Fig 5-5_Native Communities_7.18.06Figure 5-5: Native Plant Communities Big MarineBone GooseSeaFishHaySandGerman LongNielson White Rock RRState Hwy 97/Scandia Trail North185th St NOlinda Trail NorthState Hwy 95 N olan A ve N Oak Hill Road NParrish Rd NOlinda Trail NorthOld Marine Trail NorthOldfield Ave N
238th St N205th St N228th St N240th St NRR220th St NManning Trail NorthMayberry Trail NorthOren Road NM e a dow b ro o k A ve NNATIVE PLANTCOMMUNITIESNew Scandia Township Parks, Trails, Open Space, and Recreation Planµ00.510.25MilesThe data presented on this map is from various sources includingthe Washington County GIS Support Unit and the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources. The data is intended is intendedto be used for general planning purposes only. Data on native plantcommunities is from the Minnesota County Biological Survey,Minnesota Department of Natural Resources, Division of EcologicalServices.Mapping Prepared by:Sanders Wacker Bergly, Inc.Landscape Architects and PlannersSaint Paul, MinnesotaLake BedLake Beach (Inland) Sand SubtypeRiver Beach Sand SubtypeEmergent MarshSeepage MeadowRich Fen (Transition)Shrub SwampMixed Emegent Marsh (Forest)Mixed Hardwood Swamp Seepage SubtypeTamarack Swamp Minerotrophic SubtypeTamarack Swamp Sphagnum SubtypeFloodplain Forest Silver Maple SubtypeMaple-Basswood Forest (East Central)Oak Forest (Central) Mesic SubtypeWhite Pine-Hardwood Forest (North Central)Dry Prairie (Central) Sand-Gravel SubtypeAdopted: 18 July 20065-17