12-15-2020 Meeting
December 15, 2020
A regular meeting of the Scandia City Council was held on the above date with modifications.
Due to the health advisory issued by the State regarding the COVID-19 outbreak, to avoid public
gatherings and limit social contact, the meeting was conducted over a virtual meeting platform.
All council members and staff who joined the meeting remotely could hear each other and
contribute to discussions. City Administrator Cammilleri and City Clerk Eklund were present at
City Hall. Cammilleri was the presenter and displayed the meeting materials for participants to
view on their remote screens.
Mayor Christine Maefsky called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Roll call was taken. The
following were participants to the meeting: Council members Jerry Cusick, Steve Kronmiller,
Chris Ness, Patti Ray, and Mayor Christine Maefsky. Staff participating: City Administrator Ken
Cammilleri, City Planner Evan Monson, City Engineer Ryan Goodman, City Attorney Chris
Nelson, Fire Chief Mike Hinz, Public Works Director Adam Hawkinson, Treasurer Colleen
Firkus, Office Assistant Brenda “Bee” Stignani and City Clerk Brenda Eklund.
City Administrator Cammilleri announced the addition of a Petition for Vacating a Street Right-
of-way. Ray, second by Ness, moved to approve the agenda as amended. Motion carried 5-0
by a roll call vote.
Deputy Peters’ incident and citations report for November was received.
Recognition of Service to outgoing Council member Chris Ness
Council member Chris Ness was recognized for his dedicated service at his final meeting as a
member of the City Council. Ness was appointed to the Planning Commission in 2000, served on
the City Council beginning in 2010, with his term ending this year. Ness did not run for re-
The following Consent Agenda was presented:
a) Minutes
1) November 17, 2020 Regular Meeting
2) December 2, 2020 Work Session
b) Treasurer’s Report
c) Payment of Vouchers
d) 2021 City Meeting Schedule
e) Approve 2021 Tobacco License Renewals: Scandia Tobacco, Big Marine Lake Store, Big
Marine Lake Liquor Store
f) Approve 2021 Liquor License Renewals: Meisters Bar & Grill, Rustic Roots Winery, The
Scandia Creamery, Big Marine Lake Liquor Store
g) Approve a 1-year extension of the Recycling Contract with SRC
h) Annual Step Increase – Public Works Director Adam Hawkinson
i) Resolution No. 2020-48 – Establishing Employee pay rates for 2021
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j) Tourism Committee Recommendation for Park Signage Standards
k) Approve 2021 Contract for Technical Services with Washington Conservation District
l) Approve Hiring Rink Attendants and Rink Maintenance Worker
Council member Ray noted a discrepancy in the Treasurer’s Report. Staff will provide a
corrected report to the Council, for adoption at the January 19, 2021 meeting.
Kronmiller, second by Ray, moved to approve the Consent Agenda as amended by removal
of 6.b Treasurer’s Report for November. Motion carried 5-0 by roll call vote.
(RESOLUTION NO. 2020-49)
Administrator Cammilleri presented the listing of unpaid charges for users of the city’s Big
Marine Sewer System. The property owners received notice that they have the opportunity to
dispute the charges at the public hearing.
Mayor Maefsky opened the public hearing at 7:16 p.m. There were no comments and the hearing
was closed.
Kronmiller, second by Ness, moved to adopt Resolution No. 2020-49, Certifying Unpaid
Charges for the Big Marine Community Sewage Treatment for Collection with Property
Taxes. Motion carried 5-0 by roll call vote.
A public hearing was scheduled on proposed ordinance amendments pertaining to the City’s
Code of Ordinances, including general provisions, the fee schedule and right-of-way
management. Administrator Cammilleri explained the proposed amendments to the Code of
• City Clerk is being changed to City Administrator in the general provisions sections
• Fee schedule updated for 2021 to include Event Center license fee, and increases to sewer
rates (7% for Big Marine Sewer, 5% for the Uptown System)
• Right-of-Way Ordinance Amendment, to shift driveway permits outside of the existing
development code to the Right-of-Way Ordinance. This move eliminates existing non-
conformity issues and eliminates permit duplicity as this type of work technically would
require a ROW permit in addition to Development Code Administrative Permit. It
requires that alterations to driveways such as paving or widening require a permit. It also
designates the Director of Public Works to review for specifications, which is practice.
The previous ordinance cites the Zoning Administrator.
Mayor Maefsky opened the public hearing at 7:28 p.m. There were no comments and the hearing
was closed.
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Mayor Maefsky asked for clarification on the fee schedule. Cammilleri stated that adoption of
the fee schedule can be moved to the discussion on the City’s 2021 budget because it primarily
pertains to increases to sewer rates that are incorporated into next year’s budget.
Ray, second by Kronmiller, moved to adopt Ordinance No. 2020-05, An Ordinance
Amending Certain Sections of the City’s Code of Ordinances. Motion carried 5-0 by roll
call vote.
Approve Summary Publication of Ordinance No 2020-05 (Resolution No. 2020-50)
Kronmiller, second by Ray, moved to adopt Resolution No. 2020-50, Approving Summary
Publication of Ordinance No. 2020-05. Motion carried 5-0 by roll call vote.
Council member Ray reported on the Committee’s December 7, 2020 meeting:
• Eagle Scout candidate Xavier DeWolfe presented his project for installation of stepping
stones in a hopscotch pattern on the lower path at Lilleskogen Park.
• PRC Chair Gorham will attend a meeting of the CLFLWD for the Trollskogen Park
project collaboration at Bone Lake.
• The children’s story book, Early to Bed, Late to Rise by Deborah Smith, which was
displayed on the Lilleskogen Story Walk has been published and is for sale at
Gammelgarden’s Butik.
Formation of Subcommittee – Playground Equipment Replacement
The PRC requested approval to form a subcommittee to study replacement of the city’s
playground equipment. Ray, second by Ness, approved the formation of a PRC
subcommittee for the purpose of studying and recommending replacement of playground
equipment. Motion carried 5-0 by roll call vote.
2021 Ice Skating Instruction Program
Administrator Cammilleri explained that the ice-skating rink will be open this season with
precautions following recommendations from the state’s health department. The Warming House
will be closed, but staffed by rink attendants. Ice Skating Instructor Katy Herman intends to offer
Learn to Skate classes in January if the Minnesota Department of Health and Governor Waltz
Executive Orders allow activities of this nature. Staff is developing program rules and
procedures to conform with the necessary precautions.
Zoning & Development Code Update Project – Swanson Haskamp Consulting
As requested at the December 2 Work Session, Jennifer Haskamp provided a cost of not to
exceed $10,000 for a change order to the SHC contract to transition the zoning and development
code project to a Unified Development Code. Council was in consensus that a UDC will provide
an easier to use and understand development code.
Kronmiller, second by Ray, moved to approve an addendum to the Zoning & Development
Code contract with SHC to not exceed $10,000 to prepare a Unified Development Code.
Motion carried 5-0 by roll call vote.
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Variance to remodel an existing non-conforming residential structure, and variance to
accessory structure requirements at 13110 182nd Street North. Kevin and Carla Guinee,
Applicants. Resolution No. 2020-51
Planner Monson presented the recommendation from the Planning Commission to approve
variances for a remodel and addition to an existing non-conforming structure at 13110 182nd
Street. Monson explained that the cabin is situated 11.7 feet from the west property line, with the
addition and attached garage being constructed within the buildable area of the lot to the east.
Because an existing accessory structure will remain on the property, the attached garage also
needs a variance because lots this size are allowed only one accessory structure. Monson
reviewed the criteria to be considered for granting a variance, and explained how findings
supported approval. The house was built at a time where the minimum setback was less than 20
feet, and the addition does not encroach any further into any setbacks. The second garage may
not alter the character of the neighborhood due to existing vegetation screening. The findings and
six conditions of approval were presented in a resolution.
Council member Ray questioned the number of bedrooms and bathrooms. Mr. Guinee stated that
five bedrooms and four bathrooms are proposed, with the house being served by their private
septic system. Council member Kronmiller said he was concerned that existing area below the
deck is being converted to living space which faces the lake. Monson explained that the house is
approximately 150’ from Big Marine Lake, outside of the required 100’ setback.
Ray, second by Ness, moved to adopt Resolution No. 2020-51, Approving Variances for
13110 182nd Street. Motion carried 5-0 by roll call vote.
Scandia Internet Action Committee Chair Bob Wilmers reported RDOF grants were recently
announced, with two companies (Midco and LTD Broadband) awarded service areas in Scandia.
DEED grant awards will be announced early next year. It was noted that Midco’s RDOF award
overlaps the proposed 2021 DEED application area. Wilmers said the Committee is looking to
cooperatively work with the companies to meet the goal to build out as much as possible in the
fastest way possible with as little cost to Scandia as possible.
Mayor Maefsky reported that the Committee is assisting with development of the Tourism
section of the city’s new website. In January, the Committee will be looking at wayfaring
signage within Scandia, points of interest, and expanding the Sweden sister city initiative.
Council member Kronmiller reported that the EDA is focusing on how to better address needs of
local businesses, and is hosting virtual business breakfasts on the third Thursday of each month.
The November building activity report was received from Building Official Joel Hoistad, who
has taken over this position from Chuck Preisler who retired at the end of November. Last month
15 permits were issued at a valuation of $211,794.00. Year to date net income for building
permits is $95,053.33.
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Fire Chief Hinz reported that the department responded to 20 calls in November; 4 fire related
and 16 EMS related. Hinz reported that the security cameras and locks have been installed at the
fire station/public works building. The Warming House cameras will be set to show a live feed
on the city’s website of the ice rink once it opens for the season. The fire department members
are included in the Phase One distribution of the Covid vaccine. The state grant application for
the department’s generator is moving forward.
City Engineer Goodman reported that plans and specifications for the 2021 road project will be
ready for the January 19, 2021 Council meeting. Staff addressed Midco’s installation of conduit
for broadband expansion along 220th Street being done jointly with next year’s road project.
Council concluded that bids for the road project should stay on schedule and not be delayed with
trying to coordinate work with Midco. Goodman predicted that the contractors should be able to
coordinate the work next summer.
PW Director Hawkinson reported that drums of grit have been places at the top and bottom of
197th Street to aid drivers on the road this winter. Flooding of the ice rink began this week.
Lift Station Pump Replacement with FEMA Funds
Hawkinson presented two quotes for replacement of pump #2 at the Bliss #2 Lift Station. FEMA
funds will be used for repairs to restore the sewer system back to its operational state before the
2019 flood.
• WWW Goetsch: $5,896.00 for a Hydromatic motor, freight, and installation
• Quality Flow: $5,690.00 for Barnes motor, freight, and installation
Kronmiller, second by Ness, moved to award the bid to Quality Flow for replacement of
pump #2 at a cost of $5,690.00. Motion carried 5-0.
Website Update report
Office Assistant Bee Stignani shared her screen to show the updated city website, on schedule to
go live on January 1st.
Petition for Vacating a Street Right-of-way
Charles Eginton has submitted a petition to vacate a portion of unopened Second Street within
the Revision of Vasa. A resolution to schedule a public hearing for January 19, 2021 was
Ray, second by Kronmiller, moved to adopt Resolution No. 2020-54, Declaring Sufficiency
of Petition and Setting A Public Hearing on the Proposed Vacation of a Portion of Second
Street. Motion carried 5-0 by roll call vote.
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Consent to Not Waive Statutory Tort Liability Limits
The decision to waive or not waive the statutory tort limits must be made annually by the League
of Minnesota Cities Insurance Trust member’s governing body. Administrator Cammilleri
explained the recommendation to not waive monetary limits on municipal tort liability for the
city’s 2021 insurance coverage.
Kronmiller, second by Cusick, moved to not waive statutory tort liability limits for the
city’s 2021 insurance coverage with LMCIT. The motion carried 5-0.
Administrator Cammilleri presented the city’s final 2021 budget based on the Council’s direction
to lower the tax rate by 3% from the previous year. Cammilleri described the necessary increases
to the city maintained Big Marine and Uptown sewer systems in order to maintain fund balance
and prepare for future capital expenses for the systems.
Council member Ray noted that the document listed the Second Fire Station as a 2021 project,
but has been moved out a few years on the city’s CIP.
Ray, second by Ness, moved to adopt Resolution No. 2020-52, Adopting the 2021 Citywide
Budget with the correction in Capital Outlay to move the Second Fire Station to 2022.
Motion carried 5-0 by roll call vote.
Kronmiller, second by Ness, moved to adopt the 2021 Fee Schedule as presented. Motion
carried 5-0 by roll call vote.
Administrator Cammilleri presented the 2021 property tax levy.
General Fund $1,381,700
Debt Service Funds $ 445,585
General Capital Improvement Fund $ 100,000
Park Improvement Fund $ 10,000
Equipment Replacement Fund $ 130,000
Local Road Improvement Fund $ 438,539
Economic Development Authority Fund $ 5,000
TOTAL $2,510,824
Ness, second by Ray, moved to adopt Resolution No. 2020-53, Adopting the 2021 Property
Tax Levy. Motion carried 5-0.
Administrator Cammilleri described communication received from management of Osceola
Medical Center that they are considering the closure of the Scandia Clinic due to difficulty of
growing a sustainable patient load. Cammilleri stated that the City can conduct outreach to the
community that they contact OMC to encourage the clinic to continue operations in Scandia.
More information will be forthcoming once OMC management meets on this subject.
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Ness, second by Kronmiller, moved to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried 5-0 by roll call
The meeting adjourned at 9:15 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Brenda Eklund
City Clerk