8. Staff Report - Reopening to the Public 5-4-2021Page 1 of 2
City of Scandia
14727 209 th St. N. PO Box 128, Scandia, Minnesota 55073
Phone (651) 433 -2274 Fax (651) 433 -5112 http://www.cityofscandia.com
DATE: May 4, 2021
TO: Honorable Mayor and City Council
FROM: Ken Cammilleri, City Administrator
RE: Reopening to the Public and Holding In-person Meetings
What is the current status of the pandemic in Washington County?
The statistics on vaccination continue to show gains, according to the Minnesota Department of
Health’s Covid-19 Statistics. The current percentage of people in Washington County who have
received at least one dose of the vaccine is at approximately 49.2% or 129,175 persons as of May
3rd. The percentage of those who have completed their vaccination series is 34.4% or 95,612
individuals. Comparing vaccination series completion rate between March and April, it is clear the
vaccination process is moving forward at a much faster pace. The Centers of Disease Control now
suggests that 80% of the population will need to be vaccinated to achieve herd immunity, but experts
are now maintaining that it may not be completely achievable due to new variants and persistent
hesitancy about vaccines from segments of the population. Experts are now saying that vaccinations
will still be important to maintain control of infection rates.
The number of daily positive cases for the county have continued to decrease since the County was
at peak infection rate in December. The County’s latest published 14 day case rate for the period of
April 4th through April 17th of this year shows 51.04/10,000 people. This figure remains high, but
may move on a downward trajectory as vaccinations increase in the County. Nonetheless, this data
does suggest prudent precautions still be maintained.
Resuming In-Person Meetings
Should the City Council wish to proceed with in-person meetings the following conditions would
apply based on state law:
- The public must be allowed to attend within occupancy limits set imposed by emergency order
regarding the pandemic.
- Council Members are not allowed to participate more than three times in a calendar year
from a location that is not open or accessible to the public, and:
o The member is serving in the military and is at a required drill, deployed or on active
o The member has been advised by a health care professional against being in a public
place for personal or family medical reasons. This clause only applies when a state of
emergency has been declared under section 12.31, and expires 60 days after the
removal of the state of emergency
o If possible, a member of the public should be able to monitor the meeting
electronically from a remote location.
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City of Scandia
14727 209 th St. N. PO Box 128, Scandia, Minnesota 55073
Phone (651) 433 -2274 Fax (651) 433 -5112 http://www.cityofscandia.com
- The Council may be able to resume fully virtual meetings if the presiding officer, chief legal
counsel, or chief administrative officer for the affected governing body determines an in-person
meeting or a meeting conducted through interactive television is not practical or prudent because of
a health pandemic or an emergency declared under chapter 12 of the Minnesota Statutes.
What options have other neighboring communities taken during this time?
Forest Lake – all meetings are remote only until the inoculation rates increase. Administration is
anticipating changes in June or July and will amend their practices at that time.
Marine on St. Croix – All meetings are hybrid and have been all along. Staff are in person, and all
council members are invited to meet in person. Not all do now, as one is deployed in the
military. Their original guidance included requiring one city council member to be physically present
to be able to conduct any meeting.
Chisago City - All meetings are hybrid and streamed/recorded on Facebook Live. Staff and most
council members meet in person. Public invited to participate remotely only.
Lindstrom - City Hall remains open with social distancing and mask measures. All meetings are
hybrid with only the public participating remotely.
It is recommended that the City Council consider resuming in-person meetings beginning in
June. This move would also require that other City committees and commissions will also resume in-
person meetings. Arrangements have been made with LATV to resume camera operations for in
person meetings. Remote meeting participation will still be available and encouraged.
Please let me know if you have any questions.