3.b Annotated Outline 01282021
City of Scandia – DRAFT Annotated Outline – January 28, 2021
Part 1: Annotated Outline
153 Unified Development Code (UDC)
153.100 General Provisions
153.200 Zoning Districts
153.300 Allowed Uses
153.400 Character and Development Standards
153.500 Administration and Procedures
153.600 Definitions
154 Mining and Related Activities
155 Shoreland Management Regulations
156 Floodplain Management
Part 2: Comparison Table of UDC Sections and current Scandia Development Code
City of Scandia – DRAFT Annotated Outline – January 28, 2021
The purpose of this annotated outline is to propose a revised format and organization to the City of Scandia’s
Development Code. As presented, the proposed format will transition the City’s current, traditional
Development Code to a Uniform Development Code (UDC) format and organization.
The UDC will combine the following chapters from the current Development Code under one chapter to be
titled Chapter 153:
− Chapter 1: Administration (Ordinance 2020-03)
− Chapter 2: Zoning Regulations (Ordinance 2020-03)
− Chapter 3: Subdivision Regulations (Ordinance No. 194)
Portions of the following chapters, specifically those standards related to dimensional standards, that address
the City’s Overlay Districts will be incorporated into the UDC. The chapters in full will remain as separate
Chapters and renumbered to Chapters 154, 155 and 156:
− Chapter 4: Mining and Related Activities (Ordinance 103)
− Chapter 5: Shoreland Management Regulations (Ordinance 198)
− Chapter 6: Floodplain Management (Ordinance 110)
The following table illustrates how the new Unified Development Code (UDC) will be organized. There are
three levels: chapter, section, and subsection. The full UDC will be one Chapter of the City Code, Chapter
Table 1. Unified Development Code Organization
UDC Organization Corresponding Level for the UDC
153 Land Development Manual Chapter
153.100 General Provisions Section
153.100.010 Title Subsection
This section will include the materials related to the legal authority, purposes, and applicability of the UDC.
In addition, it will describe the relationship between the UDC and other City, State, and Federal regulations,
as well as private restrictive covenants. It will describe how the transition from the existing Scandia
Development Code to the Unified Development Code (UDC) will occur. The proposed subsections of this
section include the following:
153.100.010 Title
This section will state the title of the chapter – The City of Scandia Unified Development Code.
153.100.020 Purpose and Intent
This section will tailor the existing language found in section 1.2 of the City’s current Development Code to
incorporate the shift to a Unified Development Code organization and structure.
City of Scandia – DRAFT Annotated Outline – January 28, 2021
153.100.030 Applicability
This section will be revised to indicate that all development and redevelopment must comply with the UDC,
unless explicitly exempt by a city, state or federal law.
153.100.040 Authority
This section establishes MN State Statute that gives the authority to regulate land development within this
153.100.050 Relationship to Comprehensive Plan
This section will update section 1.3 of the City’s Development Code.
153.100.060 Relationship to Restrictive/Private Covenants
This is a new subsection that will address when cases of conflict occur between the UDC and provisions of a
private restriction, covenant or easement. This section will state that the provisions contained in the UDC
shall apply. This section will acknowledge that there may be private restrictions that are inconsistent, but that
the inconsistency shall not affect Scandia’s ability to implement and enforce the UDC and that the City will
have no obligation to enforce private restrictive covenants.
153.100.070 Transition Rules
This new section will address and explain how the City intends to transition from the current provisions of
the Scandia Development Code to the UDC. It will specify that complete applications made prior to the
adoption of the UDC shall be processed under the current Development Code, and that any incomplete
applications will be governed by the UDC.
153.100.080 Effective Date
This section will be updated to reflect the date of UDC adoption.
153.100.090 Severability
This section will address severability standards for the UDC. Because sign regulations attract challenges, it will
specifically state that each provision of the sign regulations is intended to be severable, so that invalidation of
any of them will not invalidate any other portion of the sign regulations.
This section establishes Zoning Districts and their purposes. Two base districts have been added to the
existing list of Districts: Rural Neighborhood (RN) and Village Reserve (VR). These new districts will
respond better to the policy direction of the Comprehensive Plan and to existing conditions in the City today.
The Rural Neighborhood District will include neighborhoods outside the Village Center area where lots are
small (less than 2 acres). The Village Reserve District will include parcels in the Village Center where
additional city infrastructure is planned so that they can be developed at an appropriately higher density.
The Rural Residential General (RG) refers to the General Rural District that is in Scandia’s existing Zoning
Ordinance. The name change is for purposes of alignment and clarity only.
153.200.010 Zoning Districts Established
City of Scandia – DRAFT Annotated Outline – January 28, 2021
The Districts will be organized into four categories: Agricultural, Rural Residential, Village Mixed Use, and
Business. This organization will make the intent of each district clearer and comparison across Districts
easier. The abbreviations of the some of the districts have been changed so that they will be easier to
understand on the Zoning Map.
Also, in this section, the dimensional standards for the Overlay Districts will be included. With this section, a
user will be able to find all relevant dimensional standards in one place. The following table provides a
comparison of the current zoning districts to the proposed UDC zoning districts.
Table 2: Established Base, Overlay and Special Zoning Districts
Current Zoning Districts Proposed UDC Zoning Districts Abbreviated UDC Zoning
Agricultural Districts (Base Districts)
Agriculture District - Core Agricultural Core AG-C
Agriculture Preserves District Agricultural Preserves AP
Rural Residential Districts (Base Districts)
General Rural District Rural Residential General RG
Rural Residential Neighborhood (New) RN
Village Mixed Use Districts (Base Districts)
Village Neighborhood District Village Neighborhood VN
Village Mixed Use A District Village Mixed Use Commercial VMU-C
Village Mixed Use B District Village Mixed Use Residential VMU-R
Village Reserve (New) VR
Business Districts (Base Districts)
Rural Commercial District Rural Commercial RC
Industrial Park Industrial Park IP
Overlay Districts
Lower St. Croix River Corridor Overlay District Lower St. Croix River Corridor Overlay District SCRD
Shoreland Overlay District Shoreland Overlay District SO
Aggregate Mining Overlay District Aggregate Mining Overlay District AM
General Floodplain Overlay District (New addition
to this section) FP
Special Districts
Planned Unit Development (current PUD process
requires CUP, proposed for rezoning in UDC) PUD
Open Space Planned Unit Development (current
Open Space Conservation process requires CUP,
proposed for rezoning in UDC)
153.200.020 Official Zoning Map
City of Scandia – DRAFT Annotated Outline – January 28, 2021
This subsection will reference and identify the City’s Official Zoning map adopted as part of the UDC. It will
also specify that the official map shall be the latest electronic version that contains any, and all, changes that
have been formally approved and adopted by the City Council.
153.200.030 Base Districts
This subsection will provide a clear and concise depiction of the standards for each base district identified on
Table 2. Each zoning district will include a three-page summary that contains:
1) the purpose and intent statement;
2) a conceptual drawing showing the intended scale and character of development in the district
including example principal and accessory structures;
3) an axonometric drawing showing the key dimensional standards, as well as any standards and
provisions that are specific to that district;
For example, unique or specific provisions related to single-family structures, accessory structure placement,
size, etc., will be contained in this section. This subsection will not include the Allowed Uses, which will be
provided in Section 153.200 of the UDC.
Sample Development Standards Layout
Source: Blue Line TOD Zoning District, Michael Lamb Consulting, LLC ; Placemakers, Perkins+Will, SHC
153.200.040 Overlay Districts
There are four overlay districts in the City of Scandia related primarily to environmental and natural resources
protection. The overlay districts do not necessarily adhere to specific parcel boundaries or zoning district
areas, and as such the standards must be applied in addition to (or over) the Base District regulations. For
purposes of the UDC, the focus of this section will be to identify dimensional standards, and any unique or
special standards related to land development or uses making it possible to easily cross reference the Overlay
District standards with the Base District standards. The full overlay district standards will remain as separate
chapters to the City’s Code of Ordinances because the standards are regulated, at least in part, by other
agencies such as the Minnesota DNR.
City of Scandia – DRAFT Annotated Outline – January 28, 2021
All four overlay districts are currently in place in the City at various degrees of incorporation. The Lower St.
Croix River Overlay District, Shoreland Overlay District and Aggregate Mining Overlay District are all
currently represented on the City of Scandia’s Official Zoning Map. The General Floodplain Overlay District
is not currently identified on the Official Map but is adopted and referenced with some inconsistency within
current Chapter 6 of the Development Code. This section will incorporate the General Floodplain Overlay
District related to dimensional standards, while maintaining the full contents of the Chapter renumbered to
153.200.050 Special Districts
This subsection is new and is proposed to address both Planned Unit Development (PUD) and Open Space
Conservation subdivisions as a subset of PUDs in the City. The current Development Code requires only a
Conditional Use Permit for Planned Unit Developments and Open Space subdivisions. This UDC proposes
to require all Planned Unit Developments and Open Space Conservation Subdivisions to be rezoned as part
of the land use approval process. The rezoning would ensure that properties and subdivisions in this category
are uniquely identified by a set of approved standards by the City Council, which would be identified on the
Official Zoning Map.
Given the flexibility of the PUD, a two-page spread in this section would not be beneficial. However, given
the intricacy of the Open Space PUD district, the UDC will include a two or three page spread similar to the
Base Districts and the spread would include 1) a purpose and intent statement; 2) a conceptual drawing
showing the intended scale and character of development in an OS-PUD. Unique provisions of this overlay
district will be identified, including the required protection of open space into perpetuity.
This subsection will establish permitted, conditional, accessory and prohibited uses in each Base and Special
Zoning District.
153.300.010 Introduction
This subsection will include a description of the abbreviations that will be contained on the Table of Uses.
For example: P=Permitted or Allowed Use; while C = Conditional Use. This subsection will describe the
organization of the Table of Uses and how to use and apply it, and what it means if the use desired is not
limited on the Table. There may be some language incorporated in this section that addresses general
standards or regulations that do not clearly fit within the Table of Uses or Use Specific Regulations. Finally,
this subsection will incorporate language that indicates that all uses must obtain required state or federal
licenses or permits, and that it is the responsibility of the landowner to obtain such permits.
153.300.020 Table of Uses
The current Development Code identifies permitted, conditional, accessory and prohibited uses in tabular
lists organized by District. The lists are long and repetitive because many uses are permitted in several Zoning
Districts. By providing a Table of Uses the information can be consolidated and synthesized for ease, and the
Table of Uses can be extracted from the code as a “cheat-sheet” on the City’s website or to provide to
residents/stakeholders. A Table of Uses also allows for quick and easy comparisons across the zoning
districts providing an easier format to understand what is allowed, and which uses have “Use Specific
Regulations” in addition to the standard zoning district regulations.
City of Scandia – DRAFT Annotated Outline – January 28, 2021
The City began this process in 2010 by creating a Table of Uses. This process will continue that effort and
will update the existing table to match the regulations identified within the UDC. Additionally, as part of this
process we will review the identified uses and provide suggestions regarding the inclusion, exclusion or
synthesis of certain uses based on national, regional and local trends.
153.300.030 Use Specific Regulations
This is the subsection where uses listed in Section 4 Standards for Uses of the current Development Code
will be located. This section will be organized to prioritize common uses such as Accessory Dwelling Units,
Keeping of Animals, and Exterior Storage for ease with less prevalent uses identified subsequent. Where
possible, this subsection will incorporate tables, charts and diagrams to reduce the narrative.
This section is intended to combine and incorporate various sections from Chapter 2 and Chapter 3 of the
current Development Code, and to codify certain requirements and sections from the City’s Design
Guidelines. This section is new, but most of its content exists spread intermittently throughout the existing
Code. The various regulations sprinkled throughout the current Development Code and Design Guidelines
will be organized by topic. This section will also identify whether the standard applies during subdivision,
development review, or both.
153.400.010 Introduction and Development Standards Summary Table
This new section will provide a summary table that identifies the character or development standard and
when the standard applies. This table is intended to make it easier for those interested in development,
redevelopment or improvements to understand what level of review is needed to obtain approvals. In
addition, the table will identify whether the Application is subject to a specific statutory review standard such
as Minnesota State Statute 15.99. An example of how this table might be organized is provided for reference
(Please note this is only for example, and more detail will be added):
Table 3: Development Standards Summary
Development Standards Application
Standard UDC Section 153.400- Major Subdivision Minor Subdivision &
Lot Line Consolidation Site Plan Review
Dimensional Standards 020 X X X
Subdivision Standards 030 X X X
Utility, Access and
Connectivity Standards 040 X X X
Site and Building Design 050 X X X
Landscaping, Buffering,
and Fences 070 X
153.400.020 Dimensional Standards
City of Scandia – DRAFT Annotated Outline – January 28, 2021
The purpose of this subsection is to collect all of the minimum and maximum standards for development
(e.g. lot size, setbacks) in one section. This section will compile the information contained within the Base
Districts, and will expand on the information to address requirements such as density, encroachments, height,
coverage requirements, etc. The majority of this information will be contained within a table with some
supporting narrative as needed to further describe the standards.
153.400.030 Subdivision Standards
This subsection will consolidate and combine all substantive standards found in Chapter 2 and Chapter 3 of
the current Scandia Development Code. This section will address and include required information to be
contained within an application submittal and will include design requirements for lot and block
configuration, road layout standards, utility requirements (municipal hookup vs. private well and septic) etc.
153.400.040 Site and Building Design
This subsection will incorporate and synthesize the site and building design standards for all zoning districts.
This section will be updated as part of this process to ensure the standards are consistent with the City’s
expectations. This section will also incorporate standards contained within the Design Guidelines that are
applicable, or that are desired to be required as opposed to suggestions. This section will include diagrams
and other graphics to simplify or add clarity to specific standards, particularly for standards within the Village
Center zoning district areas. The Comprehensive Plan update specifically references specific focus and
interest on areas with higher density such as neighborhoods around the lakes and the Village Center. This will
be noted and discussed as this section is prepared.
153.400.050 Open Space, Park Dedication, Stormwater and Drainage
This subsection will address and describe standards for open space, stormwater management, drainage and
other land alteration activities. Park dedication requirements, particularly referencing suitable land for
dedication, will be incorporated into this section.
153.400.060 Landscaping, Buffering and Fences
This subsection will consolidate all Scandia Development Code references to landscaping, buffering,
screening and fences. This section will be updated to ensure the standards reflect the goals and aspirations set
forth in the City’s Comprehensive Plan with specific attention to areas where increased density may occur.
153.400.070 Woodland and Tree Preservation
This subsection will address and consolidate Section 3.11 of the Scandia Development Code. Much of the
existing language will remain intact, with some recommendations to move information from the UDC to
either other sections of the Code, or to the website. For example, the acceptable species list may be moved
from the UDC to make updating its contents easier since this information could be incorporated by
153.400.080 Parking, Driveways and Drive-lanes
This subsection will incorporate and address Section 3.10 of the existing Development Code. This section
will be consolidated, where possible, to reduce duplication with other sections such as drainage, landscape
standards, etc.
153.400.090 Exterior Storage
City of Scandia – DRAFT Annotated Outline – January 28, 2021
Exterior storage references throughout the Scandia Development Code will be consolidated into this section,
with some existing language moved to other chapters of the City’s Code of Ordinances. For example,
nuisance and enforcement regulations will be moved out of the UDC, but standards regarding enclosure,
setbacks, structure types, etc., will be contained in this section. Exterior Storage Uses will be specifically
identified on the Table of Uses.
153.400.100 Signs
This subsection will synthesize and incorporate Section 3.13 of the current Scandia Development Code.
This section will consolidate, synthesize and simplify the information contained in Chapter 1 of the current
Scandia Development Code. The contents of the current Development Code are cumbersome and repetitive
making it difficult to understand. This section is intentionally placed sequentially after the Zoning District,
Use Standards and Development Standards sections to reduce repetition and confusion. The purpose of this
section is to be accurate, clear and concise to improve the land use review process.
153.500.010 Introduction and Procedures Summary Table
This subsection will consolidate and summarize the review procedures contained throughout the current
Scandia Development Code. The UDC will include a new summary table related to land development and
redevelopment that will indicate what review procedure is applicable, who has decision-making authority and
the applicable UDC section reference where development standards are contained. A sample excerpt of a
table is provided for reference:
Table 4. Sample Table Excerpt
Land Use Approval Review Procedures
Procedure Code
Hearing 15.99 462.358
(plat) Review Decision Making Body
Development Permits Staff Park
Conditional Use 153.300 X X X X
RN Single Family Site Plan
Residential Review 153.400 X X X X
153.500.020 Review and Decision Making
This subsection will identify the City’s current decision-making body with authority to review and make
decisions on development applications. Current bodies include: City Council, Planning Commission, and the
Park Commission. Administrative review authority is provided under section 153.500.030.
153.500.030 Zoning Administrator Duties
This subsection will incorporate and consolidate information from Chapters 1, 2 and 3 of the current
Development Code addressing and describing the Zoning Administrator’s duties. This section will identify
City of Scandia – DRAFT Annotated Outline – January 28, 2021
when, and for what types of land use applications the Zoning Administrator may approve. This section will
explicitly permit the Zoning Administrator to pass any land use application to the Planning Commission and
City Council at their discretion.
City of Scandia – DRAFT Annotated Outline – January 28, 2021
153.500.040 Common Procedures
This subsection will consolidate and synthesize all procedural requirements contained in
multiple sections of the current Development Code. For example, the requirement that
all applications must be submitted on City approved forms to be deemed complete,
public notice requirements, required signatures from both Owners and Applications,
required payment of fees, etc., will be contained in this section. Additionally, this
section will reference and identify any specific checklists or required information
related to specific land use application types such as Conditional Use Permit Requests,
Preliminary Plats, etc. Land Use Applications contained in this section will include:
Variances, Conditional Use Permits, Interim Use Permits, Rezoning Requests,
Comprehensive Plan Amendments, Administrative Permits and Approvals, and Site
Plan Review.
153.500.050 Decisions Subject to Minnesota State Statute 15.99 or
This subsection will define and introduce Minnesota State Statute 15.99 and 462.358
regarding the statutory timeline for land use applications review. This section will
include a graphic flow-chart depiction of the process to simplify and clarify the review
process. A cross-reference to the summary table will be provided in this section.
153.500.060 Environmental Review
Unlike most land use approvals contained in this subsection, the Environmental
Review process is subject to specific review standards as administered and adopted by
the State. This subsection will incorporate the information contacted in Chapter 1
Section 12 of the current Development Code, and revise and update (where available)
to incorporate the Minnesota State standards as administered by the environmental
Quality Board (EQB).
153.500.070 Nonconformities
This subsection will synthesize and update, if necessary, Section 13 of the current
Development Code.
153.500.080 Violations, Enforcement and Penalties
This subsection will incorporate and synthesize information related to violations, enforcement and penalties
contained in Chapters 1, 2 and 3 of the current Development Code. This section will be updated as part of
this process.
Sample Flow-Chart from the
City of Mahtomedi, MN
Source: City of Mahtomedi development code
City of Scandia – DRAFT Annotated Outline – January 28, 2021
The final UDC Chapter will collect and consolidate all definitions found in Chapters 1, 2, and 3 of the
Development Code into one section. For clarity, the definitions will be organized by three interpretation
153.600.010 Rules of Interpretation and Word Construction
This subsection will address basic rules for interpreting the UDC. For example, words used in the present
tense also include the future, and references to the responsibilities of a named City Official also include any
person to which the official has lawfully delegated that responsibility.
153.600.020 Rules of Measurement
This subsection will define the rules of measure for standards such as front, side, and rear yard setbacks;
building height, lot coverage, floor area ratios, etc. Diagrams will be incorporated into this section for ease.
153.600.030 Definitions
This subsection will list all definitions contained in Chapters 1, 2 and 3 of the current Development Code.
The definitions will be provided alphabetically, and will include new definitions for new zoning districts, new
uses, and or any newly introduced term that would benefit by being defined to help in interpretation of this
City of Scandia – DRAFT Annotated Outline – January 28, 2021
The following table provides a high-level summary of the UDC Sections contained within this Annotated
Outline. The purpose of this table is to identify and “map” the current Scandia Development Code sections
to the new UDC organization. A subsequent table will be prepared to identify sections proposed for either
removal, or for relocation to other parts of the City Code of Ordinances (General Code).
Table 5. UDC Comparison with Current Scandia Development Code Sections
UDC Section UDC Subsection Current Scandia Development Code
153.100 General
153.100.010 Title
153.100.020 Purpose and Intent
153.100.030 Applicability
153.100.040 Authority
153.100.050 Relationship to Comprehensive Plan
153.100.060 Relationship to Restrictive/Private Covenants
153.100.070 Transition Rules
153.100.080 Effective Date
153.100.090 Severability
Chapter 1
▪ Section 1 Title and Application, Sections 1.1.,
1.2, 1.3, 1.5, 1.5,1.6, 1.7
153.200 Zoning
153.200.010 Zoning Districts Established
153.200.020 Official Zoning Map
153.200.030 Base Districts
153.200.040 Overlay Districts
153.200.050 Special Districts
Chapter 2
▪ Section 2 Districts
▪ Section 6 Open Space Conservation
▪ Section 7 Planned Unit Development
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
153.300 Allowed Uses
153.300.010 Introduction
153.300.020 Table of Uses
153.300.030 Use Specific Regulations
Chapter 2
▪ 2.4(2),(3),(4),(5),(6) Agriculture District
▪ 2.5(2),(3),(4),(5),(6) Agriculture Preserve
▪ 2.6(2),(3),(4),(5),(6) General Rural District
▪ 2.7(2),(3),(4),(5),(6) Village Neighborhood
▪ 2.8(2),(3),(4),(5),(6) Village Mixed Use A
▪ 2.9(2),(3),(4),(5),(6) Village Mixed Use B
▪ 2.10(2),(3),(4),(5),(6) Industrial Park District
▪ 2.11(2),(3),(4),(5),(6) Rural Commercial
▪ 2.4(2),(3),(4),(5),(6) Agriculture District
▪ Section 4.2 through 4.35
153.400 Character
and Development
153.400.010 Introduction and Development Standards
Summary Table
153.400.020 Dimensional Standards
153.400.030 Subdivision Standards
153.400.040 Site and Building Design
153.400.050 Open Space, Park Dedication, Stormwater
and Drainage
153.400.060 Landscaping, Buffering and Fences
153.400.070 Woodland and Tree Preservation
153.400.080 Parking, Driveways and Drive-lanes
153.400.090 Exterior Storage
153.400.100 Signs
Chapter 2
▪ Section 3 Development Standards, Sections
3.2, 3.3, 3.4, 3.5, 3.6, 3.7, 3.8, 3.9, 3.10, 3.11,
3.12, 3.13, 3.14
▪ Section 5 Land Development Sections 5.1,
5.2, 5.3, 5.4
Chapter 3
▪ Section 5, 5.1 and 5.2
▪ Section 6, 6.2, 6.4
▪ Section 7, 7.2, 7.4
▪ Section 9, 9.1, 9.7
▪ Section 10, 10.5
Design Guidelines
City of Scandia – DRAFT Annotated Outline – January 28, 2021
▪ Multiple statements and/or sections applicable
to Village Center zoning districts
153.500 Procedures
and Administration
153.500.010 Introduction and Procedures Summary Table
153.500.020 Review and Decision Making
153.500.030 Zoning Administrator Duties
153.500.040 Common Procedures
153.500.050 Decisions Subject to Minnesota State Statute
15.99 or 462.358
153.500.060 Environmental Review
153.500.070 Nonconformities
153.500.080 Violations, Enforcement and Penalties
Chapter 1
▪ Section 2 Enforcement and Penalties
▪ Section 3 Zoning Administrator
▪ Section 5 Amendments to the Development
Code and Comprehensive Plan
▪ Section 6 Variances
▪ Section 7 Appeals of Rulings of Zoning
Administrator or Board of Adjustment and
▪ Section 8 Conditional Use Permits
▪ Section 9 Interim Uses
▪ Section 10 Administrative Permits and
▪ Section 11 Site Plan Review
▪ Section 12 Environmental Review
▪ Section 13 Nonconformities
▪ Section 15 Administrative Procedures
Chapter 3
▪ Section 2 Enforcement and Penalties
▪ Section 3 Administration
▪ Section 6 Minor Subdivisions
▪ Section 7 Lot Consolidation/Lot Line
▪ Section 8 Major Subdivision-Concept Review
▪ Section 9 Major Subdivision – Preliminary Plat
▪ Section 10 Major Subdivision – Final Plat
▪ Section 11 Development Agreement
▪ Section 12 Park Dedication
153.600 Definitions
153.600.010 Rules of Interpretation and Word Construction
153.600.010 Rules of Measurement
153.600.010 Definitions
Chapter 1
▪ Section 4 Rules and Definitions
Chapter 3
▪ Section 4 Rules and Definitions
154 Mining and
Related Activities Renumbering of Full Chapter for Consistency; contents remain Chapter 4
155 Shoreland
Renumbering of Full Chapter for Consistency; contents remain Chapter 5
156 Floodplain
Management Renumbering of Full Chapter for Consistency; contents remain Chapter 6