2021 October - Fall Newsletter
• October 4, Cinnamon Bun Day, 6-8 a.m.
• October 5, Fire Department Open House, 5-7 p.m.
• October 11, Columbus Day Observed— Office Closed
• October 16, Lions Pancake Breakfast, 8-11:00 a.m.
• October 23, Prescription Drug Take Back Event, Fire Station, 10 a.m.—2 p.m.
• October 31, Safe Halloween at the Fire Hall, 5-7 p.m.
• November 11, Veterans Day Observed—Office Closed
• November 19, Turkey Bingo, 7 p.m.
• November 25 and 26, Thanksgiving Holiday—Office Closed
• November 28, Vinterlights!
• November 28 Scandia Holiday Shopping Extravaganza, noon—5 p.m., Community Center
For more information and a City meeting calendar, see: www.ci.scandia.mn.us.
December • December 1, 6:30 p.m. Public Hear-ing, 2022 City Budget and Tax Levy
• December 6, Lions Blood Drive, Community Center, 12-6 p.m.
• December 11, Lions Breakfast, with Santa, 8-11:30 a.m.
• December 12, Lucia Dagen, Gammelgarden
• December 24 and 27, Christmas Holiday—Office Closed
• January 1, New Year’s Day--Office Closed
• January 17, Martin Luther King Day— Office Closed
• January 29, Vinterfest
• January 29, Lions Pancake Breakfast, 8-11:30 a.m.
• February 21, Presidents’ Day— Of-fice Closed
• February 26, Fireball, 7 p.m.—midnight
• March 13, Daylight Savings Time Begins
Dedicated to Rural Community Values
City of Scandia
Scandia Community/
Senior Center
14727 209th Street North
Scandia, MN 55073
Phone: 651.433.2274
Fax: 651.433.5112
Hours: Monday thru Friday
9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
City Council:
Christine Maefsky, Mayor
Patti Ray
Jerry Cusick
Heather Benson
Steve Kronmiller
Regular Council Meeting:
Third Tuesday, 7:00 p.m.
Council Work Session:
First Wednesday, 6:30 p.m.
Planning Commission:
First Tuesday, 7:00 p.m.
City Staff:
Ken Cammilleri, Administrator
Brenda Eklund, City Clerk
Colleen Firkus, Treasurer
Brenda “Bee” Stignani,
Office Assist, Parks & Rec Coord
Charles Fischer,
Director of Public Works
Mike Hinz, Fire Chief
Chris Nelson, Attorney
Eckberg Lammers
Ryan Goodman, Engineer
Bolton & Menk
Evan Monson, Planner, TKDA
Scandia, MN
Like us on Facebook for the
Most Up-to-Date Information
Internet Expansion Update 2
2022 Budget Tax Levy 2
Recycling News 2
Best of Scandia Extravaganza 3
Parks & Recreation News 3
Public Works News 3
Fire & Rescue News 3
Community Calendar 4
A twice-yearly publication for residents of the City of Scandia, Minnesota
Message From the Mayor
It seems during this past year even more often than in the past, I’ve heard
from people outside of our community telling me what a wonderful place
Scandia is. When I say I’m from Scandia responses come such as “what a
beautiful place that is.” Or “there are so many good things going on there.”
When I think about why we are projecting this image, I think it is because we in Scandia continue to maintain our
positive outlook on our people, our businesses and our future. We continue to celebrate Good Neighbors, active
participation of community members on committees meant to improve our city, and interest in preserving our
culture and heritage.
We’re coming out of a summer/early fall where we’ve once again been able to gather together (with safety measures in place) a nd
celebrate – Taco Daze arguably one of the best ever – the Midco thank you event topped by our elementary school story contest and
winners posted along the Children’s Story Path at Lilleskogen Park. And, while not in person, our city government did have a joint
council meeting via Zoom with our Sister City of Mellerud, Sweden. That was quite an enjoyable experience.
Looking ahead, we have Vinterlights! and a craft sale set for November 28th and Vinterfest to be held on January 29th. We also will
again be part of the Metro area ice sculpture celebration which brings new people to the Village Center and its businesses. Last
year we chose an ice Dala Horse to represent Scandia; if you have any ideas for what we might choose this year, let us know.
We’ve welcomed two new businesses, Thirsty Buffalo Saloon and Your Home Café. Be sure to frequent them to show support.
And, check out Scandia Adventure Tours on the city website. Sponsored by our Tourism Committee, it invites people to visit and
enjoy what Scandia has to offer. You might even learn new things about the city. www.cityofscandia.com/ScandiaAdventureTours
Please keep in touch. c.maefsky@ci.scandia.mn.us
Christine Maefsky
Late last year, the City of Scandia initiated the
process to update its Development Code
regulations. This code requires changes in
order to reflect the 2019 updates to the City’s
2040 Comprehensive Plan.
Updating the Development Code also
attempts to simplify this document to be more
user friendly. Visual example illustrations are
being added and creating what is referred to
as a ‘unified development code.’ The intent is
to simplify this code for the public, in addition
to aiding the review process and interpreta-
tion of code regulations for zoning officials.
Finally, this updating process intends to refine
the existing regulations to address any
inconsistencies and to confirm that these
regulations are still meeting community goals.
The City is close to completing the drafting
phase, but additional phases for refinement
and public input activities are yet to come.
The City invites all interested residents to get
involved in this important policy
discussion. Those who wish to participate at
upcoming Code update workshops are
encouraged to contact City Hall to be notified
of future public meetings.
‘Twinning’ with Mellerud, Sweden
The first online international meeting was held on August 24th between City Councils
of Mellerud, Sweden and Scandia, Minnesota. Scandia requested “twinning” with
Mellerud because many of Scandia’s original families with names such as Dahlin,
Kuno, Abrahamson, Anderson, Edstrom, Engquist, Karrman and Scholstrom were
from the Dalsland Province. The Sister City Committee has plans to connect with
Mellerud through international tourism, a farmer exchange program, elementary
school project exchanges, Lions Clubs, music and festivals, EDA business groups,
arts and crafts and many more areas and activities. We also hope to share history
connections through Gammelgården Muesum and Mellerud’s Museum
och Skältforskningsarkiv. If you would like to join Scandia’s Sister City Committee,
please contact Lynne Moratzka, gammelgardenlynne@frontiernet.net or Patti Ray,
p.ray@ci.scandia.mn.us. Meetings are once a month on the fourth Wednesday.
Vinterfest is scheduled January
29, 2022. We anticipate family
friendly events all day. Due to
potential public health guidance,
most (if not all) of the events will
be outdoors. Check the City’s
website and the Country
Messenger for event updates in
early January.
Development Code Update Process
The City Council met September 3, 2021
in a Work Session to discuss and adopt a
preliminary budget and levy for taxes
payable 2022. As a part of this year’s
preliminary levy process, the City
Council has decided to aim for a net 0%
change to tax rate. This year’s
preliminary total tax levy is $2,579,051
which is an overall 2.68% increase in
levy total over this year. The estimated
tax rate for 2022 is 30.128% which is a
-0.0624% difference from this year.
The Preliminary General Fund Budget
saw an overall 7% decrease in expenses,
but its levy was increased by $201,300 to
meet the City’s tentative fund balance
goal of approximately 69% of next year’s
expenditures. Highlights to this year’s
preliminary general budget include
potential funding for one
additional seasonal summer
maintenance worker, increases towards
salary and benefits consistent with the
City’s 2019-2020 pay scale study, and the
replacement of deteriorated park tables
and garbage & recycling receptacles.
The Capital Expenditures included in this
year’s preliminary budget are estimated
to be approximately $1,845,000. Road
improvement projects are scheduled for
Melanie Trail North and 238th Street at
approximately $700,000. Year 3 funding
towards internet buildout is estimated to
be approximately $310,000. $100,000
was tentatively set for funding the
replacement of the playground at the
Community Center Park, and $260,000
was set aside for the replacement of the
City’s ditch mowing tractor.
The community is encouraged to share
its thoughts and concerns regarding this
budget and levy. The City Council
reserves the right to make budgetary
adjustments and to lower the city levy
anytime before December 30th. In
addition, a public hearing has been
scheduled for Wednesday, December 1,
2021 at 6:30pm. Please also feel free to
attend an upcoming City Council
meeting or reach out to the Mayor or any
City Council Member should you wish to
weigh in on this issue. Letters and emails
are also strongly encouraged. We want
to hear from you!
Due to the limited space available, many
details of this year’s preliminary budget
and levy were not able to be
included. Those seeking to view a copy
of the 2022 preliminary budget and levy
or those of previous years can obtain
copies on the City’s website
www.cityofscandia.com or by contacting
City Hall.
Preliminary Budget and Levy
Page 2
Scandia residents may bring
leaves, grass clippings and tree
waste to the Northern Yard Waste
Site located at 5527 170th Street
North in Hugo.
Find more information at
yardwaste or call 651 275-7475.
Yard Waste
Tips and Reminders · Keep plastic bags, masks, wipes,
and latex gloves out of the recycling bin. · If someone in
your home has COVID-19, treat your recyclables as
trash. · Don’t put your recyclables in plastic bags. ·
Clean and shake dry your recyclables to ensure
products get recycled. · Break down cardboard boxes
and put them in the recycling bin whenever possible.
If it lights up, makes noise or moves without a plug, it has a battery!
Batteries make our daily lives more convenient. Once they are used,
though, they must be disposed of properly. Batteries cannot be
placed in your curbside recycling bins because they can’t be picked
out by the equipment designed to crush and sort large volumes of
paper, glass and plastic. They are small and may damage
equipment designed to break down larger recyclables. Batteries
thrown in the trash or recycling can get punctured or crushed and
cause fires at waste facilities. Some batteries also contain toxic
metals, such as cadmium, lead or mercury, which can pose a
threat to health and the environment.
Be a battery hero! Visit the Washington County Disposal
Directory for a battery recycler near you. Stores such as Target,
OfficeMax and Walmart are some of the available locations that
accept used rechargeable batteries. With so many different kinds
of batteries, it can be confusing to know how to dispose of
batteries correctly. Washington County Environmental Center
accepts ALL batteries for free recycling, including rechargeable,
button, and alkaline batteries.
Since our expansion project began in 2019 we’ve grown the
number of households served by high speed broadband
(1 Gb/s Down and 20 Mb/s Up) from 848 locations to 1,263
having added 415 homes over the last two years. Up to 63
more locations are already set for construction as part of
MidCo’s Rural Digital Opportunity Funds (federal support)
expansion in 2022.
There remain an estimated 589 locations yet to reach out of a
total of 1,852. Therefore we’re at 70% coverage. Our 5 year
plan calls for us to complete the expansion by the end of
2024. With 589 locations to reach over the next 3 years we’d
need to average about 196 locations in each year, 2022,2023
and 2024.
The city has been able to leverage its funding by tapping
into funds from the state and MidCo. To this point the city
has allocated $415,000 and has received matching funds
totaling $1,266,861 ($589,182 from the state and $677,679
from MidCo). So Scandia was able to achieve a 3 to 1 match
for its contribution.
We hope to continue the expansion with
ongoing assistance from city, county, state
and federal funding and are working on
firming up our plans for 2022. We will
strive to reach our goal of adding about
200 households next year. As more details
become available they will be posted on
the city’s website.
High Speed Internet Expansion Progress Report – Fall 2021
RECYCLE Be a Battery Hero
Page 3
• Please meet our crews at the door and wear a mask
if at all possible for 911 emergency calls, we are still
being cautious about the COVID-19 virus
• Mark your driveway or mailbox with at least 2”
reflective numbers (visible from either direction) for
fire, police, ambulance & other public safety members
to quickly find your home in the event of an
emergency. Additional markings are needed for
shared driveways and mailbox clusters. See City
Ordinance 152.20 on the city’s website for
specifications of identification (www.cityofscandia.com)
• Driveways must be accessible to fire engines.
These trucks must have a clear path for travel that is 12’
wide by 14’ tall. Tree branches can cause damage to
our vehicles responding to your home in times of
Goodbye Summer and hello
Fall….This Fall weather we are
experiencing sure came in a hurry
and sent all of us into fall and winter
prep. Whether it is picking up your
favorite mum at your local vendor,
planting winter wheat, baking
grandma’s secret apple pie recipe
or inspecting your winter equipment
in preparation for the frozen fluffy
material (we won’t say the word quite
yet), we are all in a way busy doing
As winter is approaching remember to
to prepare anything along your prop-
erty in the Right of Way for winter.
This would include mailboxes, cul-
verts, landscaping, refuse containers,
or vehicles and trailers.
You should inspect, and replace if
necessary, your mailbox soon. Please
consider installing swing-arm style
supports as they are designed with
impact in mind. They cushion the
impact by swinging out of the way if a
car or snow comes in contact with the
mailbox. Specifications are available
on our Cit y w ebs it e a t :
w w w . c i t y o f s c a n d i a . c o m /
under the tab Streets: Ice and Snow
Control section.
Culvert preparation
can be the key to
preventing flooded ditches, roadways,
or even potentially a basement. Please
do what you can to clear culvert open-
ings on either side of your driveway
by removing brush, sand or soil, and
fallen leaves. If you are not sure where
your culvert is or believe it is
damaged and not working properly,
please contact us at 651-433-2274 or
visit the City webpage and click on
the How Do I: Submit, Service Request
If you have any landscaping in the
Right of Way, please cut back any
plant material close to or above the
roadway and cover any delicate
plants. This will help your plants as
much as it will help us through the
winter season.
Garbage and Recycling containers
can slow down the snow removal
process during collection days. If
collection day is during or a few days
after a snow event, please remember
to place the containers at the end of
the driveway on the property side of
the road and in a cleared area. When
receptacles are placed in the roadway
or snow bank, they become a safety
hazard and make it difficult to fully
clear snow from the roadway.
Last, but not least, vehicles or trailers
parked along the roadway should be
moved off the road in a safe location.
Thank you, and hope everyone has a
safe fall and winter this year.
Best of Scandia Holiday
Shopping Extravaganza!
We are happy to announce the Best of Scandia Holiday Shopping Extravaganza
is scheduled for Sunday, November 28th from noon—5 p.m. as part of
Scandia’s Vinterlights! The best artists, crafters, and retail stores in Scandia
will all be at the Community Center for your Holiday shopping convenience.
Mark your calendars as this event is not to be missed! If you would like a
vendor table at this event, please contact Sue Dickens,
sjdickens2000@yahoo.com, Kirsten Libby, kirsten@libbylawoffice.com or
Patti Ray, p.ray@ci.scandia.mn.us
Scandia Fire & Rescue
October 31 * 5-7 pm, Safe
Halloween Event at the
Scandia Fire Station
Scandia-Marine Lions
providing food, and candy
will be handed out.
Scandia Public Works Household Prescription Drug
“Take Back” Event
In cooperation with the Washington County
Sheriff's office and Department of Public Health, the
Scandia Fire & Rescue department will host a
Household Prescription Drug “Take Back” Event on
Saturday, October 23rd, 10 a.m.—2 p.m.. Bring the
following items directly to the Scandia Fire
Department at 15040 Scandia Trail N: household
prescriptions, over-the-counter, and pet medications.
Do NOT bring needles, used EpiPens, syringes,
lancets or thermometers. We also cannot accept any
liquid chemotherapy drug or vaping devices or
e-liquids. However, these items are accepted at the
Environmental Center, 4039 Cottage Grove Dr,
Woodbury, MN 55129. Year round drop boxes are
located in Cottage Grove, Forest Lake, Hugo,
Mahtomedi, Stillwater and Woodbury. For locations &
hours, visit: www.co.washington.mn.us/meds .
Or, for more information, call 651-275-7476.
Please help the Scandia Parks &
Recreation Committee select the name for the
newest Scandia park on Orwell Ave N.
The survey is open until October 21, 2021. Go to
www.cityofscandia.com/ParkSurvey to
Scandia Parks & Recreation department will offer
three ice skating classes this winter for elementary
school aged students.
1. Learn to Skate—Beginner / Advanced
2. Pleasure Skate
3. Hockey Skills
Watch for registration to open in December!
Kids Winter
Park Survey!