08-12-2021 Joint CC and PC Work SessionL, owe JT�Z �
Thursday, August 12, 2021
City Council attendance: Heather Benson, Patti Ray
Planning Commission attendance: Chair Travis Loeffler, Jon Engstrand, Jan Hogle. Perry Rynders.
Also in attendance: City Administrator Ken Cammilleri, City Clerk Brenda Eklund, SHC Planning
Consultant Jennifer Haskamp.
1. Call to Order — the meeting began at 6:18 pm.
2. Discussion with Swanson Haskamp Consulting on Working Draft Section 153.400:
Development, Character and Building Standards of the Unified Development Code Project
J. Haskamp explained that this Section compiles and synthesizes components of the City's
existing Chapters 2, 3 and the Design Guidelines into one Section. A summary of key
changes/modifications/additions was described, with recommendations by those present:
• The full section is re -ordered for clarity and to reduce repetition of standards. This includes
cross references to other sections of the UDC where needed instead of repeating the standard or
regulation. Also, a quick guide for applicable requirements/application references is provided in
Table 1.
• Language has been updated throughout to remove legalese to the extent possible. This
includes updating language from "shall" to "must", and modification of legal -types of statements
to make it more readable.
• Page 7, (E) Streets, General Requirements: Discussion concluded that if property has a change
in use, the private access must be brought up to driveway specifications for improved and safe
access by emergency vehicles.
• Page 8, (F) Streets, Cul-de-Sacs.V: "When a stizeet is eHteiided, the aer-eage eaver-ed by
" Delete this sentence. There could be
infrastructure within the acreage. A property owner could go through a vacate process if
• Section 153.400.040 is NEW. This Character Area section codifies sections of the Design
Guidelines to make the standards easier to implement. This section also includes a modification
to the Design Review process. This section will also include a few graphics to illustrate the
standards identified. This will be completed after consensus of the standards incorporated within
this draft. Haskamp explained the current challenge of using the design guidelines as suggestions
rather than requirements. This section proposes to drive the character of the Village Historic
districts — some designs will be required.
AUGUST 12, 2021
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• Discussion concluded to exclude large properties in ag and rural residential from the character
section, but apply to the compact zones of Rural Residential and Village Districts.
• Page 25, (C) General Stormwater Management Standards and Design Criteria, II:
"Development must minimize impact to significant natural features. All sites will be reviewed
for the presence of wetlands, wooded areas of significance, rare and endangered species habitat,
and areas designated by the County Biological Survey. ,
expressly appr-a-eed by the City ." Delete last sentence to avoid inconsistencies with other
wetland and floodplain provisions in the code, as these areas cannot be granted exceptions.
• Page 37, Fences. The fence section has been fully updated and modified. A supporting diagram
will be created to demonstrate the standards. Consider how to apply screening standards to
mixed use zoning districts. Consensus to lower maximum fence height to 8 feet, but make
exceptions for ag use or use the variance process. Direction to clean up the language for fences
in Shoreland.
• Page 45, Parking Standards (B) III: "
f;gr- afty use if appr-o-eed by the City " Delete sentence as permeable pavers can become
impervious if not properly maintained.
• Page 49, Exterior Storage: Replicate in the General Code of Ordinances for enforceability.
Outdoor vehicles — delete the standard of permitting 1.5 vehicles per licensed driver to be stored
outside. Consider an alternative for off-street parking. Consider moving camping regulations out
of exterior storage and into its own section of allowed uses with the existing conditions. Loeffler
recommended the tiny home movement be considered within the development code.
• Page 51, Signs: Cammilleri said that businesses are requesting off -premise signage for
improved visibility of their businesses. Consider language for facade signage on gas station
Haskamp asked that any typos or grammatical errors be sent to her attention. Future work
sessions will address allowed uses and revisit policy changes in preparation of a full public
hearing on the UDC later this year.
3. Adjournment — the meeting concluded at 8:56 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Brenda Eklund, City Clerk