8.b7 Ordinance No. 2021-03 Regarding Temporary Farm Dwellings
Ordinance No. 2021-03 Page 1 of 2
ORDINANCE NO.: 2021-03
The City Council of the City of Scandia, Washington County, Minnesota hereby ordains:
Section 1. Amendment. Ordinance No. 122, the City of Scandia Development Code
(“Development Code”, or “Code”), Chapter One, Section 4.2, Definitions, shall add the
following definition:
(336) Temporary Dwelling, Farm: A dwelling, manufactured home, or trailer certified for
living which is an accessory dwelling unit occupied by those engaged in farming on the
premises, and members of their family, and meeting other criteria specified in the
Development Code. This is not a single-family dwelling, and as such does not need to
meet the 20 foot minimum width required of single-family dwellings.
Section 2 Amendment. Ordinance No. 122, the City of Scandia Development Code
(“Development Code”, or “Code”), Chapter Two, Section 4.28, Temporary Farm
Dwellings, shall be deleted in its entirety and replaced with the following:
4.28 Temporary Farm Dwelling. Temporary Farm Dwellings shall comply with all of the
following standards.
(1) The Temporary Farm Dwelling is an accessory use to the principal dwelling permitted
through an Interim Use Permit, and may only be located on a parcel that is:
a. At least 10 acres in size if zoned Village Neighborhood (VN), or 7.5 acres in size in
the Agriculture Core (AG C) and General Rural (GR) zoning districts.
b. A minimum of one (1) acre of the parcel is used as a Farm.
(2) A parcel is limited to no more than 1 Temporary Farm Dwelling. A density unit is not
attributed to a Temporary Farm Dwelling when calculating density.
(3) The Temporary Farm Dwelling is subject to the same zoning dimensional setbacks as the
principal dwelling unit. The Temporary Farm Dwelling shall not be located closer to the
road right of way than the principal building. The structure shall be located to the side or
rear of the principal building, and shall be screened from view of road right of way.
(4) The dwelling must meet the definition of a Temporary Farm Dwelling as defined in Chapter
One, Section 4.2(1) of the Development Code.
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(5) The Temporary Farm Dwelling shall use the existing road access drive of the principal
dwelling unit.
(6) The Temporary Farm Dwelling shall be connected to an approved on-site waste disposal
(7) The property owner shall submit a financial guarantee to the City to ensure that the structure
will be removed upon termination of the Interim Use Permit. The amount of the guarantee
shall be determined by the Zoning Administrator.
(8) Termination of Permit. The Interim Use Permit shall expire at such time as the persons
occupying the structure are no longer engaged in farming as required by paragraph (4),
above, the farm has ceased operation, or such earlier date as may be determined in the
Interim Use Permit. At the termination of the Interim Use Permit, the temporary farm
dwelling shall be removed from the premises within 30 days.
Section 2. Effective Date. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect upon its adoption and
publication according to law.
Passed and adopted by the City Council of the City of Scandia this 20th day of April, 2021.
Christine Maefsky, Mayor
Brenda Eklund, City Clerk