3. PRC Application JohnsonKey Roles
KimberlyJohnson PMP, NPDP, CSM Expertise
Customer Requirements/VOC
Project Planning/Scheduling
Resource ManagementEXECUTIVESUMMARYRiskManagement
Project Life CycleIamacustomer-focused project management andnew product Product Development/Life Cycledevelopmentprofessional, with atrack record ofproducing concrete results Training Developmentbybalancingtheapplicationoftheorywiththetoolsandmethodologies
that aretailored to aspecific environment. Ihavemastered theability to Industriesleverageandincorporateorganizationaldevelopmentandcollaborative
RetailBycombiningcreativityandinnovationwithaprocessorientation, Ihave
Hamline University Digital Transformation – (March – August 2018)
Change Management roleintheHamline NOW Digital Transformation Education
initiative which isamulti-phase project spanning multiple years toreplace M.A. Leadership – Augsburg
their 20 year oldtechnology with amove tothecloud. This isthefirst College, May 1993 (Coursework
higher education institution intheState ofMNtomovetowards this completed)
implementation. Workday istheplatform andtheir local representatives
indicated they have never seen animplementation GOLIVE in8months. B.A. Experimental
Psychology/Human Factors
Axiom Marketing Communications (May 2017 – June 2018) Engineering & International
Client engagement intheareas ofmarket research, branding, new product Relations – University of
development andproject management Minnesota, May 1986
Century College, Advanced Manufacturing Program (2015-2017) ProfessionalAffiliationsManagedandexecuteda15milliondollarDepartmentofLaborGranttoSeelastpageincreasemanufacturingpositionswithinindustry
ReferencesMNITCentral – Innovation Program (2013)
Promoted ITinnovation utilizing anOpen Innovation framework toserve
Minnesota citizens while transforming theState’sculture tobecome more
innovative andimprove theeffectiveness of services inMNgovernment.
Utilized Agile/SCRUM techniques inabullpen environment with Daily
Standups, 2Week Sprints andRetrospectives
State ofMinnesota – Bureau ofCriminal Apprehension (2012-2013)
Managed implementation ofsoftware upgrades forOrder forProtection
database andIntegrated Search Service (ISS). Utilized Agile/SCRUM
techniques with Daily Standups and4week Sprints.
Johnstech International (2008-2011)
Managed development andcommercialization ofKelvin Pad ROL™200
Configurable technology andKelvin Leaded ROL™ technology
Independent Project Manager (2004-2014)
Managed consulting firm, including acquiring project management clients, and management of projects through
implementation, and developing training materials for the following companies:
TechMix, LLC ·3M
Fishbowl Solutions ·Taylor Corporation
Trissential ·Smiths Medical
Milestone Consulting ·Acist Medical
Highlights include developing and delivering project management training, coaching project and program managers,
leading efforts to turnaround troubled projects, and managing product development projects.
Product Development Manager – Medtronic, Cardiac Rhythm Management (2003-2004)
Led across-functional technology team tobring aprogram tointroduce 3OEM products intothemarketplace
back ontrack, facilitated theuseofabrainstorming andresponsibility methodology (RACI matrix) foruseina
critical product field support issue forCorporate Quality, and brought idea toform aProject Management Chapter
within theTech Forum organization andbring Medtronic onasaCorporate Partner ofMinnesota PMI
Ergonomics/Safety Specialist – 3MEnvironmental Health & Safety (2002-2003)
Utilized Human Factors Engineering background asCorporate Ergonomics Specialist todoassessments within
the business units. Inaddition completed Green Belt SixSigma training totake onaGreen Belt Safety program to
deploy within the overall corporate organization.
Project Management Consultant/Account Manager – 3MLearning Center (1999-2002)
Project Management Consultant /Account Manager – 3MTechnical Development (1997-1999)
Managed project management/teamwork learning curriculum including selection andevaluation ofcoursework asit
related toindividual corporate outcomes. Maintained relationship with various vendors andupdated content
deliverables asneeded. Coached theapplication of concept/ideation tools forboth technology centers andbusiness
units forthe roll-outofSixSigma andDesign forSixSigma corporate initiatives thatresulted innew opportunities for
Project Management Office – 3MOccupational Health and Environmental Safety (1994-1996)
Facilitated project planning and portfolio management processes onprojects tointroduce anew platform of
products tomeet regulatory requirements.
Project Scheduler – 3MCommercialization Services (1988-1994)
Tracked andmonitored abroad array oflargeprojects, achieving government contract awards formeeting cost
andschedule criteria, inaddition toreceiving 3M Corporate Project Golden Step Award.
Human Factors Engineer – 3M Hardgoods & Electronic Systems Division (1984-1988)
Functioned within anengineering capacity performing product usability studies with Human Factors andIndustrial
Design groups.
American Society ofQuality (ASQ) – Minnesota Chapter - Current Board Outreach/Partnerships with other
Professional organizations in theTwin Cities
Project Management Institute (PMI) – Minnesota Chapter - Current Community Manager fortheInnovation
andNew Product Development Practice ofGlobal PMI, PMI-MNChapter Current Ana-Alvarez Holmberg
Scholarship Founding Member andAnnual Scholarship Award TeamMember, Current Co-Chair for
Manufacturing/Lean/Quality Community ofPractice
Society ofConcurrent Product Development (SCPD) - Current Outreach/Distance Learning responsible for
Partnerships with other professional associations and delivering remote content viawebinars