FUND 401 - 2021 TO 2025CITY OF SCANDIA Financial Management PlanCapitalInvestmentFund4014CIPInflation Factor0.00%4.00%4.00%4.00%4.00% 20212022202320242025BudgetBudgetProjectedREVENUE401-310005RProperty taxes100,000217,336200,000150,00085,000401-334226RIntergovernmental240,625240,625401-310007RCapital Improvement Debt Levy96,750401-319518RSpecial assessments0510520530541401-362109RInvestment Income5004,5002,3006,64618,282401-3625010RRefunds and Reimbursements401-3920011RInterfund Operating Transfer200,00012RRentalandleaseincome0000013RMiscellaneousRevenue000014TotalRevenue300,500462,971443,445157,176200,573 EXPENSES15Total Current00016Debtservice000092,14317TotalCapitalProjects616,600657,280661,939481,44240,94518TotalExpenses616,600657,280661,939481,442133,088 CASH FLOW ANALYSIS19RevenueOver / (Under) Expenses(316,100)(194,309)(218,494)(324,266)67,485 OTHER FINANCING SOURCES / (USES) 401-3931020RBond Proceeds 1,100,000401-3920021RTransfers In from General Fund200,0000000401-48000-72022ETransfers Out to Sewer Fund401-48000-72023ETransfers Out- 24Total Other Sources / (Uses)200,000001,100,000025PriorPeriodAdjustmentsEndingFundBalance855,889661,580443,0851,218,8201,286,30526 CITY OF SCANDIA Financial Management PlanCapitalInvestmentFund4014CIPInflation Factor0.00%4.00%4.00%4.00%4.00% MultipleProject202120212022202320242025CapitalProjectNameYear?First YearCostsBudgetBudgetProjected28E401-41000-530Broadband Expansion2021 250,000 250,000 - - - - 29E401-41000-530Broadband Expansion2022 307,000 - 319,280 - - - 30E401-41000-530Broadband Expansion2023 307,000 - - 332,051 - - 31E401-41000-530Broadband Expansion2024 250,000 - - - 281,216 - 401-45180-52032ECommunity Center HVAC Replacement2022 30,000 - 31,200 - - - 401-45180-52033ECommunity Center Front Door2023 20,000 - 20,800 - - - 401-45180-52034ECommunity Center Upgrade2021 15,000 15,000 - - - - 401-45180-52035ECommunity Center Upgrade2028 600,000 - - - - - 401-45180-52036EAnnex Roof Replacement2021 18,000 18,000 - - - - 401-42200-530 Jaws of Life37E2028 12,000 - - - - - 401-41000-52038EFinancial Mgmt Plan/Develop Code Update2021 45,000 45,900 - - - - 401-42200-520 Back-up Generator for Fire Hall39E2021 20,000 20,000 - - - - 401-42200-520 2nd Fire Station40E2025 180,000 - - - - - 119,000401-42200-520 FD/PW Bldg Roof Replacement41E2021 119,000 - - - - 401-42200-520 Exhaust removal system42E2024 48,000 - - - 53,993 - 401-42200-53043EFireDepartment Radio Replacement2021 117,000 95,800 - - - - CASH FLOW ANALYSIS401-42200-530 Warning Sirens44E2024 20,000 - - - 22,497 - 401-42200-530 Thermo Cameras45E2027 8,000 - - - - - 401-42200-530 UTV/Trailer46E2027 28,000 - - - - - 401-41000-520 Arts & Heritage Center Amphitheater47E2023 30,000 - - 32,448 - - 48E401-43000-520Cold Storage Building2024 80,000 - - - - - Capital Project Outlay Option III401-43000-530 Radio Replacement49E2021 10,000 10,000 - - - - 401-48000-43550EBlissAdditions Stormwater plan2022 225,000 - 286,000 - - - 401-48000-43551EBlissAdditions Stormwater plan2023 225,000 - - 297,440 - - 401-48000-43552EBlissAdditions Stormwater plan2024 100,000 - - - 123,735 - 401-48000-43553EBlissAdditions Stormwater plan2025 35,000 - - - - 40,94554ELaytonAvenueNSegmentRepair47,000 - - - - - 401-45180-53055ECommunity Center Land Survey2021 6,000 6,800 - - - - 401-45180-53056ECommunity Center Playground Contribution2022 57,000 - - - - - 401-45180-53057EDefibulator Replacement FD2021 36,100 36,100 - - - - 401-48000-43558ECIP placeholderYes2029 75,000 - - - - - 90Total Capital Projects 3,320,100 616,600 657,280 661,939 481,442 40,945