Appendix K NPDES PermitsAppendix K: NPDES Permits
Operating Permit OP -2017-0043
:, County
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System Name: Anderson -Erickson Collector Permittee Name: City Of Scandia
Service Provider: Adam Hawkinson
Mailing Address: 14727 209th St N , Scandia Mn 55073
Phone: (651) 433-2274
System Property ID. Number: 3403220340004
Service Provider Phone:
Washington County authorizes the Permittee to operate a Type I Subsurface Sewage Treatment System at the address
named above in accordance with the requirements of this operating permit. The attached Management Plan, Operations and
Maintenance recommended by the manufacturer of the advanced treatment unit(s) are hereby incorporated as part of the
requirements of this operating permit.
Issuance Date: 12/20/2017 Expiration Date: 12/31/2018
System Type: Type I Treatment Level: C
System Design Flow: 6700 Gallons Per Day
Residential/Commercial/Municipal: Municipal/Community
System Components
Pre -Treatment Device:
Soil Treatment Area: 6750 Square Soil Treatment Area Type: 3 Cells @ 2250 Each
PETE GANZEL 01/18/2017 10:14 AM - ISSUED
Government Center 14949 62nd Street North - P.O. Box 6, Stillwater, Minnesota 55082-0006
Phone: 651-430-6655 Fax: 651-430-6730 TTY: 651-430-6246
Service Centers also located in Cottage Grove and Forest Lake 2/11/2019
Operating Permit OP -2017-0043
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Peak Flow (GPD)
Main Lift Station
Average Flow (GPD)
Main Lift Station
CBOD5 (mg/L)
TSS (mg/L)
O&G (mg/L)
Incoming CBOD5 (mg/L)
Total Nitorgen (mg/L)
TKN (mg/L)
Nitrate/Nitrite (mg/L)
Target 10mg/L Also
record water depth MSL
Sample once between June
1 and July 30, Wells Cd, Dd
Field Tests: Temperature
and D.O.
Ponding/Surfacing in Soil
No Surfacing, Record
Drop Box Ponding Cell
Fecal Coliform Bacteria
Settleable Solids
Phosphorous (mg/L)
Any sampling and laboratory testing procedures shall be performed in accordance with any proprietary treatment product's
protocol, Standard Methods, and at a Minnesota Department of Health approved laboratory. The samples must be
representative of the flow; wastewater samples are expected to be taken during average peak flow events to the greatest
extent practical.
Pumps shall be calibrated annually or immediately after alteration of piping or any noted change in pump or panel function.
Individual/Shared Septic
Every Three
STEP Tanks and Controls
Annually Operational Check, Current Draw
Main Lift and Controls Monthly
Soil Treatment Area Monthly
Inspect for damage, function, pump current draw.
Inspect for damage, function, mowing as needed,
gopher control.
In the event the waste water treatment system does not meet required monitoring requirements as contained in this operating
permit, the permitee shall notify the Department within 30 days of non-compliance. The permittee is responsible to obtain the
services of a Minnesota Pollution Control Agency licensed Service Provider to complete the required corrective measures.
This permit is effective on the issuance date identified above. The Permitee is not authorized to discharge after the above date
of expiration.
The permittee is required to obtain the services of a Minnesota Pollution Control Agency licensed 1) Service Provider to
provide ongoing system operation, maintenance, and monitoring and 2) Maintainer to pump the system's sewage tanks and
componenetts. Provide the Department with a copy of signed contract between the permittee and the licensed Service
Provider. If the Permitee fails to comply with the provisions of this operation permit, the Permittee understands that penalties
may be issued. If the Permitee sells this property during the life of the permit, the Permittee will infrorm the new owner(s) of the 2/11/2019
Operating Permit OP -2017-0043 Page 3 of 3
permit requirements and the need to renew the operating permit.
Reporting to the County shall be annual (once per year) but flow readings should be recorded at least monthly or more
frequently as determined by the operator. A method of recording actual daily (not average) flow is desirable. 2/11/2019
Minnesota Pollution Control Agency
Municipal Division
State Disposal System (SDS) Permit MN0054119
City of Scandia
Bliss Collector
Scandia COUNTY: Washington
The state of Minnesota, on behalf of its citizens through the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA),
authorizes the Permittee to operate a disposal system at the facility named above, in accordance with the
requirements of this permit.
The goal of this permit is to reduce pollutant levels in point source discharges and protect water quality in
accordance with Minnesota and US statutes and rules, including Minn. Stat. chs. 115 and 116, Minn. R.
chs. 7001, 7049, 7050, 7053, 7060, and the US Clean Water Act.
This permit is effective on the issuance date identified above, and supersedes the previous permit that
was issued for this facility on April 2, 2010. This permit expires at midnight on the expiration date
identified above.
Bill D. Priebe, P.E. for The Minnesota Pollution Control Agency
Supervisor, Metro Regional & Infrastructure Financing Unit
Municipal Wastewater Section
Municipal Division
Submit eDMRs
Submit via the MPCA Online Services Portal at
Submit Other WO Reports to:
Attention: WQ Submittals Center
Minnesota Pollution Control Agency
520 Lafayette Rd N
St Paul, MN 55155-4194
Questions on this permit?
• For eDMR and other permit reporting issues, contact:
Tamara Dahl, 507-476-4252.
• For specific permit requirements or permit compliance
status, contact:
Kaitlin Jamieson, 651-757-2306.
• General permit or NPDES program questions,
MPCA, 651-282-6143 or 1-800-657-3938.
520 Lafayette Rd. N.; St. Paul, MN 55155-4194; 651-296-6300 (voice); 651-282-5332 (TTY)
Regional Offices: Duluth • Brainerd • Detroit Lakes • Marshall • Rochester
Equal Opportunity Employer • Printed on recycled paper containing at least 10% fibers from paper recycled by consumers
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Permit MN0054119
Table of Contents
Permitted Facility Description....................................................................................................... 2
Topographic Map of Permitted Facility........................................................................................ 3
Summaryof Stations..................................................................................................................... 4
Limits and Monitoring Requirements........................................................................................... 5
Chapter 1. Compliance Schedule................................................................................................. 7
Chapter 2. Waste Stream Stations............................................................................................... 7
Chapter 3. Ground Water Stations.............................................................................................. 7
Chapter 4. Domestic Wastewater -- Large Subsurface Treatment System ................................. 8
Chapter 5. Domestic Wastewater -- Biosolids-Domestic Septage (No Analysis Required) ......... 10
Chapter 6. Domestic Wastewater — Pretreatment...................................................................... 12
Chapter 7. Total Facility Requirements........................................................................................ 15
Facility Description
The Bliss Collector Wastewater Treatment Facility (Facility) is located in the NW 1/4 of NE 1/4 of Section
31, Township 32 North, Range 20 West, Scandia, Washington County, Minnesota. This is a Class D
The existing Facility presently serves approximately 75 homes. There are 70 individual septic tanks and
46 shared STEP systems through which sewage passes before entering the collection system.
This Facility consists of small diameter force main, two lift stations, a stilling basin comprised of three
septic tanks in series (7,500 gallons total), a dosing station and three pass-through sand filter beds, and
a dosing station for filtered effluent going to a three -cell drainfield trench system. The drainfield
system consists of three cells of drop box drainfields with ten laterals each. One or two cells rest at any
given time. The system is designed to treat up to 19,800 gallons per day. There are no known bypass
points in this system. There are four monitoring wells at this site, one up gradient (GW001) and three
downgradient (GW004, GW006 and GW008). There are also nine piezometers (GW009-017).
Topographic Map of Permitted Facility
MN0054119:Bli55Collector astewaterTreatmentFaciIity
T32N, R20%Section 31
5candia, Washington County, Minnesota
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Page 3
Permit MNOO54119
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Map produced by: MPCA Staff, 12/9/20141 1 N
Main Map Sc ale: 1:12,000 0 0.12-1 0.25 4.5Milea
Permit Issued: Bliss Collector WWTP Page 4
Permit Expires: Summary of Stations Permit #: MN0054119
Ground Water Stations
Station Tyne of Station Local Name PLS Location
GW001 Well, Upgradient MW- is NW Quarter of the NE Quarter of Section 31, Township 32
Well, Downgradient
MW - 3s
Well, Downgradient
MW - 4s
Well, Downgradient
MW - 5d
Piezometer, Other
Pz. a
Piezometer, Other
Pz. b
Piezometer, Other
Pz. c
Piezometer, Other
Pz. d
Piezometer, Other
Pz. e
Piezometer, Other
Pz. f
Piezometer, Other
Pz. g
Piezometer, Other
Pz. h
Piezometer, Other
Pz. i
Waste Stream Stations
Station Tyne of Station
WS001 Influent Waste
WS002 Intermediate: WW to Land
North, Range 20 West
NW Quarter of the NE Quarter of Section 31, Township 32
North, Range 20 West
NW Quarter of the NE Quarter of Section 31, Township 32
North, Range 20 West
NW Quarter of the NE Quarter of Section 31, Township 32
North, Range 20 West
NE Quarter of Section 31, Township 32 North, Range 20 West
NE Quarter of Section 31, Township 32 North, Range 20 West
NE Quarter of Section 31, Township 32 North, Range 20 West
NE Quarter of Section 31, Township 32 North, Range 20 West
NE Quarter of Section 31, Township 32 North, Range 20 West
NE Quarter of Section 31, Township 32 North, Range 20 West
NE Quarter of Section 31, Township 32 North, Range 20 West
NE Quarter of Section 31, Township 32 North, Range 20 West
NE Quarter of Section 31, Township 32 North, Range 20 West
Local Name PLS Location
Dosing Station 1 NW Quarter of the NE Quarter of Section 31, Township 32
North, Range 20 West
Sand Filter Effluent, Dosing Station 2 NW Quarter of the NE Quarter of Section 31, Township 32
North, Range 20 West
Permit Issued: Bliss Collector WWTP Page 5
Permit Expires: Limits and Monitoring Requirements Permit #: MN0054119
The Permittee shall comply with the limits and monitoring requirements as specified below.
GW 001, GW 004, GW 006, GW 008
Parameter J Limit Units Limit Type Effective Period Sample Type Frequency Notes
Chloride, Total Only mg/L Calendar Month Maximum Apr, Jul, Oct
Grab 1 x Month
levation of GW Relative to Mean Sea Monitor feet Instantaneous Maximum Apr, Jul, Oct Measurement, 1 x Month 3
evel Only Instantaneous
te Plus Nitrate, Total (as N) Monitor mg/L Calendar Month Maximum Apr, Jul, Oct Grab 1 x Month
Onl u
itrogen, Ammonia, Total (as N)Monitor mg/L Calendar Month Maximum Apr, Jul, Oct Grab 1 x Month
Nitrogen, Kjeldahl, Total pnitor mg/L Calendar Month Maximum L Apr, Jul, Oct Grab 1 x Month
pH, Field Monitor SU Instantaneous Maximum Apr, Jul, Oct Grab 1 x Month 22
H, Field Only SU Instantaneous Minimum Apr, Jul, Oct
Grab 1 x Month 2
hosphorus, Total (as P) Monitor mg/L Calendar Month Maximum Apr, Jul, Oct Grab 1 x Month
Specific Conductance, Field Monitor umh/cm Instantaneous Maximum Apr, Jul, Oct Grab 1 x Month 2
J Onl u
e, Water (C) Monitor Deg C Instantaneous Maximum Apr, Jul, Oct Grab 1 x Month
GW 009, GW 010, GW 011, GW 012, GW 013, GW 014, GW 015, GW 016, GW 017
Parameter Limit Units Limit T e Effective Period Sample T pe Frequenc Notes
Separation to Ground Water Monitor in Instantaneous Maximum Apr, Jul, Oct Measurement 1 x Month 55
WS 001
Parameter Limit Units Limit T e Effective Period Sample T pe Frequenc Notes
C D, Carbonaceous 05 Day (20 Deg Monitor mg/L Calendar Month Average Jan -Dec Grab 1 x Month
Flow 0.0198 mgd Calendar Month Average Jan -Dec Measurement, 1 x Day
L Continuous u
Flow Monitor MG Calendar Month Total Jan -Dec Measurement, 1 x Day
Onl Continuous
low 0.0297 mgd Daily Maximum Jan -Dec Measurement, 1 x Day
Continuous u
H Monitor SU Calendar Month Maximum Jan -Dec Grab 1 x Month �1
pnitor SU Calendar Month Minimum Jan -Dec Grab 1 x Month 1
hosphorus, Total (as P) Monitor mg/L Calendar Month Average Jan -Dec Grab 1 x Month
recipitation Only in Calendar Month Total Jan -Dec
Measurement 1 x Day
Solids, Total Suspended (TSS) Monitor mg/L Calendar Month Average Jan -Dec Grab 1 x Month
Permit Issued: Bliss Collector WWTP Page 6
Permit Expires: Limits and Monitoring Requirements Permit #: MN0054119
The Permittee shall comply with the limits and monitoring requirements as specified below.
WS 002
Parameter Limit Units Limit Type Effective Period Sample Type Frequency Notes
BOD, Carbonaceous 05 Day (20 Deg Monitor mg/L Calendar Quarter Average Jan -Dec Grab 1 x Quarter
C) Onlyu
Chloride, Total Monitor mg/L Calendar Quarter Average Jan -Dec Grab 1 x Quarter
te Plus Nitrate, Total (as N) Monitor mg/L Calendar Quarter Average Jan -Dec Grab 1 x Quarter
Onl J u
!tro gen, Kjeldahl, Total Monitor mg/L Calendar Quarter Average Jan -Dec Grab 1 x Quarter
itrogen, Total (as N) Monitor mg/L Calendar Quarter Average Jan -Dec
Grab 1 x Quarter 4
hosphorus, Total (as P) Monitor mg/L Calendar Quarter Average Jan -Dec Grab 1 x Quarter
Solids, Total Suspended (TSS) Monitor mg/L Calendar Quarter Average Jan -Dec
Grab 1 x Quarter
-- Analyze immediately. Except weekends or holidays. This means within 15 minutes or less of sample collection.
-- Final field measurement from stabilization tests at all monitoring wells may be used.
-- Measured to the nearest 0.01 ft. prior to pumping or bailing.
-- See Waste Stream Stations chapter for additional information.
Permit Issued: Bliss Collector WWTP Page 7
Permit Expires: Permit #: MN0054119
Chapter 1. Compliance Schedule
1. Compliance Schedule
Nitrogen Mitigation Plan
1.1 The Permittee shall submit a Nitrogen Mitigation Plan for MPCA approval within one year of permit issuance.
This plan shall serve as a monitoring and evaluation plan for documenting the treatment effectiveness of the
treatment system components.
The Plan shall include an overall assessment of the entire treatment system at the facility, along with
recommendations and any potential changes to the engineering design for lowering the Total Nitrogen entering
the soil dispersal system. By lowering the Total Nitrogen prior to disposal, it may be possible to lower the
elevated Nitrates detected in the on-site monitoring well GW004.
1.2 Submit a final report 180 days prior to permit expiration.
The report shall serve as a performance report and summarize the treatment system's ability to consistently
achieve compliance with the Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) drinking water standard of 10 milligrams
per liter (mg/L) for Nitrate Nitrogen at either the end of discharge of the treatment facility or within the
downstream monitoring wells. The performance report shall include, if necessary, what is needed to maintain
compliance with the MDH standard of 10 mg/L, including recommendations concerning modifications to the
facility design, operation, and/or maintenance.
Chapter 2. Waste Stream Stations
1. Requirements for Specific Stations
1.1 WS 001: Submit a monthly DMR by 21 days after the end of each calendar month following permit issuance.
1.2 WS 002: Submit a quarterly DMR by 21 days after the end of each calendar quarter following permit issuance.
2. Sampling Location
2.1 Samples for Station WS001 shall be collected at the first dosing station and shall be representative of the total
influent flow to the system.
2.2 Samples for Station WS002 shall be taken at the second dosing station, prior to entering the drainfield system.
Samples from this station shall be representative of the total facility discharge to land.
3. Nitrogen Limits and Monitoring Requirements
3.1 "Total Nitrogen" is to be reported as the summation of the Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen and Total Nitrite + Nitrate
Nitrogen values.
Chapter 3. Ground Water Stations
1. Requirements for Specific Stations
1.1 GW 001, GW 004, GW 006, GW 008, GW 009, GW 010, GW 011, GW 012, GW 013, GW 014, GW 015, GW
016, GW 017: Submit a monthly DMR by 21 days after the end of each designated calendar month following
permit issuance.
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Permit Expires: Permit #: MN0054119
Chapter 3. Ground Water Stations
2. Monitoring Wells
2.1 The Permittee shall install, maintain and abandon groundwater monitoring wells according to the Minnesota
Water Well Construction Code, Minnesota Rules, ch. 4725. Damaged or improperly constructed monitoring
wells shall be repaired or properly abandoned and replaced. Information on licensed water well contractors is
available from the Minnesota Department of Health.
2.2 The Permittee shall submit a detailed monitoring well log for each monitoring well at the facility and a detailed
US Geological Survey topographical map identifying the location of each well.
2.3 Each monitoring well shall be clearly numbered on the outside of the well with either indelible paint or an
inscribed number.
2.4 The monitoring wells shall be sampled in accordance with "Minnesota Pollution Control Agency, Water Quality
Division: Sampling Procedures for Ground Water Monitoring Wells, July 1997, Reviewed and re -approved
September 2006." A copy of this publication is available on the MPCA website at:
2.5 Grab samples must be collected at all ground water monitoring points (lysimeters or wells) after stabilization
tests are conducted.
2.6 Prior to well purging and sampling, depths to groundwater shall be measured to the nearest 0.01 foot below the
top of the well casing, and groundwater elevations shall be reported to the nearest 0.01 foot above mean sea
2.7 Temperature, specific conductance and pH shall be reported as the final field measurements from well
Chapter 4. Domestic Wastewater -- Large Subsurface Treatment System (LSTS)
1. Unauthorized Discharge
1.1 There shall be no unauthorized discharge to the ground surface or surface water from these facilities.
2. Prohibitions
2.1 The Permittee shall prevent the discharge of any wastes other than sewage into any component of the facility,
including septic tanks, advanced treatment systems, and soil treatment systems that could result in damage to the
treatment facility or inhibit treatment unless the discharge of such other substances is specifically approved in
writing by the MPGA.
3. Sanitary Sewer Extension Permit
3.1 The Permittee may be required to obtain a Sanitary Sewer Extension Permit from the MPCA for any addition,
extension or replacement to the sanitary sewer. If a sewer extension permit is required, construction may not
begin until plans and specifications have been submitted and a written permit is granted except as allowed in
Minn. Stat. 115.07, Subd. 3(b).
4. Operator Certification
4.1 The Permittee shall provide a Class D state certified operator who is in direct responsible charge of the operation,
maintenance and testing functions required to ensure compliance with the terms and conditions of this permit. In
addition, the certified operator must maintain a current Service Provider Certification. (Minnesota Statutes,
section 115.72)
4.2 The Permittee shall provide the appropriate number of operators with a Type IV certification to be responsible
for the land application of biosolids or semisolids from commercial or industrial operations.
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Permit Expires: Permit #: MN0054119
Chapter 4. Domestic Wastewater -- Large Subsurface Treatment System (LSTS)
4. Operator Certification
4.3 If the Permittee chooses to meet operator certification requirements through a contractual agreement, the
Permittee shall provide a copy of the contract to the MPCA, WQ Submittals Center. The contract shall include
the certified operator's name, certificate number, service provider certification number, company name if
appropriate, the period covered by the contract and provisions for renewal; the duties and responsibilities of the
certified operator; the duties and responsibilities of the permittee; and provisions for notifying the MPCA 30
days in advance of termination if the contract is terminated prior to the expiration date.
4.4 The Permittee shall notify the MPCA within 30 days of a change in operator certification or contract status.
5. Special Requirements
Special Condition - Update O & M Manual
5.1 The Permittee is required to have on-site and available an updated Operation and Maintenance manual. This
manual must be available to MPCA staff upon request.
6. Facility Maintenance
6.1 The facility shall be adequately protected to prevent damage.
7. Collection System
7.1 The collection system shall be properly maintained to minimize inflow, infiltration, exfiltration, and obstructions.
A record of all inspections and maintenance operations shall be kept by the Permittee for a minimum of three
8. Tank Maintenance
8.1 All tanks (primary, secondary, holding, dosing, individual, etc) associated with this system shall be operated,
pumped and maintained to ensure proper system operation and solids management. After every pumping event,
all tanks shall be inspected for potential failure (such as cracks, roots, damaged baffles, etc.). Identified problems
shall be corrected immediately.
8.2 The owner of a septic tank or tanks or the owner's agent must arrange for the removal and proper disposal of
septage from all tanks or compartments in which the top of the sludge layer is less than 12 inches below the
bottom of the outlet baffle or whenever the bottom of the scum layer is less than three inches above the outlet
baffle. All accumulations of sludge, scum, and liquids must be removed through the maintenance hole.
8.3 The Permittee shall properly clean the effluent screens as often as needed to maintain an adequate flow rate from
the septic tank(s). The Permittee shall keep a record at the facility that indicates the dates that the effluent screens
are inspected, removed and cleaned.
8.4 Tanks that are not specifically covered under the Limits & Monitoring section of this permit shall be inspected at
least every three years and pumped as necessary unless more restrictive local requirements have been established.
9. Soil Treatment System Maintenance
9.1 The soil treatment system(s) shall be adequately fenced.
9.2 A dense vegetative cover shall be maintained over the soil treatment system(s) at all times during the growing
season to prevent the growth of unwanted vegetation such as trees, deep rooted nuisance plants, aquatic
vegetation and to prevent erosion.
9.3 Routine maintenance shall be conducted to discourage the presence of rodents and other burrowing animals and
deer on the soil treatment system and to allow inspection of observation ports installed in the soil treatment
system(s) inspection pipes.
Soil Treatment System Inspection
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Permit Expires: Permit #: MN0054119
Chapter 4. Domestic Wastewater -- Large Subsurface Treatment System (LSTS)
9. Soil Treatment System Maintenance
9.4 Ponding depth inspections to determine the condition of each soil treatment system (trench, bed, at -grade,
mound, or drip dispersal) /drainfield standpipe shall be conducted every other month during the time the soil
treatment system is in use. The inspection of each soil treatment system shall include the identification of wet or
saturated areas, depth of effluent ponding in the soil treatment observation ports, evidence of effluent at the
surface, frozen components, and measurements in piezometers (if installed). Visual observations shall be
recorded and inspection records shall be maintained by the owner for a minimum of three years following each
inspection. The results of the inspection are not required to be submitted to the MPCA but shall be made
available upon request by MPCA staff.
9.5 Indications of excessive hydraulic and organic loading to the wastewater treatment facility flow rate include
ineffective septic tanks or advanced treatment systems, prolonged saturated soil conditions, vegetative drowning
or excessive ground water mounding (observed from piezometers) and exceeding daily permitted flow rates as
indicated by flow meters, event counters and running time clocks.
Reserve Soil Treatment System
9.6 The reserve area for the soil treatment system/drainfield must be properly protected to prevent the use of, and
damage to, the area. The reserve area must be posted and identified for the public with at least one sign
designating its future purpose and the boundaries must be visibly staked at all corners. In no case may this area
be disturbed for any purpose, including vehicle traffic, storage, bike, hiking or ATV trails, playing fields, etc.
Chapter 5. Domestic Wastewater -- Biosolids-Domestic Septage (No Analysis Required)
1. Authorization
1.1 This permit authorizes the Permittee to store, transfer, and/or land apply domestic wastewater treatment septage
that is defined as biosolids in accordance with the provisions in this chapter and Minn. R. ch. 7041. The
conditions for septage treatment and application described in this chapter apply only to septage from domestic
residences as described in the permit application. For the purpose of this permit chapter, solids collected in
septic tanks are referred to as biosolids.
If any commercial or industrial user is added to this permitted facility, the MPCA must be notified before adding
that user to the facility so that appropriate monitoring, treatment and disposal of the septage can be determined.
Based on that determination, the Permittee may be required to apply and pay for a permit modification.
1.2 Permittees who prepare bulk biosolids must obtain approval of the sites on which bulk biosolids are applied
before they are applied unless they are Exceptional Quality Biosolids. Site application procedures are set forth in
Minn. R. ch. 7041.0800.
2. Compliance Responsibility
2.1 The Permittee is responsible for ensuring that the applicable requirements in this chapter and Minn. R. ch. 7041
are met when biosolids are prepared, distributed, or applied to the land.
3. Notification Requirements
3.1 The Permittee shall provide information needed to comply with the biosolids requirements of Minn. R. ch. 7041
to others who prepare or use the biosolids.
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Permit Expires: Permit #: MN0054119
Chapter 5. Domestic Wastewater -- Biosolids-Domestic Septage (No Analysis Required)
4. Pathogen and Vector Attraction Reduction
4.1 Biosolids shall be processed, treated, or be incorporated or injected into the soil to meet pathogen and vector
attraction reduction requirements in Minn. R. ch. 7041.1800, subp. 3, items a, b, or c as follows:
a. the pH of the septage must be raised to 12 or higher for 30 minutes by alkali addition and, without the
addition of more alkali, shall remain at 12 or higher for 30 minutes;
b. the septage is injected and no significant amount of the septage is present on the land surface within one hour
after it is injected, or
c. the septage is incorporated below the surface of the land within six hours after surface application.
4.2 The minimum duration between application and harvest, grazing or public access to areas where biosolids have
been applied to the land is as follows:
a. 14 months for food crops whose harvested parts may touch the soil/biosolids mixture (such as melons, squash,
tomatoes, etc.), when biosolids are surface applied, incorporated or injected.
b. 20 months or 38 months depending on the application method for food crops whose harvested parts grow in
the soil (such as potatoes, carrots, onions, etc.). The 20 month time period is required when biosolids are surface
applied or surface applied and incorporated after they have been on the soil surface for at least four (4) months.
The 38 month time period is required when the biosolids are injected or surface applied and incorporated within
four (4) months of application.
c. 30 days for feed crops, other food crops (such as field corn, sweet corn, etc.), hay or fiber crops when
biosolids are surface applied, incorporated or injected.
d. 30 days for grazing of animals when biosolids are surface applied, incorporated or injected.
e. One year where there is a high potential for public contact with the site, (such as a reclamation site located in
populated areas, a construction site located in a city, turf farms, plant nurseries, etc.) and 30 days where there is
low potential for public contact (such as agricultural land, forest, a reclamation site located in an unpopulated
area, etc.) when biosolids are surface applied, incorporated, or injected.
5. Management Practices
5.1 The management practices for the land application of biosolids are described in detail in Minn. R. ch. 7041.1200
and must be followed unless specified otherwise in a site approval letter or a permit issued by the MPCA.
5.2 Overall management requirements:
a. Biosolids must not be applied to the land if it is likely to adversely affect a threatened or endangered species
listed under Section 4 of the Endangered Species Act or its designated critical habitat.
b. Biosolids must not be applied to flooded, frozen or snow covered ground so that the biosolids enter wetlands
or other waters of the state.
c. Biosolids must be applied at an agronomic rate. The Agronomic application rate for septage applied to
agricultural land, forest, or a reclamation site for a cropping year shall be calculated using the following
equation unless determined otherwise by the MPCA.
AR = N / 0.0026
Where: AR = Application rate in gallons per acre for the cropping year. N = The maximum available nitrogen
application rate in pounds per acre per cropping year required by the crop based on realistic yield goals or
nitrogen uptake by vegetation grown on the land minus the amount supplied by other sources such as manure or
d. Biosolids shall not be applied within 33 feet of a wetland or waters of the state unless specified otherwise by
the MPCA in a permit.
Permit Issued: Bliss Collector WWTP Page 12
Permit Expires: Permit #: MN0054119
Chapter 5. Domestic Wastewater -- Biosolids-Domestic Septage (No Analysis Required)
6. Records
6.1 The Permittee must obtain and keep on record items a. through g. for five years and items h. through j.
a. The following certification statement for all septage applied to the land:
"I certify, under penalty of law, that the information that will be used to determine compliance with the pathogen
and vector attraction reduction requirements in part 7041.1800, subp. 3 item A, B, or C, the management
practices in part 7041.1200, and the site restrictions in part 7041.1300, subpart 3, item D, has been prepared
under my direction and supervision according to the system designed to ensure that qualified personnel properly
gather and evaluate the information used to determine that the pathogen and vector attraction reduction
requirements have been met. I am aware that there are significant penalties for false certification including the
possibility of fine and imprisonment.";
b. a description of how the pathogen and vector attraction reduction requirements are met. If alkali addition is
used, records must indicate each container of septage applied is monitored for compliance with subp. 3, item a;
c. a description of how management practices and site restrictions are met;
d. a record of soil test data as required by part 7041.0800, site approvals, or permits;
e. the maximum available nitrogen application rate based on the realistic yield goal of the crop or vegetation
grown on the site during the cropping year;
f. the number of acres used;
g. any other analysis or information required by the MPCA;
h. the legal description of the land application site;
i. the amount and date of septage applied in gallons per acre and the cumulative dry tons per acre; and
j. the amount of arsenic, cadmium, copper, lead, mercury, molybdenum, nickel, selenium, and zinc applied each
cropping year and cumulatively expressed in pounds per acre.
7. Reporting Requirements
7.1 By December 31 following the end of each cropping year, the Permittee shall submit a Biosolids Annual Report
for the land application of biosolids on a form provided by or approved by the MPCA. The report shall include
the requirements in Minnesota Rules, part 7041.1700.
7.2 The permittee shall submit a Biosolids Annual Report by December 31 of each year for biosolids storage and/or
transfer activities occurring during the cropping year previous to December 31. The report must indicate whether
or not biosolids were transferred and/or stored. If biosolids were transferred, the report must describe how much
was transferred, where it was transferred to, the name of the facility that accepted the transfer and the contact
person at that facility. "Cropping year" means a year beginning on September 1 of the year prior to the growing
season and ending August 31 the year the crop is harvested. For example, the 2012 cropping year began
September 1, 2011, and ended August 31, 2012.
7.3 The Permittee shall submit the Biosolids Annual Report to:
Biosolids Coordinator
Minnesota Pollution Control Agency
520 Lafayette Road North
St. Paul, Minnesota 55155-4194
Chapter 6. Domestic Wastewater -- Pretreatment
1. Pretreatment - Definitions
1 An "Individual Control Mechanism" is a document, such as an agreement or permit, that imposes limitations or
requirements on an individual industrial user of the POTW.
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Chapter 6. Domestic Wastewater -- Pretreatment
1. Pretreatment -Definitions
1.2 "Significant Industrial User" (SIU) means any industrial user that:
a. discharges 25,000 gallons per day or more of process wastewater;
b. contributes a load of five (5) % or more of the capacity of the POTW; or
c. is designated as significant by the Permittee or the MPCA on the basis that the SIU has a reasonable potential
to adversely impact the POTW, or the quality of its effluent or residuals. (Minn. R. 7049.0120, Subp. 24)
2. Pretreatment - Permittee Responsibility to Control Users
2.1 It is the Permittee's responsibility to regulate the discharge from users of its wastewater treatment facility. The
Permittee shall prevent any pass through of pollutants or any inhibition or disruption of the Permittee's facility,
its treatment processes, or its sludge processes or disposal that contribute to the violation of the conditions of this
permit or any federal or state law or regulation limiting the release of pollutants from the POTW. (Minn. R.
2.2 The Permittee shall prohibit the discharge of the following to its wastewater treatment facility:
a. pollutants which create a fire or explosion hazard, including any discharge with a flash point less than 60
degrees C (140 degrees F);
b. pollutants which would cause corrosive structural damage to the POTW, including any waste stream with a
pH of less than 5.0;
c. solid or viscous pollutants which would obstruct flow;
d. heat that would inhibit biological activity, including any discharge that would cause the temperature of the
waste stream at the POTW treatment plant headworks to exceed 40 degrees C (104 degrees F);
e. pollutants which produce toxic gases, vapors, or fumes that may endanger the health or safety of workers; or
f. any pollutant, including oxygen demanding pollutants such as biochemical oxygen demand, released at a flow
rate or pollutant concentration that will cause interference or pass through. (Minn. R. 7049.0140)
2.3 The Permittee shall prohibit new discharges of non -contact cooling waters unless there is no cost effective
alternative. Existing discharges of non -contact cooling water to the Permittee's wastewater treatment facility
shall be eliminated, where elimination is cost-effective, or where an infiltration/inflow analysis and sewer system
evaluation survey indicates the need for such removal.
2.4 If the Permittee accepts trucked -in wastes, the Permittee shall evaluate the trucked in wastes prior to acceptance
in the same manner as it monitors sewered wastes. The Permittee shall accept trucked -in wastes only at
specifically designated points. (Minn. R. 7049.0140, Subp. 4)
2.5 Pollutant of concern means a pollutant that is or may be discharged by an industrial user that is, or reasonably
should be of concern on the basis that it may cause the permittee to violate any permit limits on the release of
pollutants. The following pollutants shall be evaluated to determine if they should be pollutants of concern:
pollutants limited in this permit, pollutants for which monitoring is required in this permit, pollutants that are
likely to cause inhibition of the Permittee's POTW, pollutants which may interfere with sludge disposal and
pollutants for which the Permittee's treatment facility has limited capacity. (Minn. R. 7049.0120, Subp. 13)
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Chapter 6. Domestic Wastewater -- Pretreatment
3. Control of Significant Industrial Users
3.1 The Permittee shall impose pretreatment requirements on SIUs which will ensure compliance with all applicable
effluent limitations and other requirements set forth in this permit or any federal or state law or regulation
limiting the release of pollutants from the POTW. These requirements shall be applied to SIUs by means of an
individual control mechanism. (Minn. R. 7049.0600)
3.2 The Permittee shall not knowingly enter into an individual control mechanism with any user that would allow the
user to contribute an amount or strength of wastewater that would cause violation of any limitation or
requirement in the permit, or any applicable federal, state or local law or regulation. (Minn. R. 7049.0600 Subp.
4. Monitoring of Significant Industrial Users
4.1 The Permittee shall obtain from SIUs specific information on the quality and quantity of the SIU's discharges to
the Permittee's POTW. Except where specifically requested by the Permittee and approved by the MPGA, this
information shall be obtained by means of representative monitoring conducted by the Permittee or by the SN
under requirements imposed by the Permittee in the SIU's individual control mechanism. Monitoring performed
to comply with this requirement shall include all pollutants for which the SIU is significant and shall be done at a
frequency commensurate with the significance of the SIU. (Minn. R. 7049.0710)
5. Reporting and Notification
5.1 If a SIU discharges to the POTW during a given calendar year, the Permittee shall submit a Pretreatment Annual
Report for that calendar year, due by January 31 of the following year. The Pretreatment Annual Report shall be
submitted on forms provided by the agency or shall provide equivalent information.
The Permittee shall submit the pre-treatment report to the following address:
Attn: WQ Submittals Center
520 Lafayette Road North
St. Paul, Minnesota 55155-4194 (Minn. R. 7049.0720)
5.2 The Permittee shall notify the MPCA in writing of any:
a. SIU of the Permittee's POTW which has not been previously disclosed to the MPCA;
b. anticipated or actual changes in the volume or quality of discharge by an industrial user that could result in the
industrial user becoming an SIU as defined in this chapter; or
c. anticipated or actual changes in the volume or quality of discharges by a SIU that would require changes to
the SIU's required local limits.
This notification shall be submitted within 30 days of identifying the IU as a SIU. Where changes are proposed,
they must be submitted prior to changes being made. (Minn. R. 7049.0700, Subp. 1)
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Chapter 6. Domestic Wastewater -- Pretreatment
5. Reporting and Notification
5.3 Upon notifying the MPCA of a SIU or change in a SIU discharge as required above, the Permittee shall submit
the following information on forms provided by the agency or in a comparable format:
a. the identity of the SIU and a description of the SIU's operation and process;
b. a characterization of the SIU's discharge;
c. the required local limits that will be imposed on the SIU;
d. a technical justification of the required local limits; and
e. a plan for monitoring the SIU which is consistent with monitoring requirements in this chapter. (Minn. R.
5.4 In addition, the Permittee shall, upon request, submit the following to the MPCA for approval:
a. additional information on the SIU, its processes and discharge;
b. a copy of the individual control mechanism used to control the SIU;
c. the Permittee's legal authority to be used for regulating the SIU; and
d. the Permittee's procedures for enforcing the requirements imposed on the SIU. (Minn. R. 7049.0700, Subp. 3)
5.5 The permittee shall notify MPCA of any of its industrial users that may be subject to national categorical
pretreatment standards.
5.6 This permit may be modified in accordance with Minnesota Rules, ch. 7001 to require development of a
pretreatment program approvable under the Federal General Pretreatment Regulation (40 CFR 403).
Chapter 7. Total Facility Requirements
1. General Requirements
General Requirements
1.1 No Discharge. There shall be no point source discharge to surface water from the permitted activity.
1.2 Definitions. Refer to the'Permit Users Manual' found on the MPCA website ( for standard
1.3 Incorporation by Reference. The following applicable federal and state laws are incorporated by reference in this
permit, are applicable to the Permittee, and are enforceable parts of this permit: 40 CFR pts. 122.41, 122.42,
136, 403 and 503; Minn. R. pts. 7001, 7041, 7045, 7050, 7052, 7053, 7060, and 7080; and Minn. Stat. Sec. 115
and 116.
1.4 Permittee Responsibility. The Permittee shall perform the actions or conduct the activity authorized by the
permit in compliance with the conditions of the permit and, if required, in accordance with the plans and
specifications and/or operations and maintenance manuals approved by the Agency. (Minn. R. 7001.0150, subp.
3, item E)
1.5 Toxic Discharges Prohibited. Whether or not this permit includes effluent limitations for toxic pollutants, the
Permittee shall not discharge a toxic pollutant except according to Code of Federal Regulations, Title 40,
sections 400 to 460 and Minnesota Rules 7050, 7052, 7053 and any other applicable MPCA rules. (Minn. R.
7001.1090, subp.1, item A)
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Chapter 7. Total Facility Requirements
1. General Requirements
1.6 Nuisance Conditions Prohibited. The Permittee's discharge shall not cause any nuisance conditions including,
but not limited to: floating solids, scum and visible oil film, excessive suspended solids, material discoloration,
obnoxious odors, gas ebullition, deleterious sludge deposits, undesirable slimes or fungus growths, aquatic
habitat degradation, excessive growths of aquatic plants, acutely toxic conditions to aquatic life, or other adverse
impact on the receiving water. (Minn. R. 7050.0210 subp. 2)
1.7 Property Rights. This permit does not convey a property right or an exclusive privilege. (Minn. R. 7001.0150,
subp. 3, item C)
1.8 Liability Exemption. In issuing this permit, the state and the MPCA assume no responsibility for damage to
persons, property, or the environment caused by the activities of the Permittee in the conduct of its actions,
including those activities authorized, directed, or undertaken under this permit. To the extent the state and the
MPCA may be liable for the activities of its employees, that liability is explicitly limited to that provided in the
Tort Claims Act. (Minn. R. 7001.0150, subp. 3, item O)
1.9 The MPCA's issuance of this permit does not obligate the MPCA to enforce local laws, rules, or plans beyond
what is authorized by Minnesota Statutes. (Minn. R. 7001.0150, subp.3, item D)
10 Liabilities. The MPCA's issuance of this permit does not release the Permittee from any liability, penalty or duty
imposed by Minnesota or federal statutes or rules or local ordinances, except the obligation to obtain the permit.
(Minn. R. 7001.0150, subp.3, item A)
1.11 The issuance of this permit does not prevent the future adoption by the MPCA of pollution control rules,
standards, or orders more stringent than those now in existence and does not prevent the enforcement of these
rules, standards, or orders against the Permittee. (Minn. R. 7001.0150, subp.3, item B)
1.12 Severability. The provisions of this permit are severable and, if any provisions of this permit or the application
of any provision of this permit to any circumstance are held invalid, the application of such provision to other
circumstances and the remainder of this permit shall not be affected thereby.
1.13 Compliance with Other Rules and Statutes. The Permittee shall comply with all applicable air quality, solid
waste, and hazardous waste statutes and rules in the operation and maintenance of the facility.
14 Inspection and Entry. When authorized by Minn. Stat. Sec. 115.04; 11513. 17, subd. 4; and 116.091, and upon
presentation of proper credentials, the agency, or an authorized employee or agent of the agency, shall be
allowed by the Permittee to enter at reasonable times upon the property of the Permittee to inspect and copy
books, papers, records, or memoranda pertaining to the construction, modification, or operation of the facility
covered by the permit or pertaining to the activity covered by the permit; and to conduct surveys and inspections,
including sampling or monitoring, pertaining to the construction, modification, or operation of the facility
covered by the permit or pertaining to the activity covered by the permit. (Minn. R. 7001.0150, subp.3, item I)
1.15 Control Users. The Permittee shall regulate the users of its wastewater treatment facility so as to prevent the
introduction of pollutants or materials that may result in the inhibition or disruption of the conveyance system,
treatment facility or processes, or disposal system that would contribute to the violation of the conditions of this
permit or any federal, state or local law or regulation.
1.16 Representative Sampling. Samples and measurements required by this permit shall be conducted as specified in
this permit and shall be representative of the discharge or monitored activity. (40 CFR 122.41 0)(1))
17 Additional Sampling. If the Permittee monitors more frequently than required, the results and the frequency of
monitoring shall be reported on the Discharge Monitoring Report (DMR) or another MPCA-approved form for
that reporting period. (Minn. R. 7001.1090, subp. 1, item E)
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Chapter 7. Total Facility Requirements
1. General Requirements
18 Certified Laboratory. A laboratory certified by the Minnesota Department of Health and/or registered by the
MPCA shall conduct analyses required by this permit. Analyses of dissolved oxygen, pH, temperature, specific
conductance, and total residual oxidants (chlorine, bromine) do not need to be completed by a certified
laboratory but shall be completed by equipment that is verified for accuracy before use. (Minn. Stat. Sec. 144.97
through 144.98 and Minn. R. 4740.2010 and 4740.2050 through 4740.2120) (Minn. R. 4740.2010 and
4740.2050 through 2120)
1.19 Sample Preservation and Procedure. Sample preservation and test procedures for the analysis of pollutants shall
conform to 40 CFR Part 136 and Minn. R. 7041.3200.
1.20 Equipment Calibration: Flow meters, pumps, flumes, lift stations or other flow monitoring equipment used for
purposes of determining compliance with the permit shall be verified and/or calibrated for accuracy at least twice
annually. (Minn. R. 7001.0150, subp. 2, items B and C)
1.21 Maintain Records. The Permittee shall keep the records required by this permit for at least three years, including
DMRs, inspections, calibration and accuracy verifications, maintenance records, any calculations, original
recordings from field or automatic monitoring instruments, laboratory sheets, chain of custody forms, copies of
all reports required by the permit, and all data used to complete the permit application. The Permittee shall
extend these record retention periods upon request of the MPCA.
The Permittee shall maintain records for each sample and measurement. The records of all monitoring and testing
which is related to compliance with the terms and conditions of the permit shall include the following
information (Minn. R. 7001.0150, subp. 2, item C):
a. The exact place, date, and time of the sample or measurement;
b. The date of analysis;
c. The name of the person(s) who performed the sample collection and/or measurement;
d. The name of the person(s) who performed the analysis and/or calculation;
e. The analytical techniques, procedures and methods used; and
f. The results of the analysis.
1.22 Completing Reports. The Permittee shall submit the results of the required sampling and monitoring activities on
the forms provided, specified, or approved by the MPCA. The information shall be recorded in the specified
areas on those forms and in the units specified. (Minn. R. 7001.1090, subp. 1, item D; Minn. R. 7001.0150,
subp. 2, item B)
Required forms may include:
DMR Sample Values and/or Operational Spreadsheets or DMR Supplemental Form:
If required, individual values for each sample and measurement must be recorded on the DMR Sample Values
and/or Operational Spreadsheets provided by the MPCA. DMR Sample Values and/or Operational Spreadsheets
or DMR Supplemental Forms shall be submitted with the appropriate eDMRs. Note: Required summary
information MUST be recorded on the electronic Discharge Monitoring Report. Summary information that is
submitted ONLY on the DMR Sample Values and/or Operational Spreadsheets or DMR Supplemental Form
does not comply with the reporting requirements.
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Chapter 7. Total Facility Requirements
1. General Requirements
1.23 Submitting Reports. Electronic Discharge Monitoring Reports (eDMRs), DMR Sample Values and/or
Operational Spreadsheets or DMR Supplemental Forms, and related attachments shall be submitted
electronically via the MPCA Online Services Portal after authorization is approved. Authorization must be
applied for and approved prior to submittal via the Online Services Portal.
eDMRs and DMR Sample Values and/or Operational Spreadsheets or DMR Supplemental Forms shall be
electronically submitted by the 21 st day of the month following the monitoring period end or as otherwise
specified in this permit. Electronic DMR submittal must be complete on or before 11:59 PM of the 21st day of
the month following the end of the monitoring period or as otherwise specified in this permit. A DMR shall be
submitted for each required station even if no discharge occurred during the monitoring period. (Minn. R.
7001.0150, subps. 2.13 and 3.H)
If electronic submittal is not possible, the Permittee must apply for an exception to electronic submittal.
Exceptions requests for extreme conditions (no computer on-site is not an extreme condition) must at a minimum
contain the extreme reason for the exception, actions to be taken, and date the facility will submit eDMR. All
exception requests, and paper DMRs, DMR supplemental forms, and related attachments must be submitted by
the 21 st day of the month following the monitoring period end to:
Attn: Discharge Monitoring Reports
520 Lafayette Road North
St. Paul, Minnesota 55155-4194
Other reports required by this permit shall be submitted on or before the due date specified in the permit to:
Attn: WQ Submittals Center
520 Lafayette Road North
St. Paul, Minnesota 55155-4194
1.24 Incomplete or Incorrect Reports. The Permittee shall immediately submit an electronically amended report or
eDMR to the MPCA upon discovery by the Permittee or notification by the MPCA that it has submitted an
incomplete or incorrect report or eDMR. The amended report or eDMR shall contain the missing or corrected
data along with an explination of the circumstances of the incomplete or incorrect report. The explination must
be added to the eDMR comments field or must be an attachment to the eDMR. If it is impossible to electronically
amend the report or eDMR, the Permittee shall immediately notify the MPCA and the MPCA will provide
direction for the amendment submittals. (Minn. R. 7001.0150 subp. 3, item G)
1.25 Required Signatures. All DMRs, forms, reports, and other documents submitted to the MPCA shall be signed by
the Permittee or the duly authorized representative of the Permittee. Minn. R. 7001.0150, subp. 2, item D. The
person or persons that sign the DMRs, forms, reports or other documents must certify that he or she understands
and complies with the certification requirements of Minn. R. 7001.0070 and 7001.0540, including the penalties
for submitting false information. Technical documents, such as design drawings and specifications and
engineering studies required to be submitted as part of a permit application or by permit conditions, must be
certified by a registered professional engineer. (Minn. R. 7001.0540)
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Chapter 7. Total Facility Requirements
1. General Requirements
1.26 Detection Level. The Permittee shall report monitoring results below the reporting limit (RL) of a particular
instrument as "<" the value of the RL. For example, if an instrument has a RL of 0.1 mg/L and a parameter is not
detected at a value of 0.1 mg/L or greater, the concentration shall be reported as "<0.1 mg/L." "Non-detected,"
"undetected," "below detection limit," and "zero" are unacceptable reporting results, and are permit reporting
violations. (Minn. R. 7001.0150, subp. 2, item B)
Where sample values are less than the level of detection and the permit requires reporting of an average, the
Permittee shall calculate the average as follows:
a. If one or more values are greater than the level of detection, substitute zero for all nondetectable values to use
in the average calculation.
b. If all values are below the level of detection, report the averages as "<" the corresponding level of detection.
c. Where one or more sample values are less than the level of detection, and the permit requires reporting of a
mass, usually expressed as kg/day, the Permittee shall substitute zero for all nondetectable values.
(Minn. R. 7001.0150, subp. 2, item B)
1.27 Records. The Permittee shall, when requested by the Agency, submit within a reasonable time the information
and reports that are relevant to the control of pollution regarding the construction, modification, or operation of
the facility covered by the permit or regarding the conduct of the activity covered by the permit. (Minn. R.
7001.0150, subp. 3, item H)
1.28 Confidential Information. Except for data determined to be confidential according to Minn. Stat. Sec. 116.075,
subd. 2, all reports required by this permit shall be available for public inspection. Effluent data shall not be
considered confidential. To request the Agency maintain data as confidential, the Permittee must follow Minn.
R. 7000.1300.
Noncompliance and Enforcement
1.29 Subject to Enforcement Action and Penalties. Noncompliance with a term or condition of this permit subjects
the Permittee to penalties provided by federal and state law set forth in section 309 of the Clean Water Act;
United States Code, title 33, section 1319, as amended; and in Minn. Stat. Sec. 115.071 and 116.072, including
monetary penalties, imprisonment, or both. (Minn. R. 7001.1090, subp. 1, item B)
1.30 Criminal Activity. The Permittee may not knowingly make a false statement, representation, or certification in a
record or other document submitted to the Agency. A person who falsifies a report or document submitted to the
Agency, or tampers with, or knowingly renders inaccurate a monitoring device or method required to be
maintained under this permit is subject to criminal and civil penalties provided by federal and state law. (Minn.
R. 7001.0150, subp.3, item G., 7001.1090, subps. 1, items G and H and Minn. Stat. Sec. 609.671)
1.31 Noncompliance Defense. It shall not be a defense for the Permittee in an enforcement action that it would have
been necessary to halt or reduce the permitted activity in order to maintain compliance with the conditions of this
permit. ( 40 CFR 122.41(c))
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Chapter 7. Total Facility Requirements
1. General Requirements
1.32 Effluent Violations. If sampling by the Permittee indicates a violation of any discharge limitation specified in
this permit, the Permittee shall immediately investigate the cause of the violation, which may include but is not
limited to, collecting additional samples and/or other investigative actions. The Permittee shall also take
appropriate action to prevent future violations. If the permittee discovers that noncompliance with a condition of
the permit has occurred which could endanger human health, public drinking water supplies, or the environment,
the Permittee shall within 24 hours of the discovery of the noncompliance, orally notify the commissioner and
submit a written description of the noncompliance within 5 days of the discovery. The written description shall
include items a. through e., as listed below. If the Permittee discovers other non-compliance that does not
explicitly endanger human health, public drinking water supplies, or the environment, the non-compliance shall
be reported during the next reporting period to the MPCA with its Discharge Monitoring Report (DMR). If no
DMR is required within 30 days, the Permittee shall submit a written report within 30 days of the discovery of
the noncompliance. This description shall include the following information:
a. a description of the event including volume, duration, monitoring results and receiving waters;
b. the cause of the event;
c. the steps taken to reduce, eliminate and prevent reoccurrence of the event;
d. the exact dates and times of the event; and
e. steps taken to reduce any adverse impact resulting from the event.
(Minn. R. 7001.0150, subp. 3k)
1.33 Upset Defense. In the event of temporary noncompliance by the Permittee with an applicable effluent limitation
resulting from an upset at the Permittee's facility due to factors beyond the control of the Permittee, the Permittee
has an affirmative defense to an enforcement action brought by the Agency as a result of the noncompliance if
the Permittee demonstrates by a preponderance of competent evidence:
a. The specific cause of the upset;
b. That the upset was unintentional;
c. That the upset resulted from factors beyond the reasonable control of the Permittee and did not result from
operational error, improperly designed treatment facilities, inadequate treatment facilities, lack of preventative
maintenance, or increases in production which are beyond the design capability of the treatment facilities;
d. That at the time of the upset the facility was being properly operated;
e. That the Permittee properly notified the Commissioner of the upset in accordance with Minn. R. 7001.1090,
subp. 1, item I; and
f. That the Permittee implemented the remedial measures required by Minn. R. 7001.0150, subp. 3, item J.
1.34 Unauthorized Releases of Wastewater Prohibited. Except for discharges from outfalls specifically authorized by
this permit, overflows, discharges, spills, or other releases of wastewater or materials to the environment,
whether intentional or not, are prohibited. However, the MPCA will consider the Permittee's compliance with
permit requirements, frequency of release, quantity, type, location, and other relevant factors when determining
appropriate action. (40 CFR 122.41 and Minn. Stat. Sec 115.061)
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Chapter 7. Total Facility Requirements
1. General Requirements
1.35 Discovery of a release. Upon discovery of a release, the Permittee shall:
a. Take all reasonable steps to immediately end the release.
b. Notify the Minnesota Department of Public Safety Duty Officer at 1(800)422-0798 or (651)649-5451 (metro
area) immediately upon discovery of the release. You may contact the MPCA during business hours at
1(800)657-3864 or (651)296-6300 (metro area).
c. Recover as rapidly and as thoroughly as possible all substances and materials released or immediately take
other action as may be reasonably possible to minimize or abate pollution to waters of the state or potential
impacts to human health caused thereby. If the released materials or substances cannot be immediately or
completely recovered, the Permittee shall contact the MPCA. If directed by the MPCA, the Permittee shall
consult with other local, state or federal agencies (such as the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources and/or
the Wetland Conservation Act authority) for implementation of additional clean-up or remediation activities in
wetland or other sensitive areas.
1.36 Sampling of a release. Upon discovery of a release, the Permittee shall:
a. Collect representative samples of the release. The Permittee shall sample the release for parameters of concern
immediately following discovery of the release. The Permittee may contact the MPCA during business hours to
discuss the sampling parameters and protocol. In addition, Fecal Coliform Bacteria samples shall be collected
where it is determined by the Permittee that the release contains or may contain sewage. If the release cannot be
immediately stopped, the Permittee shall consult with MPCA regarding additional sampling requirements.
Samples shall be collected at least, but not limited to, two times per week for as long as the release continues.
b. Submit the sampling results on the Release Sampling Form
( The Release Sampling Form shall be
submitted to the MPCA with the next DMR or within 30 days whichever is sooner.
1.37 Anticipated bypass. The permittee may allow any bypass to occur which does not cause effluent limitations to be
exceeded, but only if the bypass is for essential maintenance to assure efficient operation of the facility. The
permittee shall submit prior notice, if possible at least ten days before the date of the bypass to the MPCA (40
CFR 122.41(m)(2) and 122.41(m)(3) and Minn. R. Ch. 7001.1090, subp. 1, J).
The notice of the need for an anticipated bypass shall include the following information:
a. The proposed date and estimated duration of the bypass;
b. The alternatives to bypassing; and
c. A proposal for effluent sampling during the bypass. Any bypass wastewater must enter waters of the state from
outfalls specifically authorized by this permit. Therefore, samples shall be collected at the frequency and location
identified in this permit or two times per week for as long as the bypass continues, whichever is more frequent.
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Chapter 7. Total Facility Requirements
1. General Requirements
1.38 All other bypasses are prohibited. The MPCA may take enforcement action against the Permittee for a bypass,
unless the specific conditions described in Minn. R. Ch. 7001.1090 subp. 1, K and 122.41(m)(4)(i) are met.
In the event of an unanticipated bypass, the permittee shall:
a. Take all reasonable steps to immediately end the bypass.
b. Notify the Minnesota Department of Public Safety Duty Officer at 1(800)422-0798 or (651)649-5451 (metro
area) immediately upon commencement of the bypass. You may contact the MPCA during business hours at
1(800)657-3864 or (651)296-6300 (metro area). (Minn. Stat. Sec 115.061)
c. Immediately take action as may be reasonably possible to minimize or abate pollution to waters of the state or
potential impacts to human health caused thereby. If directed by the MPGA, the Permittee shall consult with
other local, state or federal agencies for implementation of abatement, clean-up, or remediation activities.
d. Only allow bypass wastewater as specified in this section to enter waters of the state from outfalls specifically
authorized by this permit. Samples shall be collected at the frequency and location identified in this permit or
two times per week for as long as the bypass continues, whichever is more frequent. The permittee shall also
follow the reporting requirements for effluent violations as specified in this permit.
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Chapter 7. Total Facility Requirements
1. General Requirements
Operation and Maintenance
1.39 The Permittee shall at all times properly operate and maintain the facilities and systems of treatment and control,
and the appurtenances related to them which are installed or used by the Permittee to achieve compliance with
the conditions of the permit. Proper operation and maintenance includes effective performance, adequate
funding, adequate operator staffing and training, and adequate laboratory and process controls, including
appropriate quality assurance procedures. The Permittee shall install and maintain appropriate backup or
auxiliary facilities if they are necessary to achieve compliance with the conditions of the permit and, for all
permits other than hazardous waste facility permits, if these backup or auxiliary facilities are technically and
economically feasible Minn. R. 7001.0150. subp. 3, item F.
1.40 In the event of a reduction or loss of effective treatment of wastewater at the facility, the Permittee shall control
production or curtail its discharges to the extent necessary to maintain compliance with the terms and conditions
of this permit. The Permittee shall continue this control or curtailment until the wastewater treatment facility has
been restored or until an alternative method of treatment is provided. (Minn. R. 7001.1090, subp. 1, item C)
1.41 Solids Management. The Permittee shall properly store, transport, and dispose of biosolids, septage, sediments,
residual solids, filter backwash, lime waste, screenings, oil, grease, and other substances so that pollutants do not
enter surface waters or ground waters of the state. Solids should be disposed of in accordance with local, state
and federal requirements. (40 CFR 503 and Minn. R. 7041 and applicable federal and state solid waste rules)
1.42 Scheduled Maintenance. The Permittee shall schedule maintenance of the treatment works during non-critical
water quality periods to prevent degradation of water quality, except where emergency maintenance is required
to prevent a condition that would be detrimental to water quality or human health. ( Minn. R. 7001.0150. subp. 3,
item F and Minn. R. 7001.0150. subp. 2, item B)
1.43 Control Tests. In -plant control tests shall be conducted at a frequency adequate to ensure compliance with the
conditions of this permit. (Minn. R. 7001.0150. subp. 3, item F and Minn. R. 7001.0150. subp. 2, item B)
Changes to the Facility or Permit
1.44 Except as provided under Minnesota Statutes, section 115.07, subdivisions 1 and 3, no person required by statute
or rule to obtain a permit may construct, install, modify, or operate the facility to be permitted, nor shall a person
commence an activity for which a permit is required by statute or rule until the agency has issued a written
permit for the facility or activity. (Minn. R. 7001.0030)
Permittees that propose to make a change to a facility or discharge that requires a permit modification must
follow Minn. R. 7001.0190. If the Permittee cannot determine whether a permit modification is needed, the
Permittee must contact the MPCA prior to any action. It is recommended that the application for permit
modification be submitted to the MPCA at least 180 days prior to the planned change.
1.45 Submittal of plans and specifications for MPCA approval is not required for routine maintenance work. Routine
maintenance work means installation of new equipment to replace worn out or broken items, provided the new
equipment is the same design size and has the same design intent. For instance, a broken sewer pipe, a worn out
lift station pump, or a malfunctioning aerator or blower can be replaced with the same design -sized equipment
(or pipe) without MPCA approval.
If the proposed construction is not expressly authorized by this permit, it may require a permit modification. If
the construction project requires an Environmental Assessment Worksheet under Minn. R. 4410, no construction
shall begin until a negative declaration is issued and all approvals are received or implemented.
1.46 Report Changes. The Permittee shall give advance notice as soon as possible to the MPCA of any substantial
changes in operational procedures, activities that may alter the nature or frequency of the discharge, and/or
material factors that may affect compliance with the conditions of this permit. (Minn. R. 7001.0150, subp. 3,
item M)
Permit Issued: Bliss Collector WWTP Page 24
Permit Expires: Permit #: MN0054119
Chapter 7. Total Facility Requirements
1. General Requirements
1.47 Chemical Additives. The Permittee shall receive prior written approval from the MPCA before increasing the use
of a chemical additive authorized by this permit, or using a chemical additive not authorized by this permit, in
quantities or concentrations that have the potential to change the characteristics, nature and/or quality of the
The Permittee shall request approval for an increased or new use of a chemical additive at least 60 days, or as
soon as possible, before the proposed increased or new use.
This written request shall include at least the following information for the proposed additive:
a. The process for which the additive will be used;
b. Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) which shall include aquatic toxicity, human health, and environmental
fate information for the proposed additive. The aquatic toxicity information shall include at minimum the results
of. a) a 48-hour LC50 or EC50 acute study for a North American freshwater planktonic crustacean (either
Ceriodaphnia or Daphnia sp.) and b) a 96 -hour LC50 acute study for rainbow trout, bluegill or fathead minnow
or another North American freshwater aquatic species other than a planktonic crustacean;
c. A complete product use and instruction label;
d. The commercial and chemical names and Chemical Abstract Survey (CAS) number for all ingredients in the
additive (If the MSDS does not include information on chemical composition, including percentages for each
ingredient totaling to 100%, the Permittee shall contact the supplier to have this information provided); and
e. The proposed method of application, application frequency, concentration, and daily average and maximum
rates of use. (Minn. R. 7001.0170)
1.48 Upon review of the information submitted regarding the proposed chemical additive, the MPCA may require
additional information be submitted for consideration. This permit may be modified to restrict the use or
discharge of a chemical additive and include additional influent and effluent monitoring requirements.
Approval for the use of an additive shall not justify the exceedance of any effluent limitation nor shall it be used
as a defense against pollutant levels in the discharge causing or contributing to the violation of a water quality
1.49 MPCA Initiated Permit Modification, Suspension, or Revocation. The MPCA may modify or revoke and reissue
this permit pursuant to Minn. R. 7001.0170. The MPCA may revoke without reissuance this permit pursuant to
Minn. R. 7001.0180.
1.50 TMDL Impacts. Facilities that discharge to an impaired surface water, watershed or drainage basin may be
required to comply with additional permits or permit requirements, including additional restriction or relaxation
of limits and monitoring as authorized by the CWA 303(d)(4)(A) and 40 CFR, necessary to ensure
consistency with the assumptions and requirements of any applicable US EPA approved wasteload allocations
resulting from Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) studies.
1.51 Permit Transfer. The permit is not transferable to any person without the express written approval of the Agency
after compliance with the requirements of Minn. R. 7001.0190. A person to whom the permit has been
transferred shall comply with the conditions of the permit. (Minn. R., 7001.0150, subp. 3, item N)
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Permit Expires: Permit #: MN0054119
Chapter 7. Total Facility Requirements
1. General Requirements
1.52 Facility Closure. The Permittee is responsible for closure and post -closure care of the facility. The Permittee
shall notify the MPCA of a significant reduction or cessation of the activities described in this permit at least 180
days before the reduction or cessation. The MPCA may require the Permittee to provide to the MPCA a facility
Closure Plan for approval.
Facility closure that could result in a potential long-term water quality concern, such as the ongoing discharge of
wastewater to surface or ground water, may require a permit modification or reissuance.
The MPCA may require the Permittee to establish and maintain financial assurance to ensure performance of
certain obligations under this permit, including closure, post -closure care and remedial action at the facility. If
financial assurance is required, the amount and type of financial assurance, and proposed modifications to
previously MPCA-approved financial assurance, shall be approved by the MPCA. (Minn. Stat. Sec. 116.07,
subd. 4)
1.53 Permit Reissuance. If the Permittee desires to continue permit coverage beyond the date of permit expiration, the
Permittee shall submit an application for reissuance at least 180 days before permit expiration. If the Permittee
does not intend to continue the activities authorized by this permit after the expiration date of this permit, the
Permittee shall notify the MPCA in writing at least 180 days before permit expiration.
If the Permittee has submitted a timely application for permit reissuance, the Permittee may continue to conduct
the activities authorized by this permit, in compliance with the requirements of this permit, until the MPCA takes
final action on the application, unless the MPCA determines any of the following (Minn. R. 7001.0040 and
a. The Permittee is not in substantial compliance with the requirements of this permit, or with a stipulation
agreement or compliance schedule designed to bring the Permittee into compliance with this permit;
b. The MPCA, as a result of an action or failure to act by the Permittee, has been unable to take final action on
the application on or before the expiration date of the permit;
c. The Permittee has submitted an application with major deficiencies or has failed to properly supplement the
application in a timely manner after being informed of deficiencies.
State Disposal System
Permittee: Big Marine Lake Development LLC
Facility name: Tii Gavo on Big Marine Lake WWTP
City: Scandia County: Washington
Issuance date:
Expiration date:
The state of Minnesota, on behalf of its citizens through the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA), authorizes the
Permittee to operate a disposal system at the facility named above in accordance with the requirements of this permit.
The goal of this permit is to reduce pollutant levels in point source discharges and protect water quality in accordance
with the U.S. Clean Water Act, Minnesota statutes and rules, and federal laws and regulations.
This permit is effective on the issuance date identified above. This permit expires at midnight on the expiration date
identified above.
This document has been electronically signed.
Submit eDMRs
Submit via the MPCA e -Services at RSP/Orchestr
Submit other WQ reports to:
Attention: WQ Submittals Center
Minnesota Pollution Control Agency
520 Lafayette Road North
St. Paul, MN 55155-4194
for the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency
Questions on this permit?
For eDMR and other permit reporting issues, contact:
Jennifer Satnik, 651-757-2692
For specific permit requirements, please refer to:
Kaitlin Jamieson, 651-757-2306
Wastewater Permit Program general questions, contact:
MPCA, 651-282-6143 or 1-800-657-3938.
Table of Contents
1. Permitted facility description.......................................................................................................................................3
2. Location map of permitted facility...............................................................................................................................4
3. Flow diagram................................................................................................................................................................5
4. Summary of stations and station locations.................................................................................................................. 6
5. Permit requirements....................................................................................................................................................7
6. Submittal action summary.........................................................................................................................................18
7. Limits and monitoring................................................................................................................................................20
Permit issued:
Permit expires:
1. Permitted facility description
Page 3 of 23
The Tii Gavo on Big Marine Lake WWTP facility (facility) is located at 21080 Olinda Trail N, Scandia, Minnesota 55073,
Washington County.
The application and plans indicate that the Tii Gavo on Big Marine Lake development is a 37 residential family home
development and community center located in Washington County. The development will include three-bedroom and
four-bedroom units. The facility has a total wet weather design flow of 13,065 gallons per day. The facility is designed
based on a CBOD5 loading of 21.1 lbs per day (0.18 Ib per capita per day), a TSS loading of 23.4 lbs per day (0.020 Ib per
capita per day), a total nitrogen loading of 3.2 lbs per day (0.027 lbs per capita per day), and a total phosphorus loading
of 0.9 lbs per day (0.008 lbs per capita/day).
The facility consists of two 26,250 gallon compartmentalized septic tanks with effluent filters in the last tank, one 8,438
gallon denitrification tank with carbon source addition, one 7,500 gallon recirculation tank, one 3,300 square foot
recirculating gravel filter, one 10,000 gallon dosing tank, and six drip dispersal zones totaling 33,120 square feet of
infiltrative surface with an additional 11,040 square feet for reserve drainfield area. This is a Class C facility.
There are no designated bypass points in the treatment system. This permit authorizes no discharge to surface waters.
The facility is further described in plans and specification on file with the MPCA and in an engineering report by Ayres
Associates, Shoreview, Minnesota.
Permit issued:
Permit expires:
2. Location map of permitted facility
Topographic Map of Permitted Facility
MN0068217: Tii Gavo on Big Marine Lake WWTF
T23 N, R20W, Section 28
Scandia, Washington County. Minneso'a
Page 4 of 23
Y 0
} ' Tii Gavo. on Big Marine Lake
s 4 �
Eey 1 ti. AYy J'..� - '� • .r
Map produced by: MPCA Staff, 912012017
Main Map Sc ale: 1: 2 4,000 G G.25 a.5 1Miles
Permit issued:
Permit expires:
3. Flow diagram
11. 11. NDER.N
Page 5 of 23
Permit issued:
Permit expires:
4. Summary of stations and station locations
Page 6 of 23
Type of station
Local name
PLS location
WS 001
Influent Waste
Influent Waste Stream
T32N, R20W, S28
WS 002
Intermediate: WW to Land
Effluent to Drainfield
T32N, R20W, S28
WS 004
Internal Waste Stream
Septic Tank Monitoring
T32N, R20W, S28
Permit issued:
Permit expires:
S. Permit requirements
Page 7 of 23
WS 001
Influent Waste
Waste Stream: Large Subsurface Sewage Treatment System Influent Monitoring Requirements
The Permittee shall submit a monthly DMR : Due by 21 days after the end of each calendar month
following permit issuance. [Minn. R. 7001.0150, Subp. 2(B)]
Sampling Location. [Minn. R. 7001.0150, Subp. 2(B)]
Samples for Station WS001 shall be taken at a point representative of total facility influent flow.
[Minn. R. 7001.0150, Subp. 2(B)]
The Permittee shall submit monitoring results in accordance with the limits and monitoring
requirements for this station. If conditions are such that no sample can be acquired, the Permittee
shall report "No Flow" or "No Discharge" on Discharge Monitoring Report (DMR) and shall add a
Comments attachment to the DMR detailing why the sample was not collected. [Minn. R.
7001.0150, Subp. 2(B)]
WS 002
WW to Land
Waste Stream: Large Subsurface Sewage Treatment System End -of -Pipe Requirements
The Permittee shall submit a monthly DMR : Due by 21 days after the end of each calendar month
following permit issuance. [Minn. R. 7001.0150, Subp. �(B)]
Sampling Location. [Minn. R. 7001.0150, Subp. 2(B)]
Samples for Station WS002 shall be taken at a point representative of total facility effluent to
drainfields. [Minn. R. 7001.0150, Subp. 2(B)]
The Permittee shall submit monitoring results in accordance with the limits and monitoring
requirements for this station. If conditions are such that no sample can be acquired, the Permittee
shall report "No Flow" or "No Discharge" on Discharge Monitoring Report (DMR) and shall add a
Comments attachment to the DMR detailing why the sample was not collected. [Minn. R.
7001.0150, Subp. 2(13)]
WS 004
Internal Waste
Waste Stream: Drainfield Septic Tank Requirements
The Permittee shall submit a quarterly DMR : Due by 21 days after the end of each calendar quarter
following permit issuance. [Minn. R. 7001.0150, Subp. 2(B)], Phases: Phase 3
Sampling Location. [Minn. R. 7001.0150, Subp. 2(B)]
Samples for Station WS004 shall be taken at the last septic tank in the series. [Minn. R. 7001.0150,
Subp. 2(B)]
The Permittee shall submit monitoring results in accordance with the limits and monitoring
requirements for this station. If conditions are such that no sample can be acquired, the Permittee
shall report "No Flow" or "No Discharge" on Discharge Monitoring Report (DMR) and shall add a
Comments attachment to the DMR detailing why the sample was not collected. [Minn. R.
7001.0150, Subp. 2(B)]
Facility Spe ific Requirements
The Permittee shall submit a monthly DMR : Due by 21 days after the end of each calendar month
following permit issuance. [Minn. R. 7001.0150, 2(13)], Phases: Phase 2, Phase 1
Tii Gavo on Big
Marine Lake
Waste Stream Station General Requirements
Analysis Requirements. [Minn. R. 7001]
Dissolved Oxygen, pH, Specific Conductance, Temperature and Total Residual Chlorine analyses shall
Permit issued:
Permit expires:
Page 8 of 23
be conducted within 15 minutes of Sample collection. [Minn. R. 70531
Representative Samples. [Minn. R. 70011
Grab and composite samples shall be collected at a point representative of total influent flow to the
system. [Minn. R. 70011
Nitrogen Limits and Monitoring Requirements. [Minn. R. 7001]
"Total Nitrogen" is to be reported as the summation of the Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen and Total Nitrite
plus Nitrate Nitrogen values. [Minn. R. 70011
Special Requirements
LSTS Reduced Monitoring. [Minn. R. 7001]
This permit includes three phases of limits and monitoring requirements: Phase 1, Phase 2 and
Phase 3. The applicable phase depends on the number of houses connected to the treatment
system. Phase 1 is effective at permit issuance and while up to 15 houses are connected. Phase 2 is
effective from 16-30 houses. Phase 3 is effective at connection of the 31st house and then for the
remainder of the permit. [Minn. R. 7001]
The Permittee shall comply with a 10.0 milligram per liter Total Nitrogen calendar month average
limit at the end -of -pipe throughout the life of the permit. Reporting of this parameter on eDMRs is
effective at connection of the 16th house to the treatment system. [Minn. R. 7001]
The Permittee shall submit an annual progress report by December 31st of each year detailing the
number of houses connected to the treatment system. The Permittee shall submit a progress report
: Due annually, by the 31st of December. [Minn. R. 7001]
The Permittee shall notify the MPCA within one week following connection of the 16th house to the
treatment system. This connection triggers the Phase 2 limits and monitoring requirements. Phase 2
requirements will appear on the eDMRs for the next calendar month following notification. [Minn.
R. 7001]
The Permittee shall notify the MPCA within one week following connection of the 31st house to the
treatment system. This connection triggers the Phase 3 limits and monitoring requirements. Phase 3
requirements will appear on the eDMRs for the next calendar month following notification. [Minn.
R. 7001]
All submittals required under this heading must be submitted to the MPCA, Attn: WQ Submittals
Center, 520 Lafayette Road North, St. Paul, MN 55155. An electronic notification should also be
sent to your assigned MPCA compliance staff. [Minn. R. 7001]
Large Subsurface Treatment System (LSTS)
Unauthorized Discharge. [Minn. R. 70011
There shall be no unauthorized discharge to the ground surface or surface water from these
facilities. [Minn. R. 7001.0030]
Prohibitions. [Minn. R. 7001]
The Permittee shall prevent the discharge of any wastes other than sewage into any component of
the facility, including septic tanks, advanced treatment systems, and soil treatment systems that
could result in damage to the treatment facility or inhibit treatment unless the discharge of such
other substances is specifically approved in writing by the MPCA. [Minn. R. 70011
Sanitary Sewer Extension Permit. [Minn. R. 70011
The Permittee may be required to obtain a Sanitary Sewer Extension Permit from the MPCA for any
addition, extension or replacement to the sanitary sewer. If a sewer extension permit is required,
construction may not begin until plans and specifications have been submitted and a written permit
is granted except as allowed in Minn. Stat. 115.07, Subd. 3(b). [Minn. R. 7001.0020, D]
Operator Certification. [Minn. R. 7001]
The Permittee shall provide a Class C state certified operator who is in direct responsible charge of
the operation, maintenance and testing functions required to ensure compliance with the terms and
conditions of this permit. In addition, the certified operator shall maintain a current Service Provider
Certification. [Minn. R. 9400]
If the Permittee chooses to meet operator certification requirements through a contractual
Permit issued:
Permit expires:
Page 9 of 23
agreement, the Permittee shall provide a copy of the contract to the MPCA, WQ Submittals Center.
The contract shall include the certified operator's name, certificate number, service provider
certification number, company name if appropriate, the period covered by the contract and
provisions for renewal; the duties and responsibilities of the certified operator; the duties and
responsibilities of the permittee; and provisions for notifying the MPCA 30 days in advance of
termination if the contract is terminated prior to the expiration date. [Minn. R. 9400]
The Permittee shall notify the MPCA within 30 days of a change in operator certification or contract
status. [Minn. R. 94001
Special Requirements. [Minn. R. 7001]
Special Condition - Update O & M Manual. [Minn. R. 7001]
The Permittee is required to have on-site and available an updated Operation and Maintenance
manual. This manual shall be available to MPCA staff upon request. [Minn. R. 7001.0150, Subp. 3(F)]
Facility Maintenance. [Minn. R. 7001]
The facility shall be adequately protected to prevent damage. [Minn. R. 7001.0150, Subp. 3(F)]
Collection System. [Minn. R. 70011
The collection system shall be properly maintained to minimize inflow, infiltration, exfiltration, and
obstructions. A record of all inspections and maintenance operations shall be kept by the Permittee
for a minimum of three years. [Minn. R. 7001.0150, Subp. 3(F)]
Tank Maintenance. [Minn. R. 70011
All tanks (primary, secondary, holding, dosing, individual, etc.) associated with this system shall be
operated, pumped and maintained to ensure proper system operation and solids management.
After every pumping event, all tanks shall be inspected for potential failure (such as cracks, roots,
damaged baffles, etc.). Identified problems shall be corrected immediately. [Minn. R. 7001.0150,
Subp. 3(F)]
The owner of a septic tank or tanks or the owner's agent shall arrange for the removal and proper
disposal of septage from all tanks or compartments in which the top of the sludge layer is less than
12 inches below the bottom of the outlet baffle or whenever the bottom of the scum layer is less
than three inches above the outlet baffle. All accumulations of sludge, scum, and liquids shall be
removed through the maintenance hole. [Minn. R. 7001.0150, Subp. 3(F)]
The Permittee shall properly clean the effluent screens as often as needed to maintain an adequate
flow rate from the septic tank(s). The Permittee shall keep a record at the facility that indicates the
dates that the effluent screens are inspected, removed and cleaned. [Minn. R. 7001.0150, Subp.
Tanks that are not specifically covered under the Limits & Monitoring section of this permit shall be
inspected at least every three years and pumped as necessary unless more restrictive local
requirements have been established. [Minn. R. 7001.0150, Subp. 3(F)]
Soil Treatment System Maintenance. [Minn. R. 7001]
The soil treatment system(s) shall be adequately fenced. [Minn. R. 7001.0150, Subp. 3(F)]
A dense vegetative cover shall be maintained over the soil treatment system(s) at all times during
the growing season to prevent the growth of unwanted vegetation such as trees, deep rooted
nuisance plants, aquatic vegetation and to prevent erosion. [Minn. R. 7001.0150, Subp. 3(F)]
Routine maintenance shall be conducted to discourage the presence of rodents and other
burrowing animals and deer on the soil treatment system and to allow inspection of observation
ports installed in the soil treatment system(s) inspection pipes. [Minn. R. 7001.0150, Subp. 3(F)]
Soil Treatment System Inspection. [Minn. R. 7001]
Ponding depth inspections to determine the condition of each soil treatment system (trench, bed,
at -grade, mound, or drip dispersal) /drainfield standpipe shall be conducted every other month
during the time the soil treatment system is in use. The inspection of each soil treatment system
shall include the identification of wet or saturated areas, depth of effluent ponding in the soil
treatment observation ports, evidence of effluent at the surface, frozen components, and
measurements in piezometers (if installed). Visual observations shall be recorded and inspection
records shall be maintained by the owner for a minimum of three years following each inspection.
The results of the inspection are not required to be submitted to the MPCA but shall be made
Permit issued:
Permit expires:
Page 10 of 23
available upon request by MPCA staff. [Minn. R. 7001.0150, Subp. 3(F)]
Indications of excessive hydraulic and organic loading to the wastewater treatment facility flow rate
include ineffective septic tanks or advanced treatment systems, prolonged saturated soil conditions,
vegetative drowning or excessive ground water mounding (observed from piezometers) and
exceeding daily permitted flow rates as indicated by flow meters, event counters and running time
clocks. [Minn. R. 7001.0150, Subp. 3(F)]
Reserve Soil Treatment System. [Minn. R. 70011
The reserve area for the soil treatment system/drainfield shall be properly protected to prevent the
use of, and damage to, the area. The reserve area shall be posted and identified for the public with
at least one sign designating its future purpose and the boundaries shall be visibly staked at all
corners. In no case may this area be disturbed for any purpose, including vehicle traffic, storage,
bike, hiking or ATV trails, playing fields, etc. [Minn. R. 7001.0150, Subp. 3(F)]
Biosolids: Septage Transfer
Authorization. [Minn. R. 7041]
This permit authorizes the permittee to store and/or transfer only wastewater biosolids and/or
septage to another permitted treatment facility for final treatment and disposal in accordance with
the provision in this chapter and Minn. R. ch. 7041. For the purpose for this permit chapter, septage
is referred to as biosolids.
Land application of biosolids and/or septage is not authorized by this permit. [Minn. R. 7041]
Reporting Requirements. [Minn. R. 7041]
The Permittee shall submit a biosolids annual report : Due annually, by the 31st of December on a
form provided by or approved by the MPCA. The report shall include the requirements in Minnesota
Rules, part 7041.1700. [Minn. R. 7041.1700]
The permittee shall submit a Biosolids Annual Report by December 31 of each year for biosolids
storage and/or transfer activities occurring during the cropping year previous to December 31. The
report shall indicate whether or not biosolids were transferred and/or stored. If biosolids were
transferred, the report shall describe how much was transferred, where it was transferred to, the
name of the facility that accepted the transfer and the contact person at that facility. "Cropping
year" means a year beginning on September 1 of the year prior to the growing season and ending
August 31 the year the crop is harvested. For example, the 2012 cropping year began September 1,
2011, and ended August 31, 2012. [Minn. R. 7041]
The Permittee shall submit the Biosolids Annual Report to: Biosolids Coordinator, Minnesota
Pollution Control Agency, 520 Lafayette Road North, St Paul Minnesota 551554194. [Minn. R. 7041]
Total Facility Requirements (SDS)
No Discharge. There shall be no point source discharge to surface water from the permitted activity.
[Minn. R. 7001. ]
Definitions. Refer to the 'Permit Users Manual' found on the MPCA website (
for standard definitions. [Minn. R. 7001. ]
Incorporation by Reference. The following applicable federal and state laws are incorporated by
reference in this permit, are applicable to the Permittee, and are enforceable parts of this permit: 40
CFR pts. 122.41, 122.42, 136, 403 and 503; Minn. R. pts. 7001, 7041, 7045, 7050, 7052, 7053, 7060,
and 7080; and Minn. Stat. ch. 115 and 116. [Minn. R. 7001]
Permittee Responsibility. The Permittee shall perform the actions or conduct the activity authorized
by the permit in compliance with the conditions of the permit and, if required, in accordance with
the plans and specifications approved by the Agency. [Minn. R. 7001.0150, subp. 3(E)]
Toxic Discharges Prohibited. Whether or not this permit includes effluent limitations for toxic
pollutants, the Permittee shall not discharge a toxic pollutant except according to Code of Federal
Regulations, Title 40, sections 400 to 460 and Minnesota Rules 7050, 7052, 7053 and any other
applicable MPCA rules. [Minn. R. 7001.1090, subp. 1(A)]
Nuisance Conditions Prohibited. The Permittee's discharge shall not cause any nuisance conditions
Permit issued:
Permit expires:
M N0068217
Page 11 of 23
including, but not limited to: floating solids, scum and visible oil film, acutely toxic conditions to
aquatic life, or other adverse impact on the receiving water. [Minn. R. 7050.0210, subp. 2]
Property Rights. This permit does not convey a property right or an exclusive privilege. [Minn. R.
7001.0150, subp. 3(C)]
Liability Exemption. In issuing this permit, the state and the MPCA assume no responsibility for
damage to persons, property, or the environment caused by the activities of the Permittee in the
conduct of its actions, including those activities authorized, directed, or undertaken under this
permit. To the extent the state and the MPCA may be liable for the activities of its employees, that
liability is explicitly limited to that provided in the Tort Claims Act. [Minn. R. 7001.0150, subp. 3(0)]
The MPCA's issuance of this permit does not obligate the MPCA to enforce local laws, rules, or plans
beyond what is authorized by Minnesota Statutes. [Minn. R. 7001.0150, subp. 3(D)]
Liabilities. The MPCA's issuance of this permit does not release the Permittee from any liability,
penalty or duty imposed by Minnesota or federal statutes or rules or local ordinances, except the
obligation to obtain the permit. [Minn. R. 7001.0150, subp. 3(A)]
The issuance of this permit does not prevent the future adoption by the MPCA of pollution control
rules, standards, or orders more stringent than those now in existence and does not prevent the
enforcement of these rules, standards, or orders against the Permittee. [Minn. R. 7001.0150, subp.
Severability. The provisions of this permit are severable and, if any provisions of this permit or the
application of any provision of this permit to any circumstance are held invalid, the application of
such provision to other circumstances and the remainder of this permit shall not be affected
thereby. [Minn. R. 70011
Compliance with Other Rules and Statutes. The Permittee shall comply with all applicable air quality,
solid waste, and hazardous waste statutes and rules in the operation and maintenance of the
facility. [Minn. R. 7001]
Inspection and Entry. When authorized by Minn. Stat. ch. 115.04; 11513.17, subd. 4; and 116.091,
and upon presentation of proper credentials, the agency, or an authorized employee or agent of the
agency, shall be allowed by the Permittee to enter at reasonable times upon the property of the
Permittee to examine and copy books, papers, records, or memoranda pertaining to the
construction, modification, or operation of the facility covered by the permit or pertaining to the
activity covered by the permit; and to conduct surveys and investigations, including sampling or
monitoring, pertaining to the construction, modification, or operation of the facility covered by the
permit or pertaining to the activity covered by the permit. [Minn. R. 7001.0150, subp. 3(I)]
Control Users. The Permittee shall regulate the users of its wastewater treatment facility so as to
prevent the introduction of pollutants or materials that may result in the inhibition or disruption of
the conveyance system, treatment facility or processes, or disposal system that would contribute to
the violation of the conditions of this permit or any federal, state or local law or regulation. [Minn. R.
7001.0150, subp. 3(F)]
Sampling. [Minn. R. 7001]
Representative Sampling. Samples and measurements required by this permit shall be conducted as
specified in this permit and shall be representative of the discharge or monitored activity. [Minn. R.
7001.0150, 2(B)]
Additional Sampling. If the Permittee monitors more frequently than required, the results and the
frequency of monitoring shall be reported on the Discharge Monitoring Report (DMR) or another
MPCA-approved form for that reporting period. [Minn. R. 7001.1090, subp. 1(E)]
Certified Laboratory. A laboratory certified by the Minnesota Department of Health and/or
registered by the MPCA shall conduct analyses required by this permit. Analyses of dissolved
oxygen, pH, temperature, specific conductance, and total residual oxidants (chlorine, bromine) do
not need to be completed by a certified laboratory but shall comply with manufacturers
specifications for equipment calibration and use. [Minn. R. 4740.2010, Minn. R. 4740.2050 through
Sample Preservation and Procedure. Sample preservation and test procedures for the analysis of
pollutants shall conform to 40 CFR Part 136 and Minn. R. 7041.3200. [Minn. R. 7001.0150, 2(B),
Minn. R. 7041.3200]
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5.9.71 Equipment Calibration: Flow meters, pumps, flumes, lift stations or other flow monitoring
equipment used for purposes of determining compliance with permit shall be checked and/or
calibrated for accuracy at least twice annually. [Minn. R. 7001.0150, 2(B and C)]
Maintain Records. The Permittee shall keep the records required by this permit for at least three
years, including any calculations, original recordings from automatic monitoring instruments, and
laboratory sheets. The Permittee shall extend these record retention periods upon request of the
MPCA. The Permittee shall maintain records for each sample and measurement. The records shall
include the following information:
the exact place, date, and time of the sample or measurement;
the date of analysis;
c. the name of the person who performed the sample collection, measurement, analysis, or
d. the analytical techniques, procedures and methods used; and
e. the results of the analysis. [Minn. R. 7001.0150, 2(C)]
Completing Reports. The Permittee shall submit the results of the required sampling and monitoring
activities on the forms provided, specified, or approved by the MPCA. The information shall be
recorded in the specified areas on those forms and in the units specified.
Required forms may include DMR Supplemental/Sample Value Form Individual values for each
sample and measurement shall be recorded on the DMR Supplemental/Sample Value Form which, if
required, will be provided by the MPCA. DMR Supplemental/Sample Value Forms shall be submitted
with the appropriate DMRs. You may design and use your own supplemental form; however it shall
be approved by the MPCA. Note: Required summary information shall also be recorded on the DMR.
Summary information that is submitted ONLY on the DMR Supplemental/Sample Value Form does
not comply with the reporting requirements. [Minn. R. 7001.1090, 1(D), Minn. R. 7001.150, 2(B)]
5.9.74 Submitting Reports. DMRs, DMR supplemental forms and related attachments must be
electronically submitted via the MPCA e -Services after authorization is approved.
DMRs and DMR Supplemental Forms shall be electronically submitted by the 21st day of the month
following the sampling period or as otherwise specified in this permit. Electronic DMR submittal
shall be complete on or before 11:59 PM of the 21st day of the month following the sampling period
or as otherwise specified in this permit. A DMR shall be submitted for each required station even if
no discharge occurred during the reporting period.
Other reports required by this permit shall be postmarked by the date specified in the permit to:
MPCA, Attn: WQSubmittals Center, 520 Lafayette Road North, St Paul Minnesota 551554194.
[Minn. R. 7001..0150, Subp. 2(B), Minn. R. 7001..0150, Subp. 3(H)]
5.9.75 Incomplete or Incorrect Reports. The Permittee shall immediately submit an electronically amended
report or DMR to the MPCA upon discovery by the Permittee or notification by the MPCA that it has
submitted an incomplete or incorrect report or DMR. The amended report or DMR shall contain the
missing or corrected data along with a cover letter explaining the circumstances of the incomplete
or incorrect report. If it is impossible to electronically amend the report or DMR, the Permittee shall
immediately notify the MPCA and the MPCA will provide direction for the amendment submittals.
[Minn. R. 7001.0150, 3(G)]
5.9.76 Required Signatures. All DMRs, forms, reports, and other documents submitted to the MPCA shall
be signed by the Permittee or the duly authorized representative of the Permittee. Minn. R.
7001.0150, subp. 2, item D. The person or persons that sign the DMRs, forms, reports or other
documents shall certify that he or she understands and complies with the certification requirements
of Minn. R. 7001.0070 and 7001.0540, including the penalties for submitting false information.
Technical documents, such as design drawings and specifications and engineering studies required
to be submitted as part of a permit application or by permit conditions, shall be certified by a
registered professional engineer. [Minn. R. 7001.05401
5.9.77 Detection Level. The Permittee shall report monitoring results below the reporting limit (RL) of a
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particular instrument as "<" the value of the RL. For example, if an instrument has a RL of 0.1 mg/L
and a parameter is not detected at a value of 0.1 mg/L or greater, the concentration shall be
reported as "<0.1 mg/L." "Non-detected," "undetected," "below detection limit," and "zero" are
unacceptable reporting results, and are permit reporting violations.
Where sample values are less than the level of detection and the permit requires reporting of an
average, the Permittee shall calculate the average as follows:
a. If one or more values are greater than the level of detection, substitute zero for all nondetectable
values to use in the average calculation.
b. If all values are below the level of detection, report the averages as "<" the corresponding level of
c. Where one or more sample values are less than the level of detection, and the permit requires
reporting of a mass, usually expressed as kg/day, the Permittee shall substitute zero for all
nondetectable values. [Minn. R. 7001.0150, 2(B)]
5.9.78 Records. The Permittee shall, when requested by the Agency, submit within a reasonable time the
information and reports that are relevant to the control of pollution regarding the construction,
modification, or operation of the facility covered by the permit or regarding the conduct of the
activity covered by the permit. [Minn. R. 7001.0150, 3(H)]
5.9.79 Confidential Information. Except for data determined to be confidential according to Minn. Stat. ch.
116.075, subd. 2, all reports required by this permit shall be available for public inspection. Effluent
data shall not be considered confidential. To request the Agency maintain data as confidential, the
Permittee shall follow Minn. R. 7000.1300. [Minn. R. 7000.13001
5.9.80 Noncompliance and Enforcement. [Minn. R. 7001]
5.9.81 Subject to Enforcement Action and Penalties. Noncompliance with a term or condition of this permit
subjects the Permittee to penalties provided by federal and state law set forth in section 309 of the
Clean Water Act; United States Code, title 33, section 1319, as amended; and in Minn. Stat. ch.
115.071 and 116.072, including monetary penalties, imprisonment, or both. [Minn. R. 7001.1090,
Criminal Activity. The Permittee may not knowingly make a false statement, representation, or
certification in a record or other document submitted to the Agency. A person who falsifies a report
or document submitted to the Agency, or tampers with, or knowingly renders inaccurate a
monitoring device or method required to be maintained under this permit is subject to criminal and
civil penalties provided by federal and state law. [Minn. R. 7001.0150, 3(G), Minn. R. 7001.1090, 1(G
and H), Minn. Stat. ch. 609.671, 1]
5.9.83 Noncompliance Defense. It shall not be a defense for the Permittee in an enforcement action that it
would have been necessary to halt or reduce the permitted activity in order to maintain compliance
with the conditions of this permit. [Minn. R. 7001]
5.9.84 Effluent Violations. If sampling by the Permittee indicates a violation of any discharge limitation
specified in this permit, the Permittee shall immediately make every effort to verify the violation by
collecting additional samples, if appropriate, investigate the cause of the violation, and take action
to prevent future violations. If the permittee discovers that noncompliance with a condition of the
permit has occurred which could endanger human health, public drinking water supplies, or the
environment, the Permittee shall within 24 hours of the discovery of the noncompliance, orally
notify the commissioner and submit a written description of the noncompliance within 5 days of the
discovery. The written description shall include items a. through e., as listed below. If the Permittee
discovers other non-compliance that does not explicitly endanger human health, public drinking
water supplies, or the environment, the non-compliance shall be reported during the next reporting
period to the MPCA with its Discharge Monitoring Report (DMR). If no DMR is required within 30
days, the Permittee shall submit a written report within 30 days of the discovery of the
noncompliance. This description shall include the following information:
a. a description of the event including volume, duration, monitoring results and receiving waters;
b. the cause of the event;
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c. the steps taken to reduce, eliminate and prevent reoccurrence of the event;
d. the exact dates and times of the event; and
e. steps taken to reduce any adverse impact resulting from the event. [Minn. R. 7001.150, 3(K)
5.9.85 Upset Defense. In the event of temporary noncompliance by the Permittee with an applicable
effluent limitation resulting from an upset at the Permittee's facility due to factors beyond the
control of the Permittee, the Permittee has an affirmative defense to an enforcement action
brought by the Agency as a result of the noncompliance if the Permittee demonstrates by a
preponderance of competent evidence:
a. the specific cause of the upset;
b. that the upset was unintentional;
c. that the upset resulted from factors beyond the reasonable control of the Permittee and did not
result from operational error, improperly designed treatment facilities, inadequate treatment
facilities, lack of preventative maintenance, or increases in production which are beyond the design
capability of the treatment facilities;
d. that at the time of the upset the facility was being properly operated;
e. that the Permittee properly notified the Commissioner of the upset in accordance with Minn. R.
7001.1090, subp. 1, item I; and
f. that the Permittee implemented the remedial measures required by Minn. R. 7001.0150, subp. 3,
item J. [Minn. R. 7001.1090]
5.9.86 Release. [Minn. R. 7001]
5.9.87 Unauthorized Releases of Wastewater Prohibited. Except for discharges from outfalls specifically
authorized by this permit, overflows, discharges, spills, or other releases of wastewater or materials
to the environment, whether intentional or not, are prohibited. However, the MPCA will consider
the Permittee's compliance with permit requirements, frequency of release, quantity, type, location,
and other relevant factors when determining appropriate action. [Minn. Stat. ch. 115.061]
5.9.88 Discovery of a release. Upon discovery of a release, the Permittee shall:
a. Take all reasonable steps to immediately end the release.
b. Notify the Minnesota Department of Public Safety Duty Officer at 1(800)422-0798 or (651)649-
5451 (metro area) immediately upon discovery of the release. You may contact the MPCA during
business hours at 1(800)657-3864 or (651)296-6300 (metro area).
c. Recover as rapidly and as thoroughly as possible all substances and materials released or
immediately take other action as may be reasonably possible to minimize or abate pollution to
waters of the state or potential impacts to human health caused thereby. If the released materials
or substances cannot be immediately or completely recovered, the Permittee shall contact the
MPCA. If directed by the MPCA, the Permittee shall consult with other local, state or federal
agencies (such as the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources and/or the Wetland
Conservation Act authority) for implementation of additional clean-up or remediation activities in
wetland or other sensitive areas. [Minn. R. 7001.1090]
5.9.89 I Sampling of a release. Upon discovery of a release, the Permittee shall:
a. Collect representative samples of the release. The Permittee shall sample the release for
parameters of concern immediately following discovery of the release. The Permittee may contact
the MPCA during business hours to discuss the sampling parameters and protocol. In addition, Fecal
Coliform Bacteria samples shall be collected where it is determined by the Permittee that the
release contains or may contain sewage. If the release cannot be immediately stopped, the
Permittee shall consult with MPCA regarding additional sampling requirements. Samples shall be
collected at least, but not limited to, two times per week for as long as the release continues.
b. Submit the sampling results on the Release Sampling Form
( The Release Sampling
Form shall be submitted to the MPCA with the next DMR or within 30 days whichever is sooner.
Minn. R. 7001.1090
15.9.90 I BVDass. rminn. R. 70011
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Anticipated bypass. The permittee may allow any bypass to occur which does not cause effluent
limitations to be exceeded, but only if the bypass is for essential maintenance to assure efficient
operation of the facility. The permittee shall submit prior notice, if possible at least ten days before
the date of the bypass to the MPCA.
The notice of the need for an anticipated bypass shall include the following information:
the proposed date and estimated duration of the bypass;
b. the alternatives to bypassing; and
c. a proposal for effluent sampling during the bypass. Any bypass wastewater shall enter waters of
the state from outfalls specifically authorized by this permit. Therefore, samples shall be collected at
the frequency and location identified in this permit or two times per week for as long as the bypass
continues, whichever is more frequent. [Minn. R. 7001.1090, 1(J)]
All other bypasses are prohibited. The MPCA may take enforcement action against the Permittee for
a bypass, unless the specific conditions described in Minn. R. Ch. 7001.1090 subp. 1, K and
122.41(m)(4)(i) are met.
In the event of an unanticipated bypass, the permittee shall:
a. Take all reasonable steps to immediately end the bypass.
b. Notify the Minnesota Department of Public Safety Duty Officer at 1(800)422-0798 or (651)649-
5451 (metro area) immediately upon commencement of the bypass. You may contact the MPCA
during business hours at 1(800)657-3864 or (651)296-6300 (metro area).
c. Immediately take action as may be reasonably possible to minimize or abate pollution to waters
of the state or potential impacts to human health caused thereby. If directed by the MPCA, the
Permittee shall consult with other local, state or federal agencies for implementation of abatement,
clean-up, or remediation activities.
d. Only allow bypass wastewater as specified in this section to enter waters of the state from
outfalls specifically authorized by this permit. Samples shall be collected at the frequency and
location identified in this permit or two times per week for as long as the bypass continues,
whichever is more frequent. The permittee shall also follow the reporting requirements for effluent
violations as specified in this permit. [40 CFR 122.41(m)(4)(i), Minn. R. 7001.1090, 1(K), Minn. Stat.
ch. 115.061]
5.9.93 Operation and Maintenance. [Minn. R. 7001]
5.9.94 The Permittee shall at all times properly operate and maintain the facilities and systems of
treatment and control, and the appurtenances related to them which are installed or used by the
Permittee to achieve compliance with the conditions of the permit. Proper operation and
maintenance includes effective performance, adequate funding, adequate operator staffing and
training, and adequate laboratory and process controls, including appropriate quality assurance
procedures. The Permittee shall install and maintain appropriate backup or auxiliary facilities if they
are necessary to achieve compliance with the conditions of the permit and, for all permits other
than hazardous waste facility permits, if these backup or auxiliary facilities are technically and
economically feasible Minn. R. 7001.0150. subp. 3, item F. [Minn. R. 7001.0150, 3(F)]
In the event of a reduction or loss of effective treatment of wastewater at the facility, the Permittee
shall control production or curtail its discharges to the extent necessary to maintain compliance with
the terms and conditions of this permit. The Permittee shall continue this control or curtailment
until the wastewater treatment facility has been restored or until an alternative method of
treatment is provided. [Minn. R. 7001.1090, 1(C)]
5.9.96 Solids Management. The Permittee shall properly store, transport, and dispose of biosolids, septage,
sediments, residual solids, filter backwash, screenings, oil, grease, and other substances so that
pollutants do not enter surface waters or ground waters of the state. Solids should be disposed of in
accordance with local, state and federal requirements. [40 CFR 503, Minn. R. 7041]
5.9.97 Scheduled Maintenance. The Permittee shall schedule maintenance of the treatment works during
non-critical water quality periods to prevent degradation of water quality, except where emergency
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maintenance is required to prevent a condition that would be detrimental to water quality or
human health. [Minn. R. 7001.0150, 3(F), Minn. R. 7001.150, 2(B)]
5.9.98 Control Tests. In -plant control tests shall be conducted at a frequency adequate to ensure
compliance with the conditions of this permit. [Minn. R. 7001.0150, 3(F), Minn. R. 7001.150, 2(B)]
5.9.99 Changes to the Facility or Permit. [Minn. R. 7001]
5.9.100 Permit Modifications. Except as provided under Minnesota Statutes, section 115.07, subdivisions 1
and 3, no person required by statute or rule to obtain a permit may construct, install, modify, or
operate the facility to be permitted, nor shall a person commence an activity for which a permit is
required by statute or rule until the agency has issued a written permit for the facility or activity.
Permittees that propose to make a change to the facility or discharge that requires a permit
modification shall follow Minn. R. 7001.0190. If the Permittee cannot determine whether a permit
modification is needed, the Permittee shall contact the MPCA prior to any action. It is recommended
that the application for permit modification be submitted to the MPCA at least 180 days prior to the
planned change. [Minn. R. 7001.0030]
5.9.101 Plans, specifications and MPCA approval are not necessary when maintenance dictates the need for
installation of new equipment, provided the equipment is the same design size and has the same
design intent. For instance, a broken pipe, lift station pump, aerator, or blower can be replaced with
the same design -sized equipment without MPCA approval.
If the proposed construction is not expressly authorized by this permit, it may require a permit
modification. If the construction project requires an Environmental Assessment Worksheet under
Minn. R. 4410, no construction shall begin until a negative declaration is issued and all approvals are
received or implemented. [Minn. R. 7001.00301
5.9.102 Report Changes. The Permittee shall give advance notice as soon as possible to the MPCA of any
substantial changes in operational procedures, activities that may alter the nature or frequency of
the discharge, and/or material factors that may affect compliance with the conditions of this permit.
[Minn. R. 7001.0150, 3(M)]
5.9.103 Chemical Additives. The Permittee shall receive prior written approval from the MPCA before
increasing the use of a chemical additive authorized by this permit, or using a chemical additive not
authorized by this permit, in quantities or concentrations that have the potential to change the
characteristics, nature and/or quality of the discharge.
The Permittee shall request approval for an increased or new use of a chemical additive at least 60
days, or as soon as possible, before the proposed increased or new use. This written request shall
include at least the following information for the proposed additive:
a. The process for which the additive will be used;
b. Safety Data Sheet (SDS) which shall include aquatic toxicity, human health, and environmental
fate information for the proposed additive. The aquatic toxicity information shall include at
minimum the results of: a) a 48-hour LC50 or EC50 acute study for a North American freshwater
planktonic crustacean (either Ceriodaphnia or Daphnia sp.) and b) a 96 -hour LC50 acute study for
rainbow trout, bluegill or fathead minnow or another North American freshwater aquatic species
other than a planktonic crustacean;
c. a complete product use and instruction label;
d. the commercial and chemical names and Chemical Abstract Survey (CAS) number for all
ingredients in the additive (If the MSDS does not include information on chemical composition,
including percentages for each ingredient totaling to 100%, the Permittee shall contact the supplier
to have this information provided); and
e. The proposed method of application, application frequency, concentration, and daily average and
maximum rates of use.
Upon review of the information submitted regarding the proposed chemical additive, the MPCA may
reauire additional information be submitted for consideration. This permit may be modified to
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restrict the use or discharge of a chemical additive and include additional influent and effluent
monitoring requirements. Approval for the use of an additive shall not justify the exceedance of any
effluent limitation nor shall it be used as a defense against pollutant levels in the discharge causing
or contributing to the violation of a water quality standard. [Minn. R. 7001.0170]
MPCA Initiated Permit Modification, Suspension, or Revocation. The MPCA may modify or revoke
and reissue this permit pursuant to Minn. R. 7001.0170. The MPCA may revoke without reissuance
this permit pursuant to Minn. R. 7001.0180. [Minn. R. 7001.0170, Minn. R. 7001.0180]
TMDL Impacts. Facilities that discharge to an impaired surface water, watershed or drainage basin
may be required to comply with additional permits or permit requirements, including additional
restriction or relaxation of limits and monitoring as authorized by the CWA 303(d)(4)(A) and 40 CFR, necessary to ensure consistency with the assumptions and requirements of any
applicable US EPA approved wasteload allocations resulting from Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL)
studies. [Minn. R. 7001]
Permit Transfer. The permit is not transferable to any person without the express written approval
of the Agency after compliance with the requirements of Minn. R. 7001.0190. A person to whom the
permit has been transferred shall comply with the conditions of the permit. [Minn. R. 7001.0150,
Facility Closure. The Permittee is responsible for closure and post -closure care of the facility. The
Permittee shall notify the MPCA of a significant reduction or cessation of the activities described in
this permit at least 180 days before the reduction or cessation. The MPCA may require the
Permittee to provide to the MPCA a facility Closure Plan for approval.
Facility closure that could result in a potential long-term water quality concern, such as the ongoing
discharge of wastewater to surface or ground water, may require a permit modification or
The MPCA may require the Permittee to establish and maintain financial assurance to ensure
performance of certain obligations under this permit, including closure, post -closure care and
remedial action at the facility. If financial assurance is required, the amount and type of financial
assurance, and proposed modifications to previously MPCA-approved financial assurance, shall be
approved by the MPCA. [Minn. Stat. ch. 116.07, 4]
Permit Reissuance. If the Permittee desires to continue permit coverage beyond the date of permit
expiration, the Permittee shall submit an application for permit reissuance : Due by 180 days prior
to permit expiration. If the Permittee does not intend to continue the activities authorized by this
permit after the expiration date of this permit, the Permittee shall notify the MPCA in writing at
least 180 days before permit expiration.
If the Permittee has submitted a timely application for permit reissuance, the Permittee may
continue to conduct the activities authorized by this permit, in compliance with the requirements of
this permit, until the MPCA takes final action on the application, unless the MPCA determines any of
the following (Minn. R. 7001.0040 and 7001.0160):
a. The Permittee is not in substantial compliance with the requirements of this permit, or with a
stipulation agreement or compliance schedule designed to bring the Permittee into compliance with
this permit;
b. The MPCA, as a result of an action or failure to act by the Permittee, has been unable to take final
action on the application on or before the expiration date of the permit;
c. The Permittee has submitted an application with major deficiencies or has failed to properly
supplement the application in a timely manner after being informed of deficiencies. [Minn. R.
Permit issued:
Permit expires:
6. Submittal action summary
Page 18 of 23
WS 001 Influent Waste
Waste Stream: Large Subsurface Sewage Treatment System Influent Monitoring Requirements
The Permittee shall submit a monthly DMR : Due by 21 days after the end of each calendar month
following permit issuance. [Minn. R. 7001.0150, Subp. 2(B)]
WS 002
WW to Land
Waste Stream: Large Subsurface Sewage Treatment System End -of -Pipe Requirements
The Permittee shall submit a monthly DMR : Due by 21 days after the end of each calendar month
following permit issuance. [Minn. R. 7001.0150, Subp. 2(B)]
WS 004
Internal Waste
Waste Stream: Drainfield Septic Tank Requirements
The Permittee shall submit a quarterly DMR : Due by 21 days after the end of each calendar
quarter following permit issuance. [Minn. R. 7001.0150, Subp. 2(B)], Phases: Phase 3
Facility Specific Requirements
The Permittee shall submit a monthly DMR : Due by 21 days after the end of each calendar month
following permit issuance. [Minn. R. 7001.0150, 2(B)], Phases: Phase 2, Phase 1
Tii Gavo on Big
Marine Lake
Special Requirements
The Permittee shall submit an annual progress report by December 31st of each year detailing the
number of houses connected to the treatment system. The Permittee shall submit a progress
report : Due annually, by the 31st of December. [Minn. R. 7001]
Biosolids: Septage Transfer
The Permittee shall submit a biosolids annual report : Due annually, by the 31st of December on a
form provided by or approved by the MPCA. The report shall include the requirements in
Minnesota Rules, part 7041.1700. [Minn. R. 7041.1700]
Total Facility Requirements (SDS)
Permit Reissuance. If the Permittee desires to continue permit coverage beyond the date of
permit expiration, the Permittee shall submit an application for permit reissuance : Due by 180
days prior to permit expiration. If the Permittee does not intend to continue the activities
authorized by this permit after the expiration date of this permit, the Permittee shall notify the
MPCA in writing at least 180 days before permit expiration.
If the Permittee has submitted a timely application for permit reissuance, the Permittee may
continue to conduct the activities authorized by this permit, in compliance with the requirements
Permit issued: MN0068217
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of this permit, until the MPCA takes final action on the application, unless the MPCA determines
any of the following (Minn. R. 7001.0040 and 7001.0160):
a. The Permittee is not in substantial compliance with the requirements of this permit, or with a
stipulation agreement or compliance schedule designed to bring the Permittee into compliance
with this permit;
b. The MPCA, as a result of an action or failure to act by the Permittee, has been unable to take
final action on the application on or before the expiration date of the permit;
c. The Permittee has submitted an application with major deficiencies or has failed to properly
supplement the application in a timely manner after being informed of deficiencies. [Minn. R.
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Permit expires:
7. Limits and monitoring
Page 20 of 23
Discharge limitations
Monitoring requirements
Quality /Conc.
Quality /Conc.
Quality /Conc.
Subject item
/Loading max.
Conc. units
Sample type
WS 001 Influent
Monitor only.
once per
Mar, Jun,
Waste Stream
Carbonaceous 05
per liter
Sep, Dec
Phase 2
Day (20 Deg C)
WS 001 Influent
Monitor only.
twice per
Jan -Dec
Waste Stream
Carbonaceous 05
per liter
Phase 3
Day (20 Deg C)
WS 001 Influent
Monitor only.
0.013 calendar
0.0195 daily
once per
Jan -Dec
Waste Stream
calendar month
gallons per
WS 001 Influent
Monitor only.
Monitor only.
once per
Mar, Jun,
Waste Stream
Sep, Dec
Phase 2
WS 001 Influent
Monitor only.
Monitor only.
twice per
Jan -Dec
Waste Stream
calendar month
calendar month
Phase 3
WS 001 Influent
Monitor only.
once per
Jan -Dec
Waste Stream
calendar month
WS 001 Influent
Solids, Total
Monitor only.
once per
Mar, Jun,
Waste Stream
Suspended (TSS)
per liter
Sep, Dec
Phase 2
WS 001 Influent
Solids, Total
Monitor only.
twice per
Jan -Dec
Waste Stream
Suspended (TSS)
per liter
Phase 3
WS 002 Effluent
Monitor only.
once per
Jan -Dec
to Drainfield
Carbonaceous 05
per liter
Phase 2
Day (20 Deg C)
Permit issued:
Permit expires:
Page 21 of 23
Discharge limitations
Quality /Conc.
Quality /Conc.
Quality /Conc.
Subject item
/Loading max.
Conc. units
Sample type
WS 002 Effluent
Monitor only.
twice per
Jan -Dec
to Drainfield
Carbonaceous 05
per liter
Phase 3
Day (20 Deg C)
WS 002 Effluent
Chloride, Total
Monitor only.
once per
Jan -Dec
to Drainfield
per liter
Phase 2
WS 002 Effluent
Chloride, Total
Monitor only.
twice per
Jan -Dec
to Drainfield
per liter
Phase 3
WS 002 Effluent
Nitrite Plus
Monitor only.
once per
Jan -Dec
to Drainfield
Nitrate, Total (as
per liter
Phase 2
WS 002 Effluent
Nitrite Plus
Monitor only.
twice per
Jan -Dec
to Drainfield
Nitrate, Total (as
per liter
Phase 3
WS 002 Effluent
Nitrogen, Kjeldahl,
Monitor only.
once per
Jan -Dec
to Drainfield
per liter
Phase 2
WS 002 Effluent
Nitrogen, Kjeldahl,
Monitor only.
twice per
Jan -Dec
to Drainfield
per liter
Phase 3
WS 002 Effluent
Nitrogen, Total (as
10.0 calendar
once per
Jan -Dec
to Drainfield
per liter
Phase 2
WS 002 Effluent
Nitrogen, Total (as
10.0 calendar
twice per
Jan -Dec
to Drainfield
per liter
Phase 3
Permit issued:
Permit expires:
Page 22 of 23
Discharge limitations
Monitoring requirements
Quality /Conc.
Quality /Conc.
Quality /Conc.
Subject item
/Loading max.
Conc. units
Sample type
WS 002 Effluent
Phosphorus, Total
Monitor only.
once per
Jan -Dec
to Drainfield
(as P)
per liter
Phase 2
WS 002 Effluent
Phosphorus, Total
Monitor only.
twice per
Jan -Dec
to Drainfield
(as P)
per liter
Phase 3
WS 002 Effluent
Solids, Total
Monitor only.
once per
Jan -Dec
to Drainfield
Suspended (TSS)
per liter
Phase 2
WS 002 Effluent
Solids, Total
Monitor only.
twice per
Jan -Dec
to Drainfield
Suspended (TSS)
per liter
Phase 3
WS 004 Septic
Remaining Scum
Monitor only.
once per
Tank Monitoring
calendar month
Phase 1
WS 004 Septic
Remaining Scum
Monitor only.
once per
Apr, Oct
Tank Monitoring
calendar month
Phase 2
WS 004 Septic
Remaining Scum
Monitor only.
once per
Jan -Dec
Tank Monitoring
Phase 3
WS 004 Septic
Remaining Sludge
Monitor only.
once per
Tank Monitoring
calendar month
Phase 1
WS 004 Septic
Remaining Sludge
Monitor only.
once per
Apr, Oct
Tank Monitoring
calendar month
Phase 2
WS 004 Septic
Remaining Sludge
Monitor only.
once per
Jan -Dec
Tank Monitoring
Phase 3
Permit issued:
Permit expires:
Page 23 of 23
Discharge limitations
Quality /Conc.
Quality /Conc.
Quality /Conc.
Subject item
/Loading max.
Conc. units
Sample type
WS 004 Septic
Scum Depth,
Monitor only.
once per
Tank Monitoring
Maximum of
calendar month
Phase 1
WS 004 Septic
Scum Depth,
Monitor only.
once per
Apr, Oct
Tank Monitoring
Maximum of
calendar month
Phase 2
WS 004 Septic
Scum Depth,
Monitor only.
once per
Jan -Dec
Tank Monitoring
Maximum of
Phase 3
WS 004 Septic
Sludge Depth,
Monitor only.
once per
Tank Monitoring
Maximum of
calendar month
Phase 1
WS 004 Septic
Sludge Depth,
Monitor only.
once per
Apr, Oct
Tank Monitoring
Maximum of
calendar month
Phase 2
WS 004 Septic
Sludge Depth,
Monitor only.
once per
Jan -Dec
Tank Monitoring
Maximum of
Phase 3
Operating Permit OP -2017-0096
:, County
Page 1 of 3
System Name: Scandia Uptown Permittee Name: City Of Scandia
Service Provider: Adam Hawkinson
Mailing Address: 14727 209th St N , Scandia Mn 55073
Phone: (651) 433-2274
System Property ID. Number: 2303220220006
Service Provider Phone:
Washington County authorizes the Permittee to operate a Type IV Subsurface Sewage Treatment System at the address
named above in accordance with the requirements of this operating permit. The attached Management Plan, Operations and
Maintenance recommended by the manufacturer of the advanced treatment unit(s) are hereby incorporated as part of the
requirements of this operating permit.
Issuance Date: 12/28/2017 Expiration Date: 12/31/2018
System Type: Type IV Treatment Level: C
System Design Flow: 7535 Gallons Per Day
Residential/Commercial/Municipal: Municipal/Community
System Components
Tank 1: 1500 Gallons Tank 2: 1500 Gallons
Pre -Treatment Device: Ecopod E200CA
Soil Treatment Area: 6750 Square Soil Treatment Area Type: Drainfield
1102E1ADD50CB91 E9B28FCB9E8E913DD
NATE ARTHUR 12/28/2017 07:57 AM - ISSUED
Government Center 14949 62nd Street North - P.O. Box 6, Stillwater, Minnesota 55082-0006
Phone: 651-430-6655 Fax: 651-430-6730 TTY: 651-430-6246
Service Centers also located in Cottage Grove and Forest Lake 2/11/2019
Operating Permit OP -2017-0096
Page 2 of 3
Peak Flow (GPD)
Equalization Tank
Average Flow (GPD)
Equalization Tank
Discharge from
CBOD5 (mg/L)
Inspect for damage, function, flush as needed.
Soil Treatment Area
Discharge from
TSS (mg/L)
Discharge from
O&G (mg/L)
Incoming CBOD5 (mg/L)
Total Nitorgen (mg/L)
TKN (mg/L)
Nitrate/Nitrite (mg/L)
Field Tests: Temperature
As needed by
No Reporting
EQ Tank, Ecopod
and D.O.
Ponding/Surfacing in Soil
No Surface Discharge,
Ponding to Drop Box 5
Fecal Coliform Bacteria
Settleable Solids
Phosphorous (mg/L)
Ly, If] I1111101NII[C7_1I111N=1as] AIIIlei2aeIIeZ91011
Any sampling and laboratory testing procedures shall be performed in accordance with any proprietary treatment product's
protocol, Standard Methods, and at a Minnesota Department of Health approved laboratory. The samples must be
representative of the flow; wastewater samples are expected to be taken during average peak flow events to the greatest
extent practical.
Pumps shall be calibrated annually or immediately after alteration of piping or any noted change in pump or panel function.
Every Three
Individual Septic Tanks
Pumping/Cleaning, Inspect for damage, function.
Ecopod E200CA
Inspect for damage, function
Equalization Tank
Inspect for damage, function Remove sludge as needed.
Main lift station and controls,
Inspect for damage, function pump current draw Record
STEP stations
pump run times on main lift station
Gravity sewers and manholes
Inspect for damage, function, flush as needed.
Inspect for damage, function, mowing as needed,
Soil Treatment Area
gopher control.
In the event the waste water treatment system does not meet required monitoring requirements as contained in this operating
permit, the permitee shall notify the Department within 30 days of non-compliance. The permittee is responsible to obtain the
services of a Minnesota Pollution Control Agency licensed Service Provider to complete the required corrective measures.
This permit is effective on the issuance date identified above. The Permitee is not authorized to discharge after the above date
of expiration. 2/11/2019
Operating Permit OP -2017-0096
Page 3 of 3
The permittee is required to obtain the services of a Minnesota Pollution Control Agency licensed 1) Service Provider to
provide ongoing system operation, maintenance, and monitoring and 2) Maintainer to pump the system's sewage tanks and
componenetts. Provide the Department with a copy of signed contract between the permittee and the licensed Service
Provider. If the Permitee fails to comply with the provisions of this operation permit, the Permittee understands that penalties
may be issued. If the Permitee sells this property during the life of the permit, the Permittee will infrorm the new owner(s) of the
permit requirements and the need to renew the operating permit.
Reporting to the County shall be quarterly (four times per year) but flow readings should be recorded at least monthly or more
frequently as determined by the operator. A method of recording actual daily (not average) flow is desirable.
Pumps/water meters shall be calibrated annually or immediately after alteration of piping or any noted change in pump or
panel function. 2/11/2019
Minnesota Pollution Control Agency
Municipal Division
State Disposal System (SDS) Permit MN0066567
Wyldewood Acres Homeowner's Association
Wyldewood Acres Wastewater Treatment Facility
Scandia COUNTY: Washington
The state of Minnesota, on behalf of its citizens through the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency
(MPCA), authorizes the Permittee to operate a disposal system at the facility named above, in
accordance with the requirements of this permit.
The goal of this permit is to reduce pollutant levels in point source discharges and protect water quality
in accordance with Minnesota and US statutes and rules, including Minn. Stat. chs. 115 and 116, Minn.
R. chs. 7001, 7050, 7053, 7060, and the US Clean Water Act.
This permit is effective on the issuance date identified above, and supersedes the previous permit that
was issued for this facility on October 28, 2008. This permit expires at midnight on the expiration date
identified above.
Bill D. Priebe, P.E. for The Minnesota Pollution Control Agency
Supervisor, Metro Regional & Infrastructure Financing Unit
Municipal Wastewater Section
Municipal Division
Submit eDMRs
Submit via the MPCA Online Services Portal at
Submit Other WQ Reports to:
Attention: WQ Submittals Center
Minnesota Pollution Control Agency
520 Lafayette Rd N
St Paul, MN 55155-4194
Questions on this permit?
• For eDMR and other permit reporting issues, contact:
Tamara Dahl, 507-476-4252.
• For specific permit requirements or permit compliance
status, contact:
Kaitlin Boutelle, 651-757-2306.
• General permit or NPDES program questions, contact:
MPCA, 651-282-6143 or 1-800-657-3938.
520 Lafayette Rd. N.; St. Paul, MN 55155-4194; 651-296-6300 (voice); 651-282-5332 (TTY)
Regional Offices: Duluth • Brainerd • Detroit Lakes • Marshall • Rochester
Equal Opportunity Employer • Printed on recycled paper containing at least 10% fibers from paper recycled by consumers
Page 2
Permit MN0066567
Table of Contents
Permitted Facility Description 3
Flow Diagram 4
Topographic Map of Permitted Facility 5
Summary of Stations 6
Limits and Monitoring Requirements 7
Chapter 1. Special Requirements 9
1. Compliance Schedule
2. Special Requirements
Chapter 2. Waste Stream Stations 9
1. Requirements for Specific Stations
2. Sampling Location
Chapter 3. Domestic Wastewater -- Large Subsurface Treatment System (LSTS) 9
1. Unauthorized Discharge
2. Prohibitions
3. Sanitary Sewer Extension Permit
4. Operator Certification
5. Special Requirements
6. Facility Maintenance
7. Collection System
8. Tank Maintenance
9. Soil Treatment System Maintenance
Chapter 4. Total Facility Requirements 11
1. General Requirements
Page 3
Permit MN0066567
Facility Description
The Wyldewood Acres Wastewater Treatment Facility (Facility) is located at SE 1/4 of SE 1/4 of Section
15, Township 32 North, Range 20 West, Scandia, Washington County, Minnesota. This is a Class D
Major components of the Facility include:
27 Individual Grinder Pumps
1 Septic Tank (7,500 gal)
1 Septic Tank (7,500 gal) - compartmentalized
1 Constructed Wetland - subsurface flow (9,000 sq ft)
3 Subsurface Mounds (19,718 sq ft)
The application and plans indicate that the Facility is designed for 23 three and a half -bedroom homes
and 4 three-bedroom homes in New Scandia Township, Washington County. There are currently 20
homes connected to the wastewater system.
Each house has an individual grinder pump, which pumps the sewage through a two inch high-density
polyethylene low pressure force main, approximately 4,000 feet in length. Wastewater flows through
magnetic influent flow meters prior to two septic tanks operated in series. Both are 7,500 gallons, the
first is un -compartmentalized and the second has 2 compartments. The second tank contains effluent
filters. Next, wastewater is processed by one 9,000 square foot constructed wetland treatment system.
A 5,000 gallon dosing tank doses a 19,718 square foot drainfield system (pressurized infiltration
chambers) which consists of 3 zones with dedicated pumps to alternate usage of the zones.
The Average Wet Weather (AWW) design flow is 8,925 gallons per day (gpd). The influent 5 -day
Biochemical Oxygen Demand concentration is approximately 250 milligrams per liter (mg/L) and the
Total Suspended Solids concentration is approximately 250 mg/L.
There are no designated bypass points in the treatment system. This SDS Permit authorizes no
discharge to surface waters.
The location of the facility is shown on the "Topographic Map of Permitted Facility" (page 5).
The location of designated monitoring stations is specified on the "Summary of Stations" (page 6).
Page 4
Permit MN0066567
Flow Diagram
Topographic Map of Permitted Facility
MN0066567: Wyldewood Acres Wastewater Treatment Facility
T32N, R20W, Section 15
Scandia, Washington County, Minnesota
Page 5
Permit MN0066567
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Page 5
Permit MN0066567
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Map produced by: MPCA Staff, 4/9/2013
Source: USGS Scandia Quad 0 0.25 0.5 1 Wes
Scale: 1:24,000
Permit Issued: Wyldewood Acres WWTF Page 6
Permit Expires: Summary of Stations Permit #: MN0066567
Waste Stream Stations
Station Type of Station Local Name PLS Location
WS001 Influent Waste Influent SE Quarter of the SE Quarter of Section 15, Township 32 North,
Range 20 West
WS002 Internal Waste Stream Septic Tanks SE Quarter of the SE Quarter of Section 15, Township 32 North,
Range 20 West
WS004 Intermediate: WW to Land Effluent to Drainfield SE Quarter of the SE Quarter of Section 15, Township 32 North,
Range 20 West
Permit Issued: WyIdewood Acres WWTF Page 7
Permit Expires: Limits and Monitoring Requirements Permit #: MN0066567
The Permittee shall comply with the limits and monitoring requirements as specified below.
Period: Limits Applicable in the Interim Period
WS 001: Influent
Limit Type
Effective Period
Sample Type
OD, Carbonaceous 05 Day (20 Deg
Calendar Month Average
Jan -Dec
1 x Month
Calendar Month Average
Jan -Dec
1 x Day
Calendar Month Total
Jan -Dec
1 x Day
Daily Maximum
Jan -Dec
1 x Day
Calendar Month Maximum
Jan -Dec
1 x Month
Calendar Month Minimum
Jan -Dec
1 x Month
Calendar Month Total
Jan -Dec
1 x Day
Solids, Total Suspended (TSS)
Calendar Month Average
Jan -Dec
1 x Month
WS 002: Septic Tanks
Limit Type
Effective Period
Sample Type
emaining Scum Capacity
Calendar Quarter Maxim
Jan -Dec
1 x Quarter
emaining Sludge Capacity
Calendar Quarter Maxim
Jan -Dec
1 x Quarter
Scum Depth, Maximum of Sample
Calendar Quarter Maxim
Jan -Dec
1 x Quarter
Sludge Depth, Maximum of Sample
Calendar Quarter Maxim
Jan -Dec
1 x Quarter
WS 004: Effluent to Drainfield
Limit Type
Effective Period
Sample Type
OD, Carbonaceous 05 Day (20 Deg
Calendar Month Average
Jan -Dec
1 x Month
Chloride, TotalMOnl1onitor
Calendar Month Average
Jan -Dec
1 x Month
itrogen, Total (as N)
Calendar Month Average
Jan -Dec
1 x Month
Solids, Total Suspended (TSS)
Calendar Month Average
Jan -Dec
1 x Month
Period: Limits Applicable in the Final Period
WS 001: Influent
Limit Type
Effective Period
Sample Type
Carbonaceous 05 Day (20 Deg
Calendar Month Average
Jan -Dec
2 x Month
Calendar Month Average
Jan -Dec
1 x Day
Calendar Month Total
Jan -Dec
1 x Day
Permit Issued: WyIdewood Acres WWTF Page 8
Permit Expires: Limits and Monitoring Requirements Permit #: MN0066567
The Permittee shall comply with the limits and monitoring requirements as specified below.
Period: Limits Applicable in the Final Period
WS 001: Influent
Limit Type
Effective Period
Sample Type
Daily Maximum
Jan -Dec
1 x Day
Calendar Month Maximum
Jan -Dec
2 x Month
Calendar Month Minimum
Jan -Dec
2 x Month
Calendar Month Total
Jan -Dec
1 x Day
Solids, Total Suspended (TSS)
Calendar Month Average
Jan -Dec
2 x Month
WS 002: Septic Tanks
Limit Type
Effective Period
Sample Type
emaining Scum Capacity
Calendar Quarter Maxim
Jan -Dec
1 x Quarter
emaining Sludge Capacity
Calendar Quarter Maxim
Jan -Dec
1 x Quarter
Scum Depth, Maximum of Sample
Calendar Quarter Maxim
Jan -Dec
1 x Quarter
Sludge Depth, Maximum of Sample
Calendar Quarter Maxim
Jan -Dec
1 x Quarter
WS 004: Effluent to Drainfield
Limit Type
Effective Period
Sample Type
OD, Carbonaceous 05 Day (20 Deg
Calendar Month Average
Jan -Dec
2 x Month
Chloride, TotalMOnl1onitor
Calendar Month Average
Jan -Dec
2 x Month
itrogen, Total (as N)
Calendar Month Average
Jan -Dec
2 x Month
Solids, Total Suspended (TSS)
Calendar Month Average
Jan -Dec
2 x Month
-- Analyze immediately. Except weekends or holidays. This means within 15 minutes or less of sample collection.
! -- See Chapter 2: Waste Stream Stations for additional information.
t -- Total Nitrogen is the sum of nitrate (NO3), nitrite (NO2), organic nitrogen and ammonia (all expressed as N). Note that for analysis purposes, Tota
Cjeldahl Nitrogen (TKN) is a test performed that is made up of both organic nitrogen and ammonia.
Permit Issued: Wyldewood Acres WWTF Page 9
Permit Expires: Permit #: NlNO066567
Chapter 1. Special Requirements
1. Compliance Schedule
1.1 The Permittee shall abandon Groundwater Monitoring Well GWO03 within one year of permit issuance.
Abandonment must be completed by a licensed well driller and in accordance with the Minnesota Water Well
Construction Code, Minnesota Rules, ch. 4725.
The Permittee must submit a copy of the well abandonment records to the MPCA within 30 days of well
2. Special Requirements
2.1 The Permittee shall notify the MPCA in writing when the Calendar Month Average influent flow reaches 4,500
gallons per day (gpd). The notification can be sent with the DMRs, but should be on a separate letter. Final
limits will go into effect and monitoring must be increased to meet Limits and Monitoring section requirements
two months after the calendar month average is met or exceeded. For example, if 4,500 gpd is reached in
February, it shall be recorded and reported in March (if sent with DMRs, then March 21 will be the notification
date), and the frequency shall be increased on April 1.
Chapter 2. Waste Stream Stations
1. Requirements for Specific Stations
1.1 WS 001, WS 002, WS 004: Submit a monthly DMR by 21 days after the end of each calendar month following
permit issuance.
2. Sampling Location
2.1 Samples for Station WS001 - Influent samples shall be taken at the first septic tank of the system.
2.2 Samples for Station WS002 - Septic Tank Monitoring samples shall be taken in the second compartment of the
second septic tank of the system.
2.3 Samples for WS004 - Effluent to Drainfield samples shall be taken at a point respresentative of the effluent
leaving the wetland treatment system and prior to entering the drainfield.
Chapter 3. Domestic Wastewater -- Large Subsurface Treatment System (LSTS)
1. Unauthorized Discharge
1.1 There shall be no unauthorized discharge to the ground surface or surface water from these facilities.
2. Prohibitions
2.1 The Permittee shall prevent the discharge of any wastes other than sewage into any component of the facility,
including septic tanks, advanced treatment systems, and soil treatment systems that could result in damage to the
treatment facility or inhibit treatment unless the discharge of such other substances is specifically approved in
writing by the MPCA.
3. Sanitary Sewer Extension Permit
3.1 The Permittee may be required to obtain a Sanitary Sewer Extension Permit from the MPCA for any addition,
extension or replacement to the sanitary sewer. If a sewer extension permit is required, construction may not
begin until plans and specifications have been submitted and a written permit is granted except as allowed in
Minn. Stat. 115.07, Subd. 3(b).
Permit Issued: Wyldewood Acres WWTF Page 10
Permit Expires: Permit #: NlNO066567
Chapter 3. Domestic Wastewater -- Large Subsurface Treatment System (LSTS)
4. Operator Certification
4.1 The Permittee shall provide a Class D or higher state certified operator who is in direct responsible charge of the
operation, maintenance and testing functions required to ensure compliance with the terms and conditions of this
permit. In addition, this operator must maintain a service provider certification. (Minnesota Statutes, section
4.2 If the Permittee chooses to meet operator certification requirements through a contractual agreement, the
Permittee shall provide a copy of the contract to the MPCA, WQ Submittals Center. The contract shall include
the certified operator's name, certificate number, company name if appropriate, the period covered by the
contract and provisions for renewal; the duties and responsibilities of the certified operator; the duties and
responsibilities of the permittee; and provisions for notifying the MPCA 30 days in advance of termination if the
contract is terminated prior to the expiration date.
4.3 The Permittee shall notify the MPCA within 30 days of a change in operator certification or contract status.
5. Special Requirements
Special Condition - Update O & M Manual
5.1 The Permittee is required to have on-site and available an updated Operation and Maintenance manual. This
manual must be available to MPCA staff upon request.
6. Facility Maintenance
6.1 The facility shall be adequately protected to prevent damage.
7. Collection System
7.1 The collection system shall be properly maintained to minimize inflow, infiltration, exfiltration, and
obstructions. A record of all inspections and maintenance operations shall be kept by the Permittee for a
minimum of three years.
8. Tank Maintenance
8.1 All tanks (primary, secondary, holding, dosing, individual, etc) associated with this system shall be operated,
pumped and maintained to ensure proper system operation and solids management. After every pumping event,
all tanks shall be inspected for potential failure (such as cracks, roots, damaged baffles, etc.). Identified
problems shall be corrected immediately.
8.2 The owner of a septic tank or tanks or the owner's agent must arrange for the removal and proper disposal of
septage from all tanks or compartments in which the top of the sludge layer is less than 12 inches below the
bottom of the outlet baffle or whenever the bottom of the scum layer is less than three inches above the outlet
baffle. All accumulations of sludge, scum, and liquids must be removed through the maintenance hole.
8.3 The Permittee shall properly clean the effluent screens as often as needed to maintain an adequate flow rate from
the septic tank(s). The Permittee shall keep a record at the facility that indicates the dates that the effluent
screens are inspected, removed and cleaned.
8.4 Tanks that are not specifically covered under the Limits & Monitoring section of this permit shall be inspected
at least every three years and pumped as necessary unless more restrictive local requirements have been
9. Soil Treatment System Maintenance
9.1 The soil treatment system(s) shall be adequately fenced.
9.2 A dense vegetative cover shall be maintained over the soil treatment system(s) at all times during the growing
season to prevent the growth of unwanted vegetation such as trees, deep rooted nuisance plants, aquatic
vegetation and to prevent erosion.
Permit Issued: Wyldewood Acres WWTF Page 11
Permit Expires: Permit #: NlNO066567
Chapter 3. Domestic Wastewater -- Large Subsurface Treatment System (LSTS)
9. Soil Treatment System Maintenance
9.3 Routine maintenance shall be conducted to discourage the presence of rodents and other burrowing animals and
deer on the soil treatment system and to allow inspection of observation ports installed in the soil treatment
system(s) inspection pipes.
Soil Treatment System Inspection
9.4 Ponding depth inspections to determine the condition of each soil treatment system (trench, bed, at -grade,
mound, or drip dispersal) /drainfield standpipe shall be conducted every other month during the time the soil
treatment system is in use. The inspection of each soil treatment system shall include the identification of wet or
saturated areas, depth of effluent ponding in the soil treatment observation ports, evidence of effluent at the
surface, frozen components, and measurements in piezometers (if installed). Visual observations shall be
recorded and inspection records shall be maintained by the owner for a minimum of three years following each
inspection. The results of the inspection are not required to be submitted to the MPCA but shall be made
available upon request by MPCA staff.
9.5 If the application rate to the wetland treatment cells or the flow rate to the septic tanks prove to be excessive, the
Permittee shall submit an application for a permit modification for appropriate expansion in accordance with the
Permit Modifications section of this permit.
9.6 Indications of excessive hydraulic and organic loading to the wastewater treatment facility flow rate include
ineffective septic tanks or advanced treatment systems, prolonged saturated soil conditions, vegetative drowning
or excessive ground water mounding (observed from piezometers) and exceeding daily permitted flow rates as
indicated by flow meters, event counters and running time clocks.
Reserve Soil Treatment System
9.7 The reserve area for the soil treatment system/drainfield must be properly protected to prevent the use of, and
damage to, the area. The reserve area must be posted and identified for the public with at least one sign
designating its future purpose and the boundaries must be visibly staked at all corners. In no case may this area
be disturbed for any purpose, including vehicle traffic, storage, bike, hiking or ATV trails, playing fields, etc.
Chapter 4. Total Facility Requirements
1. General Requirements
General Requirements
1.1 No Discharge. There shall be no point source discharge to surface water from the permitted activity.
1.2 Incorporation by Reference. The following applicable federal and state laws are incorporated by reference in
this permit, are applicable to the Permittee, and are enforceable parts of this permit: 40 CFR pts. 122.41, 122.42,
136,403 and 503; Minn. R. pts. 7001, 7041, 7045, 7050, 7052, 7053, 7060, and 7080; and Minn. Stat. Sec. 115
and 116.
1.3 Permittee Responsibility. The Permittee shall perform the actions or conduct the activity authorized by the
permit in compliance with the conditions of the permit and, if required, in accordance with the plans and
specifications approved by the Agency. (Minn. R. 7001.0150, subp. 3, item E)
1.4 Toxic Discharges Prohibited. Whether or not this permit includes effluent limitations for toxic pollutants, the
Permittee shall not discharge a toxic pollutant except according to Code of Federal Regulations, Title 40,
sections 400 to 460 and Minnesota Rules 7050, 7052, 7053 and any other applicable MPCA rules. (Minn. R.
7001.1090, subp.1, item A)
Permit Issued: Wyldewood Acres WWTF Page 12
Permit Expires: Permit #: NlNO066567
Chapter 4. Total Facility Requirements
1. General Requirements
1.5 Nuisance Conditions Prohibited. The Permittee's discharge shall not cause any nuisance conditions including,
but not limited to: floating solids, scum and visible oil film, acutely toxic conditions to aquatic life, or other
adverse impact on the receiving water. (Minn. R. 7050.0210 subp. 2)
1.6 Property Rights. This permit does not convey a property right or an exclusive privilege. (Minn. R. 7001.0150,
subp. 3, item C)
1.7 Liability Exemption. In issuing this permit, the state and the MPCA assume no responsibility for damage to
persons, property, or the environment caused by the activities of the Permittee in the conduct of its actions,
including those activities authorized, directed, or undertaken under this permit. To the extent the state and the
MPCA may be liable for the activities of its employees, that liability is explicitly limited to that provided in the
Tort Claims Act. (Minn. R. 7001.0150, subp. 3, item O)
1.8 The MPCA's issuance of this permit does not obligate the MPCA to enforce local laws, rules, or plans beyond
what is authorized by Minnesota Statutes. (Minn. R. 7001.0150, subp.3, item D)
1.9 Liabilities. The MPCA's issuance of this permit does not release the Permittee from any liability, penalty or
duty imposed by Minnesota or federal statutes or rules or local ordinances, except the obligation to obtain the
permit. (Minn. R. 7001.0150, subp.3, item A)
1.10 The issuance of this permit does not prevent the future adoption by the MPCA of pollution control rules,
standards, or orders more stringent than those now in existence and does not prevent the enforcement of these
rules, standards, or orders against the Permittee. (Minn. R. 7001.0150, subp.3, item B)
1.11 Severability. The provisions of this permit are severable and, if any provisions of this permit or the application
of any provision of this permit to any circumstance are held invalid, the application of such provision to other
circumstances and the remainder of this permit shall not be affected thereby.
1.12 Compliance with Other Rules and Statutes. The Permittee shall comply with all applicable air quality, solid
waste, and hazardous waste statutes and rules in the operation and maintenance of the facility.
1.13 Inspection and Entry. When authorized by Minn. Stat. Sec. 115.04; 115B.17, subd. 4; and 116.091, and upon
presentation of proper credentials, the agency, or an authorized employee or agent of the agency, shall be
allowed by the Permittee to enter at reasonable times upon the property of the Permittee to examine and copy
books, papers, records, or memoranda pertaining to the construction, modification, or operation of the facility
covered by the permit or pertaining to the activity covered by the permit; and to conduct surveys and
investigations, including sampling or monitoring, pertaining to the construction, modification, or operation of
the facility covered by the permit or pertaining to the activity covered by the permit. (Minn. R. 7001.0150,
subp.3, item I)
1.14 Control Users. The Permittee shall regulate the users of its wastewater treatment facility so as to prevent the
introduction of pollutants or materials that may result in the inhibition or disruption of the conveyance system,
treatment facility or processes, or disposal system that would contribute to the violation of the conditions of this
permit or any federal, state or local law or regulation.
1.15 Representative Sampling. Samples and measurements required by this permit shall be conducted as specified in
this permit and shall be representative of the discharge or monitored activity. (40 CFR 122.41 0)(1))
1.16 Additional Sampling. If the Permittee monitors more frequently than required, the results and the frequency of
monitoring shall be reported on the Discharge Monitoring Report (DMR) or another MPCA-approved form for
that reporting period. (Minn. R. 7001.1090, subp. 1, item E)
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Chapter 4. Total Facility Requirements
1. General Requirements
17 Certified Laboratory. A laboratory certified by the Minnesota Department of Health and/or registered by the
MPCA shall conduct analyses required by this permit. Analyses of dissolved oxygen, pH, temperature, specific
conductance, and total residual oxidants (chlorine, bromine) do not need to be completed by a certified
laboratory but shall comply with manufacturers specifications for equipment calibration and use. (Minn. Stat.
Sec. 144.97 through 144.98 and Minn. R. 4740.2010 and 4740.2050 through 4740.2120) (Minn. R. 4740.2010
and 4740.2050 through 2120)
18 Sample Preservation and Procedure. Sample preservation and test procedures for the analysis of pollutants shall
conform to 40 CFR Part 136 and Minn. R. 7041.3200.
19 Equipment Calibration: Flow meters, pumps, flumes, lift stations or other flow monitoring equipment used for
purposes of determining compliance with permit shall be checked and/or calibrated for accuracy at least twice
annually. (Minn. R. 7001.0150, subp. 2, items B and C)
1.20 Maintain Records. The Permittee shall keep the records required by this permit for at least three years,
including any calculations, original recordings from automatic monitoring instruments, and laboratory sheets.
The Permittee shall extend these record retention periods upon request of the MPCA. The Permittee shall
maintain records for each sample and measurement. The records shall include the following information (Minn.
R. 7001.0150, subp. 2, item C):
a. The exact place, date, and time of the sample or measurement;
b. The date of analysis;
c. The name of the person who performed the sample collection, measurement, analysis, or calculation; and
d. The analytical techniques, procedures and methods used; and
e. The results of the analysis.
1.21 Completing Reports. The Permittee shall submit the results of the required sampling and monitoring activities
on the forms provided, specified, or approved by the MPCA. The information shall be recorded in the specified
areas on those forms and in the units specified. (Minn. R. 7001.1090, subp. 1, item D; Minn. R. 7001.0150,
subp. 2, item B)
Required forms may include:
DMR Supplemental Form
Individual values for each sample and measurement must be recorded on the DMR Supplemental Form which, if
required, will be provided by the MPCA. DMR Supplemental Forms shall be submitted with the appropriate
DMRs. You may design and use your own supplemental form; however it must be approved by the MPCA.
Note: Required summary information MUST also be recorded on the DMR. Summary information that is
submitted ONLY on the DMR Supplemental Form does not comply with the reporting requirements.
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Chapter 4. Total Facility Requirements
1. General Requirements
1.22 Submitting Reports. Discharge Monitoring Reports (DMRs), DMR supplemental forms, and related attachments
shall be submitted electronically via the MPCA Online Services Portal after authorization is approved.
Authorization must be applied for and approved prior to submittal via the Online Services Portal.
DMRs and DMR Supplemental Forms shall be electronically submitted by the 21 st day of the month following
the monitoring period end or as otherwise specified in this permit. Electronic DMR submittal must be complete
on or before 11:59 PM of the 21 st day of the month following the end of the monitoring period or as otherwise
specified in this permit. A DMR shall be submitted for each required station even if no discharge occurred
during the monitoring period. (Minn. R. 7001.0150, subps. 2.B and 3.H)
If electronic submittal is not possible, the Permittee must apply for an exception to electronic submittal.
Exceptions requests for extreme conditions (no computer on-site is not an extreme condition) must at a
minimum contain the extreme reason for the exception, actions to be taken, and date the facility will submit
eDMR. All exception requests, and paper DMRs, DMR supplemental forms, and related attachments must be
submitted by the 21 st day of the month following the monitoring period end to:
Attn: Discharge Monitoring Reports
520 Lafayette Road North
St. Paul, Minnesota 55155-4194.
Other reports required by this permit shall be submitted on or before the due date specified in the permit to:
Attn: WQ Submittals Center
520 Lafayette Road North
St. Paul, Minnesota 55155-4194.
1.23 Incomplete or Incorrect Reports. The Permittee shall immediately submit an electronically amended report or
DMR to the MPCA upon discovery by the Permittee or notification by the MPCA that it has submitted an
incomplete or incorrect report or DMR. The amended report or DMR shall contain the missing or corrected data
along with a cover letter explaining the circumstances of the incomplete or incorrect report. If it is impossible to
electronically amend the report or DMR, the Permittee shall immediately notify the MPCA and the MPCA will
provide direction for the amendment submittals. (Minn. R. 7001.0150 subp. 3, item G)
1.24 Required Signatures. All DMRs, forms, reports, and other documents submitted to the MPCA shall be signed by
the Permittee or the duly authorized representative of the Permittee. Minn. R. 7001.0150, subp. 2, item D. The
person or persons that sign the DMRs, forms, reports or other documents must certify that he or she understands
and complies with the certification requirements of Minn. R. 7001.0070 and 7001.0540, including the penalties
for submitting false information. Technical documents, such as design drawings and specifications and
engineering studies required to be submitted as part of a permit application or by permit conditions, must be
certified by a registered professional engineer. (Minn. R. 7001.0540)
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Chapter 4. Total Facility Requirements
1. General Requirements
1.25 Detection Level. The Permittee shall report monitoring results below the reporting limit (RL) of a particular
instrument as "<" the value of the RL. For example, if an instrument has a RL of 0.1 mg/L and a parameter is
not detected at a value of 0.1 mg/L or greater, the concentration shall be reported as "<O.1 mg/L."
"Non-detected," "undetected," "below detection limit," and "zero" are unacceptable reporting results, and are
permit reporting violations. (Minn. R. 7001.0150, subp. 2, item B)
Where sample values are less than the level of detection and the permit requires reporting of an average, the
Permittee shall calculate the average as follows:
a. If one or more values are greater than the level of detection, substitute zero for all nondetectable values to use
in the average calculation.
b. If all values are below the level of detection, report the averages as "<" the corresponding level of detection.
c. Where one or more sample values are less than the level of detection, and the permit requires reporting of a
mass, usually expressed as kg/day, the Permittee shall substitute zero for all nondetectable values.
(Minn. R. 7001.0150, subp. 2, item B)
1.26 Records. The Permittee shall, when requested by the Agency, submit within a reasonable time the information
and reports that are relevant to the control of pollution regarding the construction, modification, or operation of
the facility covered by the permit or regarding the conduct of the activity covered by the permit. (Minn. R.
7001.0150, subp. 3, item H)
1.27 Confidential Information. Except for data determined to be confidential according to Minn. Stat. Sec. 116.075,
subd. 2, all reports required by this permit shall be available for public inspection. Effluent data shall not be
considered confidential. To request the Agency maintain data as confidential, the Permittee must follow Minn.
R. 7000.1300.
Noncompliance and Enforcement
1.28 Subject to Enforcement Action and Penalties. Noncompliance with a term or condition of this permit subjects
the Permittee to penalties provided by federal and state law set forth in section 309 of the Clean Water Act;
United States Code, title 33, section 1319, as amended; and in Minn. Stat. Sec. 115.071 and 116.072, including
monetary penalties, imprisonment, or both. (Minn. R. 7001.1090, subp. 1, item B)
1.29 Criminal Activity. The Permittee may not knowingly make a false statement, representation, or certification in a
record or other document submitted to the Agency. A person who falsifies a report or document submitted to the
Agency, or tampers with, or knowingly renders inaccurate a monitoring device or method required to be
maintained under this permit is subject to criminal and civil penalties provided by federal and state law. (Minn.
R. 7001.0150, subp.3, item G., 7001.1090, subps. 1, items G and H and Minn. Stat. Sec. 609.671)
1.30 Noncompliance Defense. It shall not be a defense for the Permittee in an enforcement action that it would have
been necessary to halt or reduce the permitted activity in order to maintain compliance with the conditions of
this permit. ( 40 CFR 122.41(c))
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Chapter 4. Total Facility Requirements
1. General Requirements
1.31 Effluent Violations. If sampling by the Permittee indicates a violation of any discharge limitation specified in
this permit, the Permittee shall immediately make every effort to verify the violation by collecting additional
samples, if appropriate, investigate the cause of the violation, and take action to prevent future violations. If the
permittee discovers that noncompliance with a condition of the permit has occurred which could endanger
human health, public drinking water supplies, or the environment, the Permittee shall within 24 hours of the
discovery of the noncompliance, orally notify the commissioner and submit a written description of the
noncompliance within 5 days of the discovery. The written description shall include items a. through e., as
listed below. If the Permittee discovers other non-compliance that does not explicitly endanger human health,
public drinking water supplies, or the environment, the non-compliance shall be reported during the next
reporting period to the MPCA with its Discharge Monitoring Report (DMR). If no DMR is required within 30
days, the Permittee shall submit a written report within 30 days of the discovery of the noncompliance. This
description shall include the following information:
a. a description of the event including volume, duration, monitoring results and receiving waters;
b. the cause of the event;
c. the steps taken to reduce, eliminate and prevent reoccurrence of the event;
d. the exact dates and times of the event; and
e. steps taken to reduce any adverse impact resulting from the event. (Minn. R. 7001.0150, subp. 3k)
1.32 Unauthorized Releases of Wastewater Prohibited. Except for conditions specifically described in Minn. R.
7001.1090, subp. 1, items J and K, all unauthorized bypasses, overflows, discharges, spills, or other releases of
wastewater or materials to the environment, whether intentional or not, are prohibited. However, the MPCA
will consider the Permittee's compliance with permit requirements, frequency of release, quantity, type, location,
and other relevant factors when determining appropriate action. (40 CFR 122.41 and Minn. Stat. Sec 115.061)
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Chapter 4. Total Facility Requirements
1. General Requirements
1.33 Discovery of a release. Upon discovery of a release, the Permittee shall:
a. Take all reasonable steps to immediately end the release.
b. Notify the Minnesota Department of Public Safety Duty Officer at 1(800)422-0798 or (651)649-5451 (metro
area) immediately upon discovery of the release. You may contact the MPCA during business hours at
1(800)657-3864 or (651)296-6300 (metro area).
c. Recover as rapidly and as thoroughly as possible all substances and materials released or immediately take
other action as may be reasonably possible to minimize or abate pollution to waters of the state or potential
impacts to human health caused thereby. If the released materials or substances cannot be immediately or
completely recovered, the Permittee shall contact the MPCA. If directed by the MPCA, the Permittee shall
consult with other local, state or federal agencies (such as the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources
and/or the Wetland Conservation Act authority) for implementation of additional clean-up or remediation
activities in wetland or other sensitive areas.
d. Collect representative samples of the release. The Permittee shall sample the release for parameters of
concern immediately following discovery of the release. The Permittee may contact the MPCA during business
hours to discuss the sampling parameters and protocol. In addition, Fecal Coliform Bacteria samples shall be
collected where it is determined by the Permittee that the release contains or may contain sewage. If the release
cannot be immediately stopped, the Permittee shall consult with MPCA regarding additional sampling
requirements. Samples shall be collected at least, but not limited to, two times per week for as long as the release
e. Submit the sampling results as directed by the MPCA. At a minimum, the results shall be submitted to the
MPCA with the next DMR.
1.34 Upset Defense. In the event of temporary noncompliance by the Permittee with an applicable effluent limitation
resulting from an upset at the Permittee's facility due to factors beyond the control of the Permittee, the
Permittee has an affirmative defense to an enforcement action brought by the Agency as a result of the
noncompliance if the Permittee demonstrates by a preponderance of competent evidence:
a. The specific cause of the upset;
b. That the upset was unintentional;
c. That the upset resulted from factors beyond the reasonable control of the Permittee and did not result from
operational error, improperly designed treatment facilities, inadequate treatment facilities, lack of preventative
maintenance, or increases in production which are beyond the design capability of the treatment facilities;
d. That at the time of the upset the facility was being properly operated;
e. That the Permittee properly notified the Commissioner of the upset in accordance with Minn. R. 7001.1090,
subp. 1, item I; and
f. That the Permittee implemented the remedial measures required by Minn. R. 7001.0150, subp. 3, item J.
Operation and Maintenance
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Chapter 4. Total Facility Requirements
1. General Requirements
1.35 The Permittee shall at all times properly operate and maintain the facilities and systems of treatment and control,
and the appurtenances related to them which are installed or used by the Permittee to achieve compliance with
the conditions of the permit. Proper operation and maintenance includes effective performance, adequate
funding, adequate operator staffing and training, and adequate laboratory and process controls, including
appropriate quality assurance procedures. The Permittee shall install and maintain appropriate backup or
auxiliary facilities if they are necessary to achieve compliance with the conditions of the permit and, for all
permits other than hazardous waste facility permits, if these backup or auxiliary facilities are technically and
economically feasible Minn. R. 7001.0150. subp. 3, item F.
1.36 In the event of a reduction or loss of effective treatment of wastewater at the facility, the Permittee shall control
production or curtail its discharges to the extent necessary to maintain compliance with the terms and conditions
of this permit. The Permittee shall continue this control or curtailment until the wastewater treatment facility has
been restored or until an alternative method of treatment is provided. (Minn. R. 7001.1090, subp. 1, item C)
1.37 Solids Management. The Permittee shall properly store, transport, and dispose of biosolids, septage, sediments,
residual solids, filter backwash, screenings, oil, grease, and other substances so that pollutants do not enter
surface waters or ground waters of the state. Solids should be disposed of in accordance with local, state and
federal requirements. (40 CFR 503 and Minn. R. 7041 and applicable federal and state solid waste rules)
1.38 Scheduled Maintenance. The Permittee shall schedule maintenance of the treatment works during non-critical
water quality periods to prevent degradation of water quality, except where emergency maintenance is required
to prevent a condition that would be detrimental to water quality or human health. ( Minn. R. 7001.0150. subp.
3, item F and Minn. R. 7001.0150. subp. 2, item B)
1.39 Control Tests. In -plant control tests shall be conducted at a frequency adequate to ensure compliance with the
conditions of this permit. (Minn. R. 7001.0150. subp. 3, item F and Minn. R. 7001.0150. subp. 2, item B)
Changes to the Facility or Permit
1.40 Permit Modifications. Except as provided under Minnesota Statutes, section 115.07, subdivisions 1 and 3, no
person required by statute or rule to obtain a permit may construct, install, modify, or operate the facility to be
permitted, nor shall a person commence an activity for which a permit is required by statute or rule until the
agency has issued a written permit for the facility or activity. (Minn. R. 7001.0030)
Permittees that propose to make a change to the facility or discharge that requires a permit modification must
follow Minn. R. 7001.0190. If the Permittee cannot determine whether a permit modification is needed, the
Permittee must contact the MPCA prior to any action. It is recommended that the application for permit
modification be submitted to the MPCA at least 180 days prior to the planned change.
1.41 No person required by statute or rule to obtain a permit may construct, install, modify, or operate the facility to
be permitted except as provided under Minnesota Statutes, section 115.07, subdivisions 1 and 3, nor shall a
person commence an activity for which a permit is required by statute or rule until the agency has issued a
written permit for the facility or activity.
1.42 Plans, specifications and MPCA approval are not necessary when maintenance dictates the need for installation
of new equipment, provided the equipment is the same design size and has the same design intent. For instance,
a broken pipe, lift station pump, aerator, or blower can be replaced with the same design -sized equipment
without MPCA approval.
If the proposed construction is not expressly authorized by this permit, it may require a permit modification. If
the construction project requires an Environmental Assessment Worksheet under Minn. R. 4410, no construction
shall begin until a negative declaration is issued and all approvals are received or implemented.
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Permit Expires: Permit #: NlNO066567
Chapter 4. Total Facility Requirements
1. General Requirements
1.43 Report Changes. The Permittee shall give advance notice as soon as possible to the MPCA of any substantial
changes in operational procedures, activities that may alter the nature or frequency of the discharge, and/or
material factors that may affect compliance with the conditions of this permit. (Minn. R. 7001.0150, subp. 3,
item M)
1.44 Chemical Additives. The Permittee shall receive prior written approval from the MPCA before increasing the
use of a chemical additive authorized by this permit, or using a chemical additive not authorized by this permit,
in quantities or concentrations that have the potential to change the characteristics, nature and/or quality of the
The Permittee shall request approval for an increased or new use of a chemical additive at least 60 days, or as
soon as possible, before the proposed increased or new use.
This written request shall include at least the following information for the proposed additive:
a. The process for which the additive will be used;
b. Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) which shall include aquatic toxicity, human health, and environmental
fate information for the proposed additive. The aquatic toxicity information shall include at minimum the results
of: a) a 48-hour LC50 or EC50 acute study for a North American freshwater planktonic crustacean (either
Ceriodaphnia or Daphnia sp.) and b) a 96 -hour LC50 acute study for rainbow trout, bluegill or fathead minnow
or another North American freshwater aquatic species other than a planktonic crustacean;
c. A complete product use and instruction label;
d. The commercial and chemical names and Chemical Abstract Survey (CAS) number for all ingredients in the
additive (If the MSDS does not include information on chemical composition, including percentages for each
ingredient totaling to 100%, the Permittee shall contact the supplier to have this information provided); and
e. The proposed method of application, application frequency, concentration, and daily average and maximum
rates of use. (Minn. R. 7001.0170)
1.45 Upon review of the information submitted regarding the proposed chemical additive, the MPCA may require
additional information be submitted for consideration. This permit may be modified to restrict the use or
discharge of a chemical additive and include additional influent and effluent monitoring requirements.
Approval for the use of an additive shall not justify the exceedance of any effluent limitation nor shall it be used
as a defense against pollutant levels in the discharge causing or contributing to the violation of a water quality
1.46 MPCA Initiated Permit Modification, Suspension, or Revocation. The MPCA may modify or revoke and reissue
this permit pursuant to Minn. R. 7001.0170. The MPCA may revoke without reissuance this permit pursuant to
Minn. R. 7001.0180.
1.47 TMDL Impacts. Facilities that discharge to an impaired surface water, watershed or drainage basin may be
required to comply with additional permits or permit requirements, including additional restriction or relaxation
of limits and monitoring as authorized by the CWA 303(d)(4)(A) and 40 CFR, necessary to ensure
consistency with the assumptions and requirements of any applicable US EPA approved wasteload allocations
resulting from Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) studies.
1.48 Permit Transfer. The permit is not transferable to any person without the express written approval of the
Agency after compliance with the requirements of Minn. R. 7001.0190. A person to whom the permit has been
transferred shall comply with the conditions of the permit. (Minn. R., 7001.0150, subp. 3, item N)
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Chapter 4. Total Facility Requirements
1. General Requirements
1.49 Facility Closure. The Permittee is responsible for closure and post -closure care of the facility. The Permittee
shall notify the MPCA of a significant reduction or cessation of the activities described in this permit at least
180 days before the reduction or cessation. The MPCA may require the Permittee to provide to the MPCA a
facility Closure Plan for approval.
Facility closure that could result in a potential long-term water quality concern, such as the ongoing discharge of
wastewater to surface or ground water, may require a permit modification or reissuance.
The MPCA may require the Permittee to establish and maintain financial assurance to ensure performance of
certain obligations under this permit, including closure, post -closure care and remedial action at the facility. If
financial assurance is required, the amount and type of financial assurance, and proposed modifications to
previously MPCA-approved financial assurance, shall be approved by the MPCA. (Minn. Stat. Sec. 116.07,
subd. 4)
1.50 Permit Reissuance. If the Permittee desires to continue permit coverage beyond the date of permit expiration,
the Permittee shall submit an application for reissuance at least 180 days before permit expiration. If the
Permittee does not intend to continue the activities authorized by this permit after the expiration date of this
permit, the Permittee shall notify the MPCA in writing at least 180 days before permit expiration.
If the Permittee has submitted a timely application for permit reissuance, the Permittee may continue to conduct
the activities authorized by this permit, in compliance with the requirements of this permit, until the MPCA
takes final action on the application, unless the MPCA determines any of the following (Minn. R. 7001.0040 and
a. The Permittee is not in substantial compliance with the requirements of this permit, or with a stipulation
agreement or compliance schedule designed to bring the Permittee into compliance with this permit;
b. The MPCA, as a result of an action or failure to act by the Permittee, has been unable to take final action on
the application on or before the expiration date of the permit;
c. The Permittee has submitted an application with major deficiencies or has failed to properly supplement the
application in a timely manner after being informed of deficiencies.