04-20-2021 MeetingApril 20, 2021
A regular meeting of the Scandia City Council was held on the above date with modifications.
Due to the health advisory issued by the State regarding the COVID-19 outbreak, to avoid public
gatherings and limit social contact, the meeting was conducted over a virtual meeting platform.
All council members and staff who joined the meeting remotely could hear each other and
contribute to discussions. City Administrator Cammilleri and City Clerk Eklund were present at
City Hall. Cammilleri was the presenter and displayed the meeting materials for participants to
view on their remote screens.
Acting Mayor Patti Ray called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Roll call was taken. The
following were participants to the meeting: Council members Heather Benson, Jerry Cusick,
Steve Kronmiller, and Acting Mayor Patti Ray. Absent: Mayor Christine Maefsky. Staff
participating: City Administrator Ken Cammilleri, City Planner Evan Monson, City Engineer
Ryan Goodman, City Attorney Chris Nelson, Fire Chief Mike Hinz, and City Clerk Brenda
Benson, second by Kronmiller, moved to approve the agenda as presented. Motion carried
4-0 by a roll call vote.
The incident and citations report for the month of March was received.
There were no comments from the public.
Certificate of Appreciation to outgoing Planning Commissioner Dan Squyres
Planning Commissioner Dan Squyres was presented a Certificate of Appreciation for his seven
years of serving on the Commission, with the majority of those years as the Chair.
The following Consent Agenda was presented:
a) Minutes
1) March 16, 2021 Regular Meeting
2) April 7, 2021 Work Session
3) April 14, 2021 Joint Work Session with Scandia Planning Commission
b) Treasurer's Report
c) Payment of Vouchers
d) Special Event Permit for Bridge the Valley Bicycle Rally, August 15, 2021
Kronmiller, second by Benson, moved to approve the Consent Agenda as presented.
Motion carried 4-0 by roll call vote.
New On -Sale Intoxicating Liquor/Sunday On -Sale Intoxicating Liquor License application
for Thirsty Buffalo Saloon at 21050 Ozark Court North
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Acting Mayor Ray opened a public hearing for a new liquor license as applied for by Timothy
Tochman, to operate Thirsty Buffalo Saloon, a bar and restaurant at the former Brookside Pub at
21050 Ozark Court North. There were no comments and the hearing was closed.
Trisha Tappe was present at the meeting, and stated that the business is anticipating a May 1St
Benson, second by Cusick, moved to approve an On -Sale Intoxicating Liquor/Sunday On -
Sale Intoxicating Liquor License for Thirsty Buffalo Saloon at 21050 Ozark Court North
Public Hearing on Vacation of Certain Public Drainage Easements in the Lily Pad Lookout
Subdivision and Consideration of Approval. Resolution No. 2021-11
Acting Mayor Ray opened a public hearing for the purpose of vacating public drainage
easements in the new minor subdivision Lily Pad Lookout. City Administrator Cammilleri
explained that stormwater and utility easements are being vacated and replaced with new
easement descriptions to accurately reflect correct easements. There were no comments and the
hearing was closed.
Benson, second by Cusick, moved to approve Resolution No. 2021-11, Vacating Two
Drainage Easements in the Lily Pad Lookout Subdivision. The motion carried 4-0 by roll
call vote.
Council member Ray reported that the Playground Equipment Sub -Committee is studying new
replacement equipment for the Community Center playground. The PRC is working on summer
programming, and a possible Little Community Library for children's books at Lilleskogen Park.
Variance to construct a new single-family residential structure at 13160182nd Street North.
Tim Boncher, Applicant on behalf of property owners James and Dana Tonrey. Resolution
No. 2021-12
Planner Monson explained a variance request from Tim Boncher to construct a new home at
13160 182nd Street, located in the Shoreland Overlay District of Big Marine Lake. The home and
septic system meet the setbacks of the 1.48 -acre lot, but a variance from minimum lot size (2.5 -
acres) is necessary to develop the property.
The Planning Commission recommended approval of the variance. A resolution was presented
with findings that the request is in harmony with the Comp Plan, the practical difficulties of the
lot being non -conforming are not caused by the landowner, and granting the variance would not
alter the essential character of the neighborhood. Six conditions of approval included a grading
permit and Watershed Permit be approved before a building permit is issued. Cammilleri
explained that culvert discharge will be addressed with the grading and Watershed permits as
mechanisms to ensure surrounding properties are not impacted by construction of the driveway,
home, and mound septic system.
Kronmiller, second by Benson, moved to approve Resolution No. 2021-12, Approving a
Variance at 13160 18211 Street. The motion carried 4-0 by roll call vote.
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Variances to alter an existing non -conforming structure at 20033 Quinnell Avenue North.
Craig Smith and Merritt Clapp -Smith, Applicants. Resolution No. 2021-13
Planner Monson explained a variance request from Craig Smith and Merritt Clapp -Smith to fix
up and add a loft to an existing non -conforming cabin at 20033 Quinnell Avenue, a property
within the St. Croix Riverway District. As the project value exceeds 50% of the assessed value of
the non -conforming cabin, a variance is needed. As well, the cabin is non -conforming to the
bluffline setback.
The Planning Commission recommended approval based on findings and conditions prepared in
a resolution. The proposed project would not impact scenic views from the river, and the
practical difficulties of the cabin built prior to bluffline regulations were not caused by the
landowners. Conditions included grading and Watershed approvals prior to issuance of a
building permit.
Cusick, second by Benson, moved to approve Resolution No. 2021-13, Approving a
Variance for 20033 Quinnell Avenue North. The motion carried 4-0 by roll call vote.
Conditional Use Permit for a Rural Event Center at 20168 St. Croix Trail North. Greg and
Andrea Sandager, Applicants. Resolution No. 2021-14
Planner Monson explained a Conditional Use Permit request from Greg and Andrea Sandager to
operate a Rural Event Center at their existing winery operation at 20168 St. Croix Trail North, a
permitted use in this Ag Core zoning district. The applicants would like to rezone their property
to match the zoning of their adjacent parcel which is partly zoned Rural Commercial, for a
potential brewery in the future. Since the Rural Event Facility use is not permitted in the R
Comm zoning district, a request to amend the development code was also part of the Sandagers'
The Planning Commission recommended approval of the request for a CUP to operate a Rural
Event Facility, with findings and conditions presented in a resolution. By meeting the
requirements of the Rural Event Facility land use as outlined in the development code, the use
would not be detrimental to other property in the vicinity, and would be in compliance with the
Comp Plan to help preserve and showcase the rural character of the city. Four conditions of
approval included staff approval of a landscaping, parking, lighting and grading plan.
Council member Benson announced that she would abstain from a vote on the CUP as an
employee of the winery.
Cusick, second by Kronmiller, moved to approve Resolution No. 2021-14, Approving a
Conditional Use Permit for a Rural Event Center at 20168 St. Croix Trail North. The
motion carried 3-0 by a roll call vote, with Benson abstaining.
Planner Monson explained that the applicants' request to amend the future land use map, to
rezone the winery's 80 acres from Ag Core to Rural Commercial, was denied by the Planning
Commission. Findings included that this change could result in a negative impact to the rural
character of the area. There are a number of high intensity commercial uses that could potentially
be allowed on this property in the future if there were a sale of the property, which the
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Commissioners felt were not appropriate for this area. The Commissioners recommended the
future land use remain Ag Core.
The Commissioners did vote to correct a mis-designated portion of the winery property on the
east side of Highway 95. A public hearing to amend the 2040 Future Land Use Map is scheduled
for the May 4th Planning Commission meeting to correct the approximately 5 acres mis-zoned as
General Rural to Rural Commercial, so that the entire Parcel ID located at
20021 St. Croix Trail North (location of Abrahamson's Nursery) will be completely designated
as Rural Commercial.
Ordinance No. 2021-01— Amendment to the City of Scandia Development Code to permit
Rural Event Facilities in the Rural Commercial Zoning District with a CUP
Planner Monson presented the approval from the Planning Commission to amend the
development code to allow Rural Event Centers as a permitted land use with a CUP in the Rural
Commercial zoning district. The Commission reasoned that it is an appropriate use for this
zoning district which will support the rural and historic character of the city. The Comp Plan
supports expansion and retention of local businesses in the existing R Comm districts, as well as
supports community scale ag operations. Adding this use would not prevent the city from
meeting these goals of the Comp Plan. They also reasoned that there is a limited amount of land
currently zoned R Comm so adding this use to it would not open up much more of the city to
Rural Event Facilities.
Kronmiller, second by Cusick, moved to adopt Ordinance No. 2021-01, An Ordinance
Amending Ordinance No. 122, the Scandia Development Code, Chapter 2, Section 2.11 and
Chapter 2, Section 4.33 Regarding Rural Event Facilities in the Rural Commercial Zoning
Ordinance No. 2021-01 Publication Summary. Resolution No. 2021-16
Kronmiller, second by Ray, moved to approve Resolution No. 2021-16, Approving
Summary Publication of Ordinance No. 2021-01. Motion carried 4-0 by a roll call vote.
Variance to alter an existing non -conforming structure at 16970197th Street North. Mark
Holloway, Applicant on behalf of property owner Nancy Staub. Resolution No. 2021-15
Planner Monson presented the variance request from contractor Mark Holloway to remodel an
existing structure at 16970 197th Street owned by Nancy Staub. The structure was built prior to
current regulations and does not meet minimum setbacks or lot size, and is non -conforming.
Because the remodel exceeds 50% of the non -conforming structure's valuation, a variance is
The Planning Commission recommended approval of the request with findings that the practical
difficulties of not meeting setbacks were not caused by the landowner, and the improvements are
all interior and will not alter the essential character of the area. Ms. Staub was agreeable to
combine the surrounding contiguous lots in her ownership, which would result in the property
being close to 2 acres in size. This was a condition of approval prepared in a resolution.
Council member Kronmiller stated that enforcing lot combination is good, and should be applied
consistently everywhere.
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Benson, second by Kronmiller, moved to approve Resolution No. 2021-15, Approving a
Variance for 16970 19711 Street North. The motion carried 4-0 by roll call vote.
Ordinance No. 2021-02 — Amendments to the City of Scandia Development Code regarding
Government Land Uses, Signs, Building Types and Materials, and Accessory Structures
Administrator Cammilleri explained the amendments to the development code as recommended
for adoption by the Planning Commission.
• Government Land Uses. Chapter 1, Section 4.2 Definitions; and Chapter 2, Allowed Uses
in the VMU A and VMU B zoning districts -- Would revise the definition of
`Government Uses, Buildings, and Storage' to remove any ambiguity with uses of the
Community Center. Two new uses would be defined in the definitions: `Arts and
Heritage Center' and `Institutional Use'. The `Arts and Heritage Center' use is self-
explanatory; the `Institutional Use' would include churches, parks, trailheads, and other
similar uses. These two new uses would then be permitted in the VMU A and VMU B
zoning districts (the Community Center parcel is zoned VMU B).
• Signs. Chapter 2, Section 3.13 -- Add language allowing a sign by right for Institutional
Uses, such as parks and cemeteries, up to 32 square feet.
• Building Types and Materials. Chapter 2, Section 3.14 -- Proposed changes would
remove what was permitted in the Development Code but not permitted under the
Architectural Guidelines, as well as clarify requirements that were ambiguous and easy to
• Accessory Structures. Chapter 2, Section 3.2 — In the first exception found in the chart of
allowable square feet and number of permitted accessory structures, amend the
requirement to now permit a garage, attached or detached, on a site if it currently has
none. The permitted garage could be up to 864 square feet in size (such as a 24' x 36'
garage) before the square footage would count against the total amount of square footage
allowed on a parcel. Such garages would still need to follow setbacks, impervious surface
requirements, and other applicable rules in the Development Code.
Legal counsel advised postponing action to allow the proposed ordinance additional posting
notice on the city's website. The ordinance will be considered at the May 51h Work Session.
Ordinance No. 2021-03 — Amendment to the City of Scandia Development Code regarding
Temporary Farm Dwellings, Standards for Uses
Planner Monson presented an ordinance as recommended for adoption by the Planning
Commission regarding Temporary Farm Dwellings. The Commissioners reasoned that the
amendments to lower the allowed property size from 75 acres to between 7.5 (in AG Core and
GR) to 10 acres (VN zoning district), and to remove limitations on who can occupy the dwelling
would better provide options for those working as seasonal, part-time, or full-time farm workers.
Reasons for revising the requirements of this land use also included guaranteeing farming
operations are a viable profession and to meet the vision of the Comprehensive Plan. The
temporary farm dwellings would be allowed by an Interim Use Permit, statutorily valid for 5
years, with an opportunity to renew the IUP
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Attorney Nelson explained redlined language he recommended for Section 8 to better address
termination of the permit.
Acting Mayor Ray suggested the draft ordinance needs further research by the Council.
Questions regarding sanitation disposal for systems not hooked up to an on-site sewer system,
and types of housing were some areas of concern.
Planning Commission Chair Loeffler addressed the Council and explained the amendments will
assist with solving housing problems for farms, reinforces the rural and agricultural character of
this community, and that the amendments received public support at the hearing held on March
2nd. Loeffler offered to provide the Council with resources on this issue.
Ray directed staff to bring the draft ordinance to the May 5th Work Session to investigate the
questions brought up and to collect more information.
IAC Chair Bob Wilmers provided statistics on capital funding of the City's broadband expansion
of fiber to the home and what future years could accomplish, with a scenario of having 100%
coverage by 2024
Administrator Cammilleri reported that the Tourism Committee is researching wayfinding signs
for the Village Center.
EDA President Benson announced the EDA's monthly business breakfast is scheduled for April
21 st. The Board is reviewing its strategic work plan, EDA priorities, and the role of remote
workers in Scandia's future.
The March building activity report was received from Building Official Joel Hoistad. Last month
26 permits were issued at a valuation of $745,175.
Fire Chief Hinz reported that the department responded to 19 calls in March; 7 fire related and
12 EMS related.
Radio Replacement for Fire Department
Fire Chief Hinz explained that the department's Motorola radios are discontinued and no longer
supported. The Capital Improvement Plan set aside $75,000 for radio replacement on a 15 -year
replacement schedule. A quote was received from Ancom Communications for the project to
replace all discontinued radios and add radios to Utility 1 at a cost of $105,837.08. Administrator
Cammilleri noted that the capital fund can absorb the extra cost of the radio replacement project,
and encouraged approval of the request.
Hinz explained that purchase of radios for the Public Works Department is also in the CIP at a
cost of $10,000. A quote for purchasing radios for the Public Works Department was received in
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the amount of $13,961.45. Staff recommended tabling this project until the hiring of a new
Public Works Director.
Benson, second by Kronmiller, moved to approve the purchase of Fire Department radios
per the Ancom Communications quote #1443648 in the amount of $105,837.08. The motion
carried 4-0 by roll call vote.
City Engineer Goodman reported that the 2021 Street Improvement Project contracts have been
executed and the work is scheduled to begin the first week of May.
2021 Street Improvement Project — Change Order No. I
Goodman explained that the favorable bid for the project will allow for Pomroy Avenue North to
be added to the 2021 Street Improvement Project up to $125,000. Change Order No. I will
compensate the contractor for reclaiming, constructing drainage improvements, and paving
Pomroy Avenue N from the 220th Street N intersection to approximately 2000' South of the
intersection, for $121,408.10.
Kronmiller, second by Cusick, moved to approve Change Order No. 1 for the 2021 Street
Improvement Project. The motion carried 4-0 by roll call vote.
Administrator Cammilleri reported that the spring newsletter has been distributed to all residents,
the DNR grant for weed control and native species planting in Lilleskogen Park continues this
year, staff is working on a delegation of representative to the City to introduce a legislative
bonding bill for sewer improvements for consideration in 2022. Public Works is focusing on
spring clean-up of brush and ditches.
City Clerk Eklund reported on a Lawful Gambling Premises Permit application received from
the Dead Broke Saddle Club to conduct charitable gambling at the soon to open Thirsty Buffalo
Saloon. The application met all ordinance requirements.
Kronmiller, second by Benson, moved to approve Resolution No. 2021-19, Approving a
Lawful Gambling Premises Permit to Dead Broke Saddle Club to conduct charitable
gambling at the Thirsty Buffalo Saloon. The motion carried 4-0 by roll call vote.
City Clerk Eklund received notice on March 22, 2021, that terms of office for four Watershed
Managers in the Carnelian -Marine -St. Croix Watershed District were expiring. Notice for
applicants was posted on the City's website, but no applications were received by the deadline.
Scandia resident Paul Richert, whose term expires June 21, 2021, provided a statement that he
would like to be reappointed to the Board.
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Council member Kronmiller stated that Mr. Richert has done a good job of representing Scandia.
Kronmiller, second by Ray, moved to endorse the reappointment of Paul Richert to the
Carnelian -Marine -St. Croix Watershed District Board of Managers. The motion carried 4-
0 by roll call vote.
Benson, second by Kronmiller, moved to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried 4-0 by roll
call vote.
The meeting adjourned at 8:50 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Brenda Eklund
City Clerk