10.b State Response re Minnesotan Cup plankxammilleri From: Tschida, Breca (DLI) <breca.tschida@state.mn.us> Sent: Tuesday, January 19, 2021 2:10 PM To: k.cammilleri Cc: noah.lewellen@ag.state.mn.us Subject: RE: COVID-19 Preparedness Plan for The Minnesotan Cup Good Afternoon Ken, I had an opportunity to review the plan your provided. It seems as though the event planner is planning the event as an outdoor seated venue and therefore would have to follow that guidance. Unfortunately, the plan does not contain many of the elements required by that guidance (found at http://dli.mn.gov/sites/default/files/odf/COVID 19 preparedness plan requirements outdoor seated venues. df) . The plan does not address how occupant capacity will be managed. The first step in determining allowable occupancy is to calculate the permitted maximum occupant capacity for the venue. Once that is known, a determination of the number of individuals allowed in the space can be determined. The outdoor seated venue guidance requires "Communication of Capacity: Venues must ensure the maximum number of patrons allowed within the venue, as determined by the venues' compliance with these requirements and the relevant Executive Orders, is expressly stated in the written COVID-19 Preparedness Plan for the venue, as well as all rated occupant capacities, social distancing calculations, and other factors used to derive the capacity used by the venue." Once the maximum number of patrons is determined the methods for managing access in that the businesses must monitor and manage access and occupancy of the venue to ensure the maximum occupant capacity is not exceeded. There is a requirement for seating, assignment and pre -ticketing. If concessions are going to be offered there are requirements that need to followed in the guidance as well. Planning these events are complicated so the Minnesota Attorney General's Office has assembled a team that reviews plans for compliance. I am a member of that team. We are able to review plans with the entity developing the plan to identify deficiencies and provide technical assistance on how to have a compliant plan. Based on my superficial review, this plan is not compliant with the requirements of the Executive Order and the requirements of the Outdoor Seated Venues. Noah Lewellen is the contact at the Attorney General's Office who orchestrates these meetings and can be reached via email at noah.lewellen@ag.state.mn.us. We are able to respond very quickly to provide assistance when developing a plan so your concerns about timing should not be an issue. We are usually able to have a meeting within a day of the request. Please feel free to contact me if you have additional questions. Best, BYeca, Breca Tschida, MSPH, CPE Ergonomics Program Coordinator/Industrial Hygienist I MNOSHA Workplace Safety Consultation Minnesota Department of Labor and Industry 443 Lafayette Road N., St. Paul, MN 55155 Phone: 612-900-8062 1 Web: www.dli.mn.gov MDEPARTMENT OF LABOR AND INDUSTRY *Please be aware that I am supporting the COVID-19 response and my COVID-19 tasks take priority over my usual tasks and projects. Thanks for your patience. 1