08-04-2015 Planning CommissionAugust 4, 2015 The Scandia Planning Commission held their regular monthly meeting on the above date. The following were in attendance: Chair Christine Maefsky, Commissioners Walt Anderson, Jan Hogle, Travis Loeffler and Dan Squyres. Staff present: City Administrator Kristina Handt, City Planner Sherri Buss and Deputy Clerk Brenda Eklund. Chair Maefsky called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. APPROVAL OF AGENDA, MINUTES Commissioner Anderson requested a discussion of the Log House Landing be added to the agenda. Anderson, seconded by Hogle, moved to approve the agenda as amended. The motion carried 5-0. Hogle, seconded by Loeffler, moved to approve the July 7, 2015 minutes as presented. The motion carried 5-0. DRAFT ORDINANCE NO. 165: INDUSTRIAL PARK DISTRICT UPDATE Planner Buss began the discussion on potential updates to the Industrial Park ordinance section by explaining that the EDA requested the Planning Commission review the uses permitted in the IP District, as the list is limited in comparison to the ordinances of other small communities. Many of the uses that require a Conditional Use Permit in Scandia’s IP District do not require permits elsewhere, such as Hugo, Forest Lake, Chisago City and Columbus. Planner Buss provided examples of their ordinances along with a draft ordinance that transferred uses such as building supply stores, food and beverage processing, radio and tv stations, sports and fitness clubs, and warehousing businesses from a conditional use permit to a permitted use. Common uses such as nurseries and garden centers, government buildings, and publishing operations were added to the permitted uses list as well. The Commissioners reviewed the updated list of permitted uses and noted that wholesale bakeries could be removed and considered as part of the food and beverage processing category. Commissioner Loeffler stated he had no concerns with the permitted uses in the draft ordinance as they generate low traffic and waste. Commissioner Hogle agreed and stated that if they did, those businesses would be excluded. The discussion moved to the list of uses that require a CUP. Buss explained that she expanded laboratories to designate medical, research and testing. The Commissioners noted that “research” could be removed from the listing as “research facilities” is its own use. There was much discussion on the performance standards that were added for the IP District in order to have general standards for all of the industrial uses. Buss explained that the standards are similar to those included in the Environmental Regulations section, but more detailed. Others are borrowed from the ordinances that were reviewed from small communities. The Commissioners suggested that many of these could be referenced to Chapter 2, Section 3.3, Environmental Regulations. Commissioner Loeffler suggested that (J) mechanical equipment, August 4, 2015 Scandia Planning Commission Page 2 of 4 be regulated for screening, as research facilities could have large equipment. Buss stated that she will reword the paragraph to keep the site aesthetically pleasing. The Commissioners were in agreement that the ordinance could be noticed for a public hearing at the next meeting, with the revisions as discussed. It was recommended that the businesses in the IP District be notified of the hearing. DRAFT ORDINANCE NO. 164: SIGN ORDINANCE UPDATE AND SCANDIA ARCHITECTURAL GUIDELINES At last month’s meeting, the Planning Commission discussed potential updates to the City’s sign ordinance and Architectural Guidelines in response to comments from the EDA that some of the City’s sign regulations should be changed to better support community events and local businesses. Buss provided the updates to the definitions and proposed changes that were recommended to the draft ordinance and Guidelines for further review. Sally Swanson, President of the EDA, and Susan Rodsjo also joined in the discussion. Chair Maefsky recommended that a definition of pylon sign be added. Buss stated these are also known as pedestal signs and could be combined within the definition. Commissioners asked if definitions needed to be added for the other sign types regulated in the ordinance. Staff reviewed the current list of definitions and found that all of the types mentioned except pylons signs are listed in the existing ordinance or in the new definitions proposed in the amendment. Commissioner Hogle noted that political signs should reference the state statute for the appropriate language. Buss will make that change. The Commissioners determined that signs painted on buildings could be allowed with size restrictions. Buss will prepare language that allows one per street frontage not to exceed 20% of the wall area. Murals that serve a community purpose could be allowed with City approval. Much discussion on advertising signage transpired. It was noted that signs for the sale of ag produce should have language added that the products are “currently available” and the time limit of 135 days could be removed. “Available” would also be added to the definition of abandoned sign. Commissioners also changed the requirements to permit sandwich board signs for the sale of ag produce. The definition of temporary portable signs would be added and must meet the Architectural Guidelines when used in the VMU, VN and Commercial Districts for community events. Commissioners recommended that the word “legs” be deleted from the definition of Portable Signs to distinguish them from Temporary Signs. Portable Signs are therefore defined as moveable signs. Allowing advertising signs for businesses in the Plaza concluded that additional discussion is needed. The EDA has expressed concerns that Temporary Signs and Banners should not be required to meet the Scandia Architectural Guideline requirements, particularly those related to colors that may be used on signs. Maefsky noted a compromise should be the goal for businesses and the observance to Scandia’s historical appearance. Commissioner Loeffler recommended they look more closely at the Guidelines document to get a sense of what August 4, 2015 Scandia Planning Commission Page 3 of 4 could be allowed. Swanson was advised to have the EDA come up with suggestions to consider at the next meeting. Commissioners requested that the word “partly” be removed from the requirement that signs not obstruct the view of lakes or scenic areas. The next topic of discussion involved off-premise signage for the Village Area businesses. Buss proposed section (8) to address directional signage that could represent multiple businesses along the Highway 97 and 95 roadways. Commissioners recommended that language be added to permit up to 2 Off-Premises Community Signs per intersection with State Highways and County Highways (TH 97, TH 95, CSAH 15 (Manning Trail), CSAH 3 (Olinda Trail), etc.). It was suggested that the guidelines for park signage be referenced to allow for a consistent look among Scandia’s signs. Buss will incorporate the suggestions into the next draft review. The Commission requested that the section indicate the type of permit that is required for the Off- Premises Community Signs. Maefsky stated that they will continue to review the sign ordinance at the next meeting and asked that the Commissioners come prepared for a thorough discussion that will include the Architectural Guidelines document and the suggestions from the EDA. LOG HOUSE LANDING – COMMISSIONER ANDERSON Commissioner Anderson stated that the road to the Log House Landing is in atrocious and dangerous shape. He stated that the community needs this access to the river and he wants the City to make the road functional through the Planning Commission. Administrator Handt stated that the appropriate role for the Planning Commission is to recommend projects for the Capital Improvement Plan. The public hearings are held at the November Planning Commission meetings and he would have an opportunity to give input at that time. ADJOURNMENT Hogle, seconded by Loeffler, moved to adjourn the meeting. The motion carried 5-0. The meeting adjourned at 10:00 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Brenda Eklund Deputy Clerk August 4, 2015 Scandia Planning Commission Page 4 of 4