Chapter 0.1-Vision Statement_7.18.06
A Vision for
New Scandia Township’s Parks, Trails, Open Space and
Recreation System
“We envision the New Scandia Township’s parks, trails, open space and recreation
system will preserve our rural character, protect our natural beauty and recognize
our history.
“We support our Community Center as the heart of New Scandia Township from
which a strong network of parks and trails extend throughout the township and
beyond to serve the needs and desires of all residents.
We value the natural environment of the Lower St. Croix River Valley and
recognize that the River is a unique regional asset and national icon.
We encourage the stewardship of our lakes, streams, wetlands, woodlands, prairies
and agricultural lands toward a healthy ecology that supports a diversity of habitat
and recreation opportunities.
We strive for New Scandia’s parks, trails, open space, recreation facilities and
programs to be appropriate across all age and ability levels.
We will promote the New Scandia Township’s Comprehensive Parks, Trails, Open
Space and Recreation Plan as a versatile and innovative guide for our future growth,
while encouraging compatible development and preserving significant open space as
a complement to the New Scandia Comprehensive Plan.”
-Adopted by New Scandia Township’s Town Board
18 July 2006