95_North-South_Grnwy_7.18.06_p4-33 Chapter Four Trail System Plan
New Scandia Township
Comprehensive Parks, Trails, Open Space and Recreation Plan 4-33
Adopted 18 July 2006
Washington Greenway
North- south collector trail of Washington
County Linear Park System Plan
This trail would intersect Washington Parkway,
improving bicycle access to county, state and
local parks and trails. This greenway extends
north-south through New Scandia Township
along its eastern edge from Chisago County to
the community of Marine-On-St. Croix.
• Separated state trail east of State Highway 95 is currently in disrepair and ends abruptly at State
Highway 97
• Corridor is located along St. Croix Scenic Byway, part of National Scenic Byway system
• Washington County has identified the Washington north- south Greenway to include two six- to eight-
foot paved shoulders for bicycling and one detached paved path for bicycling and inline skating
• Emmons & Oliver study recommends reuse of this corridor as potential location for Gateway Trail
• Opportunity for collaboration between state, county and township
Length: 6 ½ +/- Miles