6. CMSCWD Draft WMP Update Scandia Council Summary Carnelian-Marine-St. Croix Watershed District 11660 Myeron Rd N •Stillwater MN 55082 • Tel 651-275-7451 Wade Johnson, President ● Kristin Tuenge, Treasurer ● Paul Richert, Secretary Jeff Roach, Manager ● Andy Weaver, Manager ● Mike White, Manager ● Tori Dupre, Manager TO: Scandia City Council FROM: Mike Isensee, Administrator DATE: 9/30/2021 SUBJECT: Scandia Specific Summary of the Draft Ten Year Watershed Management Plan The draft 2022-2031 Carnelian Marine St. Croix Watershed Management Plan contains measurable goals to accomplish improvements on eleven surface water bodies in Scandia over the next decade. The full draft plan is available for review on our website https://www.cmscwd.org/10year-management-plan-update. The following highlights goals and actions specific to the City of Scandia. Measurable Water Quality Improvement Goals Delisting Goals for Scandia Lakes Improve water quality to the point of delisting from the State of Minnesota Impaired Waters List for Goose Lake, Hay Lake, Jellum’s Lake, Long Lake and Fish Lake. Specific measurable district goals (total phosphorus (TP) and clarity (secchi depths) are located on page 57. Restoration Goals for Scandia Streams Restore water quality to District goals for Swedish Flag Creek and Gilbertson’s Creek to meet District stream health goals. Specific measurable district goals (macroinvertebrate IBI scores) are located on page 59. Improving Water Quality Goals for Scandia Lakes and Streams Improve water quality toward District goals for Falls Creek, Zavoral’s Creek and Big Marine Lake. Protection Goals Continued protection of water quality for the remaining seven lakes and streams in Scandia. Implementation Actions These goals will be met by the following actions identified in the 10-year management plan over the next decade: 2 Communications and Outreach Continue existing communication and outreach efforts in partnership with East Metro Water Resource Education Program and expand communications to new and existing shoreland owners and prioritized landowners. Permitting and Enforcement Improve permitting assistance, shoreland stabilization assistance, and enforcement of rules with a new Riparian Permit Specialist at the watershed district. Complete District rule revisions and provide support to the City of Scandia to up date local ordinances to synchronize water quality protection requirements and simplify permitting. Analysis and Prioritization Complete an analysis to target and prioritize water quality projects for stream restorations and areas flowing into the St. Croix River. Technical Assistance and Cost Share Increase technical assistance and cost share funding for landowners to install voluntary water quality improvement projects. Operations and Maintenance Continue funding operations and maintenance of District water quality improvement projects and establish a new savings account for maintenance and repairs. Water Quality Monitoring Start monitoring the health of Fall’s Creek, Swedish Flag Creek, Zavoral’ s Creek, and Gilbertson’s Creek and expand volunteer stream monitoring opportunities. Climate Resiliency Planning Complete modeling, reporting, and engagement with Scandia local elected officials, planning, public works, and engineering staff for climate resiliency. Capital Improvement Projects Design and install projects focused on reducing stormwater runoff pollutants, stabilizing erosion prone areas and reducing sediment deposits: • Goose Lake Wetland Restoration (Page 119, for years 2022 -2023) • Goose Lake Internal Load Evaluation and Treatment (Page 119, for years 2026-2027) • Big Marine East Boat Launch (Page 120, for years 2022-2023) • Big Marine, Hay, Sand Road SW Retrofits (page 120, years 2023-2024) • Bliss Addition SW Retrofits (page 120, for years 2024-2026) • Big Carnelian 133rd and Panorama (page 121, for years 2024-2026) • Seven Lakes Targeted BMPs (page 121, 2026-2031) • St. Croix and Spring Streams Targeted BMPs (page 121, 2027 -2030) 3 • Spring Stream Restorations (page 122, for years 2029-2031) • Targeted Wetland Restorations (page 122, for years 2028-2029) • Fish Lake Internal Load Evaluation and Treatment (Page 123, for years 2029 and 2031) 2022-2031 Draft Watershed Management Plan Budget Category Totals* • Administration $1,688,038 (page 110) • Communications and Outreach $592,026 (page 116-117) • Permitting and Enforcement $1,126,930 (page 111) • Analysis and Prioritization $508,213 (page 115) • Technical Assistance and Cost Share $2,662,519 (page 112) • Operations and Maintenance $1,093,975 (page 113) • Water Quality and Monitoring $1,246,958 (page 114) • Capital Improvement Projects $3,172,080 (page 119-123) • Planning $200,000 (Page 123) • Aquatic Invasive Species $404,133 (page 118) *Costs include District Staff Public Comment Period Public Commenting period is open now and ends October 15 th. Public comments can be submitted to Administrator Mike Isensee at mike.isensee@cmscwd.org or by mail to 11660 Myeron Rd. North, Stillwater MN 55082 The second Public Hearing (for the final draft plan after modifications are made based on submitted comments) is scheduled for November 18th, 2021, at 7:00 p.m. at Scandia City Hall.