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08.b1a SHA Survey_2021-09_REV_6-30-2021
SURVEY PREPARED FOR: C RTIFICAT OF SURV Y PROPOSED PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT PARCEL DESCRIPTION City of Scandia PART OF LOT 31, AUDITORS PLAT No. 6, TRACT "C" 14727 209th Street NorthREGISTERED LAND SURVEY NO. 105, Tl\_t`1CT C, REGISTERED LAND SURVEY NO. 1 OJ, according to the plat thereof on file and of record in the office of the Registrar of Titles in and for Washington County, Minnesota. Scandia, MN 55073 ALL IN SECTION 23, TOWNSHIP 32 NORTH, RANGE 20 WEST, EXCEPT Parcel No. 20 of Washington County Highway Right of Way Plat No. 101. CITY OF SCANDIA, WASHINGTON COUNTY, MINNESOTA AND Part of Lot Thirty-one (31), Auditor's Plat No. 6, in the Northeast quarter of the Northwest quarter (NE 1/4 of NW 1/4) of Section Twenty-three (23), Township Thirty-two (32) North, Range Twenty (20) West, Washington County, Minnesota, as per the plat thereof on file and of record in the office of the Register of Deeds of said County, described as follows: Beginning as the Southeast corner of said Lot Thirty-one (31); thence North, assumed bearing, along the East line of said Lot Thirty-one (31), a distance of 581.84 feet; thence West, 110.00 feet; thence North, 375.90 feet; thence So. 76055'15" West, 577.57 feet; thence South 14010'45" West, ong t curve, us et, central nce N89°22'18"E 1323.66 - _ - _ - _ - _ - _ - - - - - - - - - - - - - N1/4 corner of Section 2 32 20W nt, 154.30 feet; h173e931feetatoathenintersectionn1with5a linee150.00 feet Easteof,°measuredconcave rightthe anglesNorthwest, and4parallelfeet; withY,ethe WestSouth line2of4saidWest, Lot N89°22'18"E 1323.66 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I Thirty-one (31) ; thence South 01001'30" West, along said line, 330.12 feet to the South line of said Lot Thirty-one (31) ; thence North 88033'00" East, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _Washington County stone monument a e / 3 T N R - - - - - - - - - - - - I along the South line of said Lot Thirty-one (31), a distance of 1174.12 feet to the point of beginning; subject to County State Aid Highway No. 3 and 209th Street, the said tract being previously described as follows: Washington County stone monument at the I WARRANTY DEED Document No. 319741 NW corner of Section 23, T32N, R20W. I All that part of Lot Thirty-one (31) of County Auditor's Plat Number Six (6) which lies South of the road that divides said Lot and East of the Big Lake and Scandia road, excepting that part thereof heretofore conveyed to August Svenson and described as follows, to -wit: Part of Lot Thirty-one (31), Auditor's Plat No. 6, in the Northeast quarter of the Northwest quarter (NE 1/4 of NW 1/4) of �I Section Twenty-three (23), Township Thirty-two (32) North, Range Twenty (20) West, Washington County, Minnesota, as per the Commencing as the Southwest corner of said Lot Thirty-one (31); Thence North along the West line of said Lot Thirty-one (31), Two hundred eighty-seven plat thereof on file and of record in the office of the Register of Deeds of said County, described as follows: / B1 '\ o (287) feet more or less to the center of the public highway now crossing said line; thence following the center of the public highway in an Easterly Lq direction a distance of One hundred sixty-seven (167) feet; thence in a straight line in a Southerly direction to a point on the South line of said Lot Beginning as the Southeast corner of said Lot Thirty-one (31); thence North, assumed bearing, along the East line of said I Lot Thirty-one (31), a distance of 581.84 feet; thence West, 110.00 feet; thence North, 375.90 feet; thence So. 76°55'15" / / I M Thirty-one (31), one hundred fifty (150) feet East of the Southwest corner thereof; thence West along the South line of said Lot, one hundred fifty (150) feet to place of beginning, containing 1.14 acres of land more or less, and also except that part thereof described as follows: West, 577.57 feet; thence South 14010'45" West, 154.30 feet; thence along a tangent curve, radius 457.58 feet, central angle 57°181, concave to the Northwest, 457.59 feet; thence South 71028'45" West, along tangent, 173.93 feet to the intersection ryvJ 3� Part of Lot Thirty-one (31), Auditor's Plat No. 6, in the Northeast quarter of the Northwest quarter (NE 1/ of NW 1�4)of Section Twenty-three (23), with a line 150.00 feet East of, measured at right angles to and parallel with, the West line of said Lot Thirty-one (31); / �r,l Township Thirty-two (32) North, Range Twenty (20) West, Washington County, Minnesota, as per the plat thereof on file and of record in the office of the thence South 01001130" West, along said line, 330.12 feet to the South line of said Lot Thirty-one (31); thence North �w Register of Deeds of said County, described as follows: Commencing at the Southeast corner of said Lot Thirty-one (31); thence North, assumed bearing, 88'33'00" East along the South line of said Lot Thirty-one (31) a distance of 1174.12 feet to the point of beginning;z alongthe East line of said Lot Thirty-one 31 a distance of 581.84 feet to the point of beginning; thence West, 110.00 feet; thence North, 375.90 SURVEY NOTES: subject to Count State Aid Highway No. 3 and 209th Street the said tract being previously described as follows: / J y ( )� J Y g Y g p Y /�. z1 feet; thence North 76°55'15" East, 112.93 feet to the East line of said Lot Thirty-one (31); thence South along the East line of said Lot Thirty-one (31) a distance of 401.46 feet, to the point of beginning; subject to 209th Street. All that part of Lot Thirty-one (31) of County Auditor's Plat Number Six (6) which lies South of the road that divides said O'`/ N Length=53.02 p g g' J Underground utilities mapped heron are Lot and East of the Bi Lake and Scandia road excepting that art thereof heretofore conveyed to August Svenson and n wI Central Angle= approximate. . The depicted locations are I g p g p Y g 9 Also excepting all that part of said Lot 31 of County Auditor's Plat No. 6, lying northerly of the following described line, said line being the Pp p I described as follows, to -wit: Q Q I Radius=273.13 existing center line of 209th Street North and its westerly extension: based on surface markings per Gopher / ti Q // \ v T `� .I--a-� Chord Azimuth 252°18'18" 1252°18'1"} Commencing as the Southwest corner of said Lot Thirty-one (31)• Thence North along the West line of said Lot Thirty-one (31) State One Call Ticket No. 211095940 and / ti �� Q �' /ice \ Commencing at a Washington County stone monument at the north quarter corner of Section 23, Township 32 North, Range 20 West; Two hundred eighty-seven (287) feet more or less to the center of the public highway now crossing said line; thence Ticket No. 211095941. Surveyor believes i following the center of the public highway in an Easterly direction a distance of One hundred sixty-seven (167) feet; thence / �. Q thence on a azimuth from north of 180 degrees 56 minutes 45 seconds Washington Count Coordinate System, North American Datum 1983 NAD 83 p ti Q' g g Y Y ( ), along the markings were incomplete and additional i in a straight line in a Southerly direction to a point on the South line of said Lot Thirty-one (31), one hundred fifty (150) / / / w // -- A � east line of the Northeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of said Section 23, a distance of 324.50 feet to the point of beginning of the line to be feet East of the Southwest corner thereof; thence West along the South line of said Lot, one hundred fifty (150) feet to !� ^ DE underground utilities exist on site. I p ", � Y SEE 15„East described; place of beginning, containing 1.14 acres of land more or less, and also except that part thereof described as follows: U N� /^ a // RIGHT DFWJ � 'j - 6055 �Z NOMINAL 33 F ED CENTERCIi 5 \JJest� Q1 01 �North7 931 I thence southwesterly a distance of 53.02 feet along a non-tangential curve concave to the northwest having a radius of 273.13 feet, a central angle of Part of Lot Thirty-one (31), Auditor's Plat No. 6 in the Northeast quarter of the Northwest quarter (NE 1/ of NW 1-4)of / _ / .� SCR\B o 1 \n' 3V 112• i 11 degrees 07 minutes 23 seconds and whose chord is on an azimuth of 252 degrees 18 minutes 18 seconds; I ' QJ � OM DE � 6 55 OII Y Y cJ g Wetlands delineated by: Section Twenty-three (23), Township Thirty-two (32) North, Range Twenty (20) West, Washington County, Minnesota, as per the � /I v a F� So. 0152' Q �1� 44 t25Z°52 I u� Jacobson Environmental, PLLC. I plat thereof on file and of record in the office of the Register of Deeds of said County, described as follows: Commencing / Q N / tr 577 °52oo"W 442 ORT- ou _ I thence on an azimuth of 257 degrees 52 minutes 00 seconds, tangent to said curve, a distance of 442.44 feet; Sat the Southeast corner of said Lot Thirty-one (31); thence North, assumed bearing, along the East line of said Lot 577 5821 Rumbold Avenue North Thirty-one (31), a distance of 581.84 feet to the point of beginning; thence West, 110.00 feet; thence North, 375.90 feet; / `o / ��oHu - �'G oHu thence westerly a distance of 139.62 feet along a tangential curve concave to the north having a radius of 310.00 feet and a central angle of 25 degrees Brooklyn Center, MN 55430 i thence North 76055115" East, 112.93 feet to the East line of said Lot Thirty-one (31) ; thence South along the East line of A/� / \ oHu _ - ouu� 48 minutes 20 seconds; Phone - 612-802-6619 said Lot Thirty-one (31) a distance of 401.46 feet, to the point of beginning; subject to 209th Street.�,� / - - s �I I a=�°�� GUY UP 1 BASIN 1 I M GUY WET LAND o thence on an azimuth of 283 degrees 40 minutes 20 seconds, tangent to said curve, a distance of 53.57 feet to the westerly line of said Lot 31, and said line there terminating. Existing Parcel Zoning - VMU-B I - / CENTER LINE R /I- -I r - QUITCLAIM DEED, Document No. 3144823 NOEECITY OF SCANDIA / / -DOCUMENT No. 3144823 - �_ �� ��G� --- THE o MAY HAVE TITLE TO \ / /� O7 IWGENZo ��` 1O RIGHT DF WAY m "-"" ' I J I Lu LO EXHIBIT A THIS AREA. / �( / - - --G� �N o�� OMINAL 33 F ED CENTERLINE c ' "" I I zl 015 5\G C / / \ gr ave\ surface 4 LPA c R.,� FROM IDES N o N I Y MARK NAIL 5,Z5} }� 112.93 All that partofLot 31yof County,Auditgr's Plat yo. 6, according go the plat thereof on file and gf record in ghe office / / /4� \--_� i N wI po 1NSCRgED HORAKNor h�6°55 5 Eost of the Washin ton Count Recorder 1 in northerl of the followin described line said line bein the existin center © w line of 209th Street North and its westerly extension: / m UP ' X10.2 of N i I I Commencing at a Washington County stone monument at the north quarter corner of Section 23, Township 32 North, Range 20 / GUY �2 v ! -13Q9eU� p SoC> �- 40 F001 STREET SEZBACK �1 } i M i \ 00°56' 45°E o"'9 West; �1 o. 1ING - of (LJ z I thence on a azimuth from north of 180 degrees 56 minutes 45 seconds, Washington County Coordinate System, North American i W Z%,11 C lC) 10 i Datum 1983 (NAD 83), along the east line of the Northeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of said Section 23, a distance / / �; � Q I - O � 6°g515"W1est' of 324.50 feet to the point of beginning of the line to be described; Z 2'' - - p So• W \ CERTIFICATE OF TITLE, Certificate No. 49332 /�, Q j;'oN �; �o I � , °52 p0 1 thence southwesterly a distance of 53.02 feet along a nontangential curve concave to the northwest having a radius of / i /O1 mol �I L(7 I RRAN�Y PEED \ 577 TRACT "C" i 273.13 feet a central angle of 11 degrees 07 minutes 23 seconds and whose chord is on an azimuth of 252 degrees 18 d i 1 O ^ op91 WA , 00\, VV 3 C� minutes 17 seconds; / a Q o LINE D ENRINO 319}41 O 2 VV 4 REGISTERED LAND SURVEY NO. 105, / / O \ / / i 0 z W o pOCUM CJ. -77 J O W 442 41110 O ou thence on an azimuth of 252 degrees 52 minutes 00 seconds, tangent to said curve, a distance of 442.44 feet; o / i� ,� ° n Z i 577°52 257°52acc0 office1ng to off thethe Re pstrarlat thereof Titlesfile andand for Washington record in tonthe i thence westerly a distance of 139.62 feet along a tangential curve concave to the north having a radius of 310.00 feet / oHu Qi 5,5 35 41 E 22.966 -150 FOOT ARTERIAL i \ i I A=�2 2�"-o0"} Registrar g Y g g g O 40 # I x o (�) County, Minnesota. and a central angle of 25 degrees 48 minutes 20 seconds; GUY , ROAD SETBACK I m G Y CV i i I __ M DEED EXCEPT Parcel No. 20 of Washington County Highway Right of I thence on an azimuth of 283 degrees 40 minutes 20 seconds, tangent to said curve, a distance of 53.57 feet to the �_ 6\ i g �' I 1 w I CJ EROO\TCLA\ (L Way Plat No. 101. I westerly line of said Lot 31, and said line there terminating. Q i U1Lp�NG i I LINEOESCR\BoD3144823 /4v oN = j 8 _ 3- �-� i - WETLAND BOUNDARY DocUMENI N 6 L0 EXCEPT that part of said Lot 31 platted as Washington County Highway Right of Way Plat No. 100 - Co. Rd. 52. �o " ti - 150, \ % m PER 2020 DELINEATIONDETAIL /` to 14- I Subject to easements for public road rights of way for 209th Street North along the southerly and southeasterly 33.00 /�'�Q ^ #/ ? c h NOT TO SCALE !, o feet and for Olinda Trail North (C.S.A.H. 3) along the westerly line (as shown on Washington County Right of Way Plat No. o z 112 - C.S.A.H. 3) . / %4�=. ,` ,/ CD Y I C, u • B2 TRANSFORMER `y i The above described property contains 4.93 acres. k_592 1 ti i 0\i _� rn 0 14- L0 0M1 [West] /Q �� / o I I / F ` � ® a i FOUND 1/2 INCH IRON PIPE WITH A PLASTIC CAP \ 9 I / 11 W i LICENSE No. 12660 S05°42'38"W 0.32 FEET FROM SET MONUMENT. N89003'15 \ MH/p. ry FOUND 1/2 INCH IRON PIPE WITH AN OPEN TOP �--�-__-`\ S29°25'39'E 0.22 FEET FROM SET MONUMENT. \ Legend I �� / o AUDI O ®® PND SURF° ----------------------------------- \ -- rn NRad i us=457.507 J �/ �� �� vs \�� / �� 20 FOOT SIDE YARD SETBACK \ Denotes a set 7/8 inch outside diameter b 18 inch Ion iron \ `,� Q I eUl �� �-�------------------, I \ �I \ \ Y 9 Len th=328.60 �\ ^ w .Q / % f ' r� �0�%/ �� �� `FOUND 1/2 INCH IRON PIPE WITH I ��G� S����D \ O pipe monument with a plastic cap inscribed HORAK LS 52577. C-1= g o II \ ��` �y G ��� A PLASTIC CAP LICENSE No. 855 j 1 \ Central Angle=41 08 46 A \ O�, / /�Cp 6 4 �/� O�q( S53°04'16"E 0.46 FEET FROM I N 1 \ \ Denotes a found 7/8 inch outside diameter iron pipe monument !,� v�/ > TD �` I T L) A /`T A with a plastic ca License No. 13775 unless otherwise noted. 551'51'07"W 0 II \ I�/ `, tib � RiW - SET MONUMENT. i I I \ n v I n \ \\ \ p Chord Bearing551 51 07 W �� �. • J� ,D� h� / e� ���b / ON I �\ / / \ , �ti �, I o„ Denotes utility pole. i \�� ✓ Q (� (` h k \ �° \ I \ \ \ NJ gUy Denotes guy wire. \\ \ d S��URS ii _ \\ \\ \\ Denotes communication pedestal. C \ 0 7S`0 � ; h J WET LAND LICENSE No. 126601- AS CB Denotes catch basin. q�\ 00 0 GIS/ O / �� TpR/� `\ \\ Yi \ Ce0 Denotes catch basin man hole. o 31 \\(\F / �� \ \\ a I (D \ \ \ L/1 MHQ Denotes man hole. Fl F�\ N / �\F /' i \14 O Op00M �QOS /"/' �� p� \\ \�� �i M \\ ® Denotes septic tank lid. y E / \ \ OOONORPPLAT ��� O� \�'�" / 1 \` <i 00 Q Denotes well. SPR - ;Z ` , w; " LAND 624 • .1>0 \\ el \\� \ Denotes light pole. I �J XWET LAND �\ of = T� A /�T \ \ / \ 01 �) o \ \ -oHu Denotes overhead utility lines. 1°fig / �" \ G \ J \ s b \ �I _ 7 I I\ /� v I L, 2 N O r \ - UGE Denotes underground electric lines. X>h� \\� - }5 FOOT WETLAND SETBACK Ni _ s\ U ,b2 e ' �\ �' TOTAL PARCELAREA \ b \ \ -Denotes underground gas line. a \ > o 0 2� �/O T / \RP DA / p1\\0S Zo<� \ \ > \`\ j z S O _ \\\ -Comm- Denotes underground communication line. / i ���, / �1ERL\NE P 3 • /� R \ �Ca,e� \ \; WET LAND L 7 20.86 ACRES ± `\\ �� \ i eo - - \ Denotes chain link fence. in <0) 39 -9 \ \ \ `CZ 9� - x - x - Denotes barbed wire fence unless otherwise noted. UD P R �i o / E PER P %" , /�� / �� \ SED P\\ / \ I 1 Lu \ \ Denotes wetland vegetation nearby. O RDPD �� AoG Oa\ 6A3 \ 1 I� E 491.08 c J oHu u s� \ 9 Y �P int °` - J °21'30 7 \ 663 \ t I R=N76 "VJ 491.0 150 50 3 O\ \ N 15 CMP Denotes corrugated metal pipe and diameter in inches. � i� � 577°1g�2g R 3 �o ���\ \ � g PP N O o 6 11 i0 � 1 _ 51 2.`m °NU --'"\ � � \ � 24 CPP Denotes corrugated plastic pipe and diameter in inches. WET LAND \ iz uP \\ \ - WETLAND BOUNDARY WET LANDN77�'�8 2 114 5g uuv \ o \ I 15 RCP Denotes reinforced concrete pipe and diameter in inches. \ PER 2020 DELINEATION LIJ\ I i ""-_- \ \ / -WETLAND BOUNDARY %6'G 00 1 \ - 7 \ I / �� \ \ -" \ i [North] Denotes record dimension or call per Warranty Deed, PER 2020 DELINEATION y �p or 1 \ L - \ I / / � �A �\ / Document No. 319741. LOT 3 1 SE 176? _ Y ARp SETBACK U IDINIVEY \\�i{252°52'00"} Denotes record dimension or call per Quit Claim Deed, Document No. 3144823. DDSEti��`�/00T SIDE� \ � \ OXY 112 o 5 BASIN 2 `�\ PR \eNP ` x`.10 �0 .10 �0 `1 _ " o o \ �o N, C O i 5 � ^, _ _ o ON N /` \,N 3 WET LAND \ �; V�` , --� 90 0-k \ �� \ c� U, Denotes concrete surface. s�1NG� Y YLA / 52'07 �� \\ �� `5° BASIN 2 12 INCH DIAMETER MAPLE ��� \ BOO' TREE AT PARCEL CORNER. _ ��\`� ��\\ \ o OF i ^ MUSE AREA \ 0Q,, �- \ 0 \ Denotes bituminous surface. CD / of �•� \ '` ~ - ` o \ N / I ch �� '/� WETLAND BOUNDARY - \ \ c� / 6.288 ACRES ± �`� `\ PER 2020 DELINEATION z _- T A T \\ 23 • \ 10 w / M �� �O \ -FENCE TO BE REMOVED �� J to \ �� \\ \ \ Denotes gravel surface. / I (117C\J 35 FOOT WETLAND SETBACK �\ OQO�\�Co \\ `�06� N M CID B4 (S� 7 n N `��0 w Q` [ `\ -APPROXIMATE 75 FOOT WETLAND SETBACK �c L �_�P �r �� \ � v Orientation of the bearings are based on the Washington County ^ N O �\ ��� \ _6 •� \ \ \ Coordinate System NAD 83, 1986 Adjustment. � I _ = WETLAND BOUNDARY - S� \ � I O c PER 2020 DELINEATION Q�OQ�tc ��� i -35 FOOT WETLAND SETBACK / ��`` WET LAND _ \\ NO. ®� \ ().�O/ Z \ \ / ` 11 \ \ UP �Q \ Distances are in feet and decimals of a foot. C o I f r; p _ ��'� ^� �, Lr)< \�\ i ,�` \ O Distances shown as 30, 50, 90° etc. are exact extrinsic values. o ,� `� / j WET LAND •� o �� loo • -�� \ o � WET LAND �� ��\ ���\ / to \�\ \ i /_ (�±\�" Distances shown as 1.1 E, 41.1 S, etc. are right angle distances to the -7 Ei In 0 d `� �� / 1 T' - DEPICTED WETLAND LOCATION \ o Q \Q� \ corresponding boundary line. - 1 1 1 h - o `O `� 1 EASTERLY OF THIS LINE \ \ 5� \ o W " �� `� j O IS APPROXIMATE \ _______________200_F00_T_SIDE_YAR_D_S_ET_B_ACK\ •t \ R= Denotes a record distance per REGISTERED LAND SURVEY NO. 105, ------------------ N w U d �� � 1 ` 3.9 N , o \ on file in the Office of the Registrar of Titles, Washington County, z n / 1 - WIRE MESH FENCE- s3 \ \ X- 0 N X - J ^� j .P 177.35 114.19 124.75 123.66 54.77 - / Minnesota. 1 1 LICENSE No. 12660 - xr x- 5 \ \ L= Length of curve. - Z 3 WET LAND \ 1 1\ \'-x-"_x--x_x R ituminous surface <� - w // \\`� \\\ 1 "-WIRE MESH FENCE .58905014011W 539. /5 � GARAGE �/ \ < ` I \p� F 4 \\ \ WIRE MESH FENCE / O i 90° `O R�D�oo oN qRy IIw I\ 500 56� 4511 W gTjN89050'40"E 594.72 R=N88°53'40"E 594.72 . O �� y -----150.00------- 1 c - J 90° 00 FoN� t; WET LAND �\ I 1 � 71.50 � 754.05 416.61 138.87 \ �\ ' SOUTH LINE LOT 29 & SOUTH LINE NW1/4-NE1/4 SEC. 23 N89050'40"E �O \ -SW CORNER LOT 31 , 279.49 230.82 243.74 1 LINE LOT 31 277.74 - -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - - - - - - - - -- SOUTH - 0- 10 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -x x -x -x- - N89°31'15"E 150.04 \ I \ LICENSE No. 12660 AT THE `AO\ \ N89031' 511E 1170.66 1 [North 88°33'00"East 1174.12] SOUTHEAST CORNER OF LOT 31. ) I I FOUND 1/2 INCH IRON PIPE WITH T U 'I-\ .-\ �� I L _ / [150] ^ T G,') n I n T AA BROKEN PLASTIC CAP I -\ 1 1 N �/ . B22 \ L_ Ll I `fi I S88°10'41"E 0.32 FEET FROM CORNER. 11"I A I I r-\ 1 T /1 [) I D I A T N I /1 I /1 T nI �\ U LJ I I �/ I\ .: I I L_ /-\ I 1 V L_ U I `Y L_ i It `J C� ' PROPOSED USE AREA PARCEL DESCRIPTIONON i \ Part of Lot 31, Auditor's Plat No. 6, in the Northeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 23, Township 32 North, i Range 20 West, Washington County, Minnesota, as per the plat thereof on file and of record in the office of the County i Recorder of said County, described as follows: I - Commencing at the southeast corner of said Lot 31; thence South 89 degrees 31 minutes 15 seconds West, bearings are oriented Igo [ ] to the Washington County Coordinate System, NAD 83, 1986 adjustment, along the south line of said Lot 31 a distance of 416.61io i feet to the point of beginning of the parcel to be described; thence North 10 degrees 41 minutes 40 seconds West a distance I IO _ D I of 138.66 feet; thence North 55 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds West a distance of 206.00 feet; thence North 14 degrees 45 I \n minutes 46 seconds West a distance of 290.21 feet; thence North 58 degrees 43 minutes 14 seconds West a distance of 75.76 1 h A /1 f\ I /1 A I /1 A1 ' I I I I I F- T A T r_- Scale in Feet feet, more or less, to the intersection with the boundary line of real property described in Warranty Deed, Document Number �: I TVI U I N .: U I N U �\ f �1 I L_ L_ L_ I /-\ I L_ OFFICIAL COPIES OF THIS MAP ARE CRIMP SEALED < ` i 319741; thence southwesterly along said boundary line, being a non-tangential curve concave to the northwest, an arc m 0 25 50 100 I distance of 328.60 feet, said curve has a radius of 457.58 feet and a central angle of Al degrees 08 minutes 46 seconds, the chord of said curve bears South 51 degrees 51 minutes 07 seconds West; thence South 72 degrees 25 minutes 30 seconds West, tangent to the last described curve and along said boundary line, a distance of 171.21 feet, more or less, to the Landmark Surveying, Inc. 2 1070 Olinda Trail North Office number: G5 1-433-342 1 P.O. Box G5 Cell number: G5 1 -755-57GO Scandia, Minnesota 55073 E-mail: info@ landmark5urveying.u5 intersection with a line 150.00 feet East of, measured at right angles to and parallel with, the west line of said Lot 31; thence South 00 degrees 49 minutes 14 seconds West, along said parallel line a distance of 330.37 feet, more or less, to the intersection with the south line of said Lot 31; thence North 89 degrees 31 minutes 15 seconds East, along said south line a distance of 754.05 feet to the point of beginning. This parcel contains 6.288 acres, more or less, and is subject to the right of way of Olinda Trail North and all other easements, restrictions and covenants of record. /1 I I T I /-\ -r A U U I L_ \J I /"\ I I i i Computed location of the S1/4 corner of Section 23, T32N, R20W. 1 inch = 50 feet I hereby certify that this survey, plan or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Land Surveyor under the laws of the State of Minnesota. Landmark Surveying, Inc. M J %44, May 07, 2021 Milo B. Horak Minnesota License No. 52577 Date Revised May 21, 2021: Added proposed descriptions. Revised June 30, 2021: Proposed building configuration. Job No. 2021-09