2008 October - Fall Newsletter
City of Scandia
Scandia Community/
Senior Center
14727 209th St. N.
Scandia, MN 55073
• December 14, Lucia Dagen at
• December 16, 7 p.m. City Council Budget
Adoption Hearing
• December 25, Christmas Day—Office
• January 1, New Years Day— Office Closed
• January 6, City Council Swearing-In
• January 19, Martin Luther King Day— Of-
fice Closed
• February 7, Vinterfest
• February 16, President’s Day— Office
• February 28, Fireball 2009
For more information and a city meeting calendar,
see the website, http://www.ci.scandia.mn.us.
For Gammelgården events, see:
• October 7, 7:30 p.m.., Comprehensive Plan
Hearing Continued
• October 12, Lion’s Pancake Breakfast
• October 13, Columbus Day— Office Closed
• October 14, 5 p.m. to 7 p.m., Fire Depart-
ment Open House
• November 1, 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., Open for
Absentee Voting for General Election
• November 4, Election Day
• November 11, Veteran’s Day— Office
• November 20, Lutfisk & Meatball Dinner,
Elim Church
• November 21, Turkey Bingo
• November 27 & 28, Thanksgiving Holiday—
Office Closed
• December 1, 7 p.m. Truth in Taxation Hear-
• December 13, Lion’s Community Breakfast
Community Calendar, October 2008—March, 2009
Dedicated to Rural Community Values
We’re on the web!
Scandia, MN 55073
City Council:
Dennis Seefeldt, Mayor
651 433-5999
Dolores Peterson
651 433-2229
Pete Crum
651 433-5034
Donnette Yehle
651 433-3602
Mike Harnetty
651 433-4883
Regular Council Meeting:
Third Tuesday, 7:00 p.m.
Commission Meeting:
First Tuesday, 7:00/7:30 p.m.
City Staff:
Anne Hurlburt, Administrator
Brenda Eklund, Deputy Clerk
Colleen Firkus, Treasurer
John Morrison, Public Works
Steve Thorp, Building Official
David Hebert, Attorney
Hebert & Welch PA
Paul Hornby, Engineer, Bonestroo
Sherri Buss, Planner, TKDA, Inc
City Office:
Phone: 651 433-2274
Fax: 651 433-5112
E-mail: mail@ci.scandia.mn.us
Hours: Monday through Friday
9 a.m. to Noon & 1p.m. to 4 p.m.
Scandia, MN
While the City’s property tax rate and levy will
go up many individual property tax payers may
see decreases in their city tax bills, the Council
heard in work sessions on the proposed 2009
budget this fall.
The 2009 preliminary tax levy of $1,860,892 was
approved by the Council in September. This is a
maximum, “not to exceed” number that will be
finalized in December. Scandia must comply
with a state limit that holds the base levy to a
maximum inflationary increase of 3.9% for most
spending. Factoring in a 16.3% increase in the
debt service levy (needed to pay for road pro-
jects from previous years) and increases in po-
lice and fire personnel costs (which are all con-
sidered “special levies”) the total levy would
increase by 9.23% compared to the 2008 tax
levy of $1,703,589.
Individual city property taxes are determined by
complex relationships of property values, gov-
ernment spending, rules on property tax classifi-
cations, state aids and other factors. Between
the 2007 and 2008 property value assessments,
the median market value of Scandia properties
decreased 11.5%. Preliminary calculations show
that city taxes on properties with the median
value change will remain flat or slightly decrease
(less than 1%.) Properties that decreased in
value more than the median would show a big-
ger decrease, and vice versa.
Expenses are Up, Other Revenues are
Down—Just as our household budgets are buf-
feted by the surge in fuel, utility, health care and
insurance costs, so is the city’s budget. Many of
the contracted services the city uses, from re-
fuse disposal to police, have passed along cost
increases higher than the inflationary increase
allowed by the state.
At the same time costs are up, revenues from
sources other than property taxes are down.
Flat city tax bills projected for many properties—
Council Begins 2009 Budget Talks
Inside this issue:
Remember to
vote on Tuesday,
November 4
New Comprehen-
sive Plan Nears
Pavement Plan
Inventories Road
Short Takes/
October, 2008 Volume 2, Issue 2
Interest earnings are down, and permit fees
remain low due to the construction slow-down.
Scandia’s small allocation of state aid was elimi-
nated for 2009. Fees for service (such as rental
fees for the Community Center) contribute only
modestly to city coffers.
State Mandates and Budget Trends—City
budgets are also affected by mandates from the
state and federal governments, big and small.
The 2009 operating budget will be hit for the
first time with expenses for implementing the
new 800 MHz public safety radio system. Com-
pletion of the new Comprehensive Plan (itself a
state mandate) will trigger a required update of
development codes, causing expenses for plan-
ning services to exceed those of the last two
years. These are only two of the mandates
directly affecting 2009 expenses.
Increasing mandates have a significant affect on
the city’s budget over time. Whether it’s new
financial reporting requirements, hiring and safe-
ty rules, emergency management, changing elec-
tion laws, federal flood insurance program re-
quirements, data practices and records reten-
tion, or any other of the myriad rules under
which city government operates, it requires staff
and/or consultants to carry them out. This ex-
2009 Budget talks, continued on page 2
much of the increase in the City/Township’s
budgets over the last few years. After modest
levy increases from 2003 through 2007
(averaging about 6% per year) the 2008 actual
and 2009 proposed levies have been higher
(11.06 % and 9.23%, respectively) partly due to
the need to add staff to meet many of these
Smaller levy increases were also possible in
previous years because of the use of reserve
accounts to pay for road and drainage projects.
Rather than levy additional taxes, borrow funds
or assess property owners for more of the
costs, the former township tapped reserve
accounts. Those reserve accounts are no long-
er available, and the city has been advised to
build more reserves for cash flow and to fund
future needs.
Capital Projects Delayed— With the help
of the Capital Improvements Committee, the
City Council has begun to plan for the city’s
long-term capital needs including replacement
of major pieces of equipment such as snow
plows and fire trucks. A major accomplishment
this year was preparation of a pavement man-
agement plan, which will help the city schedule
its road maintenance projects (see separate
article on page 3.) With the state levy limit in
2009 Budget Talks, continued...
Remember to Vote on Tuesday, November 4
Page 2
Minnesotans will go to the polls to elect a
new President, Vice President, Senator,
Member of Congress and State Represent-
atives on November 4. All Scandia resi-
dents vote at the Community Center Hall,
14727 209th St. N. Polls open at 7:00 a.m.
and close at 8:00 p.m.
Scandia will also choose a Mayor and two
City Council members. The Mayor serves
a two-year term, and the Council mem-
bers will serve four-year terms, all com-
mencing on January 5, 2009 (the first Mon-
day of the new year.)
Candidates for city offices are:
Mayor: Dennis D. Seefeldt
Council member: Connie Amos,
Michael C. Harnetty, Donnette S. Yehle
and John Lindell
For more election information, please see
the city website at www.ci.scandia.mn.us
and click on “Election Information” on the
home page.
Did you know…
As of September 10,
2008, Scandia has
2,795 registered
voters. The total
population is 4,210.
place for the next three years, funds for capital
projects will be very limited. This year’s re-
view of the capital plan resulted in some pro-
jects being delayed. Paving of most of the re-
maining gravel roads in the city (including Pilar
Road, Old Marine Trail and 185th St.) which
originally was planned to begin in 2009 has
been pushed back to 2010/2011, at the earliest.
Some planned equipment replacements have
been delayed, and existing equipment (such as
a dump truck/plow) will be kept for longer
periods of time.
Truth in Taxation Hearing Scheduled for
December 1—In November, each property
owner will receive a “Truth in Taxation” no-
tice with their estimated 2009 property tax bill
from each of the property taxing jurisdictions.
The County, School District and City will each
have their own “Truth in Taxation” hearings, at
which citizens are invited to comment on the
proposed property tax levy.
Scandia’s hearing will be on Monday, Decem-
ber 1 at 7:00 p.m. at the Community Center.
If necessary, the hearing will be continued on
December 8. After the “T in T” hearing, the
levy can be reduced but cannot be raised be-
yond the maximum levy certified in September.
The final budget and tax levy will be finalized
after the adoption hearing scheduled for Tues-
*** Dates to Remember ***
Friday, October 3
Absentee voting begins.
Tuesday, October 14, 5:00 p.m.
Last date to pre-register . After this date,
register at the polls on Election Day
Saturday, November 1, 10 a.m-3p.m
City office open for absentee voting
Monday, November 3, 5 p.m.
Absentee voting closes
Tuesday, November 4, 7 a.m.-8 p.m.
Election Day
As this newsletter goes to press,
the final steps to adoption of
Scandia's new 2030 Comprehen-
sive Plan are being taken. After
working for over a year to draft
the plan, the Comprehensive Plan
Committee has turned the plan
over to the Planning Commission
for a formal public hearing. The
hearing, opened on September 18
and continued on Tuesday, Octo-
ber 7 (7:30 p.m.), will give Scandia
citizens one more opportunity to
comment and give their input.
Depending upon whether or not
any changes are recommended,
the City Council could approve
the plan at the October 7 meet-
ing or soon thereafter.
The draft plan has already been
submitted to surrounding local
governments for their review
and comment. The next step
will be to submit the plan to the
who made this possible, especially
Mike White & Matt Rasmussen.
Winter Rec Programs
Planned— The Parks and Recre-
ation Committee is planning a
variety of winter programs includ-
ing snow tubing at Trollhaugen
(December), Saturday morning
open-gym program at Scandia
School, (January) and Vinterfest
(February 7), The popular learn-to
-skate and after-school hockey
programs will also be offered.
Watch the city website for details.
Burning Permits— A (no-
charge) burning permit is required
for open burning when there is no
snow cover. In all cases, please
notify the Washington County
Sheriff’s Office (651 439-9381)
one hour before you burn. There
may be restrictions depending on
weather, time-of-day or air-quality
issues. See the city office for
more information and for permits.
Attention snowbirds—
Leaving town for the winter?
Make sure to contact the Wash-
ington County Sheriff’s Depart-
ment (651 439-9381) for free
home-checks while you are away.
Do I really need a permit for
that?— Protect your investment
in your home. Building Official
Steve Thorp is here to help you
do the job right. It’s a buyer’s
market, so don’t jeopardize a
future sale or refinancing with
improvements not up to code.
It’s more costly to correct prob-
lems later. Call Steve at 651 433-
2274, Ext. 102 with any questions.
“New” Ice Rink will be ready
for winter — The worn out and
rotting boards have been replaced
at the city ice rink with used
boards salvaged from the city of
Roseville. Final touches, including
painting, will be completed soon.
Many thanks to all the volunteers
Exterior Storage— Scandia
requires that all personal proper-
ty be stored in a building or fully
screened, with a few exceptions
for licensed vehicles and recrea-
tion equipment. No more than
four passenger vehicles per
dwelling unit are allowed on
parcels less than 10 acres in size.
No more than 2 items of recrea-
tional equipment (such as camp-
ers, boats, trailers etc.) may be
stored in the side or rear yard
on any lot.
Signs— Permits are required for
all signs, including temporary
signs for garage sales and com-
munity events. There’s no fee
for temporary sign permits. No
signs may be placed in any public
rights-of-way, on any roof, or
painted on walls or attached to
utility poles.
For more information on exte-
rior storage and signs see the
city website under “FAQs.”
New Comprehensive Plan Nears Adoption
Short Takes
Page 3 Volume 2, Issue 2
Scandia has invested millions of
dollars in paving gravel roads, and
continued maintenance is neces-
sary to preserve that investment.
So concluded the Pavement Man-
agement Plan completed this
summer. City Engineer Paul
Hornby presented the report to
the City Council at a work ses-
sion in July.
The first step of the study was to
complete a thorough inventory
of the condition of all city
streets. Each was given a numer-
ical rating, and past maintenance
was documented. Then recom-
mendations were made on what
type of maintenance (such as
crack filling and seal coating,
patching, mill and overlay or
reconstruction) will be needed,
and when.
Asphalt streets deteriorate slow-
ly during the first 10 years of
their life cycle, but then tend to
deteriorate more rapidly until
they reach the end of their life
cycle in 15 to 20 years unless
there is proactive maintenance.
The study recommended that the
city increase spending on preven-
tive maintenance, to save millions
of dollars later by preventing
streets from deteriorating to the
point that more costly recon-
struction is necessary.
The plan provides a tool for
spending maintenance dollars
most efficiently and effectively.
More study is still necessary to
identify financing options.
The Pavement Management Plan
is available on the city web site,
www.ci.scandia.mn.us, under
“city services”, “streets.”
Pavement Plan Inventories Road Needs
To the following peo-
ple who spent the last
year translating the
community’s vision for
Scandia into the new
2030 Comprehensive
Dennis Seefeldt
Michael Harnetty
Thomas Krinke
John Lindell
Christine Maefsky
Moose Malmquist
Michele McNulty
Chris Ness
Kevin Nickelson
Susan Rodsjo
Karen Schik
Peter Schwarz
Michael White
Greg Zauner
...and all the other
Scandia citizens who
contributed to the
Metropolitan Council for the
required review. Then the plan
will come back to the Council
for formal adoption. That should
happen early in 2009, and then
the process of implementing the
plan will begin. The city has 9
months after adoption to bring
its official controls (primarily
zoning and subdivision regula-
tions) into conformance.
Permits are required
for all signs.