08-17-2021 MeetingAugust 17, 2021
A regular meeting of the Scandia City Council was held on the above date with modifications.
The meeting was conducted in-person at the Scandia Community Center and over an electronic
platform. All participants who joined the meeting remotely could hear each other and contribute
to discussions.
Mayor Christine Maefsky called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Roll call was taken. The
following were in attendance: Council members Heather Benson, Jerry Cusick, Steve
Kronmiller, Patti Ray, and Mayor Christine Maefsky. Staff present: City Administrator Ken
Cammilleri, City Planner Evan Monson, City Engineer Ryan Goodman, City Attorney Chris
Nelson, Public Works Director Charles Fischer, Deputy David Peters and City Clerk Brenda
Mayor Maefsky announced that a presentation by Midco to grant recipients would be made in
the public forum. Ray, second by Benson, moved to approve the agenda as amended. Motion
carried 5-0.
Deputy Peters reported on police activity, with property theft on the rise. Peters encouraged
citizens to be aware of safely securing their homes and autos. Peters described procedures for
code violations, a lengthy process in the court system that may or may not result in compliance.
Staff is developing a nuisance ordinance that will seek civil remedies to address violation issues,
to be brought to the City Council later this year.
Scandia Good Neighbor Proclamation to Ellen St. Sauver
Mayor Maefsky presented a Scandia Good Neighbor Proclamation to Ellen St. Sauver in
recognition of her generous and kind deeds she shares with the community.
Midco Foundation Grant Award
Midco Foundation representative Melissa Wolf announced grant awards to the Gammelgarden
Museum and the Scandia Heritage Alliance for funding to help provide internet service to their
facilities. Joan Detzler accepted a $1,000 award to the Gammelgarden, and Sarah Porubcansky
accepted a $2,500 award to the Scandia Heritage Alliance.
Michael Lubke — request for Solar Distribution System zoning amendments
Michael Lubke, 10929 Scandia Trail, addressed the Council with proposed amendments to the
City's solar distribution system ordinance, specifically to allow the commercial systems in
shoreland district areas such as marshy ponds which are completely surrounded by agricultural
land. Lubke identified two properties in Scandia which would be affected by this change, one
being his acreage. Lubke provided a video on agrovoltics, the production of crops in the shade of
solar arrays, a concept he would like to pursue as a model for other small farms in the state.
Lubke concluded with stating his intention to apply for a development code text amendment to
the solar ordinance. Administrator Cammilleri explained that the Planning Commission has
addressed this proposal in June and expressed interest. With Lubke's initiation for
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amending the solar ordinance, implications will be studied as part of the zoning proposal process
with the Planning Commission.
Public Forum Speaker
Dean West, 23167 Lofton Avenue, asked for an update on his request last month that the city
clear the Lake Lane easement from Lofton Avenue to the shore of Bone Lake for non -motorized
public access to the lake. Administrator Cammilleri said he has inquired with Comfort Lake -
Forest Lake Watershed on how to approach this vegetative clearing and protect the lakeshore,
but hasn't heard back yet.
The following Consent Agenda was presented:
a) Minutes
1) July 20, 2021 Regular Meeting
2) August 4, 2021 Work Session
3) August 12, 2021 Joint Work Session with Planning Commission
b) Treasurer's Report
c) Payment of Vouchers
d) Application for Excluded Raffle Permit — Gammelgarden Museum Running of the
Meatballs (September 11, 2021)
e) Approve Amended Agreement #2 for the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG)
Program with Washington County
f) Special Event Permit — Meister's Bar & Grill — September 10 and 11, 2021
g) Authorization for Meister's Bar & Grill to sell beer at Taco Daze Beer Garden,
September 11, 2021
Ray, second by Benson, moved to approve the Consent Agenda as presented. Motion
carried 5-0.
The Park and Recreation Committee did not meet in August due to lack of a quorum.
Variance from Development Code requirements for an addition to a non -conforming structure
at 21795 St. Croix Trail North. Lucas Alm, Applicant on behalf of property owner Carol
Sundberg. Resolution No. 2021-35
Planner Monson presented the recommendation from the Planning Commission to approve a
variance for alterations to a nonconforming structure at 21795 St. Croix Trail North. The main
cabin is within the required 200' setback from the St. Croix River. With the alterations exceeding
50% of the appraised value, a variance is required per Chapter One, Section 13.3 of the
Development Code. The applicant is proposing structural repairs and a modest expansion away
from the river.
A resolution was prepared with findings and six conditions of approval. The proposed addition
does not encroach further into the setback from the river, and is in general harmony with the
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Comp Plan to protect river viewsheds from structures. The City Engineer determined that a
grading permit will be required.
Ray, second by Cusick, moved to approve Resolution No. 2021-35, Approving Variance for
21795 St. Croix Trail North. Motion carried 5-0 by roll call vote.
Variance from Development Code requirements to replace and expand an existing deck
located within required setback areas at 23375 Lofton Avenue North. Alissa Pier, Applicant on
behalf of property owners Tom Furey and Mary Kenning. Resolution No. 2021-36
Planner Monson presented the recommendation from the Planning Commission to approve a
variance to replace and expand an existing deck within the 100' OHWL setback of Bone Lake,
for property owners Tom Furey and Mary Kenning -Furey at 23375 Lofton Avenue. Monson
explained that the Commissioners voted to alter the proposed configuration of the deck to reduce
the setback from the lake, from the proposed 29'1/4" to a setback of 32'10", which is the edge of
the existing patio while maintaining the size of the deck to be 435 square feet. They felt this
meets the minimum action required to eliminate the practical difficulty of the lot lacking space
outside of required setbacks.
Tom Furey and Mary Kenning -Furey addressed the Council with a request to approve the
variance for the deck as initially proposed in their application. They explained that moving back
from the lake creates a small area between an existing retaining wall that is inaccessible, and the
Commission's goal of staying away from the lake produces an unsafe area. Furey said they've
worked with staff to reduce size from a prior plan, are improving the viewshed with this
proposal, and this deck is a conservative and reasonable request needed to provide safety,
usability and accessibility. Furey said he is a good steward of the land and has undertaken
shoreline improvements on the property since purchasing it in 2016.
Mayor Maefsky said she visited the property and sees no impact to the lake in extending the deck
forward to eliminate an unusable area. Council member Cusick said he also attended a site visit
and the proposed deck does not extend beyond an existing retaining wall, a structure already
there. Council member Ray agreed that there are minimal impacts to have the deck meet an
existing retaining wall as this design will make the deck usable; vegetative screening is proposed
to screen the view from the lake. Council member Benson noted the 3' difference only affects
one corner of the deck due to the OHWL survey showing an increased distance from structures
as the shoreline moves south; and that a patio in this area already exists. Council member
Kronmiller said there is existing impervious area where the new deck is proposed.
Alisa Piers, project architect, addressed the Council over the phone saying the initial design does
represent the minimum action, citing feedback from the former City Planner and the DNR to
preserve viewshed as a high priority. This is an opportunity to have a deck between the existing
retaining walls, saying this is the safest way to maintain an unusable existing gap.
Benson, second by Ray, moved to approve amended Resolution No. 2021-34, Approving
Variance for 23375 Lofton Avenue North with a setback from the OHWL of 291/4".
Kronmiller, second by Ray, made a friendly amendment to also amend Condition #1 to
reflect that the improvements be as shown on the site plan as reviewed with this request.
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Motion carried 5-0 by roll call vote.
IAC Chair Bob Wilmers reported that Midco plans to complete installation of new conduit fiber
service lines by October 8th in this year's DEED buildout area. A start date has not yet been
determined for the direct aid project. The IAC will have a booth at the Farmers Market/Midco
Day event on August 25th
Tourism Committee Chair Sarah Porubcansky highlighted the new Shrpa link on the City's
website, to direct visitors to various day trips within Scandia. More adventures will be added in
the future. Porubcansky reported on the EDA's approval to appoint member Sue Dickens as a
voting member of the Tourism Committee.
Maefsky, second by Benson, moved to appoint member Sue Dickens as a voting member to
the Tourism Committee. Motion carried 5-0 by roll call vote.
EDA President Benson reported on the EDA's August 91h meeting — the 2022 budget was
reviewed, Dickens was appointed to represent the EDA on the Tourism Committee, and the
Board continued to review the EDA work plan. The next quarterly business breakfast will be on
September 15tH
The July building activity report was received from Building Official Joel Hoistad. Last month
76 permits were issued at a valuation of $2,868,696. Administrator Cammilleri explained the
report's data — valuation is not directly related to fees collected, but rather used for the
assessment process. Net income is calculated after Hugo's costs are deducted; also variable as
permit fees have different rates for the type of work.
Fire Chief Hinz provided the July activity report. Last month the department responded to 22
calls; 3 fire, 18 medical, with 1 cancelled call.
Engineering Updates
City Engineer Goodman provided the monthly engineering updates. Council member Ray asked
if the work on Layton Avenue has resolved the runoff problems. Goodman said it is better, but
they will need to go through one winter melting season to verify. Council member Kronmiller
reported that there were no water issues with the recent rainstorms.
191st Street N and Kirk Ave/220th Street N Pavement Maintenance Project Award
Engineer Goodman recommended a pavement maintenance project for the roads not identified
for improvements in the 10 -year plan, but currently in need of work. Additional funds remain in
this year's budget as a result of favorable bids for the 2021 street project. The following quotes
were received:
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Total Quote
North Valley, Inc.
Allied Blacktop Co.
FPI Paving Contractors, Inc.
Goodman reported that the low bid was $13,000 less than estimated, and recommended approval.
Kronmiller, second by Benson, moved to award the Street Maintenance Project to
North Valley, Inc. in the amount of $123,342.91. Motion carried 5-0 by roll call vote.
Public Works Director Charles Fischer reported on the department's activities. Roadside mowing
is occurring on the north section of town. A cost share for repairs of the street light damage along
Olinda Trail was worked out with the County. Street signs are being inventoried for replacement.
Uptown Sewer I/I testing resulted in no findings to account for the fluctuating readings; potential
metering is being investigated. Fischer is assisting with grants for playground equipment. The
sidewalk replacement project for improved accessibility at the Warming House should be
completed next week.
City Administrator Cammilleri is finalizing the draft 2022 budget in preparation for the next
work session, and working on a contract with Connected Nation, a firm recommended by the
State and DEED to verify drops and broadband projects to completion, for consideration at a
future meeting. Permit activity has been busy, with complaints steady.
A petition was received from abutting landowners to a portion of a public easement for a
pedestrian way, approximately a quarter -mile in length from the shoreline of Goose Lake. The
DNR requires a 60 -day notice of any easements connecting to a public waterway, setting the
public hearing date as October 19, 2021.
Kronmiller, second by Ray to approve Resolution No. 2021-37, Declaring Sufficiency of
Petition and Setting a Public Hearing on the Proposed Vacation of a Recreational Trail
Easement in the City of Scandia, County of Washington, Minnesota. Motion carried 5-0 by
roll call vote.
The City Council will hold a virtual meeting with officials from Mellerud, Sweden on August
24th. Topics of discussion may include cultural collaborations, a farmer exchange program,
community event sharing, elementary school opportunities, and other areas to facilitate a low
commitment relationship.
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Benson, second by Kronmiller, moved to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried 5-0.
The meeting adjourned at 8:25 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Brenda Eklund
City Clerk