10.a1 City of Scandia Audit Presentation City of Scandia, Minnesota Presentation of the Audited Financial Statements Fiscal Year Ended December 31, 2020 1 Audit Process and Opinion 2 Required Communications 3 Controls and Compliance We proposed several audit adjustments that were material to the financial statements – primarily related to the adjustment of several accrual accounts Your City has a lack of proper segregation of duties, which is very common for a City of your size Schlenner Wenner & Co. prepares your City’s financial statements No instances of noncompliance were identified as a result of our procedures 4 Revenues exceeded budgeted amounts by $57,011 Expenditures were under budgeted amounts by $229,701 5 Detailed Revenue Analysis General Fund 6 Detailed Expenditure Analysis General Fund 7 City policy is to maintain a minimum unassigned general fund balance equal to 50% to 65% of the total annual General Fund operating expenditures 8 Cash Trend Analysis General Fund 9 Financial Highlights Other Governmental Funds 10 Financial Highlights Other Governmental Funds 11 Cash Trend Analysis Other Governmental Funds 12 Financial Highlights 201 Sewer Enterprise Fund 13 Financial Highlights Uptown Sewer Enterprise Fund 14 Cash Trend Analysis Enterprise Funds 15 Total Government-Wide Assets Financial Highlights 16 Total Government-Wide Liabilities Financial Highlights 17 Long Term Debt Outstanding Currently includes: 2013 Certificates of Indebtedness 2015 Certificates of Indebtedness 2017 Certificates of Indebtedness G.O. Street Reconstruction Bonds, Series 2018A 18 Questions? Jon Archer, CPA Partner jarcher@swcocpas.com 320-251-0286 19