6.e Staff Report-2021 holiday schedulePage 1 of 1
Staff Report
Date of Meeting: February 16, 2021
To: City Council
From: Brenda Eklund, City Clerk
Re: Holiday Schedule for 2021 Christmas Eve and Christmas Day Observed
The City observes official holidays for all regular full-time and part-time employees as listed in the
personnel policy. When a holiday falls on a Sunday, the following Monday will be the “observed” holiday
and when a holiday falls on a Saturday, the preceding Friday will be the “observed” holiday for the City
operations/facilities that are closed on holidays. Christmas Eve and Christmas Day (December 24 -25) are
official holidays. This year, Christmas Eve and Day fall on a Friday and Saturday. Staff has del iberated as
to which day to observe December 25; either the preceding Thursday or following Monday.
Staff is recommending that Monday, December 27 be the observed Christmas Day holiday in which to
close the city facilities.
1) Approve staff recommendation to close city facilities on Monday, December 27 as the observed
Christmas Day holiday.
2) Observe Christmas Day holiday on Thursday, December 23.
Option 1.