2020 October - Fall Newsletter CITY OF SCANDIA
Dedicated to Rural Community Values
City of Scandia
Scandia Community/
Senior Center
14727 209th Street North
Scandia, MN 55073
Phone: 651.433.2274
Fax: 651.433.5112
Hours: Monday thru Friday
9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
City Council:
Christine Maefsky, Mayor
Patti Ray
Jerry Cusick
Chris Ness
Steve Kronmiller
Regular Council Meeting:
Third Tuesday, 7:00 p.m.
Council Work Session:
First Wednesday, 6:30 p.m.
Planning Commission:
First Tuesday, 7:00 p.m.
City Staff:
Ken Cammilleri, Administrator
Brenda Eklund, City Clerk
Colleen Firkus, Treasurer
Brenda “Bee” Stignani,
Office Assist, Parks & Rec Coord
Adam Hawkinson,
Director of Public Works
Mike Hinz, Fire Chief
Chris Nelson, Attorney
Eckberg Lammers
Ryan Goodman, Engineer
Bolton & Menk
Evan Monson, Planner, TKDA
Scandia, MN
Like us on Facebook for the
Most Up-to-Date Information
Tell us what you think and take our Community Survey!
Hello Scandia residents and
business owners! As many
of you know, the City of
Scandia is revising its Zon-
ing and Land Use Ordinanc-
es. These City standards
govern how property in
Scandia is used and how it
looks. The City wants to
hear from YOU. What are
your perspectives on Scan-
dia today and how do you
think Scandia could be im-
Your answers to the survey
will help the City make de-
cisions that will guide the
development and redevel-
opment of land in Scandia.
Do you think current lot
sizes create the neighbor-
hood character you want?
Do you think the size and
number of accessory build-
ings (garages, sheds, etc.)
people have is reasonable?
Do you like how properties
– commercial, industrial,
residential – look? Are
there common complaints
about properties in your
neighborhood? Are there
improvements to the Vil-
lage center that you would
like to see?
The survey should take
about 10 minutes to answer
– though you might want to
walk around your neighbor-
hood first to help you an-
swer some of the questions!
The survey is anonymous,
so you do not have to worry
when you tell us exactly
what you think! In the sur-
vey we ask you to tell us a
little bit about yourself –
such as the kind of neigh-
borhood you live in – are
you in the Village Center?
On an agricultural proper-
ty? In a residential area
where lots are 1-5 acres? Do
you work or own a business
in Scandia? Your answers
will help us ensure that the
survey results represent a
cross section of our commu-
nity, but rest assured no
answer to the survey will be
linked to an individual.
The survey can be found on
the City’s website, and on
the project website at
Instructions on how to take
the survey and deadline for
your response can be found
here. Also, make sure to
follow the project website
for future opportunities to
give us your feedback on
the Zoning Update project.
If you would prefer to fill out
a paper copy of the survey,
please contact the City Hall
and we will get you a paper
Thank you for your help,
and we look forward to
hearing from you!
PS – Feel free to have all
members of your household
fill out the survey, we know
sometimes families have
different perspectives!
Internet Expansion Update 2
2021 Tax Levy 2
Parks & Recreation Survey 2
Yard Waste 2
Election Information 3
Short Takes 3
Zoning Survey 4
A twice-yearly publication for residents of the City of Scandia, Minnesota
Message From the Mayor
We are living through a year few of us ever imagined. From ongoing health
and wellness concerns to the present economic damages to the social and
emotional weight on each of us. These are truly extraordinary times that would have been hard, if not impossi-
ble, to predict. I am very thankful to our Scandia residents who have written to me and called me, sharing their
concerns about the current situation. It is so important that we keep an open dialogue about the challenging
issues we face. When we come together, when we communicate, when we support each other and when we
work together, we find solutions that move us forward in the best possible ways.
I would like to highlight some of the positive things that have shown themselves during this time and give me
hope for a brighter future here in Scandia. We have new businesses in town - Apothecary’s Daughter in the Village Center, Rustic
Roots Winery on our eastern edge and the unique Better Place Forests just west of Big Marine Lake. The Scandia Heritage Alli-
ance, a local non-profit group, is moving forward with plans to resurrect the old Water Tower Barn for use as a community arts
and heritage center, as well as for establishing a Historic Sites Trail throughout the city. A new environmental trail has been
established just north of Bone Lake, and The Children's Story Path through Lilleskogen continues to engage our youth and draw
visitors. A number of spring/summer traditions returned, even if at scaled back sizes, with sports team games and the Scandia
Farmers Market. We celebrated Cinnamon Bun Day in Scandia (and Sweden) again in early October. We’ll have to wait and
see what the winter will bring, but hopefully it will include holiday lights and cheer to signify that better days have arriv ed.
Keep in touch.
Christine Maefsky
The City,
through its Internet Action Commit-
tee, is working diligently to provide
High Speed Internet coverage to the
citizens of Scandia. We believe the
quickest way to lower costs for ex-
pansion is by leveraging grants from
the Federal government, the State,
and the City in combination with
funding from our local service pro-
viders to expand the infrastructure
our community needs to be served.
Our goal is to obtain at least 1 Gig
Down (1000 Mbps) and 20 Mbps Up
to wherever it is financially practical
first. Areas with significantly higher
construction costs will come later
and may require a combination of
wired and wireless solutions to
achieve our goal of 100% of house-
holds served.
The City’s goal is to seek financially
viable solutions without increasing
taxes or, to at least have a minimal
impact on taxes. Studies have shown
that commu-
nities that have made exceedingly
large investments in internet infra-
structure to serve communities with-
low household densities have been
found to be unsustainable and im-
posed serious burdens on taxpay-
ers. By working with existing com-
munity internet providers, who al-
ready have networks that cover a
substantial area of our community,
we can keep expansion costs to a
reasonable level, avoid unnecessary
financial risks, and still deploy High
Speed Internet throughout Scandia
in the shortest timeframe.
Scandia has a household density of
less than 50 homes per square mile.
Combined with challenging terrain,
our community is presented with
significant obstacles. However, we
remain optimistic of reaching our
goal to see Scandia’s Internet ex-
pansion successfully conclude the
entire City served by the end of
Scandia Internet
Expansion Plan
In the interest of public safety, the City of
Scandia will not host Vinterfest 2021.
Along with all of our sponsors, participants
and residents, we hope Vinterfest 2022 will
be bigger and better than ever!
Page 2
One year ago the City Council ap-
proved a grant application to expand
high speed Internet service in Scan-
dia. The grant from the Minnesota office
of Broadband Development was ap-
proved early this year.
The project construction began in July
and when completed in November will
bring Gigabit Speed Internet to an addi-
tional 255 households on top of the ex-
isting 792 households already served
by MidCo. After this phase of the ex-
pansion project is finished, 1,047 house-
holds out of 1,800 (58%) will be
served. The cost of this phase is
$1,020,718. The State’s share (grant)
was $510,359, MidCo’s share was
$350,274, and Scandia’s share was
$160,085. To see the current status of
the project visit this website: https://
www.midco.com/about/service -areas/
On September 15, 2020, the City Coun-
cil committed to another grant with Mid-
Co as partners. If this DEED grant appli-
cation is successful, an additional 79
households will be served when that
phase is completed in late 2021. This
phase is estimated at $322,019. The
State’s share is $66,218, MidCo’s is
$100,801 and Scandia’s share is
$165,000. The City opted for a higher
contribution for less households in or-
der to improve the likelihood of a grant
award due to anticipated increase in
applications due to COVID-19. We will
know the results of the application later
this year.
There is also a possibility that MidCo is
looking at a federal grant for our ar-
ea. This is part of the FCC’s Rural Digi-
tal Opportunities Fund (RDOF). We will
not know the results of this process until
later this year as well.
When new information is available on
Scandia’s Internet Expansion Project, its
internet expansion plan and other infor-
mation on expansion efforts are regular-
ly posted on the City’s website, https://
www.ci.scandia.mn.us , under the
‘Internet Action’ tab.
The City’s financial expenses related to
internet expansion efforts so far are:
Year 2020 - $160,085 was dedi-
cated to the 2020 Midco
build -out (summarized
Year 2021 - $165,000 was set
aside for a grant, if award-
ed, for a Midco Buildout in
2021 Tax Levy
Scandia residents may bring
leaves, grass clippings and tree
waste to the Northern Yard Waste
Site located at 5527 170th Street
North in Hugo.
Find more information at
yardwaste or call 651 275-7475.
The City of Scandia Parks and Recreation Committee is
looking for your input on playground equipment updates
planned for the next few years! The current playground
equipment near the Community Center and the Wayne
Erickson Memorial Ball Field are reaching their end of
life use and will need to be replaced. If you are a parent,
grandparent, or other caregiver of children in our com-
munity we want to make sure we provide playground
equipment that suit the needs of the children in your
care. The Parks and Recreation Committee is issuing this
community engagement survey to solicit your ideas for
new playground equipment:
The City set a preliminary
levy for 2021 at $2,613,824,
which was a $183, 878 in-
crease over 2020. This is an-
ticipated to have an estimated
City tax rate of 31.64%. This
is an estimated 0.17% in-
crease over 2020.
More details about the budg-
et can be obtained by visiting
the City’s website or contact-
ing City Hall by calling 651-
433-2274 or emailing
The levy and tax rate have
been both preliminarily
adopted. The City can lower
this amount and may consider
this at or before its Truth-In-
Taxation meeting Wednes-
day, December 2, 2020 at
6:30pm. This meeting is in-
tended to give members of
the public the opportunity to
comment and provide feed-
back on the City’s budget and
levy. Those who wish to par-
ticipate may do so, either
remotely, by computer or
phone, or in person at the
Scandia Community Center at
the time of the meeting.
Those who wish to participate
remotely are encouraged to
contact City Hall by email at
mail@ci.scandia.mn.us or by
phone at 651-433-2274 to ob-
tain invite information.
Scandia Internet Expansion Update – Fall 2020
Yard Waste
Short Takes
Page 3
• Please meet our crews at the door and wear a mask
if at all possible, for all 911 emergency calls
• Mark your driveway or mailbox with at least 2” re-
flective numbers (visible from either direction) for
fire, police & ambulance public safety members to
quickly find your home in the event of an emergen-
cy. Additional markings are needed for shared
driveways and mailbox clusters. See City Ordi-
nance 152.20 on the city’s website for specifications
of identification (https://www.ci.scandia.mn.us/)
• Driveways must be accessible to fire engines.
These trucks must have a clear path for travel that is
12’ wide by 14’ tall. Tree branches cause damage to
vehicles responding to your home in times of crisis
• Watch for upcoming information on Fire prevention
& safe Halloween activities (website, Facebook,
• Everyone be Safe
As winter approaches, please consid-
er replacing damaged mailboxes with
a swing-arm style support.
Detailed specifications are availa-
ble on the City’s website (Snow &
Ice Control) showing proper instal-
lation instructions.
Homeowners are responsible for dam-
aged mailboxes due to snow removal
efforts on all incorrectly installed mail-
Remove all obstructions in the right
of way for Snow Plow Drivers:
• landscaping
• Vehicles (hidden in drifts or snow
• Deposits of snow or ice
All Scandia residents vote at the Com-
munity Center, 14727 209th Street
North. Polls open at 7:00 a.m. and
close at 8:00 p.m. Masks are re-
quired, hand sanitizer is provided at
the entrance, social distancing will be
encouraged, and disinfecting of
shared surfaces will occur throughout
the day. For voters unable to enter
the Community Center, curbside vot-
ing is offered where a voter can vote
while in a vehicle outside the polling
location. This also is offered at all ear-
ly voting sites.
Early Voting Now Underway— In-
person absentee voting runs through
Nov. 2 at five locations across Wash-
ington County, the nearest being the
Headwaters Service Center in Forest
Lake and the Government Center in
Stillwater, Monday through Friday 8
a.m. to 4:30 p.m., and on Saturday,
October 31st 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. Absen-
tee ballots are available at any of he
five Washington County early voting
sites, NOT at the city office.
Residents may also request that a
ballot be mailed to them. Voters may
apply for an absentee ballot online at
mnvotes.org or call Washington
County Elections at 651-430-6175 to
have the application mailed. Voters
are encouraged to
submit absentee
ballot applications
As an alternative to mailing your
ballot back to Washington Coun-
ty, Ballot Drop Off will be con-
ducted by the County: To drop off
other voter’s ballots, you must show a
photo ID and sign a log.
September 18 - November 2: Ballots
can be dropped off at any of the five
Washington County early voting sites.
On Election Day, November 3, voted
absentee ballots can be dropped off
only at the Washington County Gov-
ernment Center before 3PM.
Absentee ballots cannot be dropped
off at Scandia City Hall.
For city offices, Scandia will elect a
Mayor and two City Council mem-
Candidates for city offices in the
order they appear on the ballot
Mayor: Randall F. Simonson,
Christine Maefsky
Council member: James Gribble,
Heather Benson, Christopher
Johnson, Steve Kronmiller, Greg
For more election information includ-
ing sample ballots, along with links to
downloadable registration and ab-
sentee ballot application forms,
please see the City website at
www.ci.scandia.mn.us and click
“Residents” on the home page and
then select “Election Information”.
Election Day is Tuesday,
November 3
Scandia Fire & Rescue
Saturday, October 31 • 1:00-2:30 p.m. Sponsored
by the Scandia-Marine Lions Club and the City of
To enter a vehicle in the parade and/or volunteer
to help with the parade, go to the Scandia-Marine
Lions’ website, www.scandiamarinelions.org/
Due to COVID-19, no candy or treats will be
thrown from any of the vehicles.
Kids - wear your costumes and wave to the cars
as they pass by!
CAR PARADE PRIZES $50, $75, and $100 • Best
theme • Most spirited • Most creative
All car parade participants will receive a treat
bag.Those watching the parade are encouraged
to donate nonperishable food to the food shelf at
Elim Lutheran Church, glasses for the Lions’ vi-
sion program, and/or cash/check donations
to support the Lions’ local programs and fami-
lies in need.
Lions in the last vehicle in the parade will
collect these items.
Halloween Car Parade and Food &
Glasses Collection Drive
October 31 * 5-7 pm, Safe
Halloween Event at the
Scandia Fire Station
Scandia-Marine Lions
providing food, and candy
will be handed out.
Mask & social distancing