07-20-2021 MeetingJuly 20, 2021 A regular meeting of the Scandia City Council was held on the above date with modifications. The meeting was conducted in-person at the Scandia Community Center and over an electronic platform. All participants who joined the meeting remotely could hear each other and contribute to discussions. Mayor Christine Maefsky called the meeting to order at 7:02 p.m. Roll call was taken. The following were in attendance: Council members Heather Benson, Jerry Cusick, Steve Kronmiller, Patti Ray (remotely), and Mayor Christine Maefsky. Staff participating: City Administrator Ken Cammilleri, City Planner Evan Monson, City Engineer Ryan Goodman, City Attorney Chris Nelson, Public Works Director Charles Fischer, Fire Chief Mike Hinz and City Clerk Brenda Eklund. APPROVAL OF AGENDA Mayor Maefsky announced that City Administrator Cammilleri would address Tiller Corporation's letter to the MN DNR, to increase water usage, in the public forum. Agenda Items added: • 8.c1) Midco contract for broadband installation on Quality Trail/2091h Street • 9.e3) Step increase for Fire Chief Mike Hinz Benson, second by Kronmiller, moved to approve the agenda as amended. Motion carried 5-0. LAW ENFORCEMENT REPORT The incident and citations report for the month of June was received. PUBLIC FORUM Pam Smith, 20919 Quint Avenue, representing the Scandia Heritage Alliance, announced that the non-profit was awarded its first major corporate donation of $100,000 from the Fred C. and Katherine B. Anderson Foundation. The funds will be used towards the restoration of the Water Tower Barn project. Tiller Request to amend water appropriation permit City Administrator Cammilleri explained the informational letter included in the meeting packet which notified the City of Tiller Corporation's request to the MN DNR to increase permitted water appropriation at the gravel mine temporarily by 10 million gallons a year while improvements are made to a sedimentation pond for increased water retainage. Cammilleri advised residents to share their concerns directly with the DNR regarding this issue as the state is the permitting authority of the mine's water appropriation permit. Council member Ray said she is concerned about the potential negative impacts this increased water usage could have on area lakes, especially in this time of severe drought. Ray suggested the City send a letter to the DNR with a recommendation to not approve increased water usage at this time. City Engineer Goodman added that the state is advising municipalities to undertake water conservation efforts due to extreme drought conditions. July 20, 2021 Scandia City Council Page 2 of 6 Maefsky, second by Ray, moved to direct staff to send a letter to the MN DNR with the City's position to not approve an amendment to increase Tiller's water appropriation permit at this time. Motion carried 5-0 by roll call vote. Dean West, 23167 Lofton Avenue, requested the City clear the Lake Lane easement from Lofton Avenue to the shore of Bone Lake for non -motorized public access to the lake. Administrator Cammilleri noted that any vegetative clearing at the shoreline must first be approved by the Watershed. Staff was directed to pursue this request, and to gather more information from Mr. West. Scandia Good Neighbor Proclamation to Judy Rydeen Mayor Maefsky presented a Scandia Good Neighbor Proclamation to Judy Rydeen in recognition of her many volunteer contributions to the community. CONSENT AGENDA The following Consent Agenda was presented: a) Minutes 1) June 15, 2021 Regular Meeting 2) July 7, 2021 Work Session b) Treasurer's Report c) Payment of Vouchers d) Accept donation from Scandia Relief Association e) Approving the 2021 Contract for Services with Lakes Center for Youth and Families f) Application for Excluded or Exempt Lawful Gambling Permit, Scandia Women's Softball (November 19, 2021 Turkey Bingo) Ray, second by Benson, moved to approve the Consent Agenda as presented. Motion carried 5-0. PARK AND RECREATION COMMITTEE PRC Chair Terry Gorham reported on the committee's July 81h meeting. The playground sub- committee is exploring options for equipment replacement at the Community Center; a recommendation is expected later this year. Plans are in place for a Midco public event at Lilleskogen Park on August 25th, including a free picnic. The pickleball tournament will return as part of the Taco Daze activities on September 11th PLANNING COMMISSION Variance to install a new septic system located within required setback area at 21529 St. Croix Trail North. Mark McGinley, Applicant. Resolution No. 2021-33 Planner Monson presented the recommendation from the Planning Commission to approve the installation of a new septic system holding tank located within required setback areas from the ordinary high water level of the St. Croix River at 21529 St. Croix Trail North. The seasonal cabin currently has no septic system or sewer connection available. The proposed tank system would be 103 feet for the OHWL, needing a variance from the 150 -foot required setback from the river for septic tanks and soil treatment areas. July 20, 2021 Scandia City Council Page 3 of 6 A resolution was prepared with findings and five conditions of approval. The property does not have much depth to it from the river, and slopes on the west side make code compliant locations for a septic system very limited — a practical difficulty not caused by the landowner. The City Engineer determined that a grading permit will be required. Cusick, second by Ray, moved to approve Resolution No. 2021-33, Approving Variance for 21529 St. Croix Trail North. Motion carried 5-0 by roll call vote. Consideration of Resolution No. 2021-34, Approving Request for a Variance from zoning requirements to construct a landing and stairs at 13260182nd Street North. Dan and Melissa Potter, Applicants. At their June 15th meeting, the City Council denied a variance request to construct a deck and stairs within setback areas at 13260 182nd Street North. The applicants revised the site plan to reconfigure the stairs and landing area, with a lessened setback into the side property line. At their July 7th meeting, the Council rescinded their denial to allow for a reconsideration of the revised site plan. The 4' by 10' landing is proposed to avoid further encroachment into the lake setback, and will allow for a second egress on the home with as minimal as possible encroachment into the side yard setback. Staff prepared a resolution of approval with findings that intrusion into setbacks is minimal to allow for a second egress, and will not alter the essential characteristics of the neighborhood. Conditions include review of a grading plan and Watershed approval. Council member Kronmiller said he appreciated the changes made to the site plan. Kronmiller, second by Cusick, moved to approve Resolution No. 2021-34, Approving Variance for 13260 182"d Street North. Motion carried 5-0 by roll call vote. SCANDIA INTERNET ACTION COMMITTEE IAC Chair Bob Wilmers announced that Midco has awarded $2,500 grants to Gammelgarden Museum and the Scandia Heritage Alliance, and also plans to host a public event on August 25th with free food and giveaways. Projects for next year's expansion have been identified, with DEED grant applications being prepared for submission to the state this fall. The Committee has a goal to have all Scandia households connected to high-speed internet by 2024. Wilmers explained that a proposed Senate amendment is in the works to remove RDOF/state grant funding overlap issues that have been stalling broadband efforts. Midco Contract for Cost -Sharing the Quality Trail /209'' Street Broadband Project At the July 7th meeting, the Council reviewed the contract between Scandia and Midco to cost - share the broadband expansion project at Quality Trail / 209th Street, but had not formally approved the agreement. Some revisions were recommended, to add language for retainage of payment until the project is completed. The agreement provides for a 37.5% share to be paid by the City. July 20, 2021 Scandia City Council Page 4 of 6 Ray, second by Benson, moved to approve the Construction Cost Sharing Agreement between Scandia and Midco as provided by legal counsel, with addition of retainage language before submitting to Midco. Motion carried 5-0 by roll call vote. TOURISM COMMITTEE Council member Ray reported that she is contacting Mellerud, Sweden officials for a confirmed time for the joint meeting planned for August 24tH ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY EDA President Benson announced the EDA's next quarterly business breakfast will be on September 15th. The Board is working on revisions to the EDA work plan. BUILDING OFFICIAL The June building activity report was received from Building Official Joel Hoistad. Last month 31 permits were issued at a valuation of $2,050,869. Council member Ray asked staff to confirm the net income figures in the report. FIRE DEPARTMENT Fire Chief Hinz reported that last month the department responded to 35 calls; 13 fire, 16 medical, 1 dive call, with 5 cancelled calls. Hinz warned of the high potential for grass fires due to the drought conditions. Roof Replacement Proposal for Fire Station/Public Works and Annex Buildings Fire Chief Hinz explained that the Capital Improvement Plan includes roof replacement for the fire station/public works building this year. The roof is 21 years old and starting to leak. The annex roof is older yet and Hinz recommended its replacement as well. Hinz received three quotes for both buildings, with a roof hatch access at the fire station. Hinz recommended Clearview Construction for replacement of the existing roofs with a mechanically fastened membrane without the use of ballast. Details of the quote included: • The Fire/PW quote of $91,270.56 plus roof hatch option $1,800.00 for a total of $93,070.56. The CIP budget amount was $100,000.00. • The Annex quote of $22,048.44. The CIP budget amount was $30,000.00. Benson, second by Kronmiller, moved to direct staff to enter into a contract with Clearview Construction in the amount of $115,119.00 to replace the roof on the Fire/Public Works and Annex buildings. Motion carried 5-0 by roll call vote. CITY ENGINEER Engineering Updates City Engineer Goodman provided the monthly engineering updates. 2021 Street Improvement Project & Layton Ave N — Contractor's Request for Payment No. 3 Kronmiller, second by Benson, moved to approve payment of $51,572.38 to North Valley, Inc. for Pay Request No. 3. Motion carried 5-0 July 20, 2021 Scandia City Council Page 5 of 6 2022-2023 Street Project Soil Borings — Project Award Engineer Goodman received 2 quotes for soil borings in preparation for future street improvement and stormwater quality improvement projects. Comfort Lake -Forest Lake Watershed District (CLFLWD) will pay for the stormwater related borings and the city will pay for the street related borings. Geotechnical Contractor Lii3L CLFLWD Total Quote American Engineering Testing $13,205.00 $3,845.00 $17,050.00 Braun Intertec $13,500.00 $4,427.00 $17,927.00 Ray, second by Benson, moved to award the Project to American Engineering Testing in the amount of $17,050.00. Motion carried 5-0 by roll call vote. DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS Public Works Director Charles Fischer reported on the department's activities. Pothole and asphalt patching and vegetation management around streetsigns has been ongoing. Contractors working on the County Road 3 project have damaged streetlight conduit, to be repaired following the installation of curb and gutter. Repairs will be made to a portion of 202nd Street damaged by a hydraulic leak, to be paid by trash hauler SRC. Annual septic tank inspections have identified 15 tanks for pumping. Installation of the park sign at Lilleskogen Park is moving ahead. Replacement of the John Deere tractor and flail mower is planned for next year. The equipment has been out for repairs, resulting in a delay of seasonal roadside mowing. CITY ADMINISTRATOR City Administrator Cammilleri announced that National Night Out will be held on August 3rd Staff is researching speed concerns on Oxboro Avenue. Amendment to the Personnel Policy Administrator Cammilleri recommended a change to the benefits eligibility requirement in the City's Personnel Manual, to change the eligibility for enrollment to be after 15 days of hire rather than the currently specified 60 -day period. Offering a short eligibility period assures that employees obtain health insurance when they become eligible rather than subjecting them to potential periods of being uninsured. Ray, second by Benson, moved to approve an amendment to the personnel policy, to change eligibility for benefits from 60 -days to 15 -days of hiring. Motion carried 5-0 by roll call vote. Update on Gateway Trail Initiative City Administrator Cammilleri reported that the Gateway Trail project continues to maintain support from the DNR for the project's advancement. A remaining $30,000 to $35,000 from MN DNR Parks and Trails grant is still available to help cover costs of planning and engineering work for the trail. The current trail is a route from the City's Annex Building to the north boundary of William O'Brien State Park. The project will require a slight realignment of the roadbed of Oakhill Road and the construction of a tunnel underneath it. Plans are to submit a Legislative -Citizen July 20, 2021 Scandia City Council Page 6 of 6 Commission on Minnesota Resources (LLCMR) request for funds from the Environment and Natural Resources Trust Fund (ENRTF) in 2022, and a grant through the US DOT's Recreational Trails Program (RTP) for additional trailhead improvements. A resolution to authorize these requests is expected to come to the City Council later this year. SPECIAL EVENT PERMIT — SCANDIA MARINE LIONS TACO DAZE: SEPTEMBER 11, 2021 Lions member Lynnette Welsch presented the request for approval of a Special Event Permit for the annual Taco Daze community festival planned for September 11th. The event was not held in 2020 due to Covid restrictions. In 2019, the City Council approved to reimburse the Lions for the cost of extra police deputies, trash and porta-potty services, up to $1,500. Administrator Cammilleri stated that there are sufficient funds in the Parks budget to allocate up to $2,500 towards this year's costs. Ray, second by Maefsky, moved to reimburse the Lions Club up to $2,500 for police, trash and porta-potty expenses for Taco Daze. Motion carried 5-0 by roll call vote. Benson, second by Kronmiller, moved to approve the Scandia-Marine Lions Club Special Event Permit for Taco Daze. Motion carried 5-0 by roll call vote. CONSIDERATION FOR NOMINATION TO FILL VACANCY FOR COMFORT LAKE FOREST LAKE WATERSHED DISTRICT BOARD OF MANAGERS Council member Ray recommended that Dave Bakke be endorsed as a nomination to fill a vacancy on the Comfort Lake -Forest Lake Watershed District Board of Managers. Ray, second by Kronmiller, moved to make a recommendation to the Washington County Board of Managers that Dave Bakke be considered for the Comfort Lake - Forest Lake Watershed District Board of Managers. Motion carried 5-0 by roll call vote. ADJOURNMENT Benson, second by Kronmiller, moved to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried 5-0. The meeting adjourned at 8:20 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Brenda Eklund City Clerk