6.2 Ordinance No 170 Draft RCommDistrictUses 2.22.16Ordinance No. 16970 Page 1 of 7
The City Council of the City of Scandia, Washington County, Minnesota hereby ordains:
Section 1. Amendment. Ordinance No. 122, the City of Scandia Development Code
(“Development Code”, or “Code”), Chapter 1, Section 4.2, Definitions, shall be amended to read
add the following:
Brew on Premises Store: A retail business that sells the ingredients and equipment to
customers to brew beer, other malt liquor or wine at the store for personal or family
Brewery, Craft: A facility with a capacity to manufacture twenty thou sand (20,000) or
fewer barrels of alcoholic and nonalcoholic malt liquor a year. This definition excludes
small breweries operated in conjunction with a bar or restaurant defined herein as an
accessory use.
Distillery, Craft: A distillery producing premium, distilled spirits not exceeding 40,000
proof gallons in a calendar year.
Small Brewery or Winery as an Accessory Use to a Bar or Restaurant (Brew Pub): A
craft brewery or winery operated in conjunction with a bar or restaurant, provided the
beer or wine is sold for consumption on the premises and not sold to other bars,
restaurants, or wholesalers; except that an establishment licensed under Minnesota
Statutes may sell “growlers” off-sale with an appropriate City license.
Winery, Craft: A facility that manufactures wine, as defined by Minnesota Statutes §
340A.301, with a capacity of six hundred twenty thousand (620,000) or fewer gallons per
Section 2. Amendement. Ordinance No. 122, the City of Scandia Development Code
(“Development Code,” or “Code”) Chapter Two, Section 2.11, Rural Commercial District (R
COMM) shall be amended to read as follows:
2.11 Rural Commercial District (R COMM)
(1) Purpose. The R COMM District is established to support commercial development in places of
historic commercial activity. R COMM District areas are designated Rural Commercial Nodes in
the Comprehensive Plan.
(2) PermittedAllowed Uses. The following are permittedallowed uses in the R COMM District:.
(A) Agriculture Business, Seasonal
(B) Agriculture
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(C) Agritourism Enterprise, if 4 events or less annually
(C)(D) Antique shops
(D)(E) Appliance Sales and Repair
(E)(F) Art gallery and sales
(G) Bakery goods and baking of goods for retail sales on the premises
(H) Banks, credit unions, and other financial institutions without drive-up tellers
(I) Beauty salons, barbers, day spas, massage therapy, and similar personal services
(J) Bed and Breakfast Inns
(F)(K) Bicycle sales and repair
(G)(L) Book, school supply, art supply, or stationary stores
(H)(M) Boutique shops
(I)(N) Candy, ice cream, popcorn, nuts, frozen desserts, and non-alcoholic beverage sales
(J)(O) Clothing sales
(P) Clubs/Lodges
(Q) Commercial Daycare Facilities, State-Licensed
(R) Copying/printing services, excludes printing presses and publishing facilities
(S) Craft Brewery
(K)(T) Delicatessens/coffee houses without drive-through service
(L)(U) Dry cleaning pick up and laundry pick up stations including incidental repair but
not including processing
(M)(V) Essential services, Transmission Facilities and Utility Substation
(W) Feed and Seed Sales, Retail
(N)(X) Flower shops, retail
(O)(Y) Furniture stores
(Z) Garden Supply Stores
(AA) General Store
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(P)(BB) Gift or novelty stores
(CC) Government Buildings, Storage and Uses
(DD) Grocery Store
(Q)(EE) Hardware stores
(R)(FF) Hobby and craft stores
(S)(GG) Hotel
(T)(HH) Jewelry stores
(U)(II) Leather goods and luggage stores
(V)(JJ) Locksmiths
(KK) Meat processing, accessory to a Grocery Store
(LL) Medical, Dental, Chiropractic, Physical Therapy Offices and Clinics
(W)(MM) Motel
(X)(NN) Music stores
(Y)(OO) Offices
(PP) Pet Grooming
(Z)(QQ) Pharmacies or drug stores
(AA) Planned Unit Development
(RR) Plant Nursery
(BB)(SS) Plumbing, television, radio, electrical and related sales and repair
(CC)(TT) Public Parks and Recreation Facilities
(UU) Recreation, Indoor Commercial, up to 4,000 square feet in area or less
(VV) Restaurants
(WW) Schools
(DD)(XX) Seasonal Plant and Plant Materials retail sales
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(EE)(YY) Shoe Sales and Repair
(ZZ) Shopping Center
(AAA) Sporting Goods and Recreational Equipment Sales, not including motorized vehicles or
(FF)(BBB) Studios – art, dance, health and fitness, decorating,
music, portrait photography, and similar uses
(GG)(CCC) Tailoring services
(DDD) Toy Stores
(HH)(EEE) Toy storesVeterinary Clinic, small animal
(3) Accessory Uses. The following uses are allowed accessory uses in the R COMM District, subject
to the applicable provisions of this Chapter.
(A) Accessory Structures
(B) Daycare Facility (Nursery, Day), State-Licensed, located within a residential setting
(Serving 14 or Fewer Persons)
(C) Exterior Storage of Personal Property
(D) Fences
(E) Home Occupations
(F) Keeping of animals
(G) Off-Street Parking and Loading
(H) Recreation Facilities and Equipment
(I) Recreation, Outdoor Private
(J) Signs
(K) Temporary Produce Stands
(4) Uses with a Conditional Use Permit. The following uses are permitted in the VMU A District
after the issuance of a Conditional Use Permit.
(A) Agritourism Enterprise
(B) Bakery goods and baking of goods for retail sales on the premises
(C) Banks, credit unions, and other financial institutions with drive up tellers
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(D)(A) Bars and Taverns
(E) Beauty salons, barbers, day spas, massage therapy, and similar personal services
(F) Bed and Breakfast Inns
(G) Clubs/Lodges
(H) Commercial Daycare Facilities, State-Licensed
(I) Copy/printing services, excluding printing presses and publishing facilities
(J)(B) Drive-Through Services
(K) Essential Services – Transmission Facilities
(L) Essential Services – Utility Substation
(M)(C) Exterior Storage – Accessory to a Commercial Use
(N) Feed and Seed Sales, Retail
(O)(D) Food and Beverage Processing
(P) Garden Supply Stores
(Q) General Store
(R) Government Uses, Buildings, and Storage
(S) Grocery Store
(T)(E) Liquor, off-sale, pursuant to the required liquor license
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(U) Meat processing, accessory to a Grocery Store
(V) Medical or Dental Offices/Clinics
(W)(F) Motor Vehicle Repair
(X)(G) Motor Vehicle Service Stations
(Y) Pet Grooming
(Z)(H) Place of Worship
(AA)(I) Planned Unit Development (PUD)
(J) Recreation, Indoor Commercial, larger than 4,000 square feet
(BB) Plant Nursery
(CC) Recreation, Indoor Commercial
(DD)(K) Residence, Single Family or Multi-Family, as part of a PUD, not to exceed a
density of 4 dwelling units per 40 acres
(EE) Restaurants
(FF)(L) Restaurants, Drive-In
(GG) Schools
(HH) Shopping Center
(II) Sporting Goods and Recreational Equipment Sales, not including Motorized Vehicles or
(JJ) Veterinary Clinic, small animal
(KK)(M) Wind Energy Conversion System (WECS)
(LL)(N) Wireless Communication Antennas and Towers
(5) Uses with an Interim Use Permit. The following uses are permitted in the R COMM District after
the issuance of an Interim Use Permit.
(A) Agritourism Enterprise, if 5 or more events annually
(A)(B) Commercial Kennel – Accessory to a Veterinary Clinic
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(B)(C) Kennel, Private – Accessory to a Residential Use
(C)(D) Temporary Farm Dwelling – Accessory to a Residential Use
(6) Uses with an Administrative permit. The following uses are permitted in the R COMM District
after the issuance of an Administrative permit.
(A) Farmers Market
(B) Temporary outdoor retail sales
(C) Accessory Dwelling Unit
Section 2. Effective Date. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect upon its adoption and
publication according to law.
Passed and adopted by the City Council of the City of Scandia this _______, 2016.
Randall Simonson, Mayor
Neil Soltis, Administrator/Clerk