5. Staff Report-Broadband GrantJ
Staff RepoVt
Date of Meeting: September 2, 2015
To: City Council
From: Kristina Handt, City Administrator
Re: Broadband Grant Resolution of Support
Last year, the City passed a resolution in support of Midcontinent's Border to Border Broadband
Grant. It included three areas in the City-Wyldewood Acres, Natures Walk and a loop around
Pomroy and 220t'-along with projects in Columbus and Forest Lake. Since the three cities have a
joint powers agreement for cable, they worked collaboratively on last year's proposal.
Unfortunately, we were not successful in the grant process.
The Legislature approved additional funds for the program this year. Grant applications are due to
the Department of Employment and Economic Development by September 15, 2015. Midcontinent
is planning to submit another grant application this year.
Should the City pass a Resolution Supporting Midcontinent's application to the border to border
broadband grant program?
Proposal Details:
Unlike last year, Midcontinent is submitting separate applications for each City. It is believed
Scandia's projects will fare better on their own given our underserved population, density issues, and
costs of the proposed projects.
The grant requires a resolution of support from the City.
In addition, a meeting was held with Midcontinent and members of the Wyldewood Acres
Homeowners Association in August to discuss the need for better service in that neighborhood.
Since the meeting we have received about a half dozen letters from residents in support of the grant
application. They struggle with low speed and poor service from Frontier making it difficult for
those working from home as well as children needing to complete school work online.
Fiscal Impact:
At this time, we have not received updated project cost estimates from Midcontinent. However,
there is no impact the City budget. The grant will fund up to 50% of the project costs with
Midcontinent picking up the rest. Midcontinent has indicated they will fund more than 50% of the
project costs this year which should help our grant application score better.
1) Approve Resolution 09-02-15-01
2) Amend and then Approve Resolution 09-02-15-01
3) Do not approve Resolution 09-02-15-01
Option 1