08.a PRC 09-09-2021 Minutes DRAFT City of Scandia Parks and Recreation Committee Thursday, September 9, 2021 A meeting of the Scandia Parks & Recreation Committee was held on the above date at the Community Center. The following were participants to the meeting: Committee members Terry Gorham (Chair), Greg Zauner (Vice Chair), Dustin Hegland, Cami Van Able and Patti Ray (City Council Representative). Staff members Ken Cammilleri (City Administrator), Charles Fischer (Director of Public Works), and Brenda “Bee” Stignani (Office Assistant). The meeting was called to order by Gorham at 7:01 p.m., a quorum was present. PUBLIC FORUM None APPROVAL OF AGENDA Chair Gorham requested amending the agenda by adding Old Business “Budget” as item 6.a and change the other items accordingly. Motion to approve amended agenda by Zauner, seconded by Hegland. Motion carried 4-0. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Chair Gorham called for any additions or corrections to the July 8, 2021 minutes. No additions or corrections were submitted. The minutes stand approved. REPORTS Chair Report Chair Gorham provided a written report, adding that two representatives from the Friends of Scandia Parks and Trails organization will meet at the Orwell Ave N parks on Monday, September 13, 2021 at 4 p.m. PRC members are encouraged to participate. Zauner commented before any future pollinator gardens be considered to first identify improvements to current such gardens as the one on Ogilvie has disappeared. Public Works Report Fischer provided a written report, updating that the footings have been installed for Lilleskogen Park’s sign. Ray added that the Housewives of Bone Lake contributed 20 hours of volunteer hours weeding and planting in the flowerbeds at the corner of Olinda Trail N & Scandia Trail N. The group intends to continue improving these gardens next year by adding donations of split perennials from their own yards and more potential purchases by the City. Motion by Gorham, seconded by Zauner, to recommend to City Council that Memorial Donation Benches Program in Lilleskogen Park be similar to the Pilot Rock WRB Park Benches as recommended by Public Works, with arm rests, with the costs associated with the bench and plaque to be borne by the donor. The City will provide the installation expense. Motion carried 4-0. Motion by Hedland, seconded by Zauner, to recommend to City Council to apply to Tree Trust’s Green Futures Program at Hay Lake Park with 30-35 trees to be planted at this site as recommended by Public Works, with the amendment to plant deciduous trees around the pavilion instead of evergreens. Motion carried 4-0. Staff Report Stignani provided a written report recapping the 2021 Art in Action camp by St. Croix Festival Theater. Van Able commented on her child’s very positive experience at the camp. September 9, 2021 Scandia Parks and Recreation Committee Page 2 of 4 OLD BUSINESS Budget Cammilleri presented the options being presented to Council as it relates to Parks Capital Improvement Plan (CIP). Discussion concluded that additional cost estimates will be needed to prepare more accurate project cost estimates in order to fit newly introduced projects in the funding schedule. The City Council will be considering a 5- and 10-year planning outlook for future capital planning. A Special Meeting will be noticed for Wednesday, September 15, 2021 at 7 p.m. in preparation of the regular Council meeting on September 21, 2021. Gorham requested that the amount in Parks CIP 2022 presented to Council would include the Playground Equipment Replacement project, continued work in Lilleskogen including a wetland delineation report or consultation to begin pavilion planning and the ability to update the 2006 Master Park Plan as a tool for prioritizing future CIP requests. Cammilleri confirmed these are reasonably included in the proposed budget options being considered by Council. Midco Event Update Ray reported there will be a ceremony on Wednesday, September 15, 2021 at 11 a.m. at the Scandia Elementary School for Midco to present to the winning classroom teacher $200. Ray proposes the following to improve Midco Day 2022 meal: send 2021 photos in press releases 2 weeks prior to next event, request 350 meals, serve meals 5:30-7:30, cook 100 burgers by 5:15 pm that are not yet in buns, provide 2 Parks volunteers to assist assembling meal boxes, advertise to bring lawn chairs, Public Works to bring some picnic tables, add a cookie to the meal, Parks volunteer take meal tickets before meal pick up (as 300 meals went, but only 204 votes for stories). Proposals to improve 2022 Midco Day Story Contest: post 3 weeks prior to deadline, specify to write a fictional story, post prize every week in social media, Fire Department provide PA system to Awards Ceremony at park, 3 Parks volunteers passing out voting tokens, request Midco bring Midco Flags to Lilleskogen Park, request Midco bring another table for any extra Scandia/Midco bags to distribute, move story voting tables so there is more room for burger line, set up Awards Ceremony to give teacher a giant check on another date and notify press about this second Awards Ceremony event. Orwell Avenue N Park Naming Stignani provided a written report. Discussion concluded to direct staff to prepare a community survey to select a park name for recommendation to City Council with the following options: 1) Dala Meadows 2) Liten Park (means small park in Swedish) 3) Dark Skies Nature Park 4) Orwell Park Meadows. Gorham and Ray will prepare a press release. Playground Equipment Replacement Sub-Committee Update Van Able reported four potential vendors have met on site at the Community Center playground and have provided concepts and layouts for the sub-committee to consider within the projected budget. Sub-committee members are investigating grant opportunities and considering what to do with the old equipment. Fischer outlined some difficulties of reusing the swing base and obstacles to donating used pieces. PRC Operational Calendar September Operational Calendar topics – Taco Daze & Pickleball, Finalize Capital Planning, Vinterfest Planning NEW BUSINESS Winter Programing Stignani reported contacting the Learn to Skate program instructors, Ellie Krueger and Maggie Gerty. They would like to continue and add a Hockey Skills class in addition to the Learn to Skate Beginner/Advanced class. Gerty asked, if needed, could their classes be offered on a different day of the week. Stignani contacted the Scandia September 9, 2021 Scandia Parks and Recreation Committee Page 3 of 4 Elementary School’s bus transport department, and currently an activity bus could accommodate a day change and an additional day. The only currently known restriction would be no changes to our request would be considered after a request has been submitted. Hedland confirmed that the day may change to accommodate the current instructors and that he would supervise the Pleasure Skate Day. Discussion concluded that the details of the days will be determined by the instructors at a later date. Motion by Hedland, seconded by Zauner, to recommend to City Council offering three classes for Winter Recreation Programs. 1) Learn to Skate Beginner/Advanced 2) Hockey Skills 3) Pleasure Skate. Mo tion carried 4-0. Star Watch Party @ Hay Lake Park Ray provided an article from the Country Messenger on Mike Lynch’s StarWatch party at Lake Elmo Park Reserve and inquired if PRC members supported the idea to sponsor this event at Vinterfest, next summer at Hay Lake Park, or both. Zauner will contact Lynch to gather information. Art Fair at Lilleskogen Ray provided a handout from Loring Park Art Festival and inquired if PRC members would support this concept at a park. Discussion concluded that Ray will investigate further to see if an art festival at Lilleskogen Park is possible over the June 10, 2022 weekend. Discs Golf @ Hay Lake Ray inquired if PRC members were supportive of the idea to promote Discus Golf at Hay Lake Pa rk. Discussion concluded that this activity would need to first come from the community or immediate property owners. Share your Skills Summer Arts Program Ray inquired if PRC members were supportive of the concept of a Share Your Skills Summer Arts Program. Potentially, the participation fee for this program would be the fee paid to the Program Coordinator who would arrange for residents to come in to teach their skill (bread making, knitting, arts & crafts, choir, sewing, gardening, and computer coding as suggestions) in a one day or short series class. Discussion concluded that Ray will contact potential program coordinators to develop this idea further for consideration and look at the Art in Action Summer Program as a model for administration. Kids Who Code Ray inquired if PRC members would support a Kids Who Code class to be offered in Summer Programing. Ray read the description with the scope and sequence of this STEM class offered by her niece, Hannah, and her college classmates. Discussion concluded that this would be an excellent opportunity for Scandia’s children. Dinner in the Woods Fundraiser Ray inquired if PRC members support the idea to pursue the Dinner in the Woods fundraiser concept in Lilleskogen Park in 2022. Discussion concluded to pursue this event in late summer where participants would pre-purchase tickets for a catered meal with proceeds to benefit the park. Additional purpose would be to build community and raise more awareness about Lilleskogen Park. Ray will consider adding a silent auction aspect to this fundraiser dinner. Vinterfest Planning Zauner led the discussion concerning Vinterfest 2022. The conclusions of this discussion are that the date will be January 29, 2022, only outdoor activities will be scheduled including sledding on Elim Church hill with The Minnesota Cup Hockey Tournament, adaptations necessary for health concerns will be made as conditions and September 9, 2021 Scandia Parks and Recreation Committee Page 4 of 4 guidance warrant, Zauner will begin contacting potential individuals or organizations for inclusion in the schedule, Ray will organize Winter Stories and a coloring contest for Lilleskogen Park’s Children’s Story Path and Ray will see if the Lions Club has already contacted the Lee family about borrowing the large button making tool for the annual button contest. AGENDA FOR NEXT MEETING The proposed agenda for the Monday, October 4, 2021 meeting: 1. Capital Improvement Plan 2. Playground Subcommittee Update 3. Orwell Park Naming Update 4. Vinterfest Update 5. PRC Operational Calendar 6. Lilleskogen Pavilion Cost Estimate ADJOURNMENT Motion by Hegland, seconded by Zauner, to adjourn the meeting. Further discussion Gorham noted that he will be able to participate remotely only on October 4, 2021 if allowed and Zauner will be absent. Cammilleri clarified the conditions under which Gorham could participate remotely. Gorham inquired if PRC members would be available on October 7, 2021 as an alternate date where he could be present. Three of four committee members could attend if a Special Meeting is called. Motion carried 4-0. The meeting adjourned at 9:29 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Brenda “Bee” Stignani, Office Assistant/Parks and Recreation Coordinator