect CAD system, the countywide 911 alert system which is anticipated to be ready for
implementation by September.
City Engineer Goodman reported that he is reviewing grading permits regarding the Watershed's
Sand Lake iron filter project. Driveway culverts are completed on Quinnell Avenue and the
paving will begin August 3rd. Goodman attended the recent NE Metro Water Summit meeting in
Hugo where a joint powers/coalition among the involved cities was discussed. Goodman asked
about the City's interest in joining the coalition which would address water appropriations as a
joint association. Council member Ness suggested this be discussed at a future work session.
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City Attorney Nick Vivian reported that he is working on a purchase agreement with Novel
Energy for installation of solar panels on the Firehall/Public Works building, which will be on
next month's agenda. It's estimated that this will reduce energy costs by 15-20%.
Public Works Director Dave Williams presented his report on activity in the department. He will
be meeting with Automatic Systems to resolve glitches in the SCADA system. Higher intensity
rainfalls this summer are contributing to washouts on Pilar Road. Ditching work will help in
diverting the runoff to vegetated ditches when completed later this summer. The department is
taking care of downed trees from the weekend storm. Mayor Simonson recognized Seasonal
Parks Worker Christina Mazzucco for the work she has put into keeping the grounds in great
City Administrator Handt reported that the Slow/No Wake ordinance is being enforced on Bone
Lake due to high water levels. The City recently received $31,000 from the state's Small City
Assistance Fund, to be used for road improvements. A second payment in this amount will be
received in December. The Cable Commission approved a transfer of their finance operations to
Scandia staff effective January 2016, accompanied by an annual payment of $3,600 for this
Michael and Rhonda Pape are purchasing The Scandia Creamery at 21279 Olinda Trail and have
applied for a transfer of The Creamery's existing On -Sale Intoxicating Liquor License and
Sunday On -Sale Intoxicating Liquor License from Stacy and Tony Moran. Mr. Pape addressed
the Council and explained that they will continue to operate the business as a banquet facility
with plans to become more involved in community events and festivals.
Mayor Simonson opened the floor to comments on the liquor license transfer. No comments
were made.
Simonson, seconded by Lee, moved to approve the transfer of the On -Sale Intoxicating
Liquor License and Sunday On -Sale Intoxicating Liquor License to new owners of The
Scandia Creamery Michael and Rhonda Pape. The motion carried 5-0.
City Engineer Goodman reported that six bids were received for the Pilar Road Ditching Project
with Scandia Trucking providing the low bid of $20,400. Goodman stated that this came in
under budget and recommended that additional areas of the road be added to the project. The
work will be completed by October to allow for seeding and stabilization before going into
Simonson, seconded by Lee, moved to award the Pilar Road Ditching Project to Scandia
Trucking and authorize staff to identify additional ditching not to exceed $60,000. The
motion carried 5-0.
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Administrator Handt reported that two recruitment firms responded with proposals to assist the
City in hiring a new City Administrator. David Drown Associates offered to conduct the search
at a fee of $14,000; Waters and Company (formerly Springsted) submitted a fee of $12,800.
Mayor Simonson stated that Waters and Company has a history with Scandia as they assisted
with the last two searches and their familiarity could expedite the process. Consultant Sharon
Klumpp provided a timeline with an effective start date of early December.
Simonson, seconded by Hegland, moved to hire Waters and Company for the
administrator recruitment process at a cost of $12,800. Council member Schneider stated
that this is an astronomical cost for this service. The motion carried 4-1 with Schneider
A special council meeting will be scheduled for the week of July 27th to meet with Ms. Klumpp
to discuss the job description and qualifications.
Ness, seconded by Schneider, moved to adjourn the meeting. The motion carried 5-0.
The meeting adjourned at 8:21 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Brenda Eklund
Deputy Clerk