Swedish Settler's Monument_7.18.06_p3-49 Chapter Three Park System Plan
New Scandia Township
Comprehensive Parks, Trails, Open Space and Recreation Plan Adopted 18 July 2006
Location: Off of County Road 3, south of
the Village Center.
Size: .67 Acres
New Scandia Township Special Use Park
Swedish Settler’s Monument
Swedish Settler’s Monument
Existing Facilities:
• Historic Marker
• Parking Area
Detail of Monument
Adjacent Land Use:
Near Scandia Marine Lion’s Park, Hay Lake School Museum,
Scandia Elementary School, agricultural and residential areas.
Commemorative Marker
Detail of Fence
Chapter Three Park System Plan
Swedish Settler’s Monument
Site Plan- Existing Conditions
• Adequate visibility?
• Offers historic interest as part of Washington County Linear Park Plan’s “historic loop”
• Provide trail head as intermediate stop between Big Marine Park Reserve and Village Center
• Provide adequate signage and/or maps
New Scandia Township
Comprehensive Parks, Trails, Open Space and Recreation Plan Adopted 18 July 2006