8.a PRC Minutes DRAFT 01-04-2021City of Scandia Parks and Recreation Committee Monday, January 4, 2021 A meeting of the Scandia Parks & Recreation Committee was held on the above date with modifications. Due to the health advisory issued by the State regarding the COVID-19 outbreak, to avoid public gatherings and limit social contact, the meeting was conducted over an electronic platform. All Committee members and staff who joined the meeting remotely could hear each other and contribute to discussions. City Administrator Cammilleri was present in the Council Chambers. Cammilleri was the presenter and displayed the meeting materials for participants to view remotely. The following were participants to the meeting: Committee members Terry Gorham (Chair), Greg Zauner (Vice Chair), Carol Schwinghammer, Dustin Hegland, Cami VanAble and Patti Ray (City Council Representative). Staff members Ken Cammilleri (City Administrator), Adam Hawkinson (Director of Public Works), and Brenda “Bee” Stignani (Office Assistant). The meeting was called to order 7:00 p.m., a quorum was present. PUBLIC FORUM There were no public comments APPROVAL OF AGENDA Staff requested removing item 6. e. from the agenda as the new City of Scandia website is not live and requested 2021 PRC Annual Report Draft be added in its place. Motion by Zauner, seconded by Hegland, to approve the agenda as amended. Roll call vote, the motion carried 5-0. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Chair Gorham called for any additions or corrections to the December 7, 2020 minutes. No additions or corrections were submitted. The minutes stand approved. REPORTS Chair Report Chair Gorham provided a written report, deferred to the discussion of item 6. c. Public Works Director Report Hawkinson provided a written report. Hawkinson also reported they will remove old wood at Lilleskogen Park. Ray requested hanging branches be removed. Hawkinson reported both ice rinks are open. New maintenance staff and favorable weather helped. A bench and table are planned to be relocated near the chairs set out at the warming house doors. Hegland asked if staff will revisit the decision to keep the warming house closed. Cammilleri indicated Washington County Public Health Department is expected to publish new guidance in two weeks. Zauner asked if the Minnesota Cup event is pending, Cammilleri reported that a COVID-19 Preparedness Plan has not yet been submitted and the City Council will be discussing this request in two days. Staff Report Stignani reported that the Lilleskogen Park Sign has been ordered to begin work later this month. Stignani reported 0 Pleasure Skate and 6 Skating Program registrations. Board members are aware of others who will register, and Instructor Herman encouraged staff to continue to take registrations. Staff sent email messages to last year’s participants and posted updates on the Next Door and Facebook accounts. OLD BUSINESS Playground Equipment Replacement Update City Council approved forming a sub-committee, staff will assist VanAble in soliciting applications with the goal to include community involvement and report recommendations to City Council in May. Ray requested this January 4, 2021 Scandia Parks and Recreation Committee Page 2 of 2 subcommittee have access to ariel photos or maps of each city park parcel for their consideration of the best possible recommendations. Gorham clarified the purpose of the subcommittee is to recommend a location, style and design to PRC, and then for Administration to process their recommendation in a way to be presented to City Council for consideration. Park Ambassadors Gorham reiterated the intent of Park Ambassadors to ask committee members to voluntarily visit and look for upkeep or find inspiration of park improvements. Gorham volunteered to visit Bone Lake & Wind in the Pines, Hegland seasonally Wind in the Pines and Leonard Wojtowicz Skating Park, Zauner Wind in the Pines and Wayne Erickson and VanAble Hay Lake Park. Staff will provide the locations to the two Orwell Ave parks parcels to VanAble. Staff mentioned the new Public Works Parks page in the new website has a form to submit requests for maintenance directly to the department. CLFLWSD Collaboration with Bone Lake: Gorham prepared a written report (Chair Report) on attending the CLFLWSD December 17, 2020 meeting. Cammilleri will be in contact with CLFLWSD administrator Kinney to begin preparing a proposal for Trollskogen, formally known as Bone Lake Park. Committee members briefly discussed general goals previously identified as paths and bridges, educational stands/signs, whimsical trolls and added a migratory bird observation platform. Signs Update Hawkinson added to the prior oral Staff Report that that he is waiting for responses for requests for estimates for the posts. Orwell Ave N new park and Hay Lake Park signage would be addressed next. Annual Report Staff outlined the main points in the 2020 PRC Annual Report Draft and requested input from committee members for the 2020 accomplishments, 2021 goals and 2021 calendar. Gorham instructed members to send input to staff via email for compilation in the next edition of a draft to be discussed at the next PRC meeting. NEW BUSINESS None AGENDA FOR NEXT MEETING The proposed agenda for the Monday, February 1, 2021 meeting: 1. Consider amendment proposal to PRC bylaws to shorten committee member’s terms 2. 2021 PRC Annual Report 3. CLFLWSD Update 4. Sign Update 5. Playground Sub-Committee Update ADJOURNMENT Motion by Hegland, seconded by Zauner, to adjourn the meeting. Roll call vote, the motion carried 5-0. The meeting adjourned at 8:14 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Brenda “Bee” Stignani, Office Assistant/Parks and Recreation Coordinator