6.a2 Draft minutes 01-06-2021 Work Session January 6, 2021 A work session meeting of the Scandia City Council was held on the above date with modifications. Due to the health advisory issued by the State regarding the COVID-19 outbreak, to avoid public gatherings and limit social contact, the meeting was conducted over an electronic platform. All council members and staff who joined the meeting remotely could hear each other and contribute to discussions. City Administrator Cammilleri and City Clerk Eklund were present at City Hall. Cammilleri was the presenter and displayed the meeting materials for participants to view on their remote screens. City Clerk Eklund administered the oath of office to Mayor Christine Maefsky and Council members Heather Benson and Steve Kronmiller. Mayor Maefsky was re-elected to a two-year term of office, Benson was elected to a four-year term, and Kronmiller was re-elected to a four- year term at the November 3, 2020 General Election. Mayor Christine Maefsky called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. The following were participants to the meeting: Council members Heather Benson, Jerry Cusick, Steve Kronmiller, Patti Ray and Mayor Christine Maefsky. Staff participating: City Administrator Ken Cammilleri, Fire Chief Mike Hinz, and City Clerk Brenda Eklund. DISCUSSION ON SUMMARY OF ISSUE IDENTIFICATION SURVEY AND RESULTS RELATED TO THE ZONING & DEVELOPMENT CODE UPDATE PROJECT – SWANSON HASKAMP CONSULTING Jennifer Haskamp, Swanson Haskamp Consulting, summarized the results and key observations of the Issue Identification Community Survey conducted last fall to gather input from the community about zoning issues: zoning administration, zoning regulations, and concerns in the community that zoning can address. Haskamp said they were pleased with the number of 130 responses, representing 8.8% of Scandia households, but need to gather more input from businesses and residents in the Village Mixed-Use Area. Council was in consensus to have SHC host virtual roundtable sessions with business owners and residents. An invite to the roundtable sessions will be offered at the next EDA Business Breakfast meeting on January 21, 2021. Haskamp noted that the density discussion will be delayed until after the business survey is completed. Addressing the non-conforming lakeshore properties will be a goal of the new zoning code, thereby reducing the need for variances when improving these properties, possibly by creating a separate zoning district to reduce the level of non-conformity. Haskamp anticipated that an annotated outline of the zoning code could be presented to the Planning Commission at their meeting on February 2nd. CYCLING SCANDIA BOARD INTRODUCTIONS Board members from Cycling Scandia, a nonprofit organization on promoting cycling as a Scandia destination, were introduced: Bob Zuzek, Board Chair, Treasurer Michelle Setterholm, and co-founder Janie O’Connor. Zuzek said the group continues its involvement on the Gateway Trail extension and other initiatives with the community, including fundraising for cycling amenities within Scandia. January 6, 2021 Scandia City Council Page 2 of 4 DISCUSSION ON MINNESOTAN CUP - COREY ROBERTS, ORGANIZER Administrator Cammilleri explained that the Covid business plan submitted by organizer Corey Roberts for the adult hockey tournament he proposes to hold on February 6, 2021 is missing details, is incomplete and not ready for approval. Staff recommended that they work with Mr. Roberts to develop the plan in accordance with state guidelines if the Council is agreeable. Council member Kronmiller said he is not comfortable moving forward with this event. Council member Ray said she would like to see the ice rink used for the tournament, but the event needs a better plan for Covid precautions. Corey Roberts joined the meeting and explained that it’s been a moving target to develop a plan to conform with state guidelines for outdoor events. Roberts explained that this will be a scaled- down event from previous years, with no use of the Warming House, no tent for food and beverages, and no spectators. Masks will be required for all participants, both on and off the rink. He will have a crew on site to enforce this, along with social distancing of the teams off the ice. Mayor Maefsky said that it will be difficult to space out the waiting teams, estimated at 50-75 people. Council member Kronmiller noted the CDC guidelines that the virus can be transmitted within 10 minutes of individuals being 6 feet apart and less. Council member Cusick voiced his support for the event and that he is totally comfortable with it; it’s outdoors in the fresh air and participants will be wearing masks. Cusick said he sees no reason not to allow the event. Council member Ray said that she is worried about the spectators that may be present. Mr. Roberts noted that other communities are holding outdoor events which are occurring safely, and he is confident that this hockey tournament would be no different. Mayor Maefsky recommended further discussion at the next meeting. Maefsky, second by Ray, moved to discuss the Minnesotan Cup at the next meeting and directed Mr. Roberts to provide a COVID-19 plan with more clarity. Cusick said that Mr. Roberts needs to know sooner to allow sufficient time to set up the teams for the tournament. Motion carried 4-1 by roll call vote with Cusick opposed. Mr. Roberts was directed to work with staff on his plan and to gather information from other communities that are holding outdoor events. DISCUSSION ON RE-JOINING THE FOREST LAKE CABLE COMMISSION Administrator Cammilleri explained that several years ago, the City of Scandia opted to dissolve its membership in the Forest Lake Cable Commission (LATV10) due to operational issues and concerns about mismanagement. Since that time, the Commission and its staff have instituted many reforms that have now eliminated the justifiable concerns that the City once had. Cammilleri questioned if the Council would be amenable to rejoining the Cable Commission, and noted several benefits in renewing this partnership. Council member Kronmiller agreed that there is a value to the services the Commission can provide and that it would make sense to look at a contract. Council member Ray noted that January 6, 2021 Scandia City Council Page 3 of 4 LATV has done excellent promotional videos for Forest Lake and it would be beneficial to promote Scandia tourism as well. By unanimous consensus, the Council expressed interest in rejoining the Cable Commission. Staff was directed to work on a draft agreement for review at a future meeting. DISCUSSION ON COUNCIL COMMITTEE APPOINTMENTS By consensus, the following Council Committee appointments for 2021 were made: • Economic Development Authority – Heather Benson and Patti Ray • Internet Action Committee – Steve Kronmiller and Patti Ray • Parks and Recreation Committee – Patti Ray • Planning Commission – Jerry Cusick • Tourism Committee – Christine Maefsky • Wastewater Committee – Steve Kronmiller DISCUSSION ON APPLICATIONS FOR PLANNING COMMISSION, PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE AND THE WASTEWATER ADVISORY COMMITTEE TO FILL EXPIRING TERMS In December, advertising for citizen applications was posted on the city’s website to fill expiring terms on various committees. • Planning Commission: Perry Rynders reapplied for his expiring term. No other applications were received. • Parks and Recreation: Terry Gorham reapplied for his expiring term. Carol Schwinghammer did not reapply for her expiring term. One application was received from Emmy Lundeen. • Wastewater Advisory Committee: Patrick Kelley did not reapply for his expiring term as a representative of the Big Marine Sewer System. No applications were received. It was noted that Perry Rynders is a customer of the Big Marine Sewer System and eligible to be appointed to this committee. Maefsky, second by Ray, moved to make the following appointments: • Perry Rynders to a five-year term on the Planning Commission, expiring on February 1, 2026 • Terry Gorham and Emmy Lundeen to five-year terms on the Parks and Recreation Committee, expiring on March 1, 2026 • Perry Rynders to a five-year term as a Big Marine Sewer representative on the Wastewater Advisory Committee, expiring on February 1, 2026 Motion carried 5-0 by roll call vote. SNOWPLOW NAMING CONTEST Council member Ray recommended a snowplow naming contest to gather names for the plow equipment and Zamboni. Mayor Maefsky asked for the discussion to continue at the next meeting. January 6, 2021 Scandia City Council Page 4 of 4 ADJOURNMENT Ray, second by Benson, moved to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried 5-0 by roll call vote. The meeting adjourned at 8:10 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Brenda Eklund City Clerk