6.b Treasurer's Report April 2021City of Scandia 41 <'= Treasurer's Report SCANDr ,� 4/30/2021 FUND ACCOUNTING Beginning Cash Balance 4/1/2021 $ 4,344,448.69 Beginning Checking Balance $ 48,578.39 Checking Receipts $ 12,910.28 Transfers to Checking $ 132,000.00 Total Deposits $ 144,910.28 Expenditures $ (94,479.82) Payroll $ (33,871.08) Total Payments $ (128,350.90) Ending Checking Balance $ 65,137.77 Beginnging Money Market Balance $ 2,254,861.77 Money Market Receipts $ 53,691.87 Tranfersto Checking $ (132,000.00) Ending Money Market Balance $ 2,176,553.64 Beginning Investments Balance $ 2,022,604.00 Investments Receipts $ 710.97 Ending Investments Balance $ 2,023,314.97 Beginning EDA Balance $ 26,827.64 EDA Receipts EDA Expenditures EDA Transfers Ending EDA Balance $ 26,827.64 Outstanding Checks $ (13,770.76) Ending Cash Balance 4/30/2021 $ 4,278,063.26 CHECKING. MONEY MARKET& INVESTMENT CD's Checking *102 Beg Bal $ 48,578.39 Credits $ 144,910.28 Debits $ (128,350.90) End Bal $ 65,137.77 Money Market *105 - Rate .25% Beg Bal $ 2,254,861.77 rate change from 1.25% Credits $ 53,691.87 Debits $ (132,000.00) End Bal $ 2,176,553.64 Investments CD *4422 - Rate .90% 12 mo., 3/25/2021 $ 316,266.61 CD *4424 - Rate .30% 12 mo., 7/25/2021 $ 439,713.17 CD *4425 - Rate 1.75% 12 mo., 9/28/2021 $ 731,336.49 CD *4426 - Rate 1.60% 12 mo., 1/29/2021 $ 535,998.70 Total Investments $ 2,023,314.97 Total Bank & Investment Accounts $ 4,265,006.38 Checks in Transit *3102 $ (13,770.76) Deposit in transit checking Deposit in transit money market Total Adjusted Undesignated Funds $ 4,251,235.62 Scandia EDA *6301 $ 26,827.64 Receipts $ - Expenditures $ Checks in Transit Deposit in Transit $ Total Designated EDA Funds $ 26,827.64 Total Funds $ 4,278,063.26 Submitted by: Colleen Firkus, Treasurer ■ fl7 l 17 [I [ 5 [1 [ d CASH BALANCES 2021 END OF MONTH REVISED 3-25-21 FUND JANUARY FEBRUARY MARCH APRIL 101 GENERAL $1,587,928 $1,434,436 $1,297,969 $1,254,652 203 COVID-19 RELIEF ($2,690) ($2,690) ($2,690) ($2,690) 226 CABLE TV $21,930 $23,775 $25,569 $27,490 230 RESTRICTED DONATIONS $175 $175 $175 $175 307 BLACKTOP 2007 $91 $0 $0 $0 313 EQUIPMENT CERTIFICATES $21,089 $21,089 $21,089 $21,089 315 EQUIPMENT CERTIFICATES $15,452 $15,452 $15,452 $15,452 317 EQUIPMENT CERTIFICATES ($2,468) ($2,468) ($2,468) ($2,468) 318 BLACKTOP PROJECT ($15,633) ($15,633) ($15,633) ($15,633) 401 CAPITAL IMPR $939,628 $957,772 $957,772 $956,400 404 PARK CAP IMPR $157,785 $149,599 $152,599 $152,599 406 EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT $181,596 $183,483 $183,483 $172,259 408 LOCAL ROAD IMPROVEMENT $1,599,921 $1,596,279 $1,578,514 $1,570,663 602 BIG MARINE SEWER $48,621 $43,641 $49,211 $48,727 612 UPTOWN SEWER $22,458 $20,116 $18,996 $18,189 801 ESCROW $28,797 $27,605 $37,583 $34,332 SUBTOTAL $4,604,681 $4,452,631.91 $4,317,621 $4,251,236 225 EDA $26,959 $26,852.64 $26,828 $26,828 TOTAL $4,631,640 $4,479,484.55 $4,344,449 $4,278,063 ISI CITY OF SCANDIA Lti C r�A N DIA Budget Contol Summary Nt ,j 1J11111111 April 2021 FUND 101 GENERAL FUND 2021 Bud of 2021 YTD 2021 MTD 2021 Budget Sal %of Budget Ravanua Accounts Ex andlture Accounts 2021 Budget 2021 YTD 2021 MTD R 101-41000-31000 Washington Cty Tax Settlement $1,381,700.00 $0.00 $0.00 $1,381,700.00 0.00% R 101-41000-31040 Fiscal Disparities $000 $0.00 $0.00 $000 0.00% R 101-41000-31701 Gravel Taxes $10,00000 $0.00 $0.00 $10,00000 0.00% R 101-41000-31830 Solar Energy Production Tax $6,000.00 $605.77 $60577 $5,39423 1010% R 101-41000-31900 Penalties & Interest Del Tax $1,000.00 $0.00 $000 $1,000.00 0.00% R 101-41000-32150 Utility Permits $1,800.00 $1,050.00 $30000 $750.00 5833% R 101-41000-32180 Tobacco & Liquor Licenses $8,200.00 $2,200.00 $000 $6,000.00 2683% R 101-41000-32190 Other City Permits $2,900.00 $1,232.50 $31000 $1,667.50 42.50% R 101-41000-32210 Building Permits $95,50000 $48,586.56 $14,880.36 $46,91344 5088% R 101-41000-32260 Gambling Permits $000 $10000 $10000 ($10000) 000% R 101-41000-33401 LGA/MVHC/AG/PERA Aid $13,000.00 $0.00 $000 $13,00000 000% R 101-41000-33420 Fire Relief State PERA $33,70000 $0 00 $0.00 $33.70000 000% R 101-41000-33422 Other State Grants & Aids $10,20000 $31000 $000 $9,890.00 304% R 101-41000-33428 PILOT $6,000.00 $0.00 $000 $6,000.00 000% R 101-41000-33620 Recycling Grant $8,00000 $0.00 $0.00 $8,00000 0.00% R 101-41000-33630 Local Govt Grants & Aids $000 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0.00% R 101-41000-33640 Other Grants $4,00000 $72400 $0.00 $3,27600 1810% R 101-41000-34102 Legal Services $0.00 $000 $0.00 $0.00 000% R 101-41000-34103 Zoning and Planning $3,40000 $3,60000 $250.00 ($20000) 105.aa% R 101-41000-34106 Engineering Fees $000 $000 $0.00 $000 0.00% R 101-41000-34107 Assessment Search Fees $000 $20.00 $20.00 ($2000) 0.00% R 101-41000-34109 Water Usage $200.00 $000 $000 $200.00 0.00% R 101-41000-34201 Impound Fees $20000 $000 $000 $200.00 0.00% R 101-41000-34202 Fire Protection Services $36,800 00 $30,710.00 $30,71000 $6,090.00 83.45% R 101-41000-34301 Damage Repairs $000 $3.67824 $000 ($3,678.24) 0.00% R 101-41000-34303 Dust Control $2,40000 $0.00 $0.00 $2,40000 000% R 101-41000-34304 Reimbursement for Services $3,600.00 $1,80000 $0,00 $1,80000 50.00% R 101-41000-34305 Other Street Services $0.00 $10000 $0.00 ($10000) 000% R 101-41000-34730 Ad Revenue $1,600.00 $1,250.00 $750.00 $35000 0.00% R 101-41000-34740 Coffee Sales $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0.00% R 101-41000-34750 Facilities Rental $3,000.00 $1,38206 $300.00 $1,61794 4607% R 101-41000-34760 Cleaning Fees $0.00 $000 $0-00 $000 0.00% R 101-41000-34790 Recreation Programs $000 $76500 $25.00 ($76500) 000% R 101-41000-34950 Solar Subscription $9.00000 $000 $0.00 $9.00000 000% R 101-41000-35101 Fines & Forfeitures $8.10000 $2,621.29 $1,078.88 $5,478.71 3236% R 101-41000-35201 Forfeited Land Sales $000 $0.00 $000 $000 0.00% R 101-41000-36210 Interest Income $17,900.00 $6,450.78 $1,19948 $11,449.22 3604% R 101-41000-36230 Donations $5,00000 $1.45000 $0.00 $3,550.00 29.00% R 101-41000-36240 Insurance Dividend $1,400.00 $0.00 $000 $1,400.00 000% R 101-41000-36250 Misc Refund $50000 $1,66860 $000 ($1,16860) 333.72% R 101-41000-38050 Cable TV Franchise Rebates $000 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 000% R 101-41000-392001nterfund Operating Transfer $1,44000 S000 $0.00 $1,440.00 000% TOTAL GENERAL FUND REVENUES $1,676,540.00 $110,304-80 $50,52&49 $1,566.235.20 6.58% R 101-49000-39204 Money Market Transfer $ S651.056,52 $132,000.00 ($651,056.52) FUND 101 GENERAL FUND Ex andlture Accounts 2021 Budget 2021 YTD 2021 MTD 2021 Budget Sal % of Budget Administration & Finance $ 387,272.00 $121,95381 $ (71,17413) $265,318.19 31.49% City Council $ 19,982.00 $13,39953 $ 4,78603 $6,582.47 67.06% Elections $ 1,030.00 $1,47000 $ - ($440.00) 142.72% Planning & Building $ 118,050.00 $32,19493 $ 11,866.52 $85,85507 27.27% Assessor $ 21,600 00 $6,80000 $ 1,700.00 $14,80000 31.48% Police $ 147,460.00 $30936 $ 309.36 $147,15064 0.21% Fire Dept $ 262,778.00 $61,031 99 $ 11,863.10 $201,74601 2323% Animal Control $ 2,000.00 $780.17 $ 150.00 $1,21983 39.01% Public Works $ 658,253.00 $172,987 13 $ 32,190.02 $485,26587 2628% Parks & Recreation $ 90,797.00 $26,155.15 $ 2,672.12 $64,641.85 28.81% Community Center $ 68,500.00 $12,326.56 $ 2,25331 $56,173.44 17.99% TOTAL GENERAL EXPENDITURES S 1.777,722.00 S 449AG8;83 $ (3,303:67) $1,328,313 37 25.26% Transfers Between Aoenunts $ 280 000.00 $ 651,00000 $ 232 000.00 ($371,000 00) Page 1 of 2 I"CITY OF SCANDIA SCA NDI A (�� �J�1 Budget Contol Summary April 2021 FUND 225 EDA Revenue Accounts $ 5,000.00 $ $ $5,000.00 0-00% Expenditure Accounts S 1.90000 $ 125.00 $ - $1,775.00 6-58% FUND 226 CABLE TV Revenue Accounts S 16,500.00 $ 5,795.73 $ 1,921.47 $10,704.27 35.13% Expenditure Accounts $ 10,500.00 $ 395.64 $ - $10,104.36 3-77% FUND 313 2013 EQUIPMENT CERTIFICATES Revenue Accounts $ 68,220 00 $ - $68,220.00 0-00% Expenditure Accounts $ 64,995.00 S - $64,99500 0.00% FUND 317 2017 EQUIPMENT CERTIFICATES Revenue Accounts $ 35,909 00 $ - $35,909.00 0.00% Expenditure Accounts $ 34,223.00 $ 86400 $33,359.00 2.52% FUND 316 BLACKTOP PROJECT 2018 Revenue Accounts $ 341,456 00 $ - $341,45600 0-00% Expenditure Accounts $ 325,220.00 $ $ - $325.22000 0.00% FUND 401 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS Revenue Accounts $ 300,500.00 $ $ - $300,50000 000% Expenditure Accounts Administration 8 Finance S 250,000 00 7,87625 $ 1,37250 $242,123.75 3.15% Fire Dept 3 75,000.00 5 - $75,00000 000% Public Works 5 10,000.00 - $10.00000 0.00% Community Center S 15,000.00 S 3,69420 $11,305.80 2463% Capital Improvements S 57,000 00 5 (3,694 20) $60,694.20 -648% Operating Transfer 5 5 $0.00 TOTAL CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS $ 407,000.00 $ 7,876-25 S 1,372.50 $ 399,12375 194% FUND 404 PARK CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS 2021 Budget 2021 YTD 2021 MTD 2021 Budget Bal % of Budget Revenue Accounts $ 26,585.00 $ 3,000.00 $ $23,58500 11 28% Expenditure Accounts $ 42,025.00 $ 90000 $ $41,12500 2.14% FUND 406 EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT Revenue Accounts $ 138,000.00 $ - - $138,000-00 0.00% Expenditure Accounts $ 52,500.00 $ 11,224 04 $ 11,224.04 $41,275.96 21 38% FUND 408 LOCAL ROAD IMPROVEMENT FUND Revenue Accounts $ 518,539.00 $ - $ - $518,539.00 0.00% Expenditure Accounts $ 645,000.00 $ 25,61596 $ 7,851.00 $819,384.04 3.03% FUND 602 BIG MARINE SEWER Revenue Accounts $ 98,945.00 $ 22,886.88 $ 10,634.02 $76,058-12 23.13% Expenditure Accounts $ 167,005-00 $ 21,329.97 $ 11,517.73 $ 145,675.03 12.77% FUND 612 UPTOWN SEWER Revenue Accounts $ 23,000.00 $ 13730 $ 13730 $22,862.70 0.60% Expenditure Accounts $ 27,607 00 $ 2,805.06 $ 944.57 $24,801.94 1016% TOTAL REVENUE ACCOUNTS $ 3,249,194.00 $ 793,181.23 $ 195,222.28 $ 2,456,012.77 24.41% TOTAL EXPENDITURE ACCOUNTS $ 4,035,697.00 $1,171,544.55 $ 261,526.17 $ 2,664,152.45 22.55% Page 2 of 2