153.200 Zoning Districts_05202021 DRAFT 153.200 Zoning Districts (May 2021) 1 153.200 ZONING DISTRICTS Subd. A. Summary. This Section establishes the Zoning Districts and their corresponding dimensional standards and regulations in the City. All parcels within the City are zoned with a Base District and may also be zoned within an Overlay District. The Special Districts are assigned to a specific project and must relate to the Base District Zoning. 153.200.010 Zoning Districts Established Subd. A. Table of Established Base, Overlay and Special Zoning Districts. The following table is provided to summarize and identify the Zoning Districts in the City. The table is organized by use based on the categories as follows: Agricultural Districts, Rural Residential Districts, Village Districts, Business Districts, Overlay Districts and Special Districts. District Type Zoning District Abbreviation Base Agricultural Districts Agricultural Preserves A-P Agricultural Core AG - C Base Rural Residential Districts Rural Residential General RR-G Rural Residential Neighborhood RR-N Base Village Districts Village Neighborhood V-N Village Center V-C Village - Historic Core V-HC Base Business Districts Rural Commercial R-C Industrial Park I-P Overlay Overlay Districts Lower St. Croix River Corridor Overlay District SCRD Shoreland Management Overlay District SM-O Aggregate Mining Overlay District AM-O General Floodplain Overlay District FP-O Special PUD Districts Planned Unit Development PUD Open Space Planned Unit Development OS-PUD DRAFT 153.200 Zoning Districts (May 2021) 2 153.200.020 Official Zoning Map Subd. A. Zoning Map. The locations and boundaries of the Districts established by this Section are set forth on the Scandia, Minnesota Zoning Map which shall be incorporated as part of this Section. The Map and all notations, references and data shown thereon are incorporated by reference into this Section. The boundaries between Districts are the center lines of streets or railroad rights-of-way, lot lines, or section lines. In the case of unsubdivided property, or in any case where rights-of-way, lot lines, or section lines are not used as boundaries, the District boundary lines shall be determined by use of dimensions of the scale appearing on the Zoning Map. 153.200.030 Base Districts Subd. A. Assigned Base Districts. All parcels, lots and land within the City are Zoned with a Base District designation. The Base Districts establish and assign dimensional standards for all lots, improvements, subdivisions and other uses as described and regulated within this Chapter. A parcel of land, development or contiguous area may be subject to an Overlay District which may assign additional dimensional standards and rules as described in Section 153.200.040. (1) Summary of Dimensional Standards for Base Districts. (2) Base District Exceptions and Considerations. The following exceptions and considerations are provided for all Base Zoning Districts. Dimensional Standards specific to Base Zoning Districts are provided in Subd. B through Subd. F of this subsection. a. Base District Standards for Utility Services (Water and Sewer). The dimensional standards for each lot or parcel are determined by the type of utility service present and available. The following standards shall apply. i. Buildable Area. The minimum Buildable Area shall apply to any newly created lots or parcels served with private sewer and water. There is no minimum Buildable Area if municipal or public water and sewer is available and the lot or parcel is served by the system. ii. Lots or Parcels in the Shoreland Management Overlay or the Lower St. Croix River Corridor Overlay Districts. The minimum Buildable Area and Lot Size for newly created lots or parcels shall apply to all lots within the Overlay District. Existing Lots of Record must demonstrate that the Buildable Area is adequate to support a principal use and private well and septic meeting the standards and requirements as stated in Section 153.400.XXX. DRAFT 153.200 Zoning Districts (May 2021) 3 b. Exception to Minimum Frontage on a Public Road. A property owner, with the consent of the City Council, may subdivide 1 new lot of 20 acres or greater in size with no minimum public road frontage, provided the following requirements are met: i. The property from which the parcel is to be subdivided shall have a minimum of 40 acres. ii. A concept subdivision plan for the entire property shall be submitted showing future public road access for all of the parcels, including the subdivided parcel. The concept subdivision shall be determined to be feasible by the City Council. iii. No further subdivision of any of the parcels shall be permitted without the required public road access. iv. A right-of-way easement for access to the newly subdivided parcel shall be conveyed to the City. v. The right-of-way may be used for driveway access to the subdivided parcel but shall be maintained by the owner of the property served by it. vi. Any driveway to the subdivided parcel shall be constructed to City standards to accommodate emergency vehicles. vii. The City may require that the right-of-way easement conveyed to it be upgraded to City public road standards when the property is further subdivided. viii. A development agreement between the property owner and the City must be recorded with the property covering the restrictions and obligations of this subdivision. c. Permitted Encroachments into Required Setbacks. The following shall be permitted encroachments into the setback requirements established within this Section: i. Flues, eaves and awnings up to 3 feet in width; ii. Steps, chimneys, sidewalks, and stoops up to 3 feet in width; iii. Exposed wheelchair ramps, bay windows and doors up to 3 feet in width; d. Exceptions to Maximum Height. No structure shall exceed the maximum heights permitted for the Zoning District in which it is located, except for church spires, chimneys, flag poles up to 45 feet, silos, and wind generators. Wireless Communication Facilities shall be regulated by Section 153.XXX.XXX. Subd. B. Agricultural Districts. The Agricultural Districts are established to protect and preserve the long-term agricultural use of land in the City. Lands zoned with the Agricultural designation are intended to promote the right-to- farm as a principal use with a supporting farmstead and accessory uses. (1) Purpose of Agricultural Preserves District (A-P). Lands zoned Agricultural Preserves are parcels enrolled in the Metropolitan Agricultural Preserves according to Minnesota Statute 473H, as amended, and are to remain in long-term agricultural production according to the A-P contract terms. A-P District areas are designated Agricultural Core in the Comprehensive Plan. a. Agricultural Preserves District Dimensional Standards. The following table is a summary of the Agricultural Preserves District-specific dimensional standards for newly created lots or parcels with private well and septic systems. DRAFT 153.200 Zoning Districts (May 2021) 4 Lot Dimensions (only for lots created after the effective date) A Lot Size (minimum) Density (maximum) 40.0 Acres 1 Dwelling Units per 40 Acres B Buildable Area (minimum) 1.0 Acres C Lot Frontage on All Roads (minimum) 300 Feet Principal and Accessory Building Setbacks (Minimum) E Front  Minor Arterial 150 Feet from centerline, or 75 Feet from ROW, whichever is greater  Major or Minor Collector 100 Feet from centerline, or 50 Feet from ROW, whichever is greater  Any other Public Street 40 Feet F Side 20 Feet G Rear 50 Feet Accessory Building Standards* H Location Behind Principal Structure I Size 6,000 SF Residential Accessory Structure J Number 2 Residential Accessory Structures No Limit on Agricultural Accessory Structures Coverage and Height Standards (Maximum) K Impervious Surface Coverage 25% Principal structure height 35 Feet Accessory structure height 35 Feet, but not taller than Principal Structure Other Standards Principal & Accessory Uses See Section 153.300.XXX Character & Development See Section 153.400.XXX *Accessory Building Standards identified based on Minimum Lot Size. Accessory Building Standards can be found in Subd. F of this Section. (2) Purpose of Agricultural Core District (AG-C). Lands zoned Agricultural Core support, protect and preserve land for agricultural production. The parcels and lots generally contain principal farmsteads with a mix of hobby farms, commercial production farms and other agricultural uses. The lands zoned AG-C are guided Agricultural Core in the Comprehensive Plan. a. Dimensional Standards. The following table is a summary of the Agricultural Core District-specific dimensional standards for newly created lots or parcels with private well and septic systems. Lot Dimensions (only for lots created after the effective date) A Lot Size (minimum) Density (maximum) 2.0 to 5.0 acres, OR 20.0 acres or greater 4 Dwelling Units per 40 Acres B Buildable Area (minimum) 1.0 Acres C Lot Frontage by Lot Size (minimum)  2.0 – 3.0 Acres 160 Feet  3.0 – 4.0 Acres 240 Feet  4.0 Acres or Greater 300 Feet Principal and Accessory Building Setbacks (Minimum) DRAFT 153.200 Zoning Districts (May 2021) 5 E Front  Minor Arterial 150 Feet from centerline, or 75 Feet from ROW, whichever is greater  Major or Minor Collector 100 Feet from centerline, or 50 Feet from ROW, whichever is greater  Any other Public Street 40 Feet F Side 20 Feet G Rear 50 Feet Accessory Building Standards* H Location Behind Principal Structure I Size 1,000 SF Residential Accessory Structure J Number 1 Residential Accessory Structure Coverage and Height Standards (maximum) K Impervious Surface Coverage 25% Principal structure height 35 Feet Accessory structure height 35 Feet, but not taller than Principal Structure Other Standards Principal & Accessory Uses See Section 153.300.XXX Character & Development See Section 153.400.XXX **Accessory Building Standards identified based on Minimum Lot Size. Accessory Building Standards can be found in Subd. F of this Section. INSERT Graphics showing Scale and Character or Agricultural Districts. Subd. C. Rural Residential Districts. The Rural Residential Districts are predominantly single-family principal uses with accessory structures that support the rural character of the City. There are two distinct development patterns in this category including historically platted riparian and non-riparian lots abutting or in proximity to the lakes and general rural residential patterns with larger lot configurations. The lands zoned for rural residential uses are categorized by two designations and are intended to provide a direct correlation between dimensional standards, use and development patterns of the areas zoned for the principal residential use. (1) Purpose of Rural Residential General (RR-G). Lands zoned Rural Residential General are established to provide for a principal residential use with estate or large-lot development patterns. The RR-G District includes lot or parcel configurations that are unplatted, including riparian and non-riparian land. The RR- G District areas are guided General Rural in the Comprehensive Plan. a. Rural Residential General Dimensional Standards. The following table is a summary of the RR-G district-specific dimensional standards for newly created lots or parcels with private well and septic systems. Lot Dimensions (only for lots created after the effective date) A Lot Size (minimum) Density (Maximum) 2.0 Acres 4 Dwelling Units per 40 Acres B Buildable Area (minimum) 1.0 Acres DRAFT 153.200 Zoning Districts (May 2021) 6 C Lot Frontage by Lot Size (minimum)  2.0 – 3.0 Acres 160 Feet  3.0 – 4.0 Acres 240 Feet  4.0 Acres or Greater 300 Feet Principal and Accessory Building Setbacks (Minimum) E Front  Minor Arterial 150 Feet from centerline, or 75 Feet from ROW, whichever is greater  Major or Minor Collector 100 Feet from centerline, or 50 Feet from ROW, whichever is greater  Any other Public Street 40 Feet F Side 20 Feet G Rear 50 Feet Accessory Building Standards* H Location Behind Principal Structure I Size 1,000 SF Residential Accessory Structure J Number 1 Residential Accessory Structure Coverage and Height Standards (maximum) K Impervious Surface Coverage 25% Principal structure height 35 Feet Accessory structure height 35 Feet, but not taller than Principal Structure Other Standards Principal & Accessory Uses See Section 153.300.XXX Character & Development See Section 153.400.XXX **Accessory Building Standards identified based on Minimum Lot Size. Accessory Building Standards can be found in Subd. F of this Section. INSERT Graphic showing Scale and Character. (2) Purpose of Rural Residential Neighborhood (RR-N). Lands zoned RR-N are the parcels adjoining, abutting, or within 1,000 feet of a lake with a public waters designation or located within the Lower St. Croix River Corridor Overlay District (SCRD) that were historically platted or divided into smaller lots for seasonal use. The use of these lots has generally transitioned to permanent year-round use with primarily principal residential uses. Parcels and lots in the RR-N district are at least 50% contained within the Shoreland Management Overlay (SM-O) District or fully contained within the SCRD. In addition to the standards identified in this Section, the lots or parcels are subject to the regulations contained within Chapters 155 of the City Code and the Washington County St. Croix River District standards which are incorporated by reference herein. Land zoned RR-N are guided Agricultural Core, General Rural and St. Croix River District in the Comprehensive Plan. a. Rural Residential Neighborhood Dimensional Standards. The following table is a summary of the RR-N District-specific dimensional standards for newly created lots or parcels with private well and septic systems. DRAFT 153.200 Zoning Districts (May 2021) 7 Lot Dimensions (only for lots created after the effective date) Lot Size Lots in SM-O for Recreational Development Lake Lots in SM-O for Natural Environment Lake Lots in SCRD A Existing Lot of Record (minimum) 0.92 Acres 1.84 Acres 1.0 Acres New Lot (minimum) 2.0 Acres 2.0 Acres 2.5 Acres Density (maximum, apply to any new division of property) 4 DU/ 40 Acres 4 DU/ 40 Acres 4 DU/ 40 Acres B Buildable Area (minimum, New Lot) 1.0 Acres 1.0 Acres 1.0 Acres C Lot Width (minimum, Riparian) 150 Feet 200 Feet 200 Feet D Structure Setback from OHWL (minimum) 100 Feet 150 Feet 200 Feet E Lot Frontage by Lot Size (minimum)  Less than 2.0 Acres 100 Feet  2.0 – 3.0 Acres 160 Feet  3.0 – 4.0 Acres 240 Feet  4.0 Acres or Greater 300 Feet Principal and Accessory Building Setbacks (Minimum) F Front  Minor Arterial 150 Feet from centerline, or 75 Feet from ROW, whichever is greater less  Major or Minor Collector 100 Feet from centerline, or 50 Feet from ROW, whichever is greater less  Any other Public Street 40 Feet G Side 10 Feet H Rear  Non-Riparian 50 Feet Accessory Building Standards* H Location Outside all setbacks I Size 1,000 SF Residential Accessory Structure J Number 1 Residential Accessory Structure Coverage and Height Standards (maximum) K Impervious Surface Coverage 25% Principal structure height 35 Feet Accessory structure height 35 Feet, but not taller than Principal Structure Other Standards Principal & Accessory Uses See Section 153.300.XXX Character & Development See Section 153.400.XXX **Accessory Building Standards identified based on Minimum Lot Size. Accessory Building Standards can be found in Subd. F of this Section. INSERT Graphic showing Scale and Character. DRAFT 153.200 Zoning Districts (May 2021) 8 Subd. D. Village Districts. The historic Village area of the City has a more compact development pattern than other areas of the City and creates a distinct place to live, work, patronize and recreate in the community. The Purpose of the Village Zoning Districts is to match the character of this area through appropriate development, uses, massing and character standards. (1) Purpose of Village – Historic Core (V-HC). Land zoned Village – Historic Core has a distinct, compact development pattern with a mix of uses including commercial, office and residential uses. The intent of this District is to preserve and protect the long-term viability of the historic properties and structures and allow for a mix of supportive land uses that are consistent with the adopted Design Guidelines. Land zoned V-HC is guided Village Mixed Use in the Comprehensive Plan. a. Village – Historic Core Dimensional Standards. The following table is a summary of the V-HC District-specific dimensional standards for newly created lots or parcels that are served by public services including sewer and water. Lot Dimensions and Density Standards A Lot Size (Existing Lot of Record) None B Density (Residential) FAR (Commercial) Up to 5 Dwelling Units/Acre* 1.0 C Buildable Area N/A for Lot with Public Sewer & Water D Lot Frontage (minimum) 30 Feet Principal and Accessory Building Setbacks (Minimum) Single Family (SF) Mixed Use or Non-Residential (Existing) E Front 40 Feet 0 Feet Min., 10 Feet Max. F Side 10 Feet 2 Feet G Rear 20 Feet 10 Feet Accessory Building Standards** H Location Behind Principal Structure I Size 720 SF Residential Accessory Structure J Number 1 Residential Accessory Structure Coverage and Height Standards (maximum) K Impervious Surface Coverage 80% (Existing Lot) Principal structure height 45 Feet Accessory structure height 35 Feet, but not taller than Principal Structure Other Standards Principal & Accessory Uses See Section 153.300.XXX Character & Development See Section 153.400.XXX *Maximum density may only be available to lots served by Municipal Services, including adequate sewage treatment and water supply. ***Accessory Building Standards identified based on Minimum Lot Size. Accessory Building Standards can be found in Subd. F of this Section. DRAFT 153.200 Zoning Districts (May 2021) 9 INSERT Graphic showing Scale and Character. (2) Purpose of Village Center (V-C). Land zoned Village Center is intended to include mix of uses including commercial, office and residential uses that support the Village Historic Core. Land in this zoning district is served either by municipal services or private well and individual septic systems. V-C zoned land is guided Village Mixed Use in the Comprehensive Plan. a. Dimensional Standards. The following table is a summary of the V-C district-specific dimensional standards for newly created lots or parcels. As noted in the table, the dimensional standards are applied based on whether the lot or parcel has access to, and is connected to, municipal water and sewer. If private well and septic serves the subject property then the more restrictive requirements shall be applied. Lot Dimensions (Minimum, only for lots created after the effective date) A Lot Size (New Lot – Public Sewer and Water) Lot Size (New Lot – Private Well and Septic) 8,500 Square Feet* 1.0 Acres B Density (Residential) Floor Area Ratio (Commercial) Up to 5 Dwelling Units/Acre* 1.0 C Buildable Area N/A for Lot with Public Sewer & Water 0.75 Acres for New Lot on Private Well and Septic D Lot Frontage 50 Feet Principal and Accessory Building Setbacks (Minimum) Single Family (SF) MU or Non-Residential (New) E Front 40 Feet 0 Feet or Avg. of Adjacent Setback F Side 10 Feet 5 Feet G Rear 20 Feet 25 Feet Accessory Building Standards** H Location Behind Principal Structure I Size 720 SF Residential Accessory Structure J Number 1 Residential Accessory Structure Coverage and Height Standards (maximum) K Impervious Surface Coverage 65% Building Coverage 50% Principal structure height (maximum) 45 Feet Accessory structure height (maximum) 35 Feet, but not taller than Principal Structure Other Standards Principal & Accessory Uses See Section 153.300.XXX Character & Development See Section 153.400.XXX *Maximum density may only be available to lots served by Municipal Services, including adequate sewage treatment and water supply. DRAFT 153.200 Zoning Districts (May 2021) 10 ***Accessory Building Standards identified based on Minimum Lot Size. Accessory Building Standards can be found in Subd. F of this Section. INSERT Graphic showing Scale and Character. (3) Purpose of Village Neighborhood (V-N). Land zoned Village Neighborhood is established to designate growth areas surrounding the Village Center and are generally intended to be developed with single-family residential uses. These lands are guided Village Neighborhood in the adopted Comprehensive Plan. a. Village Neighborhood Dimensional Standards. The following table is a summary of the V-N District-specific dimensional standards for newly created lots or parcels with private well and septic systems. Lot Dimensions (only for lots created after the effective date) A Lot Size (minimum) Density (maximum) 1.5 Acres 4 Dwelling Units per 40 Acres B Buildable Area (minimum) 1.0 Acres C Lot Frontage (minimum) 100 Feet Principal and Accessory Building Setbacks (Minimum) E Front • Minor Arterial 150 Feet from centerline, or 75 Feet from ROW, whichever is greater • Major or Minor Collector 100 Feet from centerline, or 50 Feet from ROW, whichever is greater • Any other Public Street 40 Feet F Side 20 Feet G Rear 50 Feet Accessory Building Standards* H Location Behind Principal Structure I Size 1,000 SF Residential Accessory Structure J Number 1 Residential Accessory Structure Coverage and Height Standards (maximum) K Impervious Surface Coverage 35% Principal structure height 35 Feet Accessory structure height 35 Feet, but not taller than Principal Structure Other Standards Principal & Accessory Uses See Section 153.300.XXX Character & Development See Section 153.400.XXX *Accessory Building Standards identified based on Minimum Lot Size. Accessory Building Standards can be found in Subd. F of this Section. INSERT Graphic showing Scale and Character. DRAFT 153.200 Zoning Districts (May 2021) 11 Subd. E. Business Districts. The City’s business districts are intended to support commercial, general business and light industrial uses in appropriately guided areas of the community. These districts are currently served by private well and individual septic systems. (1) Purpose of Industrial Park (I-P). Lands zoned I-P allow for light industrial businesses and are guided Village Mixed Use in the Comprehensive Plan. Industrial Park uses include a variety of light manufacturing, fabrication, assembly, warehouse, wholesaling, or storage businesses that are non- threatening to the environment. a. Industrial Park Dimensional Standards. The following table is a summary of the I-P District-specific dimensional standards for newly created lots or parcels with private well and septic systems. Lot Dimensions (only for lots created after the effective date) A Lot Size (minimum, New Lot) 2.0 Acres B Buildable Area (minimum, New Lot) 1.0 Acres C Lot Frontage on Public Street (minimum) 160 Feet Principal and Accessory Building Setbacks (Minimum) E Front  Minor Arterial 150 Feet from centerline, or 75 Feet from ROW, whichever is greater  Major or Minor Collector 100 Feet from centerline, or 50 Feet from ROW, whichever is greater  Any other Public Street 40 Feet F Side 10 Feet G Rear 50 Feet Accessory Building Standards* H Location Behind Principal Structure I Size 1,000 SF Accessory Structure J Number 1 Accessory Structure Coverage and Height Standards (maximum) K Impervious Surface Coverage 65% Principal structure height 45 Feet Accessory structure height 35 Feet, but not taller than Principal Structure Other Standards Principal & Accessory Uses See Section 153.300.XXX Character & Development See Section 153.400.XXX *Accessory Building Standards identified based on Minimum Lot Size. Accessory Building Standards can be found in Subd. F of this Section. No more than one (1) accessory structure is permitted in the I-P district. **The accessory structure must be used for storage related to the principal use of the property. No separate business is allowed in the accessory structure. (2) Purpose of Rural Commercial (R-C). Lands zoned Rural Commercial are intended to support commercial development of rural areas in the community that have historically been used for some type of business use. R-C zoned land is guided Rural Commercial in the Comprehensive Plan. DRAFT 153.200 Zoning Districts (May 2021) 12 a. Rural Commercial Dimensional Standards. The following table is a summary of the R-C District- specific dimensional standards for newly created lots or parcels with private well and septic systems. Lot Dimensions (only for lots created after the effective date) A Lot Size (minimum, New Lot) 2.0 Acres B Buildable Area (minimum, New Lot) 1.0 Acres C Lot Frontage on Public Street (minimum) 160 Feet Principal and Accessory Building Setbacks (Minimum) E Front  Minor Arterial 150 Feet from centerline, or 75 Feet from ROW, whichever is greater  Major or Minor Collector 100 Feet from centerline, or 50 Feet from ROW, whichever is greater  Any other Public Street 40 Feet F Side 10 Feet G Rear 50 Feet Accessory Building Standards* H Location Behind Principal Structure I Size 1,000 SF Accessory Structure** J Number 1 Accessory Structure Coverage and Height Standards (maximum) K Impervious Surface Coverage 65% Principal structure height 45 Feet Accessory structure height 35 Feet, but not taller than Principal Structure Other Standards Principal & Accessory Uses See Section 153.300 Character & Development See Section 153.400 *Accessory Building Standards identified based on Minimum Lot Size. Accessory Building Standards can be found in Subd. F of this Section. No more than one (1) accessory structure is permitted in the R-C District. **The accessory structure must be used for storage related to the principal use of the property. No separate business is allowed in the accessory structure. Subd. F Accessory Building Dimensional Standards for all Base Districts. The City regulates its Accessory Buildings by lot size and use type which is independent from Zoning District. The following Dimensional and Size Standards are provided for Accessory Buildings. (1) Accessory Building Dimensional Standards Table. Residential Accessory Structures (Non-agricultural) Agricultural and Rural Buildings Lot Size Number of Structures Total Square Footage (SF) Number of Structures (Maximum) Total Square Footage (SF) DRAFT 153.200 Zoning Districts (May 2021) 13 Parcels less than 1.0 Acres 1 720 SF None None 1.0 to 2.99 Acres 1 1,000 SF None None 3.00 to 4.99 Acres 2 2,500 SF None None 5.00 to 9.99 Acres 2 3,000 SF 1 agricultural/rural use building (3 total) 4,000 SF including non- agricultural buildings 10.00 to 19.99 Acres 2 3,500 SF 2 agricultural/rural use buildings (4 total) 6,000 SF including non- agricultural buildings 20.00 to 29.99 Acres 2 4,500 SF No limit provided structures are agricultural/rural use buildings No limit provided structures are agricultural buildings 30.00 to 39.99 Acres 2 5,500 SF 40.00 to 59.99 Acres 2 6,000 SF 60.00 to 79.99 Acres 2 7,000 SF 80.00 Acres and larger 2 8,000 SF a. If the property has no attached garage, one detached garage up to 24’ x 36’ in size is permitted in addition to the number of accessory structures listed. This exception is intended to permit a garage only, and the square footage of the garage shall not be added to the number or square footage of accessory structures that are permitted on the property by the table in this Section. The total area of structures including the garage shall not exceed the lot coverage requirements. The property owner must demonstrate that there is adequate space available on the parcel for a primary and secondary septic system that meet Washington County SSTS ordinance requirements outside the area proposed for the garage. b. One single story shed of 120 square feet or less is permitted in addition to the number accessory structures listed in this Section. Ice fishing houses stored on parcels of land during non-winter months shall be deemed to be the permitted shed. c. For calculating permitted accessory square footage on parcels within the Shoreland Management Overlay District areas, the area of the lot shall be calculated as the area of the lot outside the Ordinary High Water Level (OHWL). d. For purposes of determining allowable square footage and number of agricultural buildings on farms 40.00 acres or greater, the lot shall include all contiguous tax parcels farmed as a unit as evidenced by common ownership within a family or other entity comprised of some or all of the family members, or a combination thereof. (2) Accessory Building Dimensional Standards for Domestic Farm Animals. a. Accessory structures used to shelter domestic farm animals, except as provided in Section 153.300.XXX shall meet the following requirements. i. All domestic farm animal structures, feedlots and manure storage sites shall be setback as follows: Natural/Man-Made Features Horizontal Setbacks (minimum) Any property line 100 Feet Any existing well or residential structure on the same parcel 50 Feet Any seasonal or year-round wetland, lake or stream 200 Feet DRAFT 153.200 Zoning Districts (May 2021) 14 ii. Any structure, feedlot or manure storage shall not be placed on slopes which exceed 13%. 153.200.040 Overlay Districts Subd. A Applicability of Overlay Districts. Certain lands within the City have unique or special environmental qualities that are zoned with additional regulations and standards per the objectives of the specific Overlay District. All lands and parcels in the City are designated with a Base Zone District as described in Section 153.200.030, and those portions of the property also contained within an Overlay District shall be regulated by the applicable standards identified in the subsequent section. The Overlay District areas are shown on the Official Zoning Map. (1) Aggregate Mining Overlay District (AM-O). The AM-O District is established to identify the land and parcel areas where mineral deposits, primarily gravel, may be available for general use under the conditions and regulations of Chapter 154 of the City Code. Properties zoned AM-O are guided as Aggregate Resources in the Comprehensive Plan. a. Lot Area, setbacks, and other dimensional requirements of the AM-O district are contained in Chapter 154. (2) Shoreland Management Overlay District (SM-O). The SM-O District is established consistent with the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources rules for Shoreland Management of designated public waters in the City. Properties zoned within the SM-O are guided for various land uses within the Comprehensive Plan. a. The Rural Residential Neighborhood (RR-N) Base District is established specifically to account for and manage, small lots and parcels within the SM-O area. Lot area and setback from OHWL is provided within the Dimensional Standards for this district. All other dimensional standards as described within Chapter 155 shall be applicable. b. All other Base Zoning Districts reference the SM-O District standards in Chapter 155 of the City’s Code of Ordinances. (3) Lower St. Croix River Corridor Overlay District (SCRD). The SCRD District is established consistent with the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources rules for properties within the SCRD. The City adopts by reference the Washington County Lower St. Croix River Bluffland and Shoreland Management Ordinance, as amended from time to time. a. The Rural Residential Neighborhood (RR-N) Base Zoning district is established specifically to account for and manage small lots and parcels within the SM-O area. Lot area, lot width and setback from OHWL is provided within the Dimensional Standards for this District. All other requirements and regulations of the SCRD shall be followed for any property within this designation. (4) Floodplain Management Overlay District (FM-O). The FM-O District is established consistent with the rules and guidelines as applied by FEMA. Properties within the FM-O shall follow all rules and regulations as contained within Chapter 156 of the Code of Ordinances. 153.200.030 Special Districts Subd. A Applicability of Special Districts. The Planned Unit Development (PUD) and Open Space Conservation Planned Unit Development (OS-PUD) are special districts within the City which are intended to allow flexibility from the strict density and use standards for certain Base Districts. New subdivisions or projects that meet the DRAFT 153.200 Zoning Districts (May 2021) 15 dimensional standards and criteria as defined below may be rezoned to a Special District which will be tailored specifically to the approved development plan for the subdivision. Subd. B Purpose of Planned Unit Development (PUD) District. The purpose of the PUD District is to allow for more flexibility in development design than is possible under the Base Zoning District and conventional subdivision processes. Possible flexibility may include variation from dimensional standards, permitting more than one principal structure on a parcel of land, etc. The intent of the PUD district is to allow for:  A mix of land uses.  A mix of housing types.  Creative site design that varies from certain land use regulations while incorporating design elements that exceed the minimum requirements of this Chapter and are in harmony with the adopted Design Guidelines.  Coordinated plans for landscaping, buildings, sidewalks or trails and parking.  Preservation and enhancement of the natural environment.  Enhancement of community character through design consistent with historical development patterns; and  Efficient use of land resulting in smaller networks of utilities and streets, thereby lowering the City’s maintenance and investment costs. (1) Eligible Land for Rezoning to Planned Unit Development. Certain properties would benefit from allowing flexibility from certain dimensional standards, and the proposed rezoning to PUD must meet the following criteria: a. Subject property must be zoned Village Neighborhood, Village Center, Village - Historic Core, Industrial Park, or Rural Commercial. (2) Planned Unit Development Density and Dimensional Standards. a. Density. The maximum density of a PUD shall not exceed the maximum density permitted in the Base District. b. Dimensional Standards. The City may grant deviations from some of the dimensional standards established within the Base District. Deviations may include minimum setbacks, minimum lot sizes, minimum number of off-street parking spaces, maximum building height, maximum lot coverage, or minimum frontage, if it is determined that the deviation supports the purpose and objectives of this Section. i. Design and Development Standards. Section 153.400.XXX of this Chapter provides further description regarding the design and development standards required to achieve flexibility from the Dimensional Standards of the Base District. Subd. C Purpose of Open Space Conservation Planned Unit Development (OS-PUD). The purpose of the OS-PUD District is to maintain the rural character of the City through a conservation-based development plan that preserves woodlands and other habitats, natural resource corridors, agricultural land, open space and significant natural features identified in the Comprehensive Plan. The intent of allowing the OS-PUD is to utilize less land for development and to allow for flexibility from the strict dimensional standards of certain Base Districts. (1) OS-PUD goals. For a subject site to be considered for rezoning to OS-PUD, the proposed subdivision must demonstrate that it meets the following goals: DRAFT 153.200 Zoning Districts (May 2021) 16 a. Preserve large blocks of land for agricultural use and/or open space. b. Preserve natural resources as identified in the Comprehensive Plan. c. Preserve or restore permanent natural habitat and vegetated corridors for the long-term health of plant and animal communities. d. Preserves viewsheds for scenic enjoyment and rural identity. e. Demonstrates innovation and greater flexibility in the design of residential development. f. Provides for site development that maintains a low visual impact, particularly along arterial roadways and abutting properties. g. Creates cohesive neighborhoods to establish local identity and encourage community interaction. h. Reduces the cost of constructing and maintain public facilities, infrastructure and services. (2) Eligible Land for Rezoning to OS-PUD. Certain properties are well suited for a conservation-based approach for development, and the proposed OS-PUD must meet the following criteria: a. Subject property must be zoned as AG-C or RR-G Base Zoning districts. b. Subject property must contain a minimum of 40-Acres of contiguous land. (3) Density and Dimensional Standards. If a property is deemed eligible per the criteria established, then the following density and dimensional standards will be applied to any proposed project. a. Base Density. The number of density units for the parcel shall be determined by calculating the permitted number of lots established by the Base Zoning District. b. Bonus Density. An open space conservation subdivision that provides the minimum open space shall receive a 25% density bonus. The number of additional bonus lots allowed is directly tied to the quantity and quality of preservation and protection afforded natural landscapes, agricultural land, open space, and cultural features. The total maximum density bonus permitted is an additional 75%. The number of density units may be increased by the percentage indicated below if the development complies with one or a combination of the criteria listed. Determination of actual bonus densities shall be based upon findings of the planning Commission and decision of the City Council. i. Preservation of or establishment of woodlands and forests as identified by the Minnesota Land Cover Classification System, and/or protection of ecologically sensitive features, native plants and animals and their habitat as identified by the Minnesota County Biological Survey and the City Comprehensive Plan. (Up to an additional 25% density.) ii. Preservation of agricultural lands, including but not limited to areas currently used for agricultural use. (Up to an additional 25% density.) iii. Creating open space accessible to the public and providing facilities such as trails or lakeshore access, meeting a public purpose identified by the City. (Up to an additional 25% density.) iv. Restoring native habitat or implementing open space stewardship practices as recommended by the City’s ecologist based on the ecologist’s field analysis. (Up to an additional 25% density.) v. Preservation of historic sites, buildings and structures or cultural resources. (Up to an additional 25% density.) DRAFT 153.200 Zoning Districts (May 2021) 17 vi. Preservation of priority scenic views as identified by the City, especially as viewed from public roads and property. (Up to an additional 25% density.) vii. Creative open space that is contiguous to existing designated open space or part of potential open space that is contiguous to existing designated open space or part of potential open space defined as areas sharing a boundary with parks, public lands, planned parks and trails and areas under conservation easement. (Up to an additional 25% density.) c. Residential Lot Dimensional Standards. Lot & Density Requirements Density (maximum) Up to 7 DU/40 Acres (If full Density Bonus is granted) Lot Size (minimum) 1.5 Acres Buildable Area (minimum) 1.0 Acres Principal Structure Setbacks (minimum)  Front Lot Line 30 Feet  Side Lot Line 15 Feet  Rear Lot Line 30 Feet Accessory Building Setbacks (minimum)  Side Lot Line 15 Feet  Rear Lot Line 10 Feet Height & Coverage Standards (maximum) Lot Coverage 35% Building Height 35 Feet Other Standards Base Zoning District Regulations 153.200.030 Subd. B through Subd. E Accessory Building Standards 153.200.030 Subd. F OS-PUD Submission Requirements 153.500.XXX