Appendix I Scandia Comment Tracker for submittalAppendix I: Adjacent and Affected Jurisdiction Comments and Responses City of Scandia Comp Plan Comment Tracker Land Use Incomplete. Number Comment From Proposed Response 1.1 Make sure to use the same land use categories in existing and planned maps and tables Met Council Thank you for your comment. We will ensure existing land use tables/maps are consistent and that planned land use tables/maps are consistent. 1.2 Guide regional and state park lands with "park" or similar designation; difference Met Council (Applicable to Table II -J too) between Table II -H and Figure II -H Park is currently noted as "Recreational Area Protected" in Planned Land Use. We will ensure all land use categories are consistently labeled. 1.3 Future Land Use Map — Not all NPS owned parcels in the St. Croix River Corridor are National We will incorporate all NPS lands into the shown as "recreation area protected". All should be. Park Service Future Land Use map. Advisory Comment Number Comment From Proposed Response 1.1 St. Croix River Overlay District General Description: The "y" is missing in Washington National Thank you for the correction. The typo has County. (Implementation table) Park Service been corrected. 1.2 The Planned Land Use map could show William O'Brien's statutory boundary, which can MnDNR We have requested verification of the be found in the William O'Brien Master Plan. statutory boundary and will update the map accordingly. Page 1 1 Natural Resources/Special Resources/Resilience Incomplete. Number Comment From Proposed Response Advisory Comment Number Comment From Proposed Response 1.1 Consider collaborating with the County to add waste and recycling stations along city trails and city Washington Thank you for your comment. parks, public spaces (resilience chapter, aligning with County Waste Management Master Plan) County Your recommendation has been taken under advisement. 1.2 The DNR supports including data from the Natural Heritage Information System (NHIS) in the MnDNR Thank you for your comment. comprehensive plan. We recommend that the plan include goals and strategies to address how Your recommendation has rare species and plant communities will be protected and preserved. Two data layers useful for been taken under advisement. land use and conservation planning include the MBS Native Plant Communities and the MBS Sites of Biodiversity Significance. GIS shapefiles of these data layers can be downloaded from the Minnesota Geospatial Commons. DNR recommends avoidance of these ecologically significant areas, especially MBS Sites of Outstanding or High Biodiversity Significance, and DNR Native Plant Communities with a conservation status rank of S1 (critically imperiled), S2 (imperiled), or S3 (vulnerable to extirpation). We recommend that comprehensive plans include a map of both of these layers and a list of the types of native plant communities documented within the plan's boundaries. 1.3 As noted in your plan, Scandia has significant tracts of preserved natural areas. A number of city MnDNR Thank you for your comment. roads run through or along preserved open space. We recommend adding policies that take Your recommendation has wildlife (including trout, as mentioned above) into consideration as transportation projects occur. been taken under advisement. (Resources and examples provided in comment letter, including for turtles) 1.4 The loss of tree canopy due to threats such as emerald ash borer and oak wilt has negative impacts MnDNR Thank you for your comment. on the county's health and environment, and a planned community forest can provide numerous Your recommendation has community benefits. The first step to achieving a resilient community forest is conducting a tree been taken under advisement. inventory. The second step is developing a community forestry management plan that includes strategies for managing trees, especially ash, and encouraging a diverse tree canopy on private and public lands. It would be worth mentioning if the city has developed a forestry management plan, along with plans for implementation, as part of a strategy to meet environmental goals and policies. Page 1 2 Housing Incomplete. Number Comment From Proposed Response 1.1 Housing Implementation Table: GROW fund; please correct HRA reference to CDA Washington Thank you for the corrections. The County typos have been corrected. 1.2 Acknowledge the following tools could be used to address stated new housing need and Met Council Thank you for your comment. This specify what types of housing tools would be used for: element has been incorporated in • Housing bonds expanded housing tables. • Tax abatement • City sponsorship/support for MN Housing Consolidated RFP app • Local Fair Housing Policy • Support the addition of any appropriate single-family homes into the Two Rivers Community Land Trust as a way to increase affordable housing options in Scandia Site assembly efforts to support construction of specific housing needs 1.3 Pg 50, housing chapter: make sure projected household matches forecasts Met Council The forecasts in Figure VI -G match the forecasts in Table II -A. We will amend the first paragraph to remove a numerical mention of the number of households expected to be added to Scandia by 2040. Advisory Comment Number Comment From Proposed Response 1.1 Consider including the following CDA programs to help ensure financial sustainability for Washington Thank you for your comment. This homeowning: Home Buyer Education and Homeowner Counseling County element has been incorporated. Page 13 Parks and Trails Incomplete. Number Comment From Proposed Response 1.1 Thrive MSP Regional Parks Policy Plan: Change "National Park Service" to "National Park National Thank you for the corrections. The System". Change western border of Scandia to eastern border of Scandia Park Service typos have been corrected. 1.2 The 29.7 -mile bike loop noted in existing regional trails is a County Road with bike -able Washington This bike shoulder is located along shoulders. Please remove the Regional Trail designation County roads identified as A -Minor Arterials on the regional system. We consider the bike shoulder and trails a part of the overall regional system. 1.3 Rename Pine Point Park to Pine Point Regional Park Washington Thank you for the correction. The typo County has been corrected. 1.4 Pg. 53/54, Section B: Change plan funding sentence to "funded by a grant from the Washington Thank you for the correction. The typo Statewide Health Improvement Partnership (SHIP) through the Washington County County has been corrected. Department of Public Health and Environment." 1.5 We request you list William O'Brien as a state park in the legend on Fig. VII B, Local MnDNR Thank you for your comment. We Parks and Trails Map. have revised the map. Advisory Comment Number Comment From Proposed Response 1.1 Pg. 53, 64, 68: Swedish Immigrant Regional Trail. Ensure trail is noted and labeled as a Chisago Thank you for the corrections. The regional trail whenever it is noted in the Comp Plan County typos have been corrected. 1.2 Pg. 5/6. (item 3 in background/ history — natural resources & geographic features) Suggest National Thank you for your comment. Your adding "The St. Croix River, a federally protected river under the Wild and Scenic Rivers Act Park Service recommendation has been taken and a unit of the National Park System, runs..." under advisement. 1.3 Include "state and federal parkland" in St. Croix River Corridor Area future land use National Thank you for your comment. Your description (item e) Park Service recommendation has been taken under advisement. 1.4 Natural Resources Goals & Objectives: Goal 4, objective 2 National Thank you for your comment. Your Suggest adding "...while preserving natural and historical integrity and working Park Service recommendation has been taken cooperatively with land management partners" under advisement. 1.5 Please include the NPS in communications about potential abandonment of the Soo Line National Thank you for your comment. Your Railroad Bridge and Trail development Park Service recommendation has been taken under advisement. 1.6 Future planning efforts should be taking the Wild & Scenic Rivers Act and values into National Thank you for your comment. Your consideration Park Service recommendation has been taken under advisement. Page 14 1.7 Consider including the St. Croix National Scenic Riverway on the regional parks and trails National Thank you for your comment. Your Comment map Park Service recommendation has been taken Metro Mobility not provided in Scandia, remove reference Met Council Thank you for your comment. The under advisement. 1.8 Existing Parks and Trails: add a paragraph about the Riverway, adding a section for national National Thank you for your comment. Your parks Park Service recommendation has been taken From Proposed Response 1.1 under advisement. 1.9 The Falls Creek SNA description could include a list of activities to do, similar to the MnDNR Thank you for your comment. Your Crystal Springs SNA description. recommendation has been taken 1.2 under advisement. 1.10 Consider indicating snowmobile trails on park systems plans. State -supported grant -in- MnDNR Thank you for your comment. Your County aid trails connect your community to an extensive network of trails throughout the recommendation has been taken state. Including the trails on inventories would raise awareness of this recreational 1.3 under advisement. MnDOT activity. location will require an actuated, overhead, enhanced crossing. 1.11 Fig. VII B, Local Parks and Trails Map: The St. Croix is a state water trail, and that information MnDNR Thank you for your comment. Your could be indicated on the map. recommendation has been taken under advisement. Transportation Incomplete. Number Comment From Proposed Response 1.1 Metro Mobility not provided in Scandia, remove reference Met Council Thank you for your comment. The reference has been removed. Advisory Comment Number Comment From Proposed Response 1.1 Intersection of TH 97 and CR 52/Oakhill: Has been a State Aid Cooperative Agreement MnDOT Thank you for your comment. candidate in the past, plan to add dedicated left turn lanes at the intersection and at the school entrance, and improvement from current configuration. 1.2 Consider matching Table VIII "Typical Traffic Capacity by Roadway Type/Configuration" to Washington Thank you for your comment. Your the County's planning level roadway capacities on pg. 5-13 of the County's 2040 comp plan County recommendation has been taken under advisement. 1.3 Intersection of TH 97 and CR 52/Oakhill: Note that a proper upgrade for pedestrians at this MnDOT Thank you for your comment. location will require an actuated, overhead, enhanced crossing. Page 15 Wastewater Incomplete. Number Comment From Proposed Response 1.1 IX.B.2 — Include additional info in septic system description — "meet the standards Washington Thank you for your comment. This element has of the Washington County Subsurface Sewage Treatment System ordinance, which County been incorporated. is consistent with Minnesota Rules Chapter 7080. The County's SSTS Ordinance is codified in the Development Code as Chapter 4, Ordinance #206. The county is responsible for implementing the ordinance in the City of Scandia. This ordinance provides the basis for the County's SSTS program, including requirements for: compliance inspections of existing systems, permitting and inspection of new systems, site review, maintenance requirements, and operating permits for advanced treatment systems (Type IV)." 1.2 Change reference to inspections at point of sale — This is required per County Washington Thank you for your comment. This element has ordinance, in Section 8, for systems older than 5 years or those that do not have a County been incorporated. current compliance inspection. 1.3 Change reference to the SSTS ordinance number to current number, 206. The Washington Thank you for your comment. This element has section detailing maintenance requirements is Section 22. County been incorporated. 1.4 Specify under what conditions private community treatment systems would be Met Thank you for your comment. This element has allowed (densities, installation or management requirements, local gov. Council been incorporated in Chapter IX, Section B 3. responsibilities) 1.5 Clarify if Washington County has jurisdiction over public and private community Met Thank you for your comment. The City treatment systems Council maintains jurisdiction over public systems. Washington County and MPCA have jurisdiction over private systems based on their capacity, discussed in Chapter IX, Section B 3. 1.6 Need permit number and expiration date for the Tii Gavo and Wyldewood Acres Met We will include the permit numbers and private water systems Council expiration dates in the final document. 1.7 Include a copy of City Ordinance 108 Met City Ordinance 108 has been repealed. Council Ordinance 189 has replaced 108 and has been included in Appendix F. Advisory Comment Number Comment From Proposed Response 1.1 Consider referencing the County's comprehensive plan wastewater section, which Washington Thank you for your comment. Your includes a map of all known replacement orders from 2012-2017. County recommendation has been taken under If Met Council asks City to include info about "nonconforming systems/problem advisement. systems" 1.2 Does not appear connection to the Metro Disposal System will be needed before Met Yes, this is correct. Thank you for your 2040, based on forecasts. Contact Council if this is not the case Council comment. Page 1 6 Surface Water (Chapter Section) Incomplete. Number Comment From Proposed Response 1.1 Section IX.C.2: the 2010 management plan guides RCWD activities until 2020, not 2001. Rice Creek Thank you for the correction. The typo Watershed has been corrected. 1.2 RCWD submitted comments on the City's SWMP on June 28, 2018. Please revise the SWMP Rice Creek Thank you for your comment. SWMP plan/Appendix G and references in Chapter IX per watershed comments. Watershed comments and responses will be addressed separately. Advisory Comment Number Comment From Proposed Response 1.1 Section IX.C.1: The watershed management plan will be updated by 2020. Suggest revising Rice Creek Thank you for the correction. The typo the 2018/2019 reference to 2020. Watershed has been corrected. 1.2 Remove "while" from 2010 management plan objective #2 (pg. 99/100) Rice Creek Thank you for the correction. The typo Watershed has been corrected. 1.3 Scandia has several state designated Trout Streams that should be noted in the plan and MnDNR Thank you for your comment. Your shown on maps. Trout streams are particularly reliant on groundwater flow because the recommendation has been taken temperature of this source water is cool in the summer (and relatively high in winter). under advisement. Potential issues facing the present nature of trout within the watershed are changes in groundwater transport rates or supply to the river. Shifts that increase impervious surface runoff and/or groundwater withdrawals will reduce the quantity and quality of trout habitat. We recommend including additional policies to transportation and land use sections, that natural resource data, including designated trout stream information, is considered early in any transportation project or site plan review. 1.4 The data layer Pollution Sensitivity of Near Surface Materials provides additional MnDNR Thank you for your comment. Your information on the spatial nature of groundwater movement. recommendation has been taken under advisement. Page 17 Surface Water Management Plan Incomplete. Number Comment From Proposed Response 1.1 MN Chapter Rules 8410 requires local plans to include: Met Council Thank you for your comment. • A local implementation program through the year the local water plan extends must describe (same This element has been nonstructural, programmatic, and structural solutions to problems identified in the problem comment 3 incorporated in the LWMP. section. times, one • The program shall include areas and elevations for storm water storage adequate to meet directed to performance standards or official controls established in the organization plan; each • include a table that briefly describes each component of the implementation program and watershed clearly details the schedule, estimated cost, and funding sources for each component district) including annual budget totals; • include a capital improvement program that sets forth, by year, details of each contemplated capital improvement that includes the schedule, estimated cost, and funding source. The plan includes the city' s overall Capital Improvement Plan as Appendix F. This plan covers the years 2018- 2022 but contains no specific surface water projects. The surface water plan is not required to be updated until 2028, and technically the CIP should extend through the same time. We realize planning this far ahead is difficult, especially for a small city, but technically this is what is required by the Rule. 1.2 Section VI, Table 10 (pg 35) and Appendix F CIP: The City's implementation plan must be through the Rice Creek Thank you for your comment. year the local water plan extends and describe nonstructural, programmatic, and structural solutions Watershed This element has been to the problems identified in Section IV. Table 10 should have a clear schedule, estimated costs, and incorporated in the LWMP. funding sources for each item, including annual budget totals. The schedule should include each year covered by the plan: 2018-2028. Appendix F should also cover the years 2018-2028 and include specific water projects. 1.3 The Metropolitan Council indicated the need to identify areas and elevations for stormwater storage, Rice Creek Thank you for your comment. however referencing RCWD's hydraulic and hydrologic model and Watershed Management Plan is Watershed satisfactory to address this requirement. Advisory Comment Number Comment From Proposed Response 1.1 Pg 17. CLFLWD last updated its WMP 2018, not 2015 Comfort Thank you for your comment. Lake -Forest This element has been Lake incorporated in the LWMP. Watershed District Page 18 1.2 CLFLWD does not generally offer cost -share funding to projects that are Comfort Thank you for your comment. required to implement BMPs under the District's permitting program. This program is intended for Lake -Forest This element has been projects that go above and beyond the minimum requirements. Lake incorporated in the LWMP. Suggested edit: Watershed CLFLWD's plan notes that the District has established an Urban Stormwater Remediation Cost -Share District program that could be used as a source of funding that the City of Scandia could use to provide water quality enhancements as part of municipal projects, such as future road projects that go above and beyond minimum stormwater requirements and are not used for future credits. 1.3 Pg 22. There doesn't appear to be a copy of the proposed MOU in the appendices, specifically Comfort Thank you for your comment. Appendix E. Lake -Forest This element has been Lake incorporated in the LWMP. Watershed District 1.4 Pg 26. The CLFLWD will continue to implement its stormwater management and erosion control Comfort Thank you for your comment. ordinance in the Bone Lake watershed area and all other areas within CLFLWD jurisdiction. Lake -Forest Lake Watershed District 1.5 Pg 27. Will there be a specific trigger for when the City requires an owner/developer to complete the Comfort Thank you for your comment. functions and values assessment, or will this apply to all new development/redevelopment activity? Lake -Forest As noted in the plan, this Lake strategy is intended for Watershed developers/new District development. There is no specific trigger, other than the city will encourage developers to use these resources. The city can require this as part of development review, including planned unit developments. 1.6 Pg 33 — 34/ CLFLWD adopted a minor plan amendment in January 2018, which partially updated the Comfort Thank you for your comment. referenced sections including: removing AIS -related items from the projects category and into a new Lake -Forest These edits have been program — 3011 AIS Prevention & Management. Redlines are offered to more closely align this Lake incorporated in the LWMP. section with the latest amended version of the CLFLWD WMP. (see comment PDF — 4 bullets deleted, Watershed 2 bullets added, 3 sentence modifications) District 1.7 Appendix F: Capital Improvement Plan should have a clear and detailed schedule with estimated Comfort Thank you for your comment. costs and potential funding sources. Lake -Forest This element has been Lake incorporated in the LWMP. Page 19 Page 1 10 Watershed District 1.8 Table 10: Summary of Proposed Watershed Projects, which lists possible projects to be initiated Met Council Thank you for your comment. by the watershed districts. Alternatively, this table could be updated to include dates or This element has been schedules, estimated costs, and funding sources. Including local projects, even if there is no incorporated in the LWMP. immediate funding available for them, may make the activities more likely to qualify for possible grant funding. 1.9 Section III A. and III F (pages 2 & 16): Though RCWD is commencing the 2010 Watershed Rice Creek Thank you for your comment. Management Plan revision process, the plan will be updated by 2020. RCWD suggests revising Watershed This element has been the 2018/2019 references to 2020. incorporated in the LWMP. 1.10 Section III Table 3 Impaired Waters, second row (page 7): Big Marine is misspelled and should be Rice Creek Thank you for the correction. corrected. Watershed The typo has been corrected. 1.11 Section III, paragraph underneath Table 4 (page 9): The City could remove the last sentence. The Rice Creek Thank you for the correction. local water management plan schedule is now on the comprehensive plan schedule. Watershed The typo has been corrected. 1.12 Section III D. 1, third paragraph (page 10): "Clayey" is missing a "y" and should be corrected. Rice Creek Thank you for the correction. Watershed The typo has been corrected. 1.13 Section III E.2, underneath Table 7 (page 12): "That by privately -owned" should be corrected to Rice Creek Thank you for the correction. "that are privately -owned." Watershed The typo has been corrected. 1.14 Section III G.5, end of section (page 19): "Ordinances" is misspelled and should be corrected. Rice Creek Thank you for the correction. Watershed The typo has been corrected. 1.15 Section III H.2, second paragraph, second sentence (page 20): This sentence appears to be Rice Creek Thank you for the correction. unfinished. Recommend revising this sentence for clarity. Watershed The typo has been corrected. 1.16 Section III H.5, first sentence (page 21): "Was established" is not needed and can be removed. Rice Creek Thank you for the correction. Watershed The typo has been corrected. 1.17 Section IV A.9, last sentence (page 24): "Groundwater" is misspelled and should be corrected. Rice Creek Thank you for the correction. Watershed The typo has been corrected. 1.18 Section VI A, first sentence (page 29): An extra "f" is present that can be removed. Rice Creek Thank you for the correction. Watershed The typo has been corrected. 1.19 Appendix A Table of Contents and the legend of Figure SW -14: "Sensitivity" is misspelled and should Rice Creek Thank you for the correction. be corrected. Watershed The typo has been corrected. 1.20 Appendix A: Two figures are labeled as Figure SW -13. Recommend revising figure numbering Rice Creek Thank you for the correction. Watershed The typo has been corrected. 1.21 This plan addresses preservation and protection of groundwater and surface water. Minnesota State Washington Thank you for your comment. Statute 103b.235 defines these plans as "Local Water Management Plans," therefore the County This element has been department recommends the city remove the word "Surface" from the name of the plan and title it incorporated in the LWMP. "Local Water Management Plan." The rest of the document already refers to this plan as the "Local Water Management Plan." Page 1 10 Page 1 11 Additionally, the first sentence of the executive summary states this plan is to "...guide the City in conserving, protecting and managing its surface water resources." Since this plan addresses groundwater as well we suggest either removing the reference to "surface" and just leaving it as water resources or adding groundwater. 1.22 The county would like to point out that many of the city's goals, policies and strategies related to Washington Thank you for your comment. groundwater compliment the groundwater plans policies and strategies. As the city moves forward County Scandia will consider with implementing these policies, the county requests they look to the county for partnership and partnering and collaborating collaboration where appropriate. with the County to implement policies where appropriate. 1.23 Page 15 second paragraph Washington Thank you for your comment. Please delete the statement about "The County's priority groundwater issues in cities like Scandia County This element has been include proper Subsurface Sewage Treatment System installation and maintenance and sealing of incorporated in the LWMP. residential wells." While parts of this statement are true it is very limiting. The county groundwater plan covers many additional groundwater issues that should be a priority to Scandia such as mining, nutrients, pesticides, and others. This is already explained in more detail under Section H. An alternative statement could be "The County's groundwater plan addresses many groundwater issues that are a priority for the City of Scandia." Or something similar. 1.24 Page 19 Washington Thank you for your comment. Please change the last sentence from "seven major issues" to "eleven major issues." County This element has been incorporated in the LWMP. 1.25 Page 20 Washington Thank you for your comment. The bulleted list of issues from the county groundwater plan is incorrect. Please replace as follows: County This element has been • Groundwater Supply incorporated in the LWMP. • Groundwater and Surface Water Interaction • Source Water and Wellhead Protection • Existing Contaminants: VOCs and PFCs • Nutrients, Pesticides and Road Salt • Emerging Contaminants • Septic Systems • Land Spreading for Beneficial Use • Hazardous Waste • Mining • Landfills 1.26 Page 21 first sentence of number 4. Washington Thank you for your comment. Please change the "2003 Washington County Groundwater Plan" to the "2014 Washington County County This element has been Groundwater Plan." incorporated in the LWMP. 1.27 Page 21 number 5. Washington Thank you for your comment. The "North & East Area Groundwater Management Area Plan" needs to be changed to the "North County This element has been and East Metro Groundwater Management Area Plan." This occurs in two locations here. incorporated in the LWMP. Page 1 11 1.28 Page 24 first bullet; Page 25 sixth bullet; Page 27, Goal 6, first bullet Washington Thank you for your comment. Chisago Lakes Twn Please add the Washington Conservation District (WCD) and Washington County as potential County This element has been 1.3 partners. Forest Lake SC incorporated in the LWMP. 1.29 Page 25 third bullet Washington Thank you for your comment. City of Hugo Please add "adopted county development codes" to this list. County This element has been incorporated in the LWMP. General Incomplete. Number Comment From Proposed Response 1.1 No comments Chisago Lakes Twn 1.2 No comments Chisago Lakes SD 1.3 No comments Forest Lake SC 1.4 No comments Stillwater SD 1.5 Very nice plan City of Hugo Page 1 12