Fig 4-1_Washington County Trails Plan_7.18.06 RRChildren's T-Ball Field Scandia Community Ctr L. Wojtowicz Skating Park 220th St N Per ri s h Rd NScandia Ball Park (Lighted Field) Scandia Rider's Club State Hwy 97 / Scandia Trail NPomroy Av NWind in the Pines Park Falls Creek SNA Swenson Estates Informal Ball Field O ren R d N Olinda Tr NSt. Croix Tr NOldfield Av N240th St N Nol an Av N238th St N Meadowbrook Av N228th St N Bone Lake Park Bone Lake Landing Bone Lake Neilson Lake Sea Lake Eko Backen Recreation Area German Lake Manning Tr NState Hwy 97 / Scandia Tr NLof t on Av NLofton Av NM ayberry Tr N Big Marine Landing Good Templar Park Association Fish L. Gammelgarten - Barton Johnson Memorial Park Elem School / Soccer / Ball Fields Lion's Park (Oak Hill) Oak Hill R d N Goose Lake Landing 2 0 5 t h S t N Mayberr y Tr NSwedish Settler's Monument Lion's Park (Hay Lake) Hay Lake School Museum Hay LakeOlinda Tr N202nd St N Big Marine Lake Camp Lakamaga Girl Scout Camp 195th St NLakamaga Tr N 185th St N Old Marine Tr NOl d M arine Tr N Manning Tr NBig Lake School Area White Rock L. Log House Boat Landing at Copas William O'Brien State Park William O'Brien State Park O a k Hill Rd N State Hwy 95St. Croix Tr NSt at e Hwy 95Sand L.Long L.Oxboro Av NRROlinda Tr N199th St N Planned Big Marine Regional Park Reserve Chisago County Chisago County City of Forest LakeCity of Forest LakeMarine on Saint Croix May Township May Township Planned Park Boundary Meadowbrook Av NSt. Croix National Scenic Riverway Overlay Boundary St. Croix National Scenic Riverway Overlay Boundary Goose Lake Goose Lake Lot Rustrum WMA COUNTY TRAILS/ ROUTES PLAN 0 0.5 10.25 Miles The data presented on this map is from various sources including the Washington County GIS Support Unit and the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources. The data is intended is intended to be used for general planning purposes only. Mapping Prepared by: Sanders Wacker Bergly, Inc. Landscape Architects and Planners Saint Paul, Minnesota Existing Township Park or Open Space Other Existing Parks, Recreation, Open Space Regionally Significant Natural Area Contemplated Residential Subdivision (2005) Adopted: 18 July 2006 Washington County Greenway/Historic Loop Proposed Township Trailhead Washington County Parkway Proposed Gateway Trail Search Area