2. 12-14-15 EDA MinutesThe Scandia Economic Development Authority met in the Board Room at the Scandia
Community Center on Monday, December 14, 2015 beginning at 6:30pm.
Commissioners Present: Greg Isaacson, Dan Lee, Bruce Swenson and Bob Hegland.
Staff Present: Kristina Handt. Swenson called the meeting to order at 6:30pm.
Bruce Swenson called the meeting to order.
Motion by Lee, seconded by Hegland to approve the August 10, 2015 minutes. Motion carried.
Motion by Lee, seconded by Hegland to approve the agenda. Motion carried.
No one was present for the public forum.
Sally Swanson arrived at the point
Sign Ordinance Updates: Soltis updated the members on the sign ordinance changes that were
approved by the Council in November. The significant changes were the following:
✓ Backlit or illuminated signs are now permitted in all zoning districts.
✓ LED luminaires and other energy saving luminaires may be used in backlit or illuminated
✓ Each business in the Village Mixed Use, Rural Agricultural, and Industrial Park Districts
may have a temporary sign (previously limited to one sign per parcel)
✓ Up to two multi -tenant off -premise signs are permitted at near the intersections of Olinda
Trail North and TH 97, Oakhill Road North and TH 97, Manning Trail North and TH 97,
TH 95 and TH 97, and Oakhill Road North and TH95.
Gateway signage — The members discussed the intent of the gateway signs (community welcome
or directional to businesses) and the types of signage that would be appropriate for the
community gateway locations that have been approved for signs. Soltis will look at options for
funding the design and / or construction of the signs that could start to establish a community
Review zoning districts — Soltis reported the Planning Commission is looking at the types of uses
in the Village Mixed Use districts that require a conditional use or administrative permit. Soltis
noted that the distinctions between permitted, conditional, and administratively permitted uses is
based on the level of impact on neighboring properties and the general welfare of the
Commissioner Reports: Swanson initiated a discussion of redefining the Village Mixed Use
district on the north side of TH 97 to include both sides of the street between Olinda through the
Oren intersection and better defining the uses in the Village Mixed use areas. Swanson also
commented on the need to look at the beautification of the VMU area through the use of banners
and updated holiday decorations. Swenson reported on the subdivision that he has proposed on
Oldfield noting that the cost or upgrading the width of the existing road could make the
development cost prohibitive.
Executive Director Report: Soltis noted the need to update the EDA information on the City's
web site to include available parcel and other information that will be useful in marketing the
The next meeting will be Monday, January 11, 2016 at 6:30 pm. Lee suggested that Ivan Loesch
be invited to speak on his TruMod housing concept.
Motion by Lee, seconded by Hegland to adjourn at 8:20pm. Motion carried.
Respectfully Submitted, Neil Soltis, Secretary