5. Information_Notice of Bone Lake Wetland Restoration ProjectCOMFORT LAKE FOREST LAKE 44 Lake Street South Suite A, Forest Lake, MN 55025 Phone 651.395.5850 1 info@clflwd.org I www.clflwd. .01--g- __iVED Aroteccsnff,V& - water.- Resw.uzer CITY OF SCA�JDI,�� September 23, 2021 Re: October 12th Open House for the Northeast Bone Lake Wetland Restoration Project Dear Landowner, The Comfort Lake – Forest Lake Watershed District (CLFLWD) will host an open house to discuss the upcoming Northeast Bone Lake Wetland Restoration Project on Tuesday, October 12th - from 6:00 to 7:00 pm. The open house will be held near the wetland prosect site at the open lot across from 12240 238th ST N. Parking is limited, so please park along the road or walk/bike over to the meeting. District staff will be present to discuss the project and address any questions and comments that you may have. The restoration project will improve water quality within the wetland, and downstream in Bone Lake, by excavating wetland soils containing remnant manure from the dairy that operated next to the wetland in the mid 1900's. Soil cores taken from the wetland indicate the presence of high concentrations of nutrients (mainly phosphorus) from the dairy operation — at much higher levels than found in natural wetland environments. The project is estimated to reduce the phosphorus load to Bone Lake by between 15 - 25 pounds per year. As one pound of phosphorus can support up to 500 pounds of algae growth, this project will help to improve water quality and clarity in Bone Lake. The project will be funded through a Clean Water Fund grant and is scheduled for implementation during the winter of 2021/2022. Excavated wetland material will be transported and incorporated into the fields located between Melanie Trail North and Meadowbrook Ave North. This nutrient -rich material will improve the soil heath of this field and will be planted in a perennial hay crop in the spring, reducing erosion and further helping protect Bone Lake's water quality. We hope that you will be able to join us for the open house. If unable to attend, please feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns. Sincerely, Blayne Eineichner— Project Coordinator Comfort Lake -Forest Lake Watershed District (651)-395-5857 blayne.eineichner@clflwd.org For more information about the Comfort Lake -Forest Lake Watershed District, please visit www.clflwd.org. Board of Managers Jackie Anderson—President Stephen Schmaltz—Treasurer Doug Toays—Manager Chris Loth—Manager Dave Bakke—Manager COMFORT LAKE - _-- 44 Lake Street South Suite A, Forest Lake, MN 55025 FOREST LAKE Phone 651.395.5850 info@clflwd.org I www.clflwd.org FrotectLnW YotAu Wa.tr Resources Wetland Project Locator Map. Only a small portion of the wetland needs to be excavated to remove the legacy manure -laden soils. The excavated material (spoils) will be taken to the agricultural fields just southeast of the project and will be tilled and seeded in the spring. 1464 aerial image showing presence of the historic dairy feedlot Board of Managers Jackie Anderson—President Stephen Schmaltz—Treasurer Doug Toays—Manager Chris Loth—Manager Dave Bakke Manager