05-05-2021 Work SessionMay 5, 2021 A work session meeting of the Scandia City Council was held on the above date with modifications. Due to the health advisory issued by the State regarding the COVID-19 outbreak, to avoid public gatherings and limit social contact, the meeting was conducted over an electronic platform. All council members and staff who joined the meeting remotely could hear each other and contribute to discussions. City Administrator Cammilleri and City Clerk Eklund were present at City Hall. Cammilleri was the presenter and displayed the meeting materials for participants to view on their remote screens. Mayor Christine Maefsky called the meeting to order at 6:34 p.m. The following were participants to the meeting: Council members Heather Benson, Jerry Cusick, Steve Kronmiller, Patti Ray and Mayor Christine Maefsky. Staff participating: City Administrator Ken Cammilleri, Fire Chief Mike Hinz, and City Clerk Brenda Eklund. APPROVAL OF THE AGENDA Ray, second by Benson, moved to approve the agenda as presented. Motion carried 5-0 by roll call vote. CONSIDER ADOPTION OF ORDINANCE NO. 2021-02 — AMENDMENTS TO THE CITY OF SCANDIA DEVELOPMENT CODE REGARDING GOVERNMENT LAND USES, SIGNS, BUILDING TYPES AND MATERIALS, AND ACCESSORY STRUCTURES. CONTINUED FROM APRIL 20, 2021 At the April 20th City Council meeting, the Planning Commission's recommendation to approve various amendments to the development code was received. Legal counsel advised to table action on the ordinance amendments to allow additional time for the ordinance text to be posted on the city's website. City Administrator Cammilleri summarized the amendments and described them as administrative clean-ups. • Government Land Uses. Chapter 1, Section 4.2 Definitions; and Chapter 2, Allowed Uses in the VMU A and VMU B zoning districts -- Would revise the definition of `Government Uses, Buildings, and Storage' to remove any ambiguity with uses of the Community Center. Two new uses would be defined in the definitions: `Arts and Heritage Center' and `Institutional Use'. The `Arts and Heritage Center' use is self- explanatory; the `Institutional Use' would include churches, parks, trailheads, and other similar uses. Staff noted that the draft ordinance should be amended to strike the VMU A zoning district from the text, and allow these uses only in the VMU B zoning district. A recommendation to make these uses permitted with a Conditional Use Permit instead of an allowed use was made, for a higher level of approval. • Signs. Chapter 2, Section 3.13 -- Add language allowing a sign by right for Institutional Uses, such as parks and cemeteries, up to 32 square feet. • Building Types and Materials. Chapter 2, Section 3.14 -- Proposed changes would remove what was permitted in the Development Code but not permitted under the May 5, 2021 Scandia City Council Page 2 of 3 Architectural Guidelines, as well as clarify requirements that were ambiguous and easy to misinterpret. • Accessory Structures. Chapter 2, Section 3.2 — In the first exception found in the chart of allowable square feet and number of permitted accessory structures, amend the requirement to now permit a garage, attached or detached, on a site if it currently has none. The permitted garage could be up to 864 square feet in size (such as a 24' x 36' garage) before the square footage would count against the total amount of square footage allowed on a parcel. Such garages would still need to follow setbacks, impervious surface requirements, and other applicable rules in the Development Code. Kronmiller, second by Benson, moved to adopt Ordinance No. 2021-02, Amendments to the City of Scandia Development Code, with an amendment to Section 2. Government Land Uses, Chapter Two, Section 2.9(4), Village Mixed Use B District (VMU B) Uses with a Conditional Use Permit. Motion carried 5-0 by roll call vote. RESOLUTION NO. 2021-20 -- PUBLICATION SUMMARY OF ORDINANCE NO. 2021- 02 Kronmiller, second by Benson, moved to approve Resolution No. 2021-20, Summary publication of Ordinance No. 2021-02 as amended. Motion carried 5-0 by roll call vote. CONSIDER REINSTATING VOLUNTEER FIREFIGHTER ADRIANE KRAGER TO THE FIRE DEPARTMENT Fire Chief Hinz reported that former firefighter Adriane Krager, who had moved out-of-state for a work assignment last summer, had recently moved back and was interested in rejoining the fire department. Ms. Krager has kept up on her Firefighter 2 and EMT training and certificates. Hinz recommended Ms. Krager be hired on temporary probation until she is up to date on the current standard operational guidelines. Benson, second by Cusick, moved to approve the re -hire of Volunteer Firefighter Adriane Krager. The motion carried 5-0 by roll call vote. APPROVE NEW HIRES FOR FIRE DEPARTMENT Fire Chief Hinz reported that spring recruiting efforts has resulted in 4 candidates being recommended for hire conditioned on physical & medical testing being conducted at the Osceola Hospital this month. The 4 applicants have completed and passed the interview process and the agility test at the fire station. Ray, second by Benson, moved to approve the conditional hiring of William Mattheisen, Jeff Firkus, Matthew O'Brien & Mark Fitzgerald as Probationary Volunteer Firefighters, effective June 1, 2021. The motion carried 5-0 by roll call vote. REVIEW PLANNING COMMISSION APPLICATIONS FOR POTENTIAL APPOINTMENT City Clerk Eklund reported that three applications were received by the April 30th deadline to fill Dan Squyres term on the Planning Commission: Jon Engstrand, Andrew Essling, and Kirsten Libby. Mayor Maefsky stated that she would like to interview them for their understanding of the May 5, 2021 Scandia City Council Page 3 of 3 City's comprehensive plan and for their role on the Planning Commission. Council member Cusick stated that he is ready to make an appointment without interviewing. Applications for a term on the EDA are being collected until May 281h. It was suggested that candidates for both the Planning Commission and EDA be interviewed prior to the June 2 Work Session. Kronmiller, second by Ray, moved to interview candidates prior to the June 2 Work Session. The motion carried 4-1 by roll call vote, with Cusick opposed. DISCUSS IN-PERSON MEETINGS Administrator Cammilleri reported that vaccination rates in the County are steadily increasing, and explained conditions based on state law that would have to be met if the Council considered to resume in-person meetings. With the local state of emergency declaration still in place, the Council is in a position to continue remote, virtual meetings. Mayor Maefsky suggested holding off until at least July based on state direction and guidelines. Council member Kronmiller agreed that this topic could be reconsidered month by month. Before adjourning, Council member Cusick addressed an email that the Council had received from Planning Commission Chair Loeffler after the April 20th meeting, expressing disappointment that the Council had tabled the Commission's recommendation to approve amendments to the temporary farm dwelling ordinance. Administrator Cammilleri noted that there are legitimate concerns related to this dramatic policy change, and the Council members should direct their concerns to him for further discussion of this ordinance at a future meeting. ADJOURNMENT Benson, second by Ray, moved to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried 5-0 by roll call vote. The meeting adjourned at 7:44 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Brenda Eklund City Clerk