8.d Tourism Committee Draft 02-23-2021 Minutes Page 1 of 2 Scandia Tourism Committee Minutes February 23, 2021 - 9:00 am Meeting Via Zoom and Boxcast.com Members in Attendance: Sarah Porubcansky; Lynne Moratzka, Kirsten Libby, Lisa Schlingerman and Julie Gasek. Absent: Dana Khu Staff in attendance: Mayor Christine Maefsky, Administrator Ken Cammilleri and Office Assistant Bee Stignani. Call to Order – Committee Chair Porubcansky called the meeting to order at 9:02 a.m. Approval of the Agenda with Flexibility – Moratzka moved to approve the agenda with flexibility, Libby seconded. Motion carried. Approval of the Minutes – Porubcansky moved to accept the January 12, 2021 and February 9, 2021 minutes, Libby seconded. Motion carried. Signs – Wayfinding – Cammilleri outlined the need to identify the goals or objectives, locations and design of the proposed signs. Cammilleri used the examples found on the link in the meeting packet to the Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation for discussion. Committee members discussed the goal of these signs and concluded to divert drivers on Hwy 97 and Hwy 95 to the Historic Village Center is the highest priority. Motion by Porubcansky, seconded by Schlingerman, for the words to be “Historic Village Center” with one arrow, and three words listed below “Shops, Museums, Restaurants” on a sign. Roll call vote, 5-0. Discussion on the location concluded that the intersections of Oakhill Road N & Highway 95 and Olinda Trail N & Highway 97 are the first sites to be considered. Future signs in future years would be considered. Discussion on designs included considering banners, flags, Trailblazing and Monument signs. The committee decided that understanding MnDOT’s signage requirements before addressing sign designs is necessary. Cammilleri will locate this information prior to the next meeting. Maefsky requested that the committee consider reaching out to potential sign fabricators whose businesses are located in Scandia. Page 2 of 2 Schlingerman inquired about some park signs, Cammilleri responded that the city can remove unnecessary signs now that the National Park Service sign is installed, and further concerns could be directed to the Parks & Recreation Committee. Maefsky requested that when the first park sign by the PRC is recommended that is not a part of the village center, instead at a park that will be appropriate to apply the wood appearance design standards or nature environment, to get approval from the Tourism Committee first. Schlingerman inquired if Welcome Baskets were still being distributed to new Scandia residents. Maefsky will follow up with the new Chair of that committee. Sister City – Mellerud, Sweden – Moratzka reported that a group of citizens are meeting tonight on Zoom, a “Grip & Grin” type event. This group will explore the options of a formal or informal connection with Mellerud, Sweden where Moratzka will be the liaison to the Tourism Committee. Porubcansky invited anyone to reach out to Moratzka if they would like to participate. Ice Sculpture Hunt Event – Porubcansky reports that the event is going currently. Libby reported an increase in customers at Apothecary’s Daughter. Moratzka reported many customers at Gammelgarden, in particular, local residents on Friday and Sunday while out of town customers on Saturday. Both indicated the event looks like a large win for Scandia. Cammilleri reported a canopy is protecting the ice dala in an effort to help it to last longer. Next Steps - Porubcansky stated she was approached by someone asking if Scandia is considering participation with the International Dark Sky Association. Cammilleri stated this would be more appropriate for the Planning Commission to address. Porubcansky will redirect this resident. Adjournment – Porubcansky moved to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Moratzka. Further discussion to choose the next meeting for Tuesday, March 9, 2021 at 9 a.m. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned 10:02 a.m. Respectfully submitted by Brenda “Bee” Stignani, Office Assistant