Fig 4-2_Bike Routes_7.18.06Chisago County 240th St N Chisago County Bone Lake., Park 288th rad o - o � o.k BICYCLE IT O� Bone Lake Landing General SAre for, ti ROUTES PL AN Gallows St. Croix National z p o o a' r� . ( o .�� a' o o an Scenic Rivenva Existing Township Park or Open Space dmd If ° ° l I.Overlay Boundary Other Existing Parks, Recreation,O penSpaC Space ■ Senson ® Regionally Significant Natural Area Bafl Field r -, LL ° !� ® Proposed Township Trailhead Washington � County Bike Trails 0 2,; . - ` — in the © s 's' p �° � o %��I Township Bike Routes Proposed Gateway Trail Search Area -:f ©° `I �� � � ©� coxae � A'�=- •irI � � l ° >.'O mst I � • Contemplated Residential Subdivision (2005) 57 i Goose eF Lot-_ r can feiPark ,o s�q ■ °-W— -- - - ,::'(�"c_'i ve � Ze ii o 111 �, ° \` Y. �ripe�e,., .: c tate. Hwp 97 ca r�il 't 9 c I © o StQ e4i 9 /cantli T ° eo �• ° . - - a,.,,�,��n on p _ �� Rostrum �__�—Hemi brf rk V le o : I- I WMA o , - - r o o Big Menne :. i C 3 pd5t S N h .. . dreala c d �0 I :o��b Qoff;rri I,M1`t � y Y. SdaC,din Log House eLen9 in. B di n 'Et at Copes r - T` Q :`?'� o L� ( '� N Sr. Croix National V r Scenic Riverway _ o Swedish Settler's r �• Z_ Monument '—`' v' - � t =I r*{ Overlay Boundary Big Lake _ Good Temp Lion's Park -- _-- r o I a9ti� School Area ciation ay Lake 0 1 I L ` 16 PaT. rkAssociation r1j e Lake 1o PQ0 0.25 0.5 1 School Museurtr'.>}0 - _' 'o° _ .. F) N ,, + -6 Miles _ ,, I a o .tabu: Sl ice.. r n j Z 7a 7 WE The data presented on this map is from various sources I luding _ - I. . ° „ e r - l.' the Washington County GIS Support Unit and the Minnesota Camp Lakamaga n Department of Natural Resources. The data is intended is intended Girl Scout Camp William O'Brien to be used for general planning purposes only. William O'Brien 9 P 9 P rP Y State Park State Park ,•. v 1 -.: ' y _ f i Mapping Prepared by: 1 � Wacker B Sanders W ergly, Inc. F i - Landscape Architects and Planners Saint Paul, Minnesota c I Adopted: 18 July 2006 Planned Park ° Boundary ` lI Planned Bi9Marine---/ - ©y. --- Figure 4-2: Bicycle Routes Plan ; Regional Park Reserve - New Scandia Township Parks, Trails, May-Township Open Space, and Recreation Plan 4-19