6. 16 01 11 Staff Report-Washington County HRA resolutionAL SCl`#NDiA Staff Report Date of Meeting: January 11, 2016 To: City Council From: Neil Soltis, Administrator Re: Resolution of support — Washington County HRA Background: Last year, the County adopted an Economic Development Strategic Plan which identified adding economic development authority powers to the Washington County HRA. The HRA would change its name to the Washington County Community Development Agency (CDA). The CDA would complement city EDA efforts; organize programs and financial resources that make sense at a regional level. In order to accomplish this, The HRA will propose amendments to our enabling law in the 2016 legislative session. They have requested a resolution of support for the change. They are not able to attend this meeting but would like to be on the agenda for the February EDA meeting. Issue: Should the Washington County HRA seek to expand their development authority powers in order to operate as a Community Development Agency (CDA). Proposal Details: A copy of the resolution of support will be provided at the meeting Options: 1) Approve the resolution of support 2) Defer action and request additional information 3) Take no action on or disapprove the resolution