4. Fire-Code-Appendix-DAPPENUX ED FIRE APPARATUS ACCESS ROADS (-onlahled in this appendix ari? no/ nlealdel/wy 11111ess speelfiealij! in the adopfing ol,dillan(x. J SECTION 01,91 GENERAL HNU Snpo Firc apparvaus acens rook sAU NAn accon hn" with UdS a"MAX a" A OWU a"NMWC MWAe- ments of the lnlei nalio nal f J c C,ocle. SECTION D102 REQUIRED ACCE&S 1U0 Ace .s: and hadinj Railles, bltildings of -portions of bIrildings hercalftei construoted shall be amessible, to firc, department apparmus by way of or fire app aratis mews mad Ah an ajAmll corromte or other cypoved drb- by swNce capable of sLipportiog the imposed had of file alVarons Woky at lust 75XOO Imunds (34 050 kg). SEMION D-103 MMHUUM SPEUMCATIONS DH11 Aums rmd )vjdth with a 1ynnL Whac a fim hydrant ant is located on a the a"umn access aml the mink nilim roa..d width shAl be 26 let (7925 rnm), exchisNe of shol-ildcrs(. Figar,.,, D t 0,3. 1), Fw Sh 1 to — 3NA ini�t� DIDU Mad{, MY qTuMm amen reads AmIl raw en"d 10 perceN in grade. 1xepthn: Graclus steeper than 10 perm as typrovv/ by da: RM chief, D1033 Tumhg radh& Ue nainhium mly radius Myll! be d0t','rfflbWd by fla',fil-C CO�L, qffiCkil. 1:11014 Mad enck, Dead-end 1-irt, nppa-,mirs acccss mads in enc, of 00 Net [1-5 720 mm) shatf be provided with l,vi(lta and tUfflaCOUnd JMOViSiOas in accords ncewith 'kablc D 1 03A. TAME DH14 REQUIREPOIENI I'S FOR DEADAND FIRE APPARATUS ACCLSSROAD S LENGI H W-Ul-I-I (a) ( TU h OUNDS REQUEED t51-500 20 196 -foot diaiircrcr cukdc-sac in accoi,- di ace Q I Fjwc DWI I 1 112105 Fhnuvcbvqd, 60-flooY" orl 501050 26 6-toca diarncLcz cul -c_ site ill ocror I1- F— c %villh FigUl"C' 171 03.1 � �, c— — ----- Over750 Fw SI, 1 Im M41 mm f2E' R `FVC) 202 60-FO11. "Y" 60 6 co, TYP, 2W 20 2W R CUI-DEAAC Fw Sh 1 to — 3NA ini�t� DIDU Mad{, MY qTuMm amen reads AmIl raw en"d 10 perceN in grade. 1xepthn: Graclus steeper than 10 perm as typrovv/ by da: RM chief, D1033 Tumhg radh& Ue nainhium mly radius Myll! be d0t','rfflbWd by fla',fil-C CO�L, qffiCkil. 1:11014 Mad enck, Dead-end 1-irt, nppa-,mirs acccss mads in enc, of 00 Net [1-5 720 mm) shatf be provided with l,vi(lta and tUfflaCOUnd JMOViSiOas in accords ncewith 'kablc D 1 03A. TAME DH14 REQUIREPOIENI I'S FOR DEADAND FIRE APPARATUS ACCLSSROAD S LENGI H W-Ul-I-I (a) ( TU h OUNDS REQUEED t51-500 20 196 -foot diaiircrcr cukdc-sac in accoi,- di ace Q I Fjwc DWI I 1 112105 Fhnuvcbvqd, 60-flooY" orl 501050 26 6-toca diarncLcz cul -c_ site ill ocror I1- F— c %villh FigUl"C' 171 03.1 � �, c— — ----- Over750 Fw SI, 1 Im M41 mm f2E' R `FVC) 202 60-FO11. "Y" 60 6 co, 20 2W R TYP. 26' f' 111,1VvIMEM 1) 21T 26' 20!---' 20' MHHH" UNCLEARANCE AROUND A RRE' H YD R'AN-i- 28'R- TYP. 20' ACCIE PTPNPLF./17 ER "11,1Adit k/E TO '120 F0(_) HAUNIEFUILP0 NGME 13011 FIRL", APN,�R,".1 US ACC,'ESS -H'�OAD TU4,;lAf?,0UND 210-15A S-J'A-j E FU�,E CODE 47 j, —1 oO� HNL