Appendix E Access GuidlinesAppendix E: Access Guidelines Mn/DOT Access Management Manual Figure 3.2 — Summary of Recommended Street Spacing for Non-IRCs January 2, 2008 Page 5 Area or Typical Public Street Spacing Primary Secondary Category Facility Functional Signal Spacing Type Class Full -Movement Intersection Intersection 4 Principal Arterials in the Twin Cities Metropolitan Area and Primary Regional Trade Centers (Non-IRCs) 4AF Non -Interstate Interchange Access Only Interim Freewa (see Section 3.2.7 for interim spacing) 4A Rural 1 mile 1/2 mile See Section 3.2.5 Principal Arterials Urban/ 46 Urbanizing 1/2 mile 1/4 mile 1/2 mile 4C Urban Core 300-660 feet, dependent upon block length 1/4 mile 5 Minor Arterials 5A Rural Minor Arterials 1/2 mile 1/4 mile See Section 3.2.5 5113 Urban/ 1/4 mile 1/8 mile 1/4 mile Urbanizing 5C Urban Core 300-660 feet, dependent upon block length 1/4 mile 6 Collectors 6A Rural Collectors 1/2 mile 1/4 mile See Section 3.2.5 6113 Urban/ 1/8 mile Not Applicable 1/4 mile Urbanizing 6C Urban Core 300-660 feet, dependent upon block length 1/8 mile 7 Specific Area Access Management Plans 7 All All By adopted plan January 2, 2008 Page 5 Table 4-7 Access Spacing Guidelines c1� Washington County F_ Functional Classification of County Highway Minor Arteria 1(2) Principal > 7,500 < 7,500 Type of Access Arterial ADT ADT Collector Local Private residential driveways No direct access No direct variable 3 variable 3 variable access Commercial driveways or No direct access No direct 1/8 mile 1/8 mile variiable 3 non -continuous commercial access streets Non -continuous residential No direct access 1/8 mile 1/8 mile 1/8 mile variable s streets (4) with no median opening Continuous local streets and % mile % mile % mile 1/8 mile 1/8 mile collector streets Minor arterials % mile % mile % mile %2 mile %2 mile (1) Distances shown are minimums. The county reserves the right to increase the minimum distances based on other criteria. The type of traffic control, turn lanes and bypass lanes required are determined based upon the projected traffic volumes on the type of access requested. (2) ADT is the 20 -year forecast for average daily traffic. (3) Spacing is based on criteria such as sight distance, speed, traffic volumes, etc. (4) Cul de sac or short -length streets (less than %2 mile) that do not cross a county highway.