2020 April - Spring Newsletter CITY OF SCANDIA
Dedicated to Rural Community Values
City of Scandia
Scandia Community/
Senior Center
14727 209th Street North
Scandia, MN 55073
Phone: 651.433.2274
Fax: 651.433.5112
Hours: Mon. thru Fri.
9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
City Council:
Christine Maefsky, Mayor
Chris Ness
Steve Kronmiller
Patti Ray
Jerry Cusick
Regular Council Meeting:
Third Tuesday, 7:00 p.m.
Council Work Session:
First Wednesday, 6:30 p.m.
Planning Commission:
First Tuesday, 7:00 p.m.
City Staff:
Ken Cammilleri, Administrator
Brenda Eklund,
Deputy Clerk
Colleen Firkus, Treasurer
Bee Stignani, Office Assistant
Adam Hawkinson, Director of
Public Works
Mike Hinz, Fire Chief
Eric Sherburne, Attorney
Eckberg Lammers
Ryan Goodman, Engineer
Bolton & Menk
Merritt Clapp-Smith, Planner,
Scandia, MN
Like us on Facebook for the
Most Up-to-Date Information
Community Calendar, April 2020 - September, 2020
• April 6, 5 p.m., Board of Appeal
and Equalization, Community
Center Board Room
• April 25 - May 2, Spring Clean
-up Collection Week,
SRC, Wyoming
• May 1 - May 3, Opening Week-
end - Gammelgården
• May 24, Immigrant for a Day -
• May 25, Memorial Day, Office
• June 10, Farmers Market - Open-
ing Day, Gammelgården
• Dalapalooza - 10 a.m. -3 p.m.,
• June 27, Midsommar Dag,
• July 3, Office closed in observance
of Independence Day
• July 11, St. Croix Fat Cat Triathlon
• August 4, 5 p.m. - 7 p.m., National
Night Out, Community Center
• August 15, Spelmanstamma,
• September 7, Labor Day, Office
• September 19, Taco Daze Festival,
For more information and a City meeting
calendar, see the website
For Gammelgården events, see:
Message from the Mayor
Inside this issue:
A twice-yearly publication for residents of the City of Scandia, Minnesota
Information on COVID-19 (Coronavirus Disease 2019)
How to Connect with Public Meetings Remotely
It’s hard to know what to include in my Message from the Mayor and the newsletter in general this spring
as our world has been so impacted by COVID – 19 and changing so dramatically day by day. As I’m writ-
ing this message on Monday, March 23rd, I can tell you what the city has done to date to accommodate for
the needs for social distancing. Our office remains open, but we are encouraging people to conduct any
business over the phone or via email. All gatherings planned for the community center have been can-
celled through May 1. Action beyond that date will be based on recommendations from the MN Depart-
ment of Health. For the first time ever, our city council meeting was held remotely using the app Go To
Meeting. We will continue with remote meetings going into the future as needed. Scandia Fire and Rescue has modified their
response procedure to protect Scandia residents and themselves while still being available to those in need. By the time you
receive this newsletter, we should have the PSN system set up for electronic payments to the city. Our community calendar
reflects what has been planned before this crisis hit. Depending on what comes ahead, it may well change. We will do our
best to keep you up to date via our website. Check it out frequently or call the city. Take care of yourselves and stay safe.
Christine Maefsky, Mayor
The Centers for Disease Control and Pre-
vention (CDC), Minnesota Department of
Health (MDH), and Washington County
Public Health & Environment are closely
monitoring an outbreak caused by a nov-
el coronavirus (COVID-19) first identi-
fied in Wuhan, China. The situation sur-
rounding the outbreak is rapidly evolv-
ing. For the latest information on cases of
COVID-19 in Washington County, visit
MDH’s website for ongoing updates:
MDH is also providing the following
COVID-19 Hotlines for information:
Health questions: 651-201-3920 or 1-
800-657-3903 | 7 a.m. - 7 p.m.
School and child care questions: 651-
297-1304 or 1-800-657-3504 | 7 a.m. - 7
Reported illnesses have ranged from
mild symptoms to severe illness and
death for confirmed COVID-19 cases.
The following symptoms may appear 2-
14 days after exposure and include fe-
ver, cough, and shortness of breath.
If you have symptoms and can manage
those symptoms at home, you don't have
to seek health care or be tested for
COVID-19. Just stay home while you are
sick. If you are older or have underlying
medical conditions, it may be helpful to
let your health care provider know you
are sick. They may have some specific
advice for you. Some people with COVID
-19 have worsened during the second
week of illness.
Contact your health care provider before
going to the clinic or emergency room if
your symptoms worsen at any point or
you feel you need to see a doctor.
For more information about managing
symptoms and COVID-19 testing, visit
MDH: About Coronavirus Disease 2019.
Residents are encouraged to continue par-
ticipation in the City of Scandia’s public
meetings. There are several ways that
residents may engage during this time in a
safe manner.
At the City of Scandia website,
www.ci.scandia.mn.us/, select “Stream
City Meetings”. This opens a page with
the link to the city’s BoxCastTV page.
Click the link “Scandia City Meetings,”
and current live meetings, or recordings
of past meetings are available to view.
To provide written public comment, send
an email mail@ci.scandia.mn.us. These
comments will be included in the meeting.
Email Mayor Maefsky or any of the City
Council members. These email addresses
are c.maefsky@ci.scandia.mn.us ,
c . n e s s @ c i . s c a n d i a . m n . u s ,
s.kronmiller@ci.scandia.mn.us ,
p .ra y@ ci.sca nd ia.m n.us , a nd
Or residents may contact the city office
prior to the meeting for specific instruc-
tions for how to be included in the meet-
ing remotely if you need to provide public
comment by this method instead. The
office is currently available by phone M-F,
9 a.m. – 4 p.m. at (651) 433-2274.
Burning Permits 2
Carnelien Marine Watershed 2
Internet Action Committee 2
Assist Small Businesses 2
Comfort Lake Forest Lake 2
Election Judges Needed 3
Art in Action 3
Filings for City Offices Open 3
2020 Assessments 3
Recycling Works 3
Community Calendar 4
Page 2
A burning permit is required for open burning small
amounts of dry leaves, plant clippings, brush, and clean
untreated lumber as long as weather conditions do not
pose a fire hazard. Please notify the Washington County
Sheriff’s Office (651.439.9381) one hour before you burn
to inform them that you have a burning permit at your
address. There may be restrictions depending on
weather or air-quality issues. A 3’x3’ recreational
campfire is allowed without a burning permit. See the
City office for more information and for permits.
For further information visit the DNR web site at
Burning Permits
Like all of you, the Comfort Lake-
Forest Lake Watershed District
(CLFLWD) is taking every precau-
tion available to ensure the health
and safety of both our staff and our
residents. While the District office is
officially closed until further notice,
staff and managers remain available
to assist the public in a variety of
ways. Whether you are looking for
assistance on a permit, have ques-
tions regarding ongoing and up-
coming projects, or want to tune into
one of our regularly scheduled
Board Meetings (now held via vide-
oconference), we have you covered.
Visit us online at www.clflwd.org or
give us a call at 651-395-5850 and
we’ll get you connected!
Upcoming projects in the Bone Lake
area include Subwatershed Assess-
ment Implementation (agricultural
land management improvements)
and numerous wetland restorations.
For more information on these pro-
j e c t s a n d o t h e r s , v i s i t
or email
blayne.eineichner@clflwd.org The
CLFLWD is also currently accepting
applications for Watercraft Inspec-
tors. Primary duties will include in-
specting watercraft for Aquatic Inva-
sive Species (AIS) and informing
and educating the public on the
threats of ecologically harmful AIS.
All training provided, no prior in-
spection experience required. Pay
starting at $15/hr, must be at least
1 8 . w w w . c l f l w d . o r g / j o b -
Wondering about how to stabilize an eroding shoreline? Thinking
about a summer construction project that might include soil grading, a
new building, a driveway or lakeside patio? The staff at Carnelian Ma-
rine St. Croix Watershed District are your local resource for technical
and permit assistance. Contact the watershed district early in the plan-
ning phases of your project to apply for a permit and ensure that your
project meets shoreline protection rules. Call (651) 433-2150 or email
the Administrator, Mike Isensee at mike.isensee@cmscwd.org with
questions. District staff work closely with landowners, Washington
County, and the City of Scandia to protect and improve the unique wa-
ter resources of within the District.
Carnelian Marine Watershed
District is Available to Assist!
Scandia, working in conjunction
with MidCo, was awarded a grant
from the Minnesota Office of
Broadband Development in Janu-
ary to expand high speed Inter-
net to 219 households in our com-
Construction on this expansion
project will begin mid-2020 and
will be completed by the end of
the year. When completed, the
number of homes with access to
speeds of 1 Gbps Down / 20
Mbps Up in Scandia will rise from
45% to 53%.
The Internet Action Committee is
currently working on the next
steps to expand service to the
remainder of Scandia. Additional
assistance from State and Federal
grant programs is being pe-
rused. We’re also exploring
ways to expand service by other
means where practical, such as
private funding of both wired and
wireless technologies.
Regular updates from the Internet
Action Committee are available
at the city’s website:
Scandia Internet Action Committee
Progress Report
Comfort Lake Forest Lake Watershed
District Works to Improve Lakes
Find more complete information for these two
offers in the News section of the City of Scandia’s
webpage, www.ci.scandia.mn.us/.
* The Minnesota Department of Employment and
Economic Development (DEED) is creating an
emergency loan program to help Minnesota small
business owners who need immediate assistance
to meet their families’ basic needs during COVID-
19 closures. For the latest information from DEED
for employers and businesses and workers, visit
the DEED COVID-19 Information page on the
DEED website, https://mn.gov/deed/newscenter/
covid/. Minnesota small businesses should send
questions about this emergency loan program to
* Minnesota's small businesses are now eligible
for the Small Business Administration's Economic
Injury Disaster Loan Program and can apply
online. We HIGHLY recommend you complete
your application online at www.sba.gov, do not
mail them in.
Assistance for Small
Business Owners
Page 3
Scandia Parks and Recreation is sponsoring the
Art in Action summer camp offered through St.
Croix Festival Theatre. Participants will:
Create, rehearse and perform in an original
short play
Design and paint
Create characters and design costumes
Choreograph an original dance
Perform their play for a live audience of fami-
ly and friends
Dates: August 12-
16, Monday through
8:30 a.m. to Noon at
the Community
Cost: $60
Register Online at www.FestivalTheatre.org or
by calling 715.483.3387
Washington County has released the 2020 assessment
information for the City of Scandia. In total, the value of
residential properties in Scandia increased by 3.2%
over 2019. Of the 2,232 residential parcels assessed,
there was a decrease in value or no change for 489 of
those parcels, and increases of 1% to15% for 1702 par-
cels, and 15% or more in 41 of the parcels. The City
Council will meet as the Local Board of Appeals & Equal-
ization on Monday, April 6th, 5-6pm to hear appeals of
property values. If you have questions in advance of the
meeting, you are encouraged to contact Patrick Poshek,
the City’s Assessor, at 651.430.0360.
Information on the appeals process and calendar are
available by
selecting the
Board of
A p p e a l s
meeting on
the website
City Event
2020 Assessments
Art in Action
Summer Camp
Recycling Works -
When We All Work
Recycling is a major contributor
to the solution of global gar-
bage. It works, but only if you
participate. The responsibility
belongs to all of us, as citizens of
the world, but it begins with you
and your family. Through a con-
tract with SRC, free curbside
recycling is available to all Scan-
dia residents, even if you have
trash service with another com-
pany. If you haven’t already,
call SRC today to begin your
recycling service – 651 462-
1099. Please NO styrofoam pea-
nuts, toys, footwear, cat litter
boxes, fly swatters, bubble
wrap, cellophane, plastic shov-
els and no car parts. These are
some of the examples of “wish
cycling” that are being collected
in recycling carts that must be
manually removed at the recy-
cling center – a time consuming
task and a contributor to equip-
ment malfunctions. Consult the
Washington County Disposal
Directory to find alternate dis-
posal solutions for plastics, con-
struction debris, electronic
waste and many other materials
that can be kept out of the waste
Washington County is hosting
free collection events for elec-
tronics and hazardous waste on
June 8, September 12 and 19 at
the Forest Lake Headwaters Ser-
vice Center, all from 8am-2pm.
In addition to these remote col-
lections, the Washington County
Environmental Center in Wood-
bury provides residents with a
free disposal option for house-
hold hazardous waste, electron-
ics, and recyclables all year
Scandia will elect a Mayor and two City
Council Members at the November 3 gen-
eral election. The Mayor serves a two-year
term, and Council Members serve four-year
terms. The terms of Mayor Maefksy and
Council Members Kronmiller and Ness end
at the end of this year.
Filing opens Tuesday, July 28, 2020 and
ends on Tuesday, August 11, 2020. Office
hours for filing are 9:00am to 4:00pm Mon-
day through Friday, and will be open until
5:00pm on the last day of the filing period.
Candidates must file an affidavit of candida-
cy with the City Clerk, signed in the pres-
ence of a notary, and pay a $2.00 filing fee.
Candidates may withdraw from the election
by filing an affidavit of withdrawal with the
City Clerk not later than 5:00pm on Thurs-
day, August 13, 2020. Filing fees are not
Scandia will need election judges to
staff the local polling place on Prima-
ry Election Day, August 11 and Gen-
eral Election Day, November 3.
Serving as an election judge pro-
vides an opportunity to learn more
about the election process and serve
the community. With advance no-
tice, employers must allow workers
time off to serve as election judges.
Qualifications for serving include
being eligible to vote in Minnesota,
being fluent in English, and complet-
ing a two-hour training session, ei-
ther on-line or by attending an in-
person training on July 8, 2020. Elec-
tion judges need to be able to com-
municate clearly with voters, pay
attention to detail, and enjoy helping
others. Election judges are paid an
hourly wage of $10.00. Would you
like to serve? Call the City office at
651 433-2274 no later than Friday,
July 3.
Filings Open for City Offices
Election Judges Needed
Qualifications for candidates
• Eligible voter
• At least 21 years of age
when assuming office
• Resident of the city for thirty
days preceding the General
Election (November 3, 2020)
• Has not filed for another
office in the same election