8.a 03-01-2021 PRC Minutes DRAFT City of Scandia Parks and Recreation Committee Monday, March 1, 2021 A meeting of the Scandia Parks & Recreation Committee was held on the above date with modifications. Due to the health advisory issued by the State regarding the COVID-19 outbreak, to avoid public gatherings and limit social contact, the meeting was conducted over an electronic platform. All Committee members and staff who joined the meeting remotely could hear each other and contribute to discussions. City Administrator Cammilleri was present in the Council Chambers. Cammilleri was the presenter and displayed the meeting materials for participants to view remotely. The following were participants to the meeting: Committee members Terry Gorham (Chair), Greg Zauner (Vice Chair), Emmy Lundeen, Dustin Hegland, Cami Van Able and Patti Ray (City Council Representative). Staff members Ken Cammilleri (City Administrator), Adam Hawkinson (Director of Public Works), and Brenda “Bee” Stignani (Office Assistant). Six representatives of the Scandia Heritage Alliance were present. The meeting was called to order 7:01 p.m., a quorum was present. PUBLIC FORUM There were no public comments APPROVAL OF AGENDA Ray requested to add Lilleskogen Children’s Story Path to the agenda to review the Dala Horse story project and present the next project. Motion by Van Able, seconded by Hegland, to approve the agenda as amended. Roll call vote, the motion carried 5-0. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Chair Gorham called for any additions or corrections to the February 1, 2021 minutes. No additions or corrections were submitted. The minutes stand approved. REPORTS Chair Report Chair Gorham will chime in on items on the agenda, rather than providing a report. Public Works Director Report Hawkinson provided a written report. Hawkinson added that the ice rink has closed for the season and he has contacted Behnken regarding installing the brick supports for the park sign at Lilleskogen Park. Public Works will erect stakes to mark the intended placement of the sign in case PRC members would like to comment prior to installation work to begin after the ground thaws. Cammilleri reminded the committee that a sign ordinance amendment has been drafted to allow a sign on a site without a primary structure. Installation must wait for City Council to take action on this proposed amendment. OLD BUSINESS Election of PRC Chair and Vice Chair Officers Chair Gorham called for any additional nominations for the next 12-month term to the office of Chair. No additional recommendations were added to the nomination of Terry Gorham from the February 1, 2021 PRC meeting. Committee members agreed by consensus, with Gorham abstaining from commenting. Gorham called for any additional nominations for the next 12-month term to the office of Vice Chair. No additional recommendations were added to the nomination of Greg Zauner from the February 1, 2021 PRC meeting. Committee members agreed by consensus, with Zauner abstaining from commenting. March 1, 2021 Scandia Parks and Recreation Committee Page 2 of 3 Scandia Heritage Alliance Plan Update Sue Rodsjo presented to the committee on behalf of the SHA, including a recorded presentation by Peter Hilger. Committee members asked if the facility would be warm weather use only and why the substantial cost associated with the barn. SHA is investigating options to enable 9-10 months of use each year. Rodsjo will include in the City Council Workshop meeting packet the spreadsheet itemizing the $3 million project. Funding sources being pursued require one half of the cost to be raised or provided independently. Donated goods and services so far are approximately $300,000. There are ten steering committee members with a large variety of expertise leading the project to ensure accountability. Overflow parking at the community center would be directed toward Olinda Trail N as it is the shortest, and well lit, route. The ultimate goal is to use Plexiglas to allow viewing of a fully functioning windmill driven well. Phase two at a later date would possibly include a bandshell over the amphitheater stage and an additional building for community arts or other activities. Cammilleri will reach out to the Metro Mosquito Control District in regard to options for this location. The proposed trails to encircle the wetland is not in the scope of this project. SHA proposes that Scandia consider developing these trails and recommend reaching out to the DNR Parks and Trails Legacy Grant commission or tying in this project with the Gateway State Trail expansion project. And the PRC will visit at a later date more specific details in the verbal commitment to partner with the SHA in the cost of building the amphitheater. Playground Equipment Replacement Sub-Committee Update Van Able announced the first meeting date, March 15, 2021, for the new 5-member Playground Equipment Replacement Sub-Committee. Van Able provided an overview of the intended project, including community involvement, with the goal of a physical build in 2022. Concept plan for Trollskogen – compilation of past ideas: Gorham presented his compilation of concepts discussed in PRC for the Trollskogen park around Bone Lake. The next step is to provide opportunities for community feedback, identify the phases and possible alternative options available, and build a final plan to propose to the Comfort Lake Forest Lake Watershed District board. Ray will represent the PRC at the March 23, 2021 Bone Lake Association’s board meeting as a first step in seeking community feedback. However, the negative characteristics of a troll should be considered in the naming of the park. Tomteskogen would bring in the more positive association of a Swedish gnome, or Tomte. Community involvement in naming the park is advised. Cammilleri presented Scandia’s Master Park Plan, adopted in 2006. Discussion ended with Gorham agreeing to merge the goals outlined for Bone Lake city owned park land in 2006 with the complied concepts gathered in his report to be presented to the committee next month. 2020 Annual Report Staff provided a draft of the 2020 Annual Report. Gorham called for any comments or corrections. Gorham commented that the PRC Operational Calendar indicates a review of the PRC by-laws, duties and functions is due. These materials are included in the annual report, Gorham called for any discussion requested as it would be noted and tabled for the April 5, 2021 meeting. No requests were brought forward. Motion by Hegland, seconded by Zauner, to approve the 2020 PRC Annual Report to be submitted to City Council. Roll call vote, the motion carried 5-0. PRC Operational Calendar The April 2021 PRC Operating Calendar indicates Park Capital Improvement Plans, Bark Budget Planning (Fund 404) and Summer Program Planning are to be addressed. March 1, 2021 Scandia Parks and Recreation Committee Page 3 of 3 NEW BUSINESS Proposal to Widen Skating Rink Doors Hawkinson provided a report for the proposal to widen the ice rink doors to 10’. After discussion, Hawkinson will proceed with this project, offsetting the gate doors by the thickness of the poly covering the interior boards so the complete interior walls will be flush. Naming Orwell Ave new park Staff prepared a report with the requested Swedish words to consider that would mean something about a park that is not a forest. Discussion concluded that community input is strongly preferred and the success of the Snowplow Naming Contest indicates possible success. Gorham will prepare the introduction and Stignani will set up the survey. Lilleskogen Children’s Story Path Ray reported the success in participation by students in the Dala Horse Story contest, participation by students, staff and community in the awards ceremony and the published articles in the Country Messenger and Pioneer Press. Ray has enough stories to keep changing the stands until April 5, 2021. Ray proposes the next contest to be “Kindness Story Project” with first place winners in each grade at Scandia Elementary School of different amounts. The total awarded would be $125 to students only with the hope to build on the enthusiasm of the last contest to generate wider participation from students as they would only be competing with their own similarly aged peers. Ray proposes to email individual board members all of the entries from one grade for the purpose of judging. Committee members would announce winners at the April 5, 2021 PRC meeting. Motion by Gorham, seconded by Zauner, to award $125 in prize money to the students at Scandia Elementary School for first place winners of each grade, K-5th, in the Kindness Story Project. AGENDA FOR NEXT MEETING The proposed agenda for the Monday, March 1, 2021 meeting: 1. Green Futures Program 2. Park Plan Request for Proposals 3. Playground Update 4. Results for Kindness Story Contest ADJOURNMENT Motion by Hegland, seconded by Lundeen, to adjourn the meeting. Roll call vote, the motion carried 5-0. The meeting adjourned at 9:05 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Brenda “Bee” Stignani, Office Assistant/Parks and Recreation Coordinator