2021 April - Spring NewsletterThe City of Scandia is chal- lenging residents to log I,000 acts of kindness in 30 days. Go to www.cityofscandia.com/ ActsOfKindness to describe your act of kind- ness to be counted towards our goal. We post Monday through Friday in Scandia’s Facebook page the total count to date and a favorite act of kindness for that day. Our goal is to remind people to be kind to each other re- gardless of differences and that we are ONE community. Events: Children’s Stories on Acts of Kindness – Scan- dia Parks and Recreation Committee is holding a story contest for Scandia Elementary School stu- dents in K-6th grade. The stories are about an act of kindness and how it made a difference in the world. The contest ends Friday, April 9th. All stories will be dis- played in Lilleskogen Park on The Children’s Story Path. Scandia’s 1,000 Acts of Kindness Button Givea- way – These buttons are free to local businesses to give to their custom- ers through May 2; a do- nation box for the Scan- dia Marine Food Shelf and the Green Grocery Shares Program accom- pany each button box. Award ceremony for Children’s Story Contest – Mayor Maefsky will preside over the Stories of Kindness on Saturday, April 17 at 1 p.m. at Lilleskogen Park in Scan- dia. There will be kind- ness stickers, kindness buttons, and cookies given to all the children. The winners for the best stories will be an- nounced and prizes will be awarded. This event is sponsored by Scandia Parks and Recreation Committee. 1,000 Acts of Kindness Donation Day – Saturday, May 1, Scandia and the Scandia-Marine Lions will co-host this event in the Scandia Community Center parking lot. Scandia is hoping to do its small part in helping to heal the divide in our country. We feel strongly that our res- idents have more in common than we have differences. We hope that Scandia’s 1,000 Acts of Kindness Project will show how much we care about each other, and inspire other people and communi- ties to do acts of kindness to make the world a better place to live. CITY OF SCANDIA Dedicated to Rural Community Values City of Scandia Scandia Community/ Senior Center 14727 209th Street North Scandia, MN 55073 Phone: 651.433.2274 Fax: 651.433.5112 E-mail: mail@ci.scandia.mn.us Hours: Mon. thru Fri. 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. City Council: Christine Maefsky, Mayor 651.433.2684 Heather Benson 651-433-0168 Steve Kronmiller 651.538.0094 Patti Ray 612.812.5590 Jerry Cusick 651.433.5865 Regular Council Meeting: Third Tuesday, 7:00 p.m. Council Work Session: First Wednesday, 6:30 p.m. Planning Commission: First Tuesday, 7:00 p.m. City Staff: Ken Cammilleri, Administrator Brenda Eklund, City Clerk Colleen Firkus, Treasurer Bee Stignani, Office Assistant Mike Hinz, Fire Chief Chris Nelson, Attorney Eckberg Lammers Ryan Goodman, Engineer Bolton & Menk Evan Monson Planner, TKDA PRSRT STD U.S. POSTAGE PAID Scandia, MN 55073 PERMIT #6 Like us on Facebook for the Most Up-to-Date Information Scandia’s 1,000 Acts of Kindness Project Message from the Mayor APRIL 2021 VOLUME 15, ISSUE 1 CITY OF SCANDIA After a tumultuous 2020, better days are slowly coming. More and more citizens are being vaccinated, and with those vaccinations come greater freedom to safely gather and to frequent our businesses. We’re thankful for those businesses who have managed to come through this trying time and hope that soon they will be back to bustling. Despite the pandemic, quite a few positive things have been happening in Scandia from a first ever Halloween Parade to a “Light Up Scandia” contest, to changing children’s stories along the Lilleskogen Children’s Story Path, to a first ever Ice Sculpture Dala Horse in the Village Center. And more good times are ahead: Scandia’s EDA is hosting “virtual breakfast” meetings via ZOOM for Scandia business own- ers on the third Thursday of each month; the Planning Commission is working with a consultant on updating the City’s Devel- opment Code; broadband services are expanding - for the second year Scandia has been awarded a DEED grant to expand high-speed broadband services in the Scandia area, improving access to critical school e-learning and telehealth and stimu- lating a more robust local economy; Scandia’s Snow Plows were named - Ole, Lena and Sven will now be clearing our winter streets; the Farmer’s Market will again be open this summer starting with a plant sale May 12th; the Scandia Heritage Alliance and the City are moving forward with the Water Tower Barn Arts and Heritage Center; the City has applied for State Bonding for the project for the 2021-2022 bonding cycle; as of this writing, the Thirsty Buffalo bar and grill will be opening this spring at the site of the old Brookside Pub, and the Thousand Acts of Kindness Project is underway for Scandia - be sure to send in those acts you see or do. Wishing you a hopeful spring and summer. Please keep in touch. c.maefsky@ci.scandia.mn.us, Christine Maefsky, Mayor A twice-yearly publication for residents of the City of Scandia, Minnesota Inside this issue: As part of Scandia’s 1,000 Acts of Kind- ness Project, see article on page 4, the city will co-host a Donation Day on Satur- day, May 1, 2021 at the Community Cen- ter with the Scandia Marine Lions Club. A paper shredding truck will be available from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Recycling is kind- ness to the environment. The truck has a 300-box capacity limit and will be filled on a first-come-first-served basis. The first 5 boxes are free to Scandia residents and the next boxes are $5 each. A photo ID with address is required. PC’s for People will be collecting elec- tronic waste such as laptops, tablets, hard drives, cell phones, cameras, DVD play- ers, keyboards, mice & power cords etc. The Scandia-Marine Lions will be collect- ing: • eyeglasses for the Lions’ vision pro- gram • non-perishable items for the local food shelf • diapers (infant and adult) for The Baby Blanket and Ecumen Hospice • infant formula for local food shelves • aluminum cans for recycling • aluminum tabs for the Ronald McDonald House • plastic grocery bags for recycling • medical equipment (e.g., canes, walkers, wheelchairs) to establish a Medical Equipment Lending Library in Scandia • non-clumping clay cat litter and soft dog treats for Northwoods Humane Society • cash donations to help local families See the Lions’ Facebook page for updates about the event as well as information about additional items that can be brought to the event for recycling: www.facebook.com/ScandiaMarineLions Check out the new website, www.cityofscandia.com/index.php ! The Home Page is large and colorful. Be sure to scroll down to find News Items and Calendars. The “Community” tab contains information of inter- est to residents. City staff is developing the “How Do I” tab. The goal is to assist residents in their communications with the City. New: submit non-emergency service requests direct- ly to Public Works staff for items involving roads, parks and sewer. City staff welcomes helpful feedback to make the website more user friendly. Clean Up Week 2 Carnelian Marine Watershed 2 Visible Addresses 2 Yard Waste Disposal 2 Electronics & Hazzard Waste Days 2 Comfort Lake Bone Lake Update 2 Internet Expansion Update 3 2021 Assessments 3 Burning Permits 3 COVID-19 Vaccination Update 3 1,000 Acts of Kindness Project 4 1,000 Acts of Kindness New Website Donation Day—May 1, 2021 Page 2 CITY OF SCANDIA The Carnelian Marine St. Croix Watershed District (CMSCWD) was formed by petition from citizens of the area in 1981 who wanted to ensure the long-term quali- ty of natural resources in Northern Washington County. Forty years later, the Watershed District’s work with local landowners through voluntary conservation and permitting of construction and landscap- ing projects following water quality protection rules have helped maintain low concentrations of algae-growing phosphorus and pro- tects high water clarity. In fact, CMSCWD has some of the highest quality waters in the metro area which support high property values. Contacting CMSCWCD’s specialized staff can save you time and money planning your project and can also provide guidance on eligi- bility for cost share. C o n t a c t t h e C M S C W D a t ( 6 5 1 ) 4 3 3 -2 1 5 0 or mike.isensee@cmscwd.org if you are planning any of the follow- ing projects: • Shoreline or streambank project • Landscaping that changes drainage patterns (i.e. the direction the water flows) • Remodeling or reconstruction of any structures • Constructing a structure (like patios and decks) within 1,000 feet of a lake or stream. Check in with the Watershed District City-Wide Clean-up Week is scheduled for Saturday, May 1, through Saturday, May 8, at the SRC/Forest Lake Sanitation site, 6320 E Viking Blvd., Wyoming, MN. Resi- dents may drop off rubbish items not taken by their regu- lar trash hauler such as appliances, tires, furniture, mat- tresses, scrap metal and wood at the SRC facility. During this week, Scandia residents will receive a 20% discount off regular collection prices. Be prepared to show proof of residency such as a driver’s license. Hours of operation are 8:00 am to 1:30pm on Saturdays, and 8:00 am to 4:30 pm M—F. Please call SRC at 651 464-2321 for more infor- mation. A pricing schedule is posted on the city’s web- site, www.cityofscandia.com/residents/recycling_.php Make certain your address is visible from the road and easy to identify which home is yours. Many emergency calls happen at night and during bad weather. Response time for emergency services depend on your assistance. Please use at least 2” reflective numbers on both sides of your mailbox and/or at end of your driveway. Shared driveways, or multiple mailboxes together, may need additional address markings to show the way to your home. If you have any questions, please contact the Scandia Fire Department at 651-433-4383. Excess nutrients, like phosphorus, are a major factor in water quality degradation as just one pound of phosphorus can sup- port up to 500 pounds of algae growth. The Comfort Lake-Forest Lake Watershed District (CLFLWD) is currently working on two wetland projects in the Scandia area that will reduce phosphorus inputs to Bone Lake and further improve its wa- ter quality. Meadowbrook Wetland Enhancement: This project is located just east of the Meadowbrook Ave N/Melanie Trail N junction. Construction began this past winter with the excavation of a shallow pond along a drainage path to Bone Lake. This pond will slow the water from this drainage path, allowing time for excess nutrients to settle out before the water continues downstream to Bone Lake. It is estimated that this project will reduce the phosphorus load entering Bone Lake by 33 pounds per year. The soils that were excavated from the pond were taken to a nearby agricultural field and will be incorporated into the soil this spring and planted to both stabilize and improve the health of the soils / field. Northeast Bone Lake Wetland En- hancement Project: This project is locat- ed at the NE corner of Bone Lake near the junction of 238th St. N. and Melanie Trail N. During the 1950-1970‘s, a dairy farm operated adjacent to this wetland. Soil core samples taken from the wetland in- dicate the presence of decomposing ma- nure in these soils that are slowly releas- ing nutrients and impacting the water quality of both the wetland and Bone Lake. The CLFLWD has received a Clean Water Fund grant to remove these ma- nure laden sediments and restore the wetland. The proposed project is estimat- ed to reduce the phosphorus load enter- ing into Bone Lake by 6-10 pounds per year. The CLFLWD plans to implement the project during the winter of 2021/2022. These projects are just two of many activi- ties undertaken by the CLFLWD in the greater Bone Lake drainage area such as the Moody (250th St.) Wetland Enhance- ment Project, the Moody Lake Alum Treatment (Moody Lakes contributes flow to Bone Lake), and several agricultural conservation and field stability projects. When combined, the projects eliminate a significant amount of nutrients from enter- ing into Bone Lake and help to ensure that the lake’s water quality meets state water quality standards. Learn more about these projects and others online at https://www.clflwd.org/projects.php CLFLWD Bone Lake Project Update Clean Up Free disposal of leaves, grass clippings, brush, and other plant materials to Washington County residents at Northern Yard Waste Collection Site at 5527 170th St. N in Hugo, just west of the 170th Street roundabout on Highway 61. Summer Hours: April – November Wednesday................ 11 a.m. – 7 p.m (or until dusk) Friday & Saturday...... 8 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. Sunday...................... Noon – 4:30 p.m. Washington County is hosting free collection events for elec- tronics and hazardous waste on June 5 and 12, and September 11 and 18 at the Forest Lake Transit Center, 19987 Fitzgerald Trail N, all from 8am-2pm. In addition to these remote col- lections, the Washington County Environmental Center in Woodbury provides residents with a free disposal option for household hazardous waste, electronics, and recyclables all year round. 4039 Cottage Grove Drive, Woodbury, MN. Free Electronics & Hazardous Waste Days Visible Addresses Page 3 VOLUME 15, ISSUE 1 Washington County has released the 2021 assessment information for the City of Scandia. In total, the value of residential properties in Scandia increased by 1.68% over 2020. Of the 2,232 parcels assessed, there was a decrease in value or no change for 930 of those parcels, and in- creases of 1% to 9% for 1258 parcels, and 10% or more in 44 of the parcels. Questions, concerns or appealing your 2022 value? Step one is to contact Patrick Poshek, the City’s Assessor, at 651.430.0360. More information can be gathered at one of the two regional Open Book meetings (tentatively scheduled April 21 or April 22, 10 a.m.—6 p.m., Washington County Government Center, 14949 62nd St N., Stillwater) Please refer- ence the link below for current meeting schedules and instructions: https:// washington.minnesotaassessors.com/ index.php. 2021 Assessments Reminder; that you need a burning per- mit from a local fire warden, located at City Hall or Big Marine Lake Store, for any fire that is not in a fire ring and larger than 3 foot in diameter. Also please call the Washington County dis- patch center non-emergency phone number to notify them of starting a con- trolled permit fire at 651-439-9381. This will limit the chance of the fire depart- ment being dispatched to your location. For further information visit : www.dnr.state.mn.us/forestry/fire/ firerating_restrictions.html Burning Permits Expansion of high-speed broadband Internet service in Scandia will contin- ue this year as a result of the city and MidCo’s successful application for an- other Minnesota Broadband grant. Construction will begin later this sum- mer with completion expected in the fall. The new construction will use Fiber to the Home with speeds of up to 5 Giga- bits per second. Over 90 homes will be connected during this phase of the pro- ject. Homeowners in the expansion area will receive postcards from MidCo later this spring with further details. MidCo has also won their bid for feder- al funding to expand further in Scandia. The schedule of this construction is still under review, but when complete it will add another 62 homes. Further updates will be posted on the city’s website, www.cityofscandia.com. Look for ‘Internet Expansion’ under the ‘Community’ tab. Scandia Internet Expansion Update – Spring 2021 Residents who have not yet been vac- cinated should sign up for the Minne- sota COVID-19 Vaccine Connector: https://mn.gov/covid19/vaccine/ connector/connector.jsp Fill out the form to get updates on vaccination opportunities in your area and be en- tered into the random selection pro- cess for the state’s Community Vac- cination Program sites. Vaccines are also available through your health care provider. The State of Minnesota is opening its eighth state-run, permanent vaccina- tion site in Oakdale. To get an appoint- ment at one of the state’s Community Vaccination Program sites, including Oakdale, individuals must sign up for the Vaccine Connector. If you have questions about the form or need lan- guage assistance, please call the Min- nesota Department of Health COVID- 19 Public Hotline at 1-833-431-2053. Covid-19 Vaccination Update Who is eligible ?