3.Survey Memo_12162020Page 1City of Scandia Development and Zoning Code Update Community Survey COMMUNITY SURVEY SUMMARY MEMO Section 1: Demographics & General Preferences 1. Please select which best describes you (select one): 2. If you answered that you work from home, please select what best describes your situation: Other (key responses): Zoning & Developm ent Community Survey #1: Issue ID 1 / 73 26.40%33 24.80%31 6.40%8 32.00%40 1.60%2 8.80%11 Q1 Please select which best describes you (select one): Answered: 125 Sk ipped: 1 TOTAL 125 #OTHER (PLEASE SPECIFY)DATE 1 I live in s candia and i am retired 11/14/2020 6:35 PM 2 I liv e in Scandia and I'm furloughed due t o COVID-19. I typic ally work outside of the city and hope to be c alled bac k. 11/2/2020 2:41 PM 3 Live in Sc andia and retired 10/27/2020 6:30 PM 4 Liv e in Scandal, and I am retired 10/27/2020 11:04 AM 5 I live in Scandia now retired 10/27/2020 10:25 AM 6 owned a home in s candia 10/26/2020 5:57 PM 7 From Scandia, in town often.10/25/2020 2:41 PM 8 retired 10/24/2020 1:30 PM 9 retired 10/23/2020 11:14 AM 10 Work in Scandia. Work for public safety c ounty wide.10/22/2020 10:13 PM 11 Liv e on Scandia border, mos t of my errands and friends are in Scandia.10/22/2020 5:12 PM I live in Scandia , a nd I work outside of the City I live in Sca ndia, and I am not employed I live in Scandia, and I work at a business in Scandia outside my home I live in Scandia, and I work from home I work in Scandia , and I do not live here . Other (ple ase specify) 26.40%26.40%26.40%26.40%26.40% (33)(33)(33)(33)(33) 24.80%24.8 0%24.80%24.8 0%24.8 0% (31)(31)(31)(31)(31)6.40%6.40%6.40%6.40%6.40% (8)(8 )(8)(8 )(8 ) 32.00%32.00%32.00%32.00%32.00% (40)(40)(40)(40)(40) 1.60%1.60%1.60%1.60%1.60% (2)(2)(2)(2)(2) 8.80%8 .8 0%8.80%8.8 0%8.80% (11)(11)(11)(11)(11) ANSWER CHOICES RESPONSES I live in Sc andia, and I work outside of the City I live in Sc andia, and I am not employed I liv e in Scandia, and I work at a busines s in Scandia outs ide my home I live in Scandia, and I work from home I work in Scandia, and I do not liv e here. Other (pleas e s pec ify ) Zoning & Development Community Survey #1: Issue ID 2 / 73 25.00%13 13.46%7 61.54%32 Q2 If you answered that you work from home, please select what best describes your situation: Answered: 52 Sk ipped: 74 TOTAL 52 I bega n working from home due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Most likely I will return to my wo... I beg an working from home due to the COVID-19 pandemic, but likely I will continue to work... I have always worked from home. 25.00%25.00%25.00%25.00%25.00% (13)(13)(13)(13)(13) 13.46%13.46%13.46%13.46%13.46% (7)(7)(7)(7)(7) 61.54%61.54%61.54%61.54%61.54% (32)(32)(32)(32)(32) ANSWER CHOICES RESPONSES I began work ing from home due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Most lik ely I will return to my work place at s ome time in the future. I began working from home due to t he COVID-19 pandemic , but likely I will continue to work from home after the pandemic ends . I hav e alway s work ed from home. “Live in Scandia and retired.” “I live in Scandia now retired” “From Scandia, in town often” “Work in Scandia. Work for public safety county wide.” “Live on Scandia border, most of my errands and friends are in Scandia.” Page 2City of Scandia Development and Zoning Code Update Community Survey 3. If you live in Scandia, please select what most closely describes your neighborhood: 4. If you live in Scandia, how long have you lived here? 5. The following statements are a mix of topics that are purposely broad. Think about your preferences and select the response that most closely aligns with your thoughts. Average response: 19.128 years Zoning & Development Community Survey #1: Issue ID 3 / 73 Q3 If you live in Scandia, please select what most closely describes your neighborhood: Answered: 123 Skipped: 3 I live on an agricultural property (large acreage, hobby farm, commercial farm, etc.) I live in a rural residential area where lots are approxima tely 5-10 a cres, I do not live ... I live in a rural residential area where lots are approxima tely 1-5 a cres, I do not live o... I live on lakefront property and lots are irre gular in size. I live in or ne ar the Village Center, I consider my neighborhood the Village. 21.14%21.14%21.14%21.14%21.14% (26)(26)(26)(26)(26) 26.83%26.83%26.8 3%26.83%26.83% (33)(33)(33)(33)(33)17.07%17.07%17.07%17.07%17.07% (21)(21)(21)(21)(21) 33.33%33.33%33.33%33.33%33.33% (41)(41)(41)(41)(41) 1.63%1.63%1.63%1.63%1.63% (2)(2)(2)(2)(2) Zoning & D evelopment Community Survey #1: Issue ID 9 / 73 Q5 The following statements are a mix of topics that are purposefully broad. Think about your preferences and select the response that most closely aligns with your thoughts. Ans wered: 125 Sk ipped: 1 12.40% 15 11.57% 14 0.00% 0 50.41% 61 25.62% 31 121 18.55% 23 34.68% 43 0.00% 0 35.48% 44 11.29% 14 124 14.88% 18 19.83% 24 0.00% 0 47.93% 58 17.36% 21 121 3.25% 4 2.44% 3 0.00% 0 26.83% 33 67.48% 83 123 4.03% 5 4.03% 5 0.00% 0 31.45% 39 60.48% 75 124 7.32% 9 17.89% 22 0.00% 0 42.28% 52 32.52% 40 123 Strongly Disagree Somewhat Disagree Neutral/No Opinion Somewhat Agree Strongly Agree Zoning in the City makes sense, t... I don't care about the uses in a buildi... We have a good mix of housing in the City. My favor ite area in the City is ... It is impor tant for me to have... It is impor tant to follow the City... 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% STRONGLY DISAGREE SOMEWHAT DISAGREE NEUTRAL/NO OPINION SOMEWHAT AGREE STRONGLY AGREE TOTAL Zoning in the City makes sense, the right land uses are in the right places. I don't care about the us es in a building, I c are about how it looks . We have a good mix of hous ing in the City. My favorit e area in the City is my home/property. It is important for me to have flexibility on how I use my property. It is important to f ollow the City Code of Ordinances c onsistently. I live in a rural residential area where lots are approximately 5-10 acres, I do not live on a lake I live in a rural residential area where lots are approximately 1-5 acres, I do not live on a lake. Page 3City of Scandia Development and Zoning Code Update Community Survey Section 2: Zoning & Code Enforcement 6. Have you ever used the City’s zoning and development code to understand what you can do with your property? 7. If you answered YES, did you find the information you were looking for? Was it easy or difficult to use? Please describe. Key responses: 8. Properties in my neighborhood are well maintained and I believe they follow the City Code. Zoning & Development Community Survey #1: Issue ID 10 / 73 67.77%82 32.23%39 Q6 Have you ever used the City's zoning and development code to understand what you can do with your property? Answered: 121 Skipped: 5 TOTAL 121 YesYesYesYesYes 67.77% (82)67.77% (82)67.77% (82)67.77% (82)67.77% (82) NoNoNoNoNo 32.23% (39)32.23% (39)32.23% (39)32.23% (39)32.23% (39) ANSWER CHOICES RESPONSES Yes No Zoning & Development Community Survey #1: Issue ID 15 / 73 69 8,265 120 Q8 Properties in my neighborhood are well maintained and I believe they follow the City Code. Answered: 120 Sk ipped: 6 Total Respondents: 120 0 1 0 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 6969696969 ANSWER CHOICES AVERAGE NUMBER TOTAL NUMBER RESPONSES “I found it after quite a lot of looking.” “Challenging to find the information.” “I found it, but it was not easy” “It was fine” “Sometimes but not always.” “I was reffered to a planner outside of Scandia to get my answers.” “Difficult and contradictory” “DIFFICULT...it was a terrible experience. Long story but the bottom line. ITS NOT A TRANSPARENT PROCESS on cost of permit, who approves it, and what are the building codes.” “It’s okay. Could be more user friendly.” “found = yes. easy = yes” “Most of the time. If not, I’ve called.” Strongly Disagree (0)(50)(100) Strongly AgreeSome are, Some are not Page 4City of Scandia Development and Zoning Code Update Community Survey 9. If you were concerned that a neighbor was doing something on their property that was not allowed, would you feel comfortable calling the City and filing a complaint? 11. The following list respresents common complaints people have about properties in their neighborhoods. Please select your top three concerns from the list (you may choose fewer than 3). 10. If you answered “YES”, would you be confident that the City would take action? Please explain. If you’ve filed a complaint in the past, please describe your experience. Key responses: Zoning & Development Community Survey #1: Issue ID 20 / 73 60.33%73 39.67%48 Q9 If you were concerned that a neighbor was doing something on theirproperty that was not allowed, would you feel comfortable calling the City and filing a complaint? Answered: 121 Skipped: 5 TOTAL 121 YesYesYesYesYes 60.33% (73)60.33% (73)60.33% (73)60.33% (73)60.33% (73) NoNoNoNoNo 39.67% (48)39.67% (48)39.67% (48)39.67% (48 )39.67% (48) ANSWER CHOICES RESPONSES Yes No Zoning & Development Community Survey #1: Issue ID 25 / 73 40.63%39 41.67%40 13.54%13 44.79%43 12.50%12 6.25%6 12.50%12 15.63%15 8.33%8 9.38%9 Q11 The following list represents common complaints people have about properties in their neighborhoods. Please select your top three concerns from the list (you may choose fewer than 3). Answered: 96 Skipped: 30 Total Respondents: 96 Outdoor Storage Noise re lated to business (e.g., truck s, visitors, etc.) Parking (not enough, location, etc.)Outdoor lighting Size of accessory buildings (e.g. garages and she ds)Use of accessory buildings Number of accessory buildings Landscape maintenance (grass is too long, not well maintained, etc.) Snow removal Home-based busine sse s 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 1 80 200 9999988888151515151512121212126666612121212124343434343131313131340404040403939393939 ANSWER CHOICES RESPONSES Outdoor Storage Noise related to business (e.g., truc k s , visitors , etc .) Parking (not enough, location, etc.) Outdoor lighting Size of ac c es s ory buildings (e.g. garages and sheds) Use of acces s ory buildings Number of accessory buildings Landscape maintenance (grass is too long, not well maintained, etc.) Snow removal Home-based busines s es “No, not confident. There are too many inconsistencys throughout the neighborhood. Seems you get away with more if you “know somebody” “Not really.” “No, doesn’t get taken care of or it takes years to get results.” “I have not filed any previous complaint. I am somewhat confident the city would take action.” “No - have called many times.” “So so.” “I don’t know. I have contacted the city on one issue now 5 or so times and am told they have notified other parties but this far, there has been no resolution.” Page 5City of Scandia Development and Zoning Code Update Community Survey Section 3: Your Neighborhood 12. I like the way my neighborhood looks. The houses are in the right place and the lots are the right size. Houses and accessory buildings (e.g. garages and sheds) are setback appropriately from property lines. The amount of accessory building square footage and number of buildings allowed feels right. 13. Should there be limitations on the number, size and uses of accessory buildings (e.g. garages, sheds) on properties in your neighborhood? Why? (key responses): Zoning & Development Community Survey #1: Issue ID 28 / 73 72 8,300 116 Q12 I like the way my neighborhood looks. The houses are in the right place and the lots are the right size. Houses and accessory buildings (e.g. garages and sheds) are setback appropriately from property lines. The amount of accessory building square footage and number of buildings allowed feel right. Answered: 116 Sk ipped: 10 Total Res pondents: 116 0 1 0 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 7272727272 ANSWER CHOICES AVERAGE NUMBER TOTAL NUMBER RESPONSES Zoning & Development Community Survey #1: Issue ID 33 / 73 49.14%57 50.86%59 Q13 Should there be limitations on the number, size and uses of accessory buildings (e.g. garages, sheds) on properties in your neighborhood? Answered: 116 Sk ipped: 10 TOTAL 116 YesYesYesYesYes 49.14% (57)49.14% (57)49.14% (57)49.14% (57)49.14% (57)NoNoNoNoNo 50.86% (59)50.86% (59)50.86% (59)50.86% (59)50.86% (59) ANSWER CHOICES RESPONSES Yes No “Some properties are larger than others and living on the lake usually means more stuff to house ie boats, ski jets, snow blowers, lawn mowers, ice. House, ATV, campers....” “Preserve right of property and do with it as one may please until it infringes another person’s safety.” “I think people should be able to add things they need as long as it does not cause the property to look junky.” “If no standards are set, some people will go to extremes doing whatever they want.” “This is hard. As long as the buildings are attractive (not broken down shacks) and the uses don’t interfere with my enjoyment of my property (noise, clutter attract pests), then I don’t care about how many. If not, then I think they should be limited.” “The number and the use of outbuildings should be consistent with lot size. I think larger square footages should be allowed than current zoning, but it should not be unlimited.” Other (key responses): “Firearms shooting and fireworks after hours.” “Scrap/Trash piles on the property.” “Unkempt property.” “Dogs running at large.” “Residents not allowed sufficient storage.” “Noise, loud music, illegally fireworks” Strongly Disagree (0)(50)(100) Strongly AgreeNeutral (Mix of good and bad) Page 6City of Scandia Development and Zoning Code Update Community Survey 15. What is your greatest concern ab out how your neighborhood looks? (Think about the houses, lots, how buildings are used, home occupations, accessory buildings, landscaping, etc.) Key responses: “too much junk stored on the property” “Too much clutter exposed for all to see” “The lack of available storage for persons lake accessories.” “Over population and high density housing encroaching.” “No large concern in our area, but generally there are areas where there are too many vehicles and such that are out in the open, too much junk in yards.” “I worry about my own lot. Don’t care what someone else’s looks like.” “Upkeep of buildings and properties is more important. Looks matter for property values and neighborhood pride.” “Landscaping and cluttered. I would rahter see more and/or bigger buildings if it keeps everything out of sight.” “Too many solar panels coming as solar parks is my greatest concern. I think they looks much better on individuals home” “I’m nervous about too many new developments and MORE solar farms. Like it the way it is.” “Homes that not keeping up with basic maintenance.” 14. Is it important for the use of properties in your neighborhood to be controlled or limited? Or is the use of a building not important as long as the feel of the neighborhood doesn’t change?: Key responses: “Normally the buildings in the neighborhod are for storage. I would rather see storage buildings rather than stuff covered in tarps.” “Depends on the use. If the use doesn’t disrupt the neighbors or hurt the environment is fine.” “I think it is not as important unless it makes the feel of the nieghborhood change.” “Use should be regulated but not overly restricted. It should be such that any use does not adversely impact the use and enjoyment of surrounding properties.” “If the use is personal and does not add to increased noise, traffic, smell or anything else that would disrupt the neighborhood, use should not matter.” “Needs to be controlled so it doesn’t take away the rural charm.” “This is important. You can’t run commercial (or industrial) in a neighborhood. However on a more rural poperty, if the owner was trailering his pick up and trailer with a bobcat in and out every day, that not a big deal.” Page 7City of Scandia Development and Zoning Code Update Community Survey Section 4: Community 16. The General Rural areas of the community help define the rural chacter of the City. Property owners should be given extensive flexibilty to do what they want with their property as long as they don’t interfere with their neighbors’ enjoyment of their poperty 17. In the General Rural land use area, there are some properties that are much smaller in size, for example the properties with lake frontage, but they must follow the same standards as larger parcels in the same land use. Should these smaller properties have different standards than larger properties when they are in the same land use category? (Note - Shoreland Overlay regulations will apply to all lakefront property regardless of size.) 18. If you answered “YES” to the previous question, what types of standards would you like to see for smaller properties in the General Rural areas? Key responses: “Not sure exactly. It seems there may need to be both some exceptions and some tighted regulations for smaller properties in order to ensure that they can comply in maintaing rural character (picturesque, environmentally and ecologically balanced.” “number of out buildings, being on a lake and having equipment to enjoy our location calls foor some reasonable storeage requirements.” “A unique classification in the code must exist for lakeshore property to reflect the true nature of the use of property and the limitations imposed by the orginal platting of the land. Outside storage limitations must be relaxed. Lakeshore residents have recreational equipement exceeding the Scandia ordinances. Allow accessory structures. Allow storage and/or accessory structures on vacant lots. Items can be store in an aesthically pleasing manner.” “Important to have consistent ordinances that enforce safety and protection of land and land/water species and neighbors” “Standard impervious ground area that is followed by ALL.” Zoning & Development Community Survey #1: Issue ID 49 / 73 75 7,835 104 Q16 The General Rural areas of the community help define the ruralcharacter of the City. Property owners should be given extensive flexibilityto do what they want with their property as long as they don't interfere with their neighbors' enjoyment of their property. Answered: 104 Sk ipped: 22 Total Res pondents: 104 0 1 0 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 7575757575 ANSWER CHOICES AVERAGE NUMBER TOTAL NUMBER RESPONSES Zoning & Development Community Survey #1: Issue ID 53 / 73 53.92%55 46.08%47 Q17 In the General Rural land use area, there are some properties that are much smaller in size, for example the properties with lake frontage, but they must follow the same standards as larger parcels in the same land use. Should these smaller properties have different standards than larger properties when they are in the same land use category? (Note - Shoreland Overlay regulations will apply to all lakefront property regardless of size.) Answered: 102 Skipped: 24 TOTAL 102 YesYesYesYesYes 53.92% (55)53.92% (55)53.92% (55)53.92% (55)53.92% (55) NoNoNoNoNo 46.08% (47)46.08% (47)46.08% (47)46.08% (47)46.08% (47) ANSWER CHOICES RESPONSES Yes No Strongly Disagree (0) (50) (100) Strongly AgreeNeutral, there should be flexibilty but also some rules Page 8City of Scandia Development and Zoning Code Update Community Survey 19. Please rate the following statements about the Village Mixed Use area of the community: 20. On the following continuum, please identify your thoughts about the Village Mixed Use area: Zoning & D evelopment Community Survey #1: Issue ID 57 / 73 Q19 Please rate the following statements about the Village Mixed Usearea of the community.Answered: 104 Sk ipped: 22 15.38% 16 28.85% 30 0.00% 0 47.12% 49 8.65% 9 104 3.05 21.15% 22 30.77% 32 0.00% 0 37.50% 39 10.58% 11 104 2.86 28.85% 30 24.04% 25 0.00% 0 35.58% 37 11.54% 12 104 2.77 8.65% 9 15.38% 16 0.00% 0 37.50% 39 38.46% 40 104 3.82 8.65% 9 18.27% 19 0.00% 0 50.00% 52 23.08% 24 104 3.61 13.46% 14 36.54% 38 0.00% 0 39.42% 41 10.58% 11 104 2.97 Strongly Disagree Some what Disagre e Neutral/No Opinion Somewhat Agree Strongly Agree This is myfavoritearea in the City, it... We have agood mix ofbusinesses in the... I wouldlike to seemore multi-fa... It isimportantfor this area to ... This isthe mostimportant ar ea of ... I don'tcare aboutthe uses in a buildi... 0%20%40%60%80%100% STRONGLY DISAGREE SOMEWHAT DISAGREE NEUTRAL/NO OPINION SOMEWHAT AGREE STRONGLY AGREE TOTAL WEIGHTED AVERAGE This is my fav orite area in the City, it defines the character of Sc andia. We have a good mix of business es in the Village Mix ed Use area. I would like to see more multi-family uses in this area. It is important for this area to be walkable and bikeable This is the most important area of the City to have design (arc hitectural) s tandards. I don't c are about the uses in a building, I care about how it looks . Zoning & Development Community Survey #1: Issue ID 58 / 73 46 4,542 98 Q20 On the following continuum, please identify your thoughts about the Village Mixed Use area: Answered: 98 Sk ipped: 28 Tot al Res pondents: 98 0 1 0 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 4646464646 ANSWER CHOICES AVERAGE NUMBER TOTAL NUMBER RESPONSES I like it just the way it is (0) (50) (100) It needs improvement - there should be greater diversity in business, services, and uses including more housing choices. I like parts of it, but I would like a little more diversity of businesses and possibly housing. Page 9City of Scandia Development and Zoning Code Update Community Survey 21. What types of housing should be in the Village Mixed Use area? Think about both current and future residents. Please check all that apply. 22. Please answer the following question based on the current uses in the Village Mixed Use area: Other key responses: Zoning & D evelopment Community Survey #1: Issue ID 62 / 73 75.27%70 43.01%40 26.88%25 48.39%45 44.09%41 11.83%11 17.20%16 40.86%38 Q21 What types of housing should be in the Village Mixed Use area?Think about both current and future residents. Please check all that apply.Answered: 93 Skipped: 33 Total Res pondents: 93 Small -lotsingle famil...Villa stylesingle-level...Affordablehousing...Senior housingdetachedSenior housingattachedAttached,mul ti-family...Attached,mul ti-family... Assisted Living 0%10%20%30%40%50%60%70%80%90%100% 75.27%75.27%75.27%75.27%75.27%43.01%43.01%43.01%43.01%43.01%26.88%26.88%26.88 %26.8 8%26.88%48.39%48.39%48.39%48.39%48 .39%44.09%44.09%44.09%44.09%44.09%11.83%11.8 3%11.83%11.8 3%11.83%17.20%17.20%17.2 0%17.20%17.20% 40.86%40.8 6%40.86%40.8 6%40.86% ANSWER CHOICES RESPONSES Small-lot s ingle family housing Villa style s ingle-level town homes (det ached, s mall lot) Affordable hous ing options , may be attac hed or detached types Senior hous ing detached Senior housing attac hed Attac hed, multi-family rental hous ing (e.g. apartments, rowhomes, etc.) Attached, multi-family owner occupied housing (e.g. condominiums , rowhomes , etc.) Assisted Liv ing Zoning & Development Community Survey #1: Issue ID 64 / 73 Q22 Please answer the following question based on the current uses in the Village Mixed Use area: Answered: 105 Skipped: 21 1.92% 2 0.00% 0 41.35% 43 56.73% 59 104 3.53 0.00% 0 2.91% 3 53.40% 55 43.69% 45 103 3.41 0.00% 0 0.00% 0 25.96% 27 74.04% 77 104 3.74 2.88% 3 0.96% 1 69.23% 72 26.92% 28 104 3.20 8.82% 9 3.92% 4 57.84% 59 29.41% 30 102 3.08 0.96% 1 4.81% 5 67.31% 70 26.92% 28 104 3.20 1.92% 2 3.85% 4 69.23% 72 25.00% 26 104 3.17 32.38% 34 13.33% 14 34.29% 36 20.00% 21 105 2.42 2.86% 3 5.71% 6 63.81% 67 27.62% 29 105 3.16 This use should not be here There should be less The amount is about right This use should be expanded Ret ail Profess ional Service s Restaur ants/Co ffee shops Medical /cl inic al serv... Light Industr ial/Man ufac... Communi ty Gatheri ng... Communi ty Gatheri ng... Multi- f amily housing (att... Single- family housing (det... 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% THIS USE SHOULD NOT BE HERE THERE SHOULD BE LESS THE AMOUNT IS ABOUT RIGHT THIS USE SHOULD BE EXPANDED TOTAL WEIGHTED AVERAGE Retail Professional Services Res taurants/Coffee shops Medical/clinical services Light Indus trial/Manufacturing Community Gathering Spaces (indoor) Community Gathering Spaces (outdoor) Multi-family hous ing (attached) Single-family housing (detac hed) “None. We don’t need more housing in Scandia. It will lose its rural chacter is we start adding to the existing population.” “I would actually life to see more businesses like a better grocery store, more cafe’s and restaurants; safe access to town for walkers and bikers.” “Multi-stage aging facility - see Trillium Woods in Plymouth as an example. It has assisted living, transitional care, memory care, and a nursing home section. There is a dining room, craft/art studio, performance venue, and extensive senior programming. It is changed now a bit with COVID, but it is an excellent model. It is expensive, though. Something more affordable like it would be wonderful.” Page 10City of Scandia Development and Zoning Code Update Community Survey 23. The Village Mixed Use area is an important part of community. What ideas do you have to make it better? 24. Please answer the following question based on the current/future uses in the Rural Mixed Use area: Please share with us any other comments, issues or concerns you have about land use, zoning or development in the City that are not covered in this survey. Key responses: “Scandia is fine the way it is.” “Less restriction on my people choose to do with their property.” “Please do not alter the rural character, quiet or dark skies that we all love. These are the reasons many of us moved here. It would be a shame to turn Scandia into a Hugo or a Forest Lake. We don’t need that! We need to maintain the farming/agricultural culture, rural biking, fields, bluffs and beauty that we know of as Scandia!” “Remebering we are a rural community, let’s be flexible regarding home improvement, remodeling and landscaping project permitting. Paying hundreds or thousands of dollars for permitting and variance approval is overbearing and controlling on the part of our local government.” “Land was developed in small parcels decades ago. Zoning requiring 2+ acres to develop is in direct conflict with the platted lots. The city is inconsistent in approving improvements. Once, twice something will be approved. the next time not.” “Easier CUP’s” “More reasons to stop (rather than just drive though) and spend a little time with neighbors in the Village area - such as a restaurant with outdoor seating, or a brewery or even just a nice picnic grounds, maybe with a place to show outdoor movies etc. More social activites in the city.” “Keep it the same.” “We need to figure out how to retain restaurants” “Keep it as it is. Do not have housing developments. This would add more traffic which is already a huge complain in the city.” Key responses: Zoning & Development Community Survey #1: Issue ID 69 / 73 Q24 Please answer the following question based on the current/futureuses in the Rural Mixed Use area:Answered: 102 Skipped: 24 26.53% 26 4.08% 4 50.00% 49 19.39% 19 98 2.62 29.17% 28 7.29% 7 50.00% 48 13.54% 13 96 2.48 21.78% 22 5.94% 6 37.62% 38 34.65% 35 101 2.85 30.43% 28 8.70% 8 53.26% 49 7.61% 7 92 2.38 13.40% 13 4.12% 4 49.48% 48 32.99% 32 97 3.02 26.53% 26 8.16% 8 51.02% 50 14.29% 14 98 2.53 17.71% 17 7.29% 7 53.13% 51 21.88% 21 96 2.79 13.54% 13 5.21% 5 50.0 0% 48 31.25% 30 96 2.99 37.76% 37 11.22% 11 36.73% 36 14.29% 14 98 2.28 8.25% 8 4.12% 4 59.79% 58 27.84% 27 97 3.07 This use should not be here There should be less The amount is about right This use should be expanded Retail Profess ional Service s Restaur ants/Co ffee shops Medical /clinic al serv... Agr itou rism busines ses Light Industr ial/Man ufac... Communi ty Gatheri ng... Communi ty Gatheri ng... Mul ti- f amily housing (att... Single- family housing (det... 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% THIS USE SHOULD NOT BE HERE THERE SHOULD BE LESS THE AMOUNT IS ABOUT RIGHT THIS USE SHOULD BE EXPANDED TOTAL WEIGHTED AVERAGE Retail Professional Services Restaurants/Coffee shops Medic al/clinical services Agritourism businesses Light Industrial/Manufacturing Community Gathering Spac es (indoor) Community Gathering Spaces (outdoor) Multi-family housing (attached) Single-family hous ing (detached)