08-24-2021 MeetingAugust 24, 2021
The Scandia City Council met in a virtual meeting on the above date. The meeting was streamed
at the Scandia Community Center for the public to view. The purpose of the meeting was an
introduction to the Municipal Board members of Mellerud, Sweden. A sub -committee of the
Tourism Committee has been exploring a potential Twin Town/Sister City connection between
Scandia and Mellerud.
The meeting began at 9:00 am. Council members participating: Mayor Maefsky and Council
members Heather Benson, Jerry Cusick, Steve Kronmiller, and Patti Ray. Benson left the
meeting at 9:20 am due to a prior commitment. Staff present: City Administrator Ken
Cammilleri and City Clerk Brenda Eklund.
Future collaborations through tourism, cultural exchanges, elementary school connection, farmer
exchange program, and the Lions Club were discussed. The meeting concluded with a plan to
exchange contact lists of potential collaborators from both communities, and to meet again in a
virtual meeting.
The meeting concluded at 10:18 am.
Respectfully submitted,
Brenda Eklund
City Clerk