02-03-2016 Work SessionFebruary 3, 2016
The City Council held a Work Session on the above date. The following were present: Mayor
Randall Simonson, Council members Bob Hegland, Dan Lee, Chris Ness, and Jim Schneider.
Staff present: City Administrator Neil Soltis and Deputy Clerk Brenda Eklund.
Mayor Simonson called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m.
Schneider, seconded by Lee, moved to approve the agenda as presented. The motion
carried unanimously by those present.
Dave Bercham and Janie O'Connor were present to discuss proposed changes to the Scandia-
Marine Lions Fat Cat Triathlon event scheduled for July 9, 2016. This will be the third year for
the race and Bercham explained that they are requesting a few changes that they feel will
improve participant safety prior to submitting the Special Event Permit application. They
anticipate the event will attract 350 to 400 participants this year based on continued growth over
the past two years.
Request to close the Log House Landing to the public from 5pm on Friday, July 8 to
10:30am Saturday, July 9. Bercham explained that canoe and kayak rental equipment will be
delivered on Friday afternoon and closing the landing will ease traffic congestion from other
users at the site. He asked for "no parking" signs along 205th from Quinnell Avenue to the boat
landing at the river. The Council was in consensus to approve this request as long as the City
does not incur any costs for signage and the landing remains accessible for emergency access. It
was recommended that signs be posted well in advance to alert the public of the closing.
Request to grade/level the trail easement for runners coming out of William O'Brien Park.
Bercham said that the trail should be smoothed over to reduce gopher mounds that are a hazard
for the runners. Council will direct Public Works to use the skid steer to back drag this trail
section prior to the event.
Request to close Old Marine Trail from Olinda Trail to Oxboro Avenue from 6am to 12pm
on July 9. Bercham stated that this new request will improve the safety of runners and bikers
heading west towards Lions Park along this route. The road is not a common through route and
would be open to local residents only. They alert all residents who live along the race routes in
advance of the event, and would include notice of this road closure if approved. Council
discussed closing a single lane, type of signage and the City's liability. Administrator Soltis
recommended that Deputy Yetter be consulted prior to deciding on the road closure for input on
traffic safety and concerns.
Request for permission to install wood chips on the trail in Hay Lake Park from the bike
dismount to the finish line, approximately 50 yards. Bercham added that this would enhance
runner safety with a softer and more secure footing. The Council said they had no concerns
about this as long as the wood chips are raked up at the end of the event.
The proposed changes will be incorporated into the details of the Special Event Permit that will
be considered at a future Council meeting.
January 6, 2016
Scandia City Council
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Cristina de Sobrino and Karen Schik, Friends of Scandia Parks and Trails, were present to
request that the City consider becoming a Pollinator Friendly City, an initiative of the National
Park Service in establishing a monarch corridor. A draft resolution was presented by which the
City would commit to pollinator -safe practices and encourage use of native plantings on City
property. De Sobrino said that she consulted with Public Works Director Williams and was told
that the department is already following the suggested practices. She noted that adoption of the
resolution has no costs associated with it and provides support for the local environment. Schik
added that this fits into the City's GreenStep program.
Mayor Simonson stated that he is in favor of the concept but not in agreement with the task that
the City publishes an annual progress report, as this would add to staff workload. Administrator
Soltis advised that this could be reworded to indicate that pollinator efforts may be publicized in
the fall newsletter. Council was in consensus to move forward with adopting a resolution, to be
added to the February 16 meeting agenda.
Administrator Soltis reported that the Capital Improvement Committee, that provided input into
the 2016-2020 Capital Improvement Plan, had been appointed to serve a one-year term through
January 2016. The Committee was comprised of 5 citizen members, 1 of whom was a Parks
Committee member. Soltis asked for direction on what process the Council wants for working
on the 2017-2021 CIP.
Council member Schneider said that he sees no reason for a Committee as the Council knows the
needs and determines the budget for major purchases. Remaining Council members noted that
it's important to have public input through citizen involvement, but a biannual review by
Committee would be sufficient, with a blend of members from citizens at -large, department
heads and Committee/ Commission representatives.
Soltis summarized that no CIP Committee will be appointed this year and that staff will work to
adjust costs and reprioritize projects in the CIP update. He added that the Planning Commission
will discuss the CIP earlier in the process, as their role is to determine that the projects are
consistent with the Comprehensive Plan.
Administrator Soltis reported that Brad Borg announced at the Parks and Recreation Committee
meeting on February 1 that he is leaving the Committee. Borg's term would expire on February
28, 2019. Soltis provided options for filling Borg's term — reopen for more applications or
appoint Bildeaux or Rasmussen (members with expiring terms who applied for reappointment).
The Council was in consensus to advertise for applications to fill the vacant position.
January 6, 2016
Scandia City Council
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The Council met on February 1 for a Special Meeting to act on a request from a local business.
Administrator Soltis noted that surrounding communities charge from $400 to $1,070 for Special
Meetings called for individual interests, as there are administrative costs involved.
Council member Schneider stated that a fee would make people think twice about last minute or
frivolous requests, while Council member Lee said that a small town should work for the citizens
and be accommodating.
The Council concluded that they would be open to setting a fee. Soltis will research benchmark
communities for further discussion at a future meeting. Soltis noted that fees would apply to
special meetings scheduled for individuals, and not for government concerns.
Ness, seconded by Schneider, moved to adjourn the meeting. The motion carried 5-0.
The meeting adjourned at 7:30 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Brenda Eklund
Deputy Clerk